I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Why are Trumpbots so STAGGERINGLY bad at math?

Trump won the pathetic EC...but he lost the PV by millions.

Hello dumb dumb's...that means Americans chose Clinton over Trump.


One party ran a campaign to win Mexifornia and Loon York...the other ran a campaign to win the White House....Guess what happened?
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

You know, they make these donut shaped cushions for you to sit on when the butthurt gets too bad.

Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
Should that not always be The Underlying Question to each and everything we do as Americans, and we ask our Government to do for us?

It should not be, "What is best for Obama, or Clinton, or Trump?"

It should be, what is best for America.

I think The Voters made that choice.

They knew Trump was a brash, opinionated New Yorker who tells it like he sees it. Most of America is sick of politicians who get rich off the taxpayer's backs and provide nothing in return but empty platitudes, empty promises, and little work to resolve issues.

The biggest problems America had in 2016 were as follows:

1.) The Economy
2.) A Weakened Military and undermined American influence in The World
3.) Excessive Regulations on Business
4.) High taxes
5.) Illegal Immigration, and Asylum Crisis and the associated costs with supporting 1 Million Illegals a year coming in to The US.
6.) Iran, North Korea, China & Russian influence in the World
7.) ISIS
8.) The Disaster that is Obamacare

Congress especially The Left, has done nothing about any of these issues, but as I look at all of them, it seems that only one trying to do the job done he was elected to do IS President Trump.

The Democrat Party does not know how to combat Trump. They don't want to give him even the smallest political victories even though they might be what is best for America. On the surface, it seems like they only care about diminishing The President's Power and Popularity for the sole purpose of gaining more seats in Congress, so they can begin pushing their Open Borders, New Green Scam Deal, and Raid Medicare and Social Security so they can give it to people who have never paid in to it.

This is the worst form of politics and represents buying and selling of votes. That's not what is best for America, and if The Democrat Party does not start doing the jobs they are paid to do, I think they find themselves voted out of office in 2020.

In fact, I think the 2020 elections will end up being a nightmare scenario for Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer and the Democrats, so perhaps in their panic, this is why they appear to be unhinged, and desperate to smear The President at every turn instead of trying to get something done.

Below is a Leftist Article clearly Anti-Trump but it highlights a big problem for Democrats...... The Country Hates them right now, and may hate them even more in 2021.

2021 Could Be a Nightmare For Democrats — Even If Trump Loses

Dear The Original Tree
If all America uses different parties to represent their beliefs and best interests,
then wouldn't it take Reps from all parties just like Reps from all States to represent America?

This whole partisan system of "winner dictates everything by majority rule" is censoring
and violating rights to equal representation and protection of all other Americans NOT represented in each
majority vote, or split judicial ruling, that divides the nation in half.

Shouldn't we address problems and craft legislation that DOES win approval of people of all parties?

Wouldn't our best interests be represented and served if we take the BEST of all parties
and all solutions offered, compile the points, terms and principles that all parties support
and RESOLVE the objections and conflicts that any of them have, so that public laws reflect consent of the people.

Why can't we use our Electoral College system for this process.
Several States are calling to reform it, but instead of abolishing or overriding it,
why not EXPAND on this system, and include reps from every party per district PROPORTIONAL
to that district's numbers. Then those reps can meet and receive INPUT and GRIEVANCES from
their own constituents, spell out these conflicts, problems and also solutions the parties agree on
(while transparently outlining where their beliefs cannot be compromised by laws), and submit
these "position statements" to govt officials at each level that is responsible. This system could
act as public assistance in conflict resolution, grievance process, and ADVISING Congress and other
levels of govt on where taxpayers agree or disagree on funding or defunding policies, so people are represented
either directly where possible or proportionally by party according to their consent on which process to use.

Shouldn't we reward taxpayers for working collaboratively, including across parties, to solve their own problems locally
and passing less burden to state and federal levels, so all these levels have capacity to work out organized solutions.

SEE also Code of Ethics for Govt Service about
* not putting loyalty to PARTY above public duty to uphold Constitutional laws and regulations
* seeking to employ the most efficient and economic ways of accomplishing tasks
* exposing corruption wherever discovered
If we support citizens in redressing grievances, including assessing and collecting restitution and REIMBURSEMENT/credits
for past govt abuses, then those resources credited back to taxpayers can be invested in SOLUTIONS and reforms,
thus REWARDING citizens for solving problems of govt, instead of parties paid to cover these up for political points and votes.
What political parties are underrepresented?
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

You know, they make these donut shaped cushions for you to sit on when the butthurt gets too bad.

Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Why are Trumpbots so STAGGERINGLY bad at math?

Trump won the pathetic EC...but he lost the PV by millions.

Hello dumb dumb's...that means Americans chose Clinton over Trump.


One party ran a campaign to win Mexifornia and Loon York...the other ran a campaign to win the White House....Guess what happened?
Don’t forget about the People’s Republic of Illinois. :piss2:
Electoral College protects the American citizens from being subject to rule by the large cities all of which are ran by Democrats. These urban areas are a cesspool of crime, filth, debt, and in the case of San Francisco...human shit.
No small state would have applied for State Hood if it were not for The Electoral College and States getting 2 Senators no matter how populous they were.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

You know, they make these donut shaped cushions for you to sit on when the butthurt gets too bad.

Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
So The Senate is now Unconstitutional?

Blind Bitch is on a roll to win Stupid Troll of The Year.
Nope. The American Voters chose Clinton by about 3 million move votes.

One person, one vote is not an equal vote, never has been.

I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, Out of 3,082 Counties, President Trump won 2,626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That means President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact that Clinton won 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% Of County Elections in The US is very telling. That is an extremely narrow demographic and cross section of The American Public.

The Fact that she also lost despite spending $1.5 Billion Dollars given to her by donors, vs. Trump's $225 million largely financed by himself, tells you how much people disliked Hillary Clinton. She tried to spend, lie and cheat her way to The White House and even with Obama's help, and a Russian Dossier, she could not overcome her unlike-ability & how much people are repulsed by her.

In Conclusion:

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country that voted for President Trump.

Here is your 15%


Wrong, again.

You can't be from this country.

Since you are so concerned about elections and one man one vote.....how about you start supporting National Voter ID?

We are the only Democracy without it.


Don't leave home without it!

I have no problem with a National ID, National popular vote and a political mechanism for National referendums to help counter the power our Federal Government has acquired in 240 years as well.
We live in the greatest nation ever so conceived. Why do liberal Democrats want to fuck it all up?
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Why are Trumpbots so STAGGERINGLY bad at math?

Trump won the pathetic EC...but he lost the PV by millions.

Hello dumb dumb's...that means Americans chose Clinton over Trump.


actually not true at all. illegals electing the president doesnt count as winning the popular vote.LOL
Nope. The American Voters chose Clinton by about 3 million move votes.

One person, one vote is not an equal vote, never has been.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, Out of 3,082 Counties, President Trump won 2,626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That means President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact that Clinton won 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% Of County Elections in The US is very telling. That is an extremely narrow demographic and cross section of The American Public.

The Fact that she also lost despite spending $1.5 Billion Dollars given to her by donors, vs. Trump's $225 million largely financed by himself, tells you how much people disliked Hillary Clinton. She tried to spend, lie and cheat her way to The White House and even with Obama's help, and a Russian Dossier, she could not overcome her unlike-ability & how much people are repulsed by her.

In Conclusion:

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country that voted for President Trump.

Here is your 15%


Wrong, again.

You can't be from this country.

Since you are so concerned about elections and one man one vote.....how about you start supporting National Voter ID?

We are the only Democracy without it.


Don't leave home without it!

I have no problem with a National ID, National popular vote and a political mechanism for National referendums to help counter the power our Federal Government has acquired in 240 years as well.
We live in the greatest nation ever so conceived. Why do liberal Democrats want to fuck it all up?

you forgot to mention the most corrupt government nation ever conceived,one that is always starting wars with other countries. no surprise a BUSH fan would be in support of a national ID,that criminal same as his other pal criminal clinton wants a new world order same as he does.LOL
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Kind of like thinking you win a baseball game by getting more hits than the other team.

That makes zero sense.

Baseball was NEVER determined by number of hits for winning.

But the most number of votes has LONG been the decider of an election.

Try again.
Electing a President has ALWAYS been determined by the EC, not the PV.
You left out Tip O’Neil’s opposition to Reagan and the lowlife politics of Teddy Kennedy and Joe Biden dragging Anita Hill before Senate Judiciary Committee at the last moment to smear Clarence Thomas when it looked as if his confirmation was going through. Same thing DiFi, Kamala, and Spartacus tried to do to Kavanaugh.
I also left out Reagan's Iran-Contra operation. At least Thomas and Kavanaugh got a hearing, Garland is still waiting.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Kind of like thinking you win a baseball game by getting more hits than the other team.

That makes zero sense.

Baseball was NEVER determined by number of hits for winning.

But the most number of votes has LONG been the decider of an election.

