Not for the Presidential Election. it has always been by EV, which is simply a population weighted vote of the States (and DC).

We were talking about presidential elections, and for that specific case I was making the point.

And also, felons are people convicted of a felony.

I don't give a fuck what the law says. There are TONS of lousy laws...and the EC is one of them.

I do not follow or respect it. I only follow laws I agree with (unless it is not worth it to me not to).

Therefore, Trump is NOT POTUS to me, that bitch Clinton is.

If Trump tried to tell me what to do...I would laugh in his fat face...right before I spat in it.

Wow, talk about issues. Up your meds.

Rebel without a clue. Lol.

What issues? Trump has sexually assaulted many women and bragged about it. Spitting in his face is being kind.
Besides, it would not be out of would be mega fun.

And you are a blindly do whatever you are told because you have not got the guts to stand up and fight for what is America's forefathers did.

People like you I roll my eyes at and laugh are wimps...pure and simple.

EXACTLY what America is NOT about.

Yeah, it takes real guts to post empty BS on the internet. What a hero.

Typical troll...gets made a fool of so he tries to spin the words/puts words in others mouth's to get out of it.

I never said I was a hero or that it took guts to post the details of my life online...that's silly. I am NO HERO...miles and miles from it.

I am simply saying the truth. And who brags about being incarcerated (it was for not very long, BTW) or having a criminal record (before I got pardoned)?

Just because you don't like it and have lived the life of a wimp - never standing up to wrongs out of fear - you are pissed when someone else actually might not have wimped out like you ALWAYS have.

And the fact you call it BS proves that you cannot fathom it being true...which just proves all the more what a pathetic life you have led.

Have a nice day troll.

The prisons are not full of heroes “standing up to wrongs,” they are full of scumbags and idiots who were caught, and who are caged like worthless dogs so every minute of their wasted life is controlled for them. They do as told more than anyone.

Reality is as I’ve instructed you.
Should that not always be The Underlying Question to each and everything we do as Americans, and we ask our Government to do for us?

It should not be, "What is best for Obama, or Clinton, or Trump?"

It should be, what is best for America.

I think The Voters made that choice.

They knew Trump was a brash, opinionated New Yorker who tells it like he sees it. Most of America is sick of politicians who get rich off the taxpayer's backs and provide nothing in return but empty platitudes, empty promises, and little work to resolve issues.

The biggest problems America had in 2016 were as follows:

1.) The Economy
2.) A Weakened Military and undermined American influence in The World
3.) Excessive Regulations on Business
4.) High taxes
5.) Illegal Immigration, and Asylum Crisis and the associated costs with supporting 1 Million Illegals a year coming in to The US.
6.) Iran, North Korea, China & Russian influence in the World
7.) ISIS
8.) The Disaster that is Obamacare

Congress especially The Left, has done nothing about any of these issues, but as I look at all of them, it seems that only one trying to do the job done he was elected to do IS President Trump.

The Democrat Party does not know how to combat Trump. They don't want to give him even the smallest political victories even though they might be what is best for America. On the surface, it seems like they only care about diminishing The President's Power and Popularity for the sole purpose of gaining more seats in Congress, so they can begin pushing their Open Borders, New Green Scam Deal, and Raid Medicare and Social Security so they can give it to people who have never paid in to it.

This is the worst form of politics and represents buying and selling of votes. That's not what is best for America, and if The Democrat Party does not start doing the jobs they are paid to do, I think they find themselves voted out of office in 2020.

In fact, I think the 2020 elections will end up being a nightmare scenario for Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer and the Democrats, so perhaps in their panic, this is why they appear to be unhinged, and desperate to smear The President at every turn instead of trying to get something done.

Below is a Leftist Article clearly Anti-Trump but it highlights a big problem for Democrats...... The Country Hates them right now, and may hate them even more in 2021.

2021 Could Be a Nightmare For Democrats — Even If Trump Loses

How about they forget their vanity and just go work? Is that to much to ask? Honestly, the country would be better off if everyone in congress and the Whitehouse fell over dead.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, President Trump won 2, 626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That mean President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact she got 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% OF County Elections in The US is very telling.

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country.

Here is your 15%

Great post tree. NYC, Chicago, and L.A. don’t run our nation. Their voice is not more important than people living in rural areas.
But people who live in rural areas and states, their votes count more than people in the big cities that's the problem. Along with of course the fact that GOP voters believe a gigantic pile of misinformation character assassination and hate propaganda. Fox noise prime Time, Rush Limbaugh Savage and GOP propaganda websites are the biggest disgrace in our history and the worst threat to our democracy ever. Breaking For doops... Hillary Obama holder the FBI are honest, the rich pay the same percentage wise in taxes as the middle class, and we now have the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history and in the modern world by far, after 35 years of give away to the rich by the GOP lying scumbag party. GOP voters are absolutely clueless.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, President Trump won 2, 626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That mean President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact she got 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% OF County Elections in The US is very telling.

