What is Conservatism?

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?
I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

I've seen many conservatives criticize spending including myself. As for Presidents, they don't spend the money--Congress does.

Clinton presided under a Republican Congress most of his two terms. Bush did too until people voted in Piglosi and the Democrats to take charge. DumBama quite the same, most of his years presided over a Republican Congress. Trump? The first two years.

However congressional leadership does not always have the power people think it does. You still need opposition help to pass most spending bills. Unlike Democrats who are all one of the same, the Republican party is fractured between conservatism and the establishment. GW Bush was part of the establishment. He was not a conservative.

Even if you have unity among the congressional party leadership, you still have the President and Senate to consider. Congress can come up with anything they want, but unless they appease the Senate leadership, it's meaningless.

So it's much more complicated than X is President and spending was X.
What is referred to today as conservatism was in the past called liberalism, now commonly referred to as classical liberalism. It was the philosophy of the Founding Fathers.

Information concerning both and the connection between them is readily available online. Here's an elementary overview.

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

What is commonly referred to today as liberalism, AKA "social liberalism", has no connection to the classical version other than specific propaganda points employed to add a bit of truth to the nonsense projected by it. Modern Democrats, called Democratic-Socialists, are the primary culprits in the United States.

Regardless of how our politicians tag themselves, their voting history tells the tale.
Conservatism to me is constitutionalism. Conservative to me means more personal responsibility and less blame. Conservatism is less government and leaving people alone to do as they please. Conservatism is liberty.

Yes, conservatism is smaller government, but that goes hand and hand with more liberty. The bigger the government--the smaller the citizen. Conservatism is very limited federal government. As Ronald Reagan once said "People forget that the federal government did not build the states--the states built the federal government."
I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?
Conservatism doesnt encompass only economic values. Only those who hold in high regard traditional american values and judeo-christian values can call themselves conservative.

If the only regard is for the republican tax policy, then they're neoliberals.
See description here.
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Conservatism to me is constitutionalism. Conservative to me means more personal responsibility and less blame. Conservatism is less government and leaving people alone to do as they please. Conservatism is liberty.

Yes, conservatism is smaller government, but that goes hand and hand with more liberty. The bigger the government--the smaller the citizen. Conservatism is very limited federal government. As Ronald Reagan once said "People forget that the federal government did not build the states--the states built the federal government."
Just wondering then should I be allowed to smoke pot, or get an abortion? I'm all for smaller government and more liberty but to me it seems most people say more freedom/liberty only if they agree with those freedoms.

I think drugs, porn, abortion, guns, and religion (aka muslims) should all be up to the person to decide, but too many people want to claim liberty etc only if they agree with the freedoms.
Conservatism to me is constitutionalism. Conservative to me means more personal responsibility and less blame. Conservatism is less government and leaving people alone to do as they please. Conservatism is liberty.

Yes, conservatism is smaller government, but that goes hand and hand with more liberty. The bigger the government--the smaller the citizen. Conservatism is very limited federal government. As Ronald Reagan once said "People forget that the federal government did not build the states--the states built the federal government."
Just wondering then should I be allowed to smoke pot, or get an abortion? I'm all for smaller government and more liberty but to me it seems most people say more freedom/liberty only if they agree with those freedoms.

I think drugs, porn, abortion, guns, and religion (aka muslims) should all be up to the person to decide, but too many people want to claim liberty etc only if they agree with the freedoms.

Those matters you list are the venue of the States, not the federal government.

"Congress shall make no law" means precisely that, and applies throughout the Bill of Rights.
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I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

I've seen many conservatives criticize spending including myself. As for Presidents, they don't spend the money--Congress does.

Clinton presided under a Republican Congress most of his two terms. Bush did too until people voted in Piglosi and the Democrats to take charge. DumBama quite the same, most of his years presided over a Republican Congress. Trump? The first two years.

However congressional leadership does not always have the power people think it does. You still need opposition help to pass most spending bills. Unlike Democrats who are all one of the same, the Republican party is fractured between conservatism and the establishment. GW Bush was part of the establishment. He was not a conservative.

Even if you have unity among the congressional party leadership, you still have the President and Senate to consider. Congress can come up with anything they want, but unless they appease the Senate leadership, it's meaningless.

So it's much more complicated than X is President and spending was X.
OK point, but the president sets the agenda. Bush and Trump had their agenda of massive spending and massive tax cuts and the republican congress is more than happy to oblige. Clinton had an agenda of a balanced budget and spending cuts which was also embraced by the republican congress.

