Zone1 What Is Christian Nationalism?

America's two-dozen Christian Nationalists
do you think that America's Christian heritage is without sin, error or without man’s inhumanity to non/Christian man woman and the children thereof

are you a white-grievance Republican God sanctified Americsn “go back” voter - a Saint

do you the only true Americans who live according to the teachings of Jesus.are those who vote for Republicans.

can a Democrat live according to the teachings of Jesus

do you want state government to force full term gestation on all women having an unwanted pregnancy.

do you want to define America as a Christian nation

do you think a fertilized egg is a person with the same right to life as a person who is born.

do you repeat the myth that America was founded as a Christian Nation

do you think books should be burned if they contain language about white Christian inhumanity to non/white, non/Christian men, women and their progeny because they did it in service to the Cross of Christ and the Kings and Queens of Europe,

do you want the government to promote a specific cultural template as the official culture of the country.

do you want an amendment to the Constitution to recognize America’s Christian heritage, Ssint ding

do you want to reinstitute prayer in public schools.

do you want to enshrine a Christian nationalist interpretation of American history in school curricula,

do you believe that as Saint ding does that America has a special relationship with God or has been “chosen” by him to carry out a special mission on earth.

do you want immigration restrictions specifically to prevent a change to American religious and ethnic demographics or a change to American culture.

do you want to empower the government to take stronger action to circumscribe immoral behavior.

are you homophobic

do you think the United States government must defend and enshrine its predominant “Anglo-Protestant” culture to ensure the survival of American democracy.

do you have an attitude that Christians are entitled to primacy of place in the public square because they are heirs of the true or essential heritage of American culture,

do you believe Christians have a presumptive right to define the meaning of the American experiment because they see themselves as America’s architects, first citizens, and guardians.

do you think there should never be “freedom from religion” in America

do you think the “persons” of centuries 15 16 17 18 & 19th who lived on three continents apart from Europe should have welcomed white Christian nationalism to their shores and handed over their minds, land snd material abundant wealth to the invaders and gleefully and immediately accept the peaceful Cross of Christ organized religion and the Kings of Europe out of respect for white supremacy as Jesus and Saint ding would have wanted them to do
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Christian Nationalists
Millions of lower middle class white Christian nationalists do not vote in the interest of their pocket book’s benefit.

They vote culture war issues against lower middle class voters who don’t look like white Christians or who don’t agree that government should be involved in making decisions that only pregnant women should make, or how people have consensual sex with each other.

White Christian nationalists see America as God’s chosen nation and if every American does not behave according to WCN rules - God’s wrath will be on us all.
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What is Christian nationalism?

Christian nationalism is the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity, and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. Popularly, Christian nationalists assert that America is and must remain a “Christian nation”—not merely as an observation about American history, but as a prescriptive program for what America must continue to be in the future. Scholars like Samuel Huntington have made a similar argument: that America is defined by its “Anglo-Protestant” past and that we will lose our identity and our freedom if we do not preserve our cultural inheritance.

Christian nationalists do not reject the First Amendment and do not advocate for theocracy, but they do believe that Christianity should enjoy a privileged position in the public square. The term “Christian nationalism,” is relatively new, and its advocates generally do not use it of themselves, but it accurately describes American nationalists who believe American identity is inextricable from Christianity.

What is the problem with nationalism?

Humanity is not easily divisible into mutually distinct cultural units. Cultures overlap and their borders are fuzzy. Since cultural units are fuzzy, they make a poor fit as the foundation for political order. Cultural identities are fluid and hard to draw boundaries around, but political boundaries are hard and semipermanent. Attempting to found political legitimacy on cultural likeness means political order will constantly be in danger of being felt as illegitimate by some group or other. Cultural pluralism is essentially inevitable in every nation.

Is that really a problem, or just an abstract worry?

It is a serious problem. When nationalists go about constructing their nation, they have to define who is, and who is not, part of the nation. But there are always dissidents and minorities who do not or cannot conform to the nationalists’ preferred cultural template. In the absence of moral authority, nationalists can only establish themselves by force. Scholars are almost unanimous that nationalist governments tend to become authoritarian and oppressive in practice. For example, in past generations, to the extent that the United States had a quasi-established official religion of Protestantism, it did not respect true religious freedom. Worse, the United States and many individual states used Christianity as a prop to support slavery and segregation.

What do Christian nationalists want that is different from normal Christian engagement in politics?