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country.

Here is your 15%

Great post tree. NYC, Chicago, and L.A. don’t run our nation. Their voice is not more important than people living in rural areas.
But people who live in rural areas and states, their votes count more than people in the big cities that's the problem. Along with of course the fact that GOP voters believe a gigantic pile of misinformation character assassination and hate propaganda. Fox noise prime Time, Rush Limbaugh Savage and GOP propaganda websites are the biggest disgrace in our history and the worst threat to our democracy ever. Breaking For doops... Hillary Obama holder the FBI are honest, the rich pay the same percentage wise in taxes as the middle class, and we now have the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history and in the modern world by far, after 35 years of give away to the rich by the GOP lying scumbag party. GOP voters are absolutely clueless.

No, their votes count equally.

In a Republic, Each State has an Equal Voice in a Federal Election. This is why we have 2 Senators per state, and why we have set by population a number of Electoral votes awarded each state by population. We also have the House of Representatives and the number of Representatives are determined by population.

You would only have an argument if for instance California (55) only had as many Electoral Votes awarded to it as Vermont (3) If both states had just 2 Electoral Votes then you could make an argument.

So in America, we have both a balance of Equal Representation that a Republic Demands, and we have Unequal Representation awarded by The Population of each state.

Without this balance, 15% of The Country would Dictate Policy to the rest of the 85%.

The people who designed out government were smarter than you, so maybe you shit sit down and STFU.

LASTLY in regards to the other lies in your pile of rubbish response, America has the greatest upward mobility of any country in The World.

This is why there are more Black Millionaires and Billionaires in The US than there are vs the entire world combined.

There is no better place to get rich in America if you are broke ass poor, than America.
Ask Hillary Clinton.

You should visit America some time and learn all about our Republic.
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You know, they make these donut shaped cushions for you to sit on when the butthurt gets too bad.

Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
California gets 55 EVs, and Vermont only gets 3.
Therefore your population advantage is represented.

The Electoral College is Brilliant and Genius.

That's why you don't understand it.
You know, they make these donut shaped cushions for you to sit on when the butthurt gets too bad.

Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
All of the States count equally regardless of population.
Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
All of the States count equally regardless of population.
Not exactly. The states are weighted via population.
There is a type of balance between population and equal representation as a state in a Republic.

Complete equal representation in The Senate with 2 Senators each state.
But in The EC, California for instance gets 55 EV, vs Vermont only with 3 EVs.
Then The House of Representatives is based entirely on population and nothing else and you are awarded a number of representatives in The House by your population
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
All of the States count equally regardless of population.
Not exactly. The states are weighted via population.
There is a type of balance between population and equal representation as a state in a Republic.

Complete equal representation in The Senate with 2 Senators each state.
But in The EC, California for instance gets 55 EV, vs Vermont only with 3 EVs.
Then The House of Representatives is based entirely on population and nothing else and you are awarded a number of representatives in The House by your population
half of ev based on pop, half is 2 each state.
Not one of the 3 million. Treebeard wants to claim the voters made the choice. I disagree. It was the EC that made the choice, based on unequal values of individual citizens votes based on their states population. In 1784 that was a good system since the fastest form of communication was a horse. In the 21 century with instantaneous world wide communication, not so much.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
California gets 55 EVs, and Vermont only gets 3.
Therefore your population advantage is represented.

The Electoral College is Brilliant and Genius.

That's why you don't understand it.

Each EV vote in California represents 718,000 citizens

In Vermont it's 201,000.

The votes in California don't matter as much as the ones in Vermont.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
California gets 55 EVs, and Vermont only gets 3.
Therefore your population advantage is represented.

The Electoral College is Brilliant and Genius.

That's why you don't understand it.

Each EV vote in California represents 718,000 citizens

In Vermont it's 201,000.

The votes in California don't matter as much as the ones in Vermont.
California should not have 55 EVs because they have filled their state with Illegals. Also, there is ceiling to how many EVs you get.

But if you were from America, lived here and loved this country, you would understand The EC more.

What you are trying to say is that California should rule over Vermont.

That is not a Republic.

That is Tyranny of The Masses.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
California gets 55 EVs, and Vermont only gets 3.
Therefore your population advantage is represented.

The Electoral College is Brilliant and Genius.

That's why you don't understand it.

Each EV vote in California represents 718,000 citizens

In Vermont it's 201,000.