In the end I am wondering why all these conservatives thought Bush was so great (until he crashed the economy) and why they think Trump is so great even though he has spent so recklessly.
I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

I always find it hilarious when some folks complain about the excesses of only one party as if Carter and Obama were never guilty of the same sorts of policy bukmblings that Trump and W were.

BTW, Clinton and GINGRICH created the successful policies that gave us the 1990s boom times.

And BTW again, this month the federal government took in record tax revenues for any October in the history of this nation, but STILL MANAGED TO HAVE NEARLY A $100 BILLION SHORTFALL.

The problem is not that Americans are taxed too little but that the Feds cant control their own spending due to the explosive growth of political patronage systems caused by constant electioneering in EVERY YEAR from the minute after the close of the last election.

That has to stop and it will, but will it be a controlled or uncontrolled landing is the only question.
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I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

Maybe you should ask some conservatives..rather than "so called conservatives"?
What is Conservatism?

A failed ideology.

When did it fail? Seems to me like some ignorant people failed it. Simply put it is (unlimuted personal freedom with responsibility for your actions and your maintenance.)
We know however that freedom for liberals means They choose who has freedoms what freedoms others have and that they have others take responsible for their failure and maintenance and that of their pet classes.

As far as clinton having any responsibility for the balanced budget, NOT even a letter of the text it came from the congressional contract with America. He had to sign it to keep his job.
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I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

I've seen many conservatives criticize spending including myself. As for Presidents, they don't spend the money--Congress does.

Clinton presided under a Republican Congress most of his two terms. Bush did too until people voted in Piglosi and the Democrats to take charge. DumBama quite the same, most of his years presided over a Republican Congress. Trump? The first two years.

However congressional leadership does not always have the power people think it does. You still need opposition help to pass most spending bills. Unlike Democrats who are all one of the same, the Republican party is fractured between conservatism and the establishment. GW Bush was part of the establishment. He was not a conservative.

Even if you have unity among the congressional party leadership, you still have the President and Senate to consider. Congress can come up with anything they want, but unless they appease the Senate leadership, it's meaningless.

So it's much more complicated than X is President and spending was X.
OK point, but the president sets the agenda. Bush and Trump had their agenda of massive spending and massive tax cuts and the republican congress is more than happy to oblige. Clinton had an agenda of a balanced budget and spending cuts which was also embraced by the republican congress.

In the end I am wondering why all these conservatives thought Bush was so great (until he crashed the economy) and why they think Trump is so great even though he has spent so recklessly.

Well we haven't had an economy like this in many years, so he is kinda getting a pass. However to reiterate, I do see complaints about spending coming from the right side on this forum. And again, very few if any conservatives ever considered Bush one of their own.

What has to be remembered is Bush was in charge during the worst attack on US soil in history. The economy was not that strong before 911 either. He not only had to address that disaster, but also pay attention so the terrorist attack didn't have major impacts on our economy.


Looking at this chart, you don't even have to look at the years to see when Republicans had control of Congress, the impact of 911, and the recession of 2008 when Democrats regained control of the House. The Democrats regained leadership of the House in 2007, and look what happened. The Republicans took back leadership in 2011 and remains so until January of next year.
I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

I've seen many conservatives criticize spending including myself. As for Presidents, they don't spend the money--Congress does.

Clinton presided under a Republican Congress most of his two terms. Bush did too until people voted in Piglosi and the Democrats to take charge. DumBama quite the same, most of his years presided over a Republican Congress. Trump? The first two years.

However congressional leadership does not always have the power people think it does. You still need opposition help to pass most spending bills. Unlike Democrats who are all one of the same, the Republican party is fractured between conservatism and the establishment. GW Bush was part of the establishment. He was not a conservative.

Even if you have unity among the congressional party leadership, you still have the President and Senate to consider. Congress can come up with anything they want, but unless they appease the Senate leadership, it's meaningless.

So it's much more complicated than X is President and spending was X.
OK point, but the president sets the agenda. Bush and Trump had their agenda of massive spending and massive tax cuts and the republican congress is more than happy to oblige. Clinton had an agenda of a balanced budget and spending cuts which was also embraced by the republican congress.

In the end I am wondering why all these conservatives thought Bush was so great (until he crashed the economy) and why they think Trump is so great even though he has spent so recklessly.

Well we haven't had an economy like this in many years, so he is kinda getting a pass. However to reiterate, I do see complaints about spending coming from the right side on this forum. And again, very few if any conservatives ever considered Bush one of their own.