Try again.
Electing a President has ALWAYS been determined by the EC, not the PV.
I don't think the Foreigners on This Forum understand The Electoral College.
The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

You know, they make these donut shaped cushions for you to sit on when the butthurt gets too bad.

Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.
That is why it is called a REPUBLIC, because The States get Equal Representation in The Electoral College and in The Senate at The Federal Level.

They also get unequal representation via population via The House of Representatives.

It's the most inclusive system in the entire world and part of what makes America Great!
The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

You know, they make these donut shaped cushions for you to sit on when the butthurt gets too bad.

Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

You know, they make these donut shaped cushions for you to sit on when the butthurt gets too bad.

Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
So The Senate is now Unconstitutional?

Blind Bitch is on a roll to win Stupid Troll of The Year.

Does it hurt when you reach so far up your butt and twist that stupid shit out like that?
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Kind of like thinking you win a baseball game by getting more hits than the other team.

That makes zero sense.

Baseball was NEVER determined by number of hits for winning.

But the most number of votes has LONG been the decider of an election.

Try again.
Electing a President has ALWAYS been determined by the EC, not the PV.

thats WHY it makes ZERO sense to even have a PV election.LOL
Nope. The American Voters chose Clinton by about 3 million move votes.

One person, one vote is not an equal vote, never has been.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, Out of 3,082 Counties, President Trump won 2,626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That means President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact that Clinton won 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% Of County Elections in The US is very telling. That is an extremely narrow demographic and cross section of The American Public.

The Fact that she also lost despite spending $1.5 Billion Dollars given to her by donors, vs. Trump's $225 million largely financed by himself, tells you how much people disliked Hillary Clinton. She tried to spend, lie and cheat her way to The White House and even with Obama's help, and a Russian Dossier, she could not overcome her unlike-ability & how much people are repulsed by her.

In Conclusion:

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country that voted for President Trump.

Here is your 15%


Wrong, again.

You can't be from this country.

Since you are so concerned about elections and one man one vote.....how about you start supporting National Voter ID?

We are the only Democracy without it.


Don't leave home without it!

I have no problem with a National ID, National popular vote and a political mechanism for National referendums to help counter the power our Federal Government has acquired in 240 years as well.
We live in the greatest nation ever so conceived. Why do liberal Democrats want to fuck it all up?

Yeah it was great for a country comprised of mostly rural farming communities and a few large cities, but it has evolved into the best government money can buy.
Should that always be The Underlying Question to each and everything we do as Americans, and we ask our Government to do for us?

It should not be, "what is best for Obama, or Clinton, or Trump."

It should be, what is best for America.

I think The Voters made that choice.

They knew Trump was a brash, opinionated New Yorker who tells it like he sees it. Most of America is sick of politicians who get rich off the taxpayer's backs and provide nothing in return but empty platitudes, empty promises, and little work to resolve issues.

The biggest problems America had in 2016 were as follows:

1.) The Economy
2.) A Weakened Military and undermined American influence in The World
3.) Excessive Regulations on Business
4.) High taxes
5.) Illegal Immigration, and Asylum Crisis and the associated costs with supporting 1 Million Illegals a year coming in to The US.
6.) Iran, North Korea, China & Russian influence in the World
7.) ISIS
8.) The Disaster that is Obamacare

Congress especially The Left, has done nothing about any of these issues, but as I look at all of them, it seems that only one trying to do the job he was elected to do was president Trump.

The Democrat Party does not know how to combat Trump. They don't want to give him even the smallest political victories even though they might be what is best for America. On the surface, it seems like they only care about diminishing The President's Power and Popularity for the sole purpose of gaining more seats in Congress, so they can begin pushing their Open Borders, New Green Scam Deal, and Raid Medicare and Social Security so they can give it to people who have never paid in to it.

This is the worst form of politics and represents buying and selling of votes. That's not what is best for America, and if The Democrat Party does not start doing the jobs they are paid to do, I think they find themselves voted out of office in 2020.

In fact, I think the 2020 elections will end up being a nightmare scenario for Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer and the Democrats, so perhaps in their panic, this is why they appear to be unhinged, and desperate to smear The President at every turn instead of trying to get something done.

Below is a Leftist Article clearly Anti-Trump but it highlights a big problem for Democrats...... The Country Hates them right now, and may hate them even more in 2021.

2021 Could Be a Nightmare For Democrats — Even If Trump Loses
What would be best for the United States? If all liberals disappeared from the face of the earth. Democrats are not patriots and hate America. They’ve been try to destroy her since Lyndon Johnson launched the bullshit Great Society programs then did all they could to lose the Vietnam War.

another conservative traitor to America who wants to exterminate people he "disagrees with"

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