Christian nationalists want to define America as a Christian nation and they want the government to promote a specific cultural template as the official culture of the country. Some have advocated for an amendment to the Constitution to recognize America’s Christian heritage, others to reinstitute prayer in public schools. Some work to enshrine a Christian nationalist interpretation of American history in school curricula, including that America has a special relationship with God or has been “chosen” by him to carry out a special mission on earth. Others advocate for immigration restrictions specifically to prevent a change to American religious and ethnic demographics or a change to American culture. Some want to empower the government to take stronger action to circumscribe immoral behavior.

Some—again, like the scholar Samuel Huntington—have argued that the United States government must defend and enshrine its predominant “Anglo-Protestant” culture to ensure the survival of American democracy. And sometimes Christian nationalism is most evident not in its political agenda, but in the sort of attitude with which it is held: an unstated presumption that Christians are entitled to primacy of place in the public square because they are heirs of the true or essential heritage of American culture, that Christians have a presumptive right to define the meaning of the American experiment because they see themselves as America’s architects, first citizens, and guardians.

How is this dangerous for America?

Christian nationalism tends to treat other Americans as second-class citizens. If it were fully implemented, it would not respect the full religious liberty of all Americans. Empowering the state through “morals legislation” to regulate conduct always carries the risk of overreaching, setting a bad precedent, and creating governing powers that could be used later be used against Christians. Additionally, Christian nationalism is an ideology held overwhelmingly by white Americans, and it thus tends to exacerbate racial and ethnic cleavages. In recent years, the movement has grown increasingly characterized by fear and by a belief that Christians are victims of persecution. Some are beginning to argue that American Christians need to prepare to fight, physically, to preserve America’s identity, an argument that played into the January 6 riot.

How is Christian nationalism dangerous to the church?

Christian nationalism takes the name of Christ for a worldly political agenda, proclaiming that its program is the political program for every true believer. That is wrong in principle, no matter what the agenda is, because only the church is authorized to proclaim the name of Jesus and carry his standard into the world. It is even worse with a political movement that champions some causes that are unjust, which is the case with Christian nationalism and its attendant illiberalism. In that case, Christian nationalism is calling evil good and good evil; it is taking the name of Christ as a fig leaf to cover its political program, treating the message of Jesus as a tool of political propaganda and the church as the handmaiden and cheerleader of the state.

More at the link below...

What Is Christian Nationalism?

Sounds scary to me! What do you think?
Sounds scary to me! What do you think?

I see the left trying to erase Christianity from our culture and Christians trying to prevent that
I see the left trying to erase Christianity from our culture and Christians trying to prevent that
Black church going Americans are the highest Christian per capita of any racially connected group in America. They vote Democrat alongside millions of liberal Christians of every other race. And Jews. And for mostly Christian politicians.

So when you say Saint Mac7 that the left wants to erase Christianity from American culture, you are a liar. A lying white Christian nationalist you are
America's Christian Heritage is indisputable
Americans should live according to the teachings of Jesus.

America's Christian Heritage 170301 {post•1} ding Mar’17 Sachyz inserted this statement: In 1836 Noah Webster said, “In my view, the Christian Religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed... no truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian Religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.” dvng 170301 Sachyz00001

Tell me Saint K9.buck if you think Noah Webster is promoting “a free government” when he decided in 1836 that every citizen’s child belongs to the Christian state/nation and therefore every child’s education shall be by law based upon the Holy Bible as interpreted and taught by Protestant Christian religious scholars in every public school.
Black church going Americans are the highest Christian per capita of any racially connected group in America. They vote Democrat alongside millions of liberal Christians of every other race. And Jews. And for mostly Christian politicians.

So when you say Saint Mac7 that the left wants to erase Christianity from American culture, you are a liar. A lying white Christian nationalist you are

Blacks used to be solidly republican too

But they changed once and could change again

Though the erosion from a Christian nation to one that believes in nothing is generational, led by teachers and cultural influencers, and may surprise black leaders and parents themselves when it happens
Blacks used to be solidly republican too

But they changed once and could change again

Though the erosion from a Christian nation to one that believes in nothing is generational, led by teachers and cultural influencers, and may surprise black leaders and parents themselves when it happens
It seems like NotfooledbyW believes HE is the saint.
America's Christian Heritage is indisputable

America's Christian Heritage 170517 {post•3} ding Mar’17 Sachyz inserts the mural “Landing of Columbus:

dvng 170517 Sachyz00003

What Is Christian Nationalism? 240311 {post•48}

Here’s some related pre/Revolution white Christian Heritage that Saint Ding won’t discuss;

Landing of Columbus, 1492 | Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Native Americans watch the Europeans from behind a tree. In his journal, Columbus recorded that they "asked us if we had come from heaven" and called them "the best people in the world, and the gentlest."[2] He also, however, made note of his plan to "with force . . . subjugate the whole island."[3]

Was C.Columbus committing a sin against the Catholic God when he ordered his invaders to use force against "the best {and gentlest} people in the world?”

Or was C.Columbus being obedient to the Catholic God’s Will when he began using force against "the best {and gentlest} people in the world?”

nfbw 240311 Vwicnz00048 to Sachyz00003
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America's Christian Heritage 170301 {post•1} ding Mar’17 Sachyz inserted this statement: In 1836 Noah Webster said, “In my view, the Christian Religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed... no truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian Religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.” dvng 170301 Sachyz00001

Tell me Saint K9.buck if you think Noah Webster is promoting “a free government” when he decided in 1836 that every citizen’s child belongs to the Christian state/nation and therefore every child’s education shall be by law based upon the Holy Bible as interpreted and taught by Protestant Christian religious scholars in every public school.

So you think think there is a CREDIBLE "Christian Nationalist" movement in the U.S.?

'Christian nationalism' is a folk belief in America that believes it should be favored in the public square.

Theoretically, it is an error to most of the main liturgical religions as well as the RCC, yet it is embraced by fundamentalist, evangelical, Pentecostal heresies.
What Is Christian Nationalism? A figment of some people's imagination.
Sounds scary to me! What do you think?

I see the left trying to erase Christianity from our culture and Christians trying to prevent that

Do you want a theocracy by the masses? No one is stopping you from living your faith. Try it.
do you think that America's Christian heritage is without sin, error or without man’s inhumanity to non/Christian man woman and the children thereof

are you a white-grievance Republican God sanctified Americsn “go back” voter - a Saint

do you the only true Americans who live according to the teachings of Jesus.are those who vote for Republicans.

can a Democrat live according to the teachings of Jesus

do you want state government to force full term gestation on all women having an unwanted pregnancy.

do you want to define America as a Christian nation

do you think a fertilized egg is a person with the same right to life as a person who is born.

do you repeat the myth that America was founded as a Christian Nation

do you think books should be burned if they contain language about white Christian inhumanity to non/white, non/Christian men, women and their progeny because they did it in service to the Cross of Christ and the Kings and Queens of Europe,

do you want the government to promote a specific cultural template as the official culture of the country.

do you want an amendment to the Constitution to recognize America’s Christian heritage, Ssint ding

do you want to reinstitute prayer in public schools.

do you want to enshrine a Christian nationalist interpretation of American history in school curricula,

do you believe that as Saint ding does that America has a special relationship with God or has been “chosen” by him to carry out a special mission on earth.

do you want immigration restrictions specifically to prevent a change to American religious and ethnic demographics or a change to American culture.

do you want to empower the government to take stronger action to circumscribe immoral behavior.

are you homophobic

do you think the United States government must defend and enshrine its predominant “Anglo-Protestant” culture to ensure the survival of American democracy.

do you have an attitude that Christians are entitled to primacy of place in the public square because they are heirs of the true or essential heritage of American culture,

do you believe Christians have a presumptive right to define the meaning of the American experiment because they see themselves as America’s architects, first citizens, and guardians.

do you think there should never be “freedom from religion” in America

do you think the “persons” of centuries 15 16 17 18 & 19th who lived on three continents apart from Europe should have welcomed white Christian nationalism to their shores and handed over their minds, land snd material abundant wealth to the invaders and gleefully and immediately accept the peaceful Cross of Christ organized religion and the Kings of Europe out of respect for white supremacy as Jesus and Saint ding would have wanted them to do
So I'm assuming you think I am a Christian Nationalist given you have called me out at least twice in your tirade and the only one you called out by name. Is that correct?
Do you want a theocracy by the masses? No one is stopping you from living your faith. Try it.
Libs attack Christians for their beliefs

In some places the word “Christmas” is being driven from our culture and replaced with terms like “winter holiday” to appease the left

The left has tried to ban the Bible from public schools and only intervention by the supreme court allows students to have a Bible or pray silently at their desk

At least be honest about the left’s hatred toward God because I know you know it exists
Libs attack Christians for their beliefs

In some places the word “Christmas” is being driven from our culture and replaced with terms like “winter holiday” to appease the left

The left has tried to ban the Bible from public schools and only intervention by the supreme court allows students to have a Bible or pray silently at their desk

At least be honest about the left’s hatred toward God because I know you know it exists
The 2012 democrat convention removed the mention of God. The democrat party is now the American Communist party.
The 2012 democrat convention removed the mention of God. The democrat party is now the American Communist party.
That was obama the closet muslim’s convention

Its a wonder the dems didnt shout “PRAISE BE TO THE ALLAH!”

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