What has to be remembered is Bush was in charge during the worst attack on US soil in history. The economy was not that strong before 911 either. He not only had to address that disaster, but also pay attention so the terrorist attack didn't have major impacts on our economy.

View attachment 229614

Looking at this chart, you don't even have to look at the years to see when Republicans had control of Congress, the impact of 911, and the recession of 2008 when Democrats regained control of the House. The Democrats regained leadership of the House in 2007, and look what happened. The Republicans took back leadership in 2011 and remains so until January of next year.
Wait, are you trying to argue that the great recession was because the Dems took over the House??
I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

I've seen many conservatives criticize spending including myself. As for Presidents, they don't spend the money--Congress does.

Clinton presided under a Republican Congress most of his two terms. Bush did too until people voted in Piglosi and the Democrats to take charge. DumBama quite the same, most of his years presided over a Republican Congress. Trump? The first two years.

However congressional leadership does not always have the power people think it does. You still need opposition help to pass most spending bills. Unlike Democrats who are all one of the same, the Republican party is fractured between conservatism and the establishment. GW Bush was part of the establishment. He was not a conservative.

Even if you have unity among the congressional party leadership, you still have the President and Senate to consider. Congress can come up with anything they want, but unless they appease the Senate leadership, it's meaningless.

So it's much more complicated than X is President and spending was X.
OK point, but the president sets the agenda. Bush and Trump had their agenda of massive spending and massive tax cuts and the republican congress is more than happy to oblige. Clinton had an agenda of a balanced budget and spending cuts which was also embraced by the republican congress.

In the end I am wondering why all these conservatives thought Bush was so great (until he crashed the economy) and why they think Trump is so great even though he has spent so recklessly.

Well we haven't had an economy like this in many years, so he is kinda getting a pass. However to reiterate, I do see complaints about spending coming from the right side on this forum. And again, very few if any conservatives ever considered Bush one of their own.

What has to be remembered is Bush was in charge during the worst attack on US soil in history. The economy was not that strong before 911 either. He not only had to address that disaster, but also pay attention so the terrorist attack didn't have major impacts on our economy.

View attachment 229614

Looking at this chart, you don't even have to look at the years to see when Republicans had control of Congress, the impact of 911, and the recession of 2008 when Democrats regained control of the House. The Democrats regained leadership of the House in 2007, and look what happened. The Republicans took back leadership in 2011 and remains so until January of next year.
Wait, are you trying to argue that the great recession was because the Dems took over the House??

Not really, but the spending was on their watch. The housing crash is what caused that recession, and even though Bush was in charge, there were many a Democrat fingerprint on that one.
What is Conservatism?

A failed ideology.

When did it fail? Seems to me like some ignorant people failed it. Simply put it is (unlimuted personal freedom with responsibility for your actions and your maintenance.)
We know however that freedom for liberals means They choose who has freedoms what freedoms others have and that they have others take responsible for their failure and maintenance and that of their pet classes.

As far as clinton having any responsibility for the balanced budget, NOT even a letter of the text it came from the congressional contract with America. He had to sign it to keep his job.
So just wondering do you oppose abortion, pot or drugs, freedom of any religion including islam because it seems that the right only wants to accept freedoms that they agree with vs freedoms for all. Freedom is guns, porn, abortion, drugs, and religion, freedom from law enforcement searches (patriot act), etc etc. The right definitely wants to choose which freedoms you have.
I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

I've seen many conservatives criticize spending including myself. As for Presidents, they don't spend the money--Congress does.

Clinton presided under a Republican Congress most of his two terms. Bush did too until people voted in Piglosi and the Democrats to take charge. DumBama quite the same, most of his years presided over a Republican Congress. Trump? The first two years.

However congressional leadership does not always have the power people think it does. You still need opposition help to pass most spending bills. Unlike Democrats who are all one of the same, the Republican party is fractured between conservatism and the establishment. GW Bush was part of the establishment. He was not a conservative.

Even if you have unity among the congressional party leadership, you still have the President and Senate to consider. Congress can come up with anything they want, but unless they appease the Senate leadership, it's meaningless.

So it's much more complicated than X is President and spending was X.
OK point, but the president sets the agenda. Bush and Trump had their agenda of massive spending and massive tax cuts and the republican congress is more than happy to oblige. Clinton had an agenda of a balanced budget and spending cuts which was also embraced by the republican congress.

In the end I am wondering why all these conservatives thought Bush was so great (until he crashed the economy) and why they think Trump is so great even though he has spent so recklessly.

