What is behind the vegan ideology?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
There are more and more meat substitutes in the supermarkets, but also meat substitutes and vegan burgers at McDonalds and Burger King.
Example McPlant. Why this vegan hype? That didn't exist 20 years ago. What's behind it? Is it really that much healthier to be vegan?

Uh oh, here we go again... :lol:

I think the reason why it has become more popular in the last 20 years or so is because in the past, before the internet, what went on behind closed doors in the animal industries was hidden from the public. But now they can't hide it anymore, at least not as easily.

And once you see the ugly reality, people who truly care about animals begin to rethink their entire paradigm. If it's not necessary to eat animals or use animal products (it's not), then it really boils down to choosing to not harm animals unnecessarily. It's not about health (a whole food plantbased diet IS healthy, but that's not the reason behind it) it's about viewing animals in different way than we've been conditioned to all our lives.
Uh oh, here we go again... :lol:

I think the reason why it has become more popular in the last 20 years or so is because in the past, before the internet, what went on behind closed doors in the animal industries was hidden from the public. But now they can't hide it anymore, at least not as easily.

And once you see the ugly reality, people who truly care about animals begin to rethink their entire paradigm. If it's not necessary to eat animals or use animal products (it's not), then it really boils down to choosing to not harm animals unnecessarily. It's not about health (a whole food plantbased diet IS healthy, but that's not the reason behind it) it's about viewing animals in different way than we've been conditioned to all our lives.
To be honest I dont care for animals, I mean animals which are our food and source of dairy like chickens or cows or pigs. I liked my dogs, cats, etc. and pets. I treated them well and my dog gave me love. I wouldnt torture a animal not a cow or pig either, but I dont care if i kill them and eat them. Does that make me a bad person?
Hitler was a vegetarian for most of the war and towards the end of his life because he loved animals. He even grossed out people in his entourage with stories of animals being tortured and killed to make steaks of them, in order to get those people to stop eating meat too. But he wasn't vegan, as he ate dairy products and eggs too I believe

Ironical considering the holocaust. Do you think that is a german thing or white thing? I mean extreme animal love? I think third worlders dont give a fuck about animals.
To be honest I dont care for animals, I mean animals which are our food and source of dairy like chickens or cows or pigs. I liked my dogs, cats, etc. and pets. I treated them well and my dog gave me love. I wouldnt torture a animal not a cow or pig either, but I dont care if i kill them and eat them. Does that make me a bad person?

Actually...I think that's a very common view. But one of the problems is that many people simply don't realize the animals they eat are no different than the animals they love (dogs and cats) in all the ways that matter. I know I've said this a million times on other threads, but pigs are even smarter than dogs, and just as social. Cows are actually smarter than people realize, and they are playful, like dogs, and have individual personalities.

So if people were more aware that farm animals are just as worthy of love and respect as dogs and cats are, then things would be a lot different. That's another reason why veganism is growing, because in recent years there are tons of videos that show the truth about farm animals.

Hitler was a vegetarian for most of the war and towards the end of his life because he loved animals. He even grossed out people in his entourage with stories of animals being tortured and killed to make steaks of them, in order to get those people to stop eating meat too. But he wasn't vegan, as he ate dairy products and eggs too I believe

Ironical considering the holocaust. Do you think that is a german thing or white thing? I mean extreme animal love? I think third worlders dont give a fuck about animals.

That's actually false. His former chef wrote a book in which she stated that stuffed pigeon, sausages and turtle soup were among his favorite foods. Also, biographer Robert Payne stated that Hitler’s vegetarianism was a myth created by his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels.


Some say that he did a vegetarian diet off and on, possibly for health reasons, but he was certainly not a vegan.
There are more and more meat substitutes in the supermarkets, but also meat substitutes and vegan burgers at McDonalds and Burger King.
Example McPlant. Why this vegan hype? That didn't exist 20 years ago. What's behind it? Is it really that much healthier to be vegan?

I tried some veggie burgers and they were good. It's just one more option, that's how I see it. Personally, I try to eat to comply with the basic food pyramid, like we learned at school. It's all good.
Hitler was a vegetarian for most of the war and towards the end of his life because he loved animals. He even grossed out people in his entourage with stories of animals being tortured and killed to make steaks of them, in order to get those people to stop eating meat too. But he wasn't vegan, as he ate dairy products and eggs too I believe

Ironical considering the holocaust. Do you think that is a german thing or white thing? I mean extreme animal love? I think third worlders dont give a fuck about animals.
I'm only addressing your last paragraph. The Holocaust was a Hitler thing. It would not have happened without Hitler.
There are more and more meat substitutes in the supermarkets, but also meat substitutes and vegan burgers at McDonalds and Burger King.
Example McPlant. Why this vegan hype? That didn't exist 20 years ago. What's behind it? Is it really that much healthier to be vegan?

Mostly it has to do with food production.

Folks that own family farms, or are descended from relatives that owned family farms, know the truth about humanity.

Modern industrial agriculture, is very, very inhumane and cruel.

OTH, most domesticated animal and plant species go back thousands of years in symbioses with mankind. . . it is, and always has been very natural for man to eat, harvest, and tend to all of the Earth's plants and animals.

