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What is currently holding YOU back from success???

Success happens when those prepared take advantage of the opportunites available to them.

Note that at least two conditions have to be in place

1. The person is prepared

2. That person has opportunity to use their preparedness.

Yes opportunity, all the education in thw world will not help you if there are no jobs for you.

Not that I don't appreciate where you're coming from, but the best thing about America, at least through our short history, is MAKING opportunities where none existed. Preparedness rules.

That being said, SOMEthing has to kick the bankers loose to free up capital or few in the millennial generation will ever get the chance to fail. THAT would be a sad addition to American history.

If the bankers are too chicken to take a chance on Americas youth, what say we turn The Federal Reserve into a retail operation?

:dunno: Who gives a fuck if the "Fed Rate" is at -0-? The Fed only loans to bankers.​

:eusa_think: What do you want to bet the bankers are taking that free Fed Money and simply trading with it for a tidy profit, instead of loaning it out to small businesses?
If it wasn't for all the rich people having all the money, I'd be successful. They should just have Congress pass laws to force the rich people to give me money, so I can be as successful as them. Then, when I have all their money, and I am as successful as they were, I can push Congress to pass laws not to give my money away to the poor people because I earned it and they didn't.
Let US hope you say this with tongue-in-cheek? Otherwise your Moniker would be quite faux.
If it wasn't for all the rich people having all the money, I'd be successful. They should just have Congress pass laws to force the rich people to give me money, so I can be as successful as them. Then, when I have all their money, and I am as successful as they were, I can push Congress to pass laws not to give my money away to the poor people because I earned it and they didn't.

Money given to you, isn't earned money you dumbass.

your sarcasm meter must be off today, dumbass.
If it wasn't for all the rich people having all the money, I'd be successful. They should just have Congress pass laws to force the rich people to give me money, so I can be as successful as them. Then, when I have all their money, and I am as successful as they were, I can push Congress to pass laws not to give my money away to the poor people because I earned it and they didn't.
Let US hope you say this with tongue-in-cheek? Otherwise your Moniker would be quite faux.

geebus.. can 'nobody' see sarcasm in that post? :rofl:
In order for the economy to be successful and prosperous it takes all levels of employment to be beneficial. Meaning not everyone can be a doctor, lawyer, or businesman. We also need the plumber, bus driver, and other percieved unskilled laborers. The problem comes in when the plumbers, bus drivers and other unskilled laborers keep working harder and harder yet not realizing their American dream. Then they look to the doctors, lawyers, and businessmen who have prospered at their expense, and feel cheated.

The unskilled workers don't want anything from the rich. What we want is a level playing field that the government isn't providing. The problem comes in when the rich who own businesses are also the ones running the government, they slant the board to their favor at the detriment of everyone else. Then you get into government nepotism and cronyism and the problem magnifies.

Watching the republican debates I have found that the discussion of actual government shrinkage is non existant. They talk about everything else but shrinking the government. None of them talk about how they are going to cut employees or their pay.

The OWS and the tea party have one thing in common, and that is the dissatisfaction with our current government. Sadly the Tea Party has been absorbed by the Republicans and have lost the majority of their power. The OWS has been called a mob, and is attacked daily by the media, but have not been absorbed by either party.

Our government needs to wake up, the media needs to shut up and listen, people are obvioulsy pissed off and if the government and the rich don't get it now they soon will later as we, as a nation, tear ourselves apart.
"The problem comes in when the rich who own businesses are also the ones running the government, they slant the board to their favor at the detriment of everyone else."

Very well said. That is EXACTLY the problem, I think. Too much cronyism. And before you far-rights get excited, this goes for your side too. Most people know that they will never be physicians, attorneys, or successful business owners. But they see politicians catering to their business interests, rather than the common man. The balance is WAY off. We have bird seed on one side and a fucking anvil on the other side of the balance scales.
Lets face it,most people feel much better about themselves when they're blaming anyone but themselves. It's a common trait amongst people who will not make the effort to work and be successful. Why not just blame some "Evil Boogeyman" for being a failure? It makes perfect sense for these people. There is work out there. If you really want to work,you will work. I really do believe that. And also trust in God. It helps a lot.
Well, one has to factor brains in there, as well. And if you're shy like I am, you have to be willing to do a job that not many others want to do. Take funeral service for instance: I applied for embalming school at the same time that I applied for paramedic school. I would have done embalming, but it was WAY too expensive, for what I could afford at the time.

Talk about a RECESSION PROOF job. No one ever wants to see a hearse back into their driveway, but it is a very important and necessary job.

That is my recommendation. It is bizarre, but it is true. If you find yourself without a job, or career, get into something that NO ONE else wants to do, and that we will always need. Ever if it is temporary, do it until the economy picks back up.
In order for the economy to be successful and prosperous it takes all levels of employment to be beneficial. Meaning not everyone can be a doctor, lawyer, or businesman. We also need the plumber, bus driver, and other percieved unskilled laborers. The problem comes in when the plumbers, bus drivers and other unskilled laborers keep working harder and harder yet not realizing their American dream. Then they look to the doctors, lawyers, and businessmen who have prospered at their expense, and feel cheated.

The unskilled workers don't want anything from the rich. What we want is a level playing field that the government isn't providing. The problem comes in when the rich who own businesses are also the ones running the government, they slant the board to their favor at the detriment of everyone else. Then you get into government nepotism and cronyism and the problem magnifies.