The votes in California don't matter as much as the ones in Vermont.
Remove the population from the equation and your state has equal representation as Vermont. Vermont has no reason to stay in the Union if the vote was based on population only.
We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
All of the States count equally regardless of population.
Not exactly. The states are weighted via population.
There is a type of balance between population and equal representation as a state in a Republic.

Complete equal representation in The Senate with 2 Senators each state.
But in The EC, California for instance gets 55 EV, vs Vermont only with 3 EVs.
Then The House of Representatives is based entirely on population and nothing else and you are awarded a number of representatives in The House by your population
half of ev based on pop, half is 2 each state.

That is a simpler way of putting it.
We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
California gets 55 EVs, and Vermont only gets 3.
Therefore your population advantage is represented.

The Electoral College is Brilliant and Genius.

That's why you don't understand it.

Each EV vote in California represents 718,000 citizens

In Vermont it's 201,000.

The votes in California don't matter as much as the ones in Vermont.
Remove the population from the equation and your state has equal representation as Vermont. Vermont has no reason to stay in the Union if the vote was based on population only.
Totally Agree. They would more or less then be deprived of representation as a state.

That would NOT be good for America!
I think The Voters made that choice.
The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.
And she still managed to lose. Fucking Deplorables. :lmao:
How do you have President Obama Spy on a Rival Campaign for you; Feed you Inside Information on what Trump is doing in his campaign; wire tap his phone, Trump Tower, and listen in to his conversations with friends, family and advisors; spend $1.5 Billion Dollars to buy your way to The White House; have The FBI and DOJ rig FISA Warrants and investigations in your favor; Steal Debate Questions, have your own army of Criminal Pakistani Hackers digging for dirt on Congress and anyone they can, have the Media on your side so much that they allow you to edit their articles and give you interview questions before they talk to you, and leak classified information to The Public, and STILL FUCKING LOSE?

Half of America Hates you, that's how!
Last edited:
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
All of the States count equally regardless of population.
Not exactly. The states are weighted via population.
There is a type of balance between population and equal representation as a state in a Republic.

Complete equal representation in The Senate with 2 Senators each state.
But in The EC, California for instance gets 55 EV, vs Vermont only with 3 EVs.
Then The House of Representatives is based entirely on population and nothing else and you are awarded a number of representatives in The House by your population
California has the largest Congressional delegation of any state. What the fuck are they bitching about? Plus they have the senile lunatic Pelosi as Speaker.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
California gets 55 EVs, and Vermont only gets 3.
Therefore your population advantage is represented.

The Electoral College is Brilliant and Genius.

That's why you don't understand it.

Each EV vote in California represents 718,000 citizens

In Vermont it's 201,000.

The votes in California don't matter as much as the ones in Vermont.
Based on the Census.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
California gets 55 EVs, and Vermont only gets 3.
Therefore your population advantage is represented.

The Electoral College is Brilliant and Genius.

That's why you don't understand it.

Each EV vote in California represents 718,000 citizens

In Vermont it's 201,000.

The votes in California don't matter as much as the ones in Vermont.
If you do the math California gets an Elector for every 15%of its population. Vermont gets an Elector for every 33.3% of its population. Vermont is the one getting fucked.
Electoral College made the choice...through the voters of the respective states. That way each region of the nation is equally represented. We are a continental nation. Europe is a continent preisof many small nations. Popular vote might work in Denmark but not in a vast and regional nation like the United States.

We have one president for the entire nation yet we have no national election.
We have a national election. Citizens of all 50 states (that comprise our Republic) are equally represented.

I reality we have 50 separate elections and not all of the votes case by citizens count the same toward the EC totals
California gets 55 EVs, and Vermont only gets 3.
Therefore your population advantage is represented.

The Electoral College is Brilliant and Genius.

That's why you don't understand it.

Each EV vote in California represents 718,000 citizens

In Vermont it's 201,000.

The votes in California don't matter as much as the ones in Vermont.
But California has 55 Electoral Votes...Vermont only 3. Hence...if you do the math...California get an Electoral Vote for every 18% of her population...Vermont get an Electoral Vote for every 33% of her population. Who’s getting fucked over again? California is MORE than fairly compensated by Electoral College.
The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Why are Trumpbots so STAGGERINGLY bad at math?

Trump won the pathetic EC...but he lost the PV by millions.

Hello dumb dumb's...that means Americans chose Clinton over Trump.

You mean because the media is constantly covering up the fact that she is a criminal ?
Those are called journalists as opposed to your propagandist Heroes... Law enforcement is also on her side. Perhaps if you had some evidence instead of just 25 years of endlessly repeated garbage... Who needs courtrooms or evidence when you are a brainwashed functional moron?

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