Now however, they have all been polluted and made toxic, not just the animals, but the plant matter as well. This is something, that not even the vegans are either aware of, or will admit to themselves. Plant based mass corporate farming, is as unholy and profane, as the corruption and monetization of animal husbandry has become.

Meat substitutes, and the drive toward plant based diets, is all about cutting costs and energy from the food production chains.

Good quality, healthy food, takes care and quality inputs, and human attention. Regardless of whether it is meat or vegetation.

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Uh oh, here we go again... :lol:

I think the reason why it has become more popular in the last 20 years or so is because in the past, before the internet, what went on behind closed doors in the animal industries was hidden from the public. But now they can't hide it anymore, at least not as easily.

And once you see the ugly reality, people who truly care about animals begin to rethink their entire paradigm. If it's not necessary to eat animals or use animal products (it's not), then it really boils down to choosing to not harm animals unnecessarily. It's not about health (a whole food plantbased diet IS healthy, but that's not the reason behind it) it's about viewing animals in different way than we've been conditioned to all our lives.

Trump eats meat, not vegetables or salads.
I think third worlders dont give a fuck about animals
Maybe that's why they are 3rd Worlders

I mean, poverty is generally a morality issue. There's a reason ghetto dwellers in the United States live in ghettos.

Sometimes people need to do a little soul searching.

I'll explain my path to becoming vegan later, when I have time. For me it it a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY, not for health reasons, although that's a blessing from God
There are more and more meat substitutes in the supermarkets, but also meat substitutes and vegan burgers at McDonalds and Burger King.
Example McPlant. Why this vegan hype? That didn't exist 20 years ago. What's behind it? Is it really that much healthier to be vegan?

I really don't care much about it. What I do care about is when...I will call them woke vegans for lack of a better term...try to cram their religion down my throat when I want none of it. Do what you want, leave me alone.
There are more and more meat substitutes in the supermarkets, but also meat substitutes and vegan burgers at McDonalds and Burger King.
Example McPlant. Why this vegan hype? That didn't exist 20 years ago. What's behind it? Is it really that much healthier to be vegan?

Ever hear of atherosclerosis? Processed meats and fried foods contribute to an unhealthy existence of atherosclerosis.

In short, plaque clogged heart arteries, ie; heart disease. The worlds #1 killer.
I really don't care much about it. What I do care about is when...I will call them woke vegans for lack of a better term...try to cram their religion down my throat when I want none of it. Do what you want, leave me alone.
You got that wrong. Look at THIS thread you're in. This is an anti-vegan thread. Virtually ALL of the treads on this topic are vegan bashing threads. You assume you have the moral high ground. A few of us here participate just to provide the counter arguments of the cadaver eaters. Then YOU GUYS get upset when we correct your nonsense.
Ever hear of atherosclerosis? Processed meats and fried foods contribute to an unhealthy existence of atherosclerosis.

In short, plaque clogged heart arteries, ie; heart disease. The worlds #1 killer.
Mort is a prime example of a "not vegan.". I can tell you he probably won't see his 50th birthday.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
You got that wrong. Look at THIS thread you're in. This is an anti-vegan thread. Virtually ALL of the treads on this topic are vegan bashing threads. You assume you have the moral high ground. A few of us here participate just to provide the counter arguments of the cadaver eaters. Then YOU GUYS get upset when we correct your nonsense.
I have nothing wrong, and I am not bashing vegans. You eat what you want, as will I.
I stated nothing aobut moral high ground. I said for some reason, many of you try to inflict your idealogy down my throat and I will have none of it. ust as you will have none of me doing the same....which I don't do.
You are correcting nothing grassbreath.
I have nothing wrong, and I am not bashing vegans. You eat what you want, as will I.
I stated nothing aobut moral high ground. I said for some reason, many of you try to inflict your idealogy down my throat and I will have none of it. ust as you will have none of me doing the same....which I don't do.
You are correcting nothing grassbreath.
No, we simply provide the OTHER SIDE on a MESSAGE BOARD. I inflict NOTHING on you.

The problem is, you want what you want, and if I state facts that make you uncomfortable you accuse me of Inflicting by beliefs on you.


People choose veganism for many different reasons. For me it has NOTHING to do with "mock meats" but I'm glad they're available now.

I've always HATED the way our corporate farms brutalized innocent animals. They are vile in what they're willing to do for profit.

When I became a Christian, these things weighed heavy on my mind. The short version is, I gave up buying animal products from mammals that seemed most intelligent. As a Christian, I NEVER ate pork. In my mind that comes with being a serious Christian.

But then I gave up beef. And lamb.

Then I learned how smart birds actually are. So I gave up chicken, duck, etc.

I used to tell people I eat "low on the food chain." I ate tuna as my main meat source. All the other animals, I learned, have individual personalities and they all do have their own intelligence.

Eventually I gave up fish.

I was left with milk and eggs. I ate a lot of that.

Before I knew buttercup on this site, I ran across her ministry. She makes a lot of sense explaining God's perspective on "dominion" and "stewardship.". I also learned from her resources about the milk and egg industry. I just didn't know. So those were the last to go.

My go-to verse on this issue is Genesis 1:29. This is what God expects of His people. I try to be honest and try not to make excuses. God is perfectly clear on this matter. I've heard EVERY excuse endlessly. But God's Word is clear.

Now I eat a whole foods plant based diet -- mostly. I will never go back. I don't even have any desire to

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