Watching the republican debates I have found that the discussion of actual government shrinkage is non existant. They talk about everything else but shrinking the government. None of them talk about how they are going to cut employees or their pay.

The OWS and the tea party have one thing in common, and that is the dissatisfaction with our current government. Sadly the Tea Party has been absorbed by the Republicans and have lost the majority of their power. The OWS has been called a mob, and is attacked daily by the media, but have not been absorbed by either party.

Our government needs to wake up, the media needs to shut up and listen, people are obvioulsy pissed off and if the government and the rich don't get it now they soon will later as we, as a nation, tear ourselves apart.

:eusa_eh: Plumbers are 'unskilled'?

It's not that the unskilled in America are idle. It's that a growing section of the skilled lower middle and middle classes are idle or living under the threat of job loss.

But that's just one of many symptoms of the problem - not the problem.

The problem is an unfair and complicated tax code and deficit spending that's out of control coupling with a lobby industry of former elected and appointed federal employees dedicated to manipulating government for profit and all the corruption that much "other peoples money" flowing through such a system can spawn.

Fair and simple taxes, a budget that's balanced by law and then build an economy your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
Oh, are we discussing something political? Is this a typical conservative confusion between what's right for the country and what's right for me, personally? I thought it was just a butinsky, nosy request for personal information to which none of you are entitled.

Over the past thirty years we have seen the bar of success rise higher and higher, as real wages have fallen, more and more families require two earners to maintain the living standards that used to be possible with one, college tuition has risen and non-loan financial aid has fallen, and health-care costs have soared through the roof. While it is still possible, certainly, to achieve success, it has become a lot harder than it used to be for everyone except the very wealthy.

When I, or any other progressive/liberal, points this out, you are NOT entitled to any assumptions about my/our personal circumstances. That's simply none of your business. Also, any suggestions, job offers, business offers, or other attempts to help me/us personally out of what you assume (without basis) to be my/our personal difficulty, totally miss the point.

Because it's not about me.

It's about America.

I'm a conservative and I'll give you this...it's definitely become tougher to climb the ladder.

I would posit that the main reason is inflation. While the cute little indices like CPI and PPI show inflation at nominal levels, the fact is it's become extremely expensive to live as the years have gone by. Wages haven't kept a good enough pace, and the reason is because the booms and busts are becoming much too frequent and employers realize that raising wages could be detrimental for business when the next inevitable recession hits and their payrolls become unsustainable. At that point it's either cut jobs or bleed money.

The problem is our government treats our currency like a tool for playing geopolitical games.

It's costing a small fortune just to operate a vehicle. That's because the
Federal Reserve creates seemingly endless amounts of money in their continually failing efforts to somehow magically save the economy everytime we enter a recession. Gasoline is high for the same reason all other commodities are high: inflation.
Oh, are we discussing something political? Is this a typical conservative confusion between what's right for the country and what's right for me, personally? I thought it was just a butinsky, nosy request for personal information to which none of you are entitled.

Over the past thirty years we have seen the bar of success rise higher and higher, as real wages have fallen, more and more families require two earners to maintain the living standards that used to be possible with one, college tuition has risen and non-loan financial aid has fallen, and health-care costs have soared through the roof. While it is still possible, certainly, to achieve success, it has become a lot harder than it used to be for everyone except the very wealthy.

When I, or any other progressive/liberal, points this out, you are NOT entitled to any assumptions about my/our personal circumstances. That's simply none of your business. Also, any suggestions, job offers, business offers, or other attempts to help me/us personally out of what you assume (without basis) to be my/our personal difficulty, totally miss the point.

Because it's not about me.

It's about America.

I'm a conservative and I'll give you this...it's definitely become tougher to climb the ladder.

I would posit that the main reason is inflation. While the cute little indices like CPI and PPI show inflation at nominal levels, the fact is it's become extremely expensive to live as the years have gone by. Wages haven't kept a good enough pace, and the reason is because the booms and busts are becoming much too frequent and employers realize that raising wages could be detrimental for business when the next inevitable recession hits and their payrolls become unsustainable. At that point it's either cut jobs or bleed money.

The problem is our government treats our currency like a tool for playing geopolitical games.

It's costing a small fortune just to operate a vehicle. That's because the
Federal Reserve creates seemingly endless amounts of money in their continually failing efforts to somehow magically save the economy everytime we enter a recession. Gasoline is high for the same reason all other commodities are high: inflation.

Gasoline is high because they need it high to make this bullshit known as "green energy" look like a viable althernative. There is no viable reason, none, for fuel prices to be so high.
I disagree. Inflation is just another symptom of the base problem: Corruption.

A tax code that is fair and simple, a budget that is balanced by law and then build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
So what do we do then?

Do we keep letting the conservatives blame the poor for being poor?

We watch them tear down Obama for there not being enough jobs, and then in the next sentance they tell the poor to go get a job. Well which is it, there aren't any jobs or that people are lazy and won't work?

The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans. Romney will get the nod to run against Obama and then it's a crap shoot from there.

Watching the OWS demonstrations, and the rise of the Tea Party it is clear that the American public has had enough of our disfunctional government. The public wants change in government and that is from both sides of the aisle. The fact that change isn't comming should show everyone that the two parties are the same. So what is the problem? The "Haves" are doing everything in their power to keep what they