Well we haven't had an economy like this in many years, so he is kinda getting a pass. However to reiterate, I do see complaints about spending coming from the right side on this forum. And again, very few if any conservatives ever considered Bush one of their own.

What has to be remembered is Bush was in charge during the worst attack on US soil in history. The economy was not that strong before 911 either. He not only had to address that disaster, but also pay attention so the terrorist attack didn't have major impacts on our economy.

View attachment 229614

Looking at this chart, you don't even have to look at the years to see when Republicans had control of Congress, the impact of 911, and the recession of 2008 when Democrats regained control of the House. The Democrats regained leadership of the House in 2007, and look what happened. The Republicans took back leadership in 2011 and remains so until January of next year.
Wait, are you trying to argue that the great recession was because the Dems took over the House??

Not really, but the spending was on their watch. The housing crash is what caused that recession, and even though Bush was in charge, there were many a Democrat fingerprint on that one.
The spending started when Bush took over and passed the huge tax cut along with all the spending bills. The housing crash made the recession into "the great recession", but the economy was headed for a crash as the debt load was too large and interest rates were rising.
The spending started when Bush took over and passed the huge tax cut along with all the spending bills. The housing crash made the recession into "the great recession", but the economy was headed for a crash as the debt load was too large and interest rates were rising.
Moody's lying about MBS' also had a huge catalytic effect.
What is Conservatism?

A failed ideology.

When did it fail? Seems to me like some ignorant people failed it. Simply put it is (unlimuted personal freedom with responsibility for your actions and your maintenance.)
We know however that freedom for liberals means They choose who has freedoms what freedoms others have and that they have others take responsible for their failure and maintenance and that of their pet classes.

As far as clinton having any responsibility for the balanced budget, NOT even a letter of the text it came from the congressional contract with America. He had to sign it to keep his job.
So just wondering do you oppose abortion, pot or drugs, freedom of any religion including islam because it seems that the right only wants to accept freedoms that they agree with vs freedoms for all. Freedom is guns, porn, abortion, drugs, and religion, freedom from law enforcement searches (patriot act), etc etc. The right definitely wants to choose which freedoms you have.

No. We have laws to protect people. Abortion is one of those things that protect people in the eyes of conservatives and the religious because they believe babies are indeed people. Abortion is not one of those major issues with me because it doesn't impact my life one way or the other. Porn? Only those far right (and very few of them) have any issues with porn. Drugs? That's a big one with me. Recreational narcotics kill people, cause harm to families and neighbors. It should be illegal because it effects more than just the user. Many of our murders are because of drugs, and on a personal note, my house almost burned to the ground because I rented the downstairs apartment to a user (who didn't pay his bill) and had another rip out all the wiring in one of my other apartments. I don't have to tell you what that cost me. Plus my cousin lost her son about two years ago due to an overdose. She will never be the same.
I'm just wondering if one of the so called conservatives can inform me of what conservatism is with regard to economic policy.
I was under the impression that conservatism is lower taxes, lower government spending, and balanced budgets. I have never seen a conservative do this though. The era of big deficits and big government spending started with Reagan as he was the first president to say screw it just blow up the deficit.

Actually things might have turned out ok because Bill Clinton actually cut government spending and thus had a government surplus. All that was thrown out the window when Bush another so called conservative passed massive tax cuts that did little to spur economic growth along with massive government spending bills turning a surplus to a massive deficit.

Now we have Trump who has done the same as Bush and has enacted a massive tax cut and massive spending bills leading to a massive deficit 10 years into an economic expansion when deficits are supposed to be at their smallest.

I haven't seen any so-called conservatives criticizing any of this so I am just wondering what they believe in and what is conservatism?

I always find it hilarious when some folks complain about the excesses of only one party as if Carter and Obama were never guilty of the same sorts of policy bukmblings that Trump and W were.

BTW, Clinton and GINGRICH created the successful policies that gave us the 1990s boom times.

And BTW again, this month the federal government took in record tax revenues for any October in the history of this nation, but STILL MANAGED TO HAVE NEARLY A $100 BILLION SHORTFALL.

The problem is not that Americans are taxed too little but that the Feds cant control their own spending due to the explosive growth of political patronage systems caused by constant electioneering in EVERY YEAR from the minute after the close of the last election.

That has to stop and it will, but will it be a controlled or uncontrolled landing is the only question.
Well the difference is that the platform of conservatism is that they are supposed to control spending and debt, which they have not.
The "Feds" you mean the politicians? the politicians are the ones that have approved the massive spending bills of the past 2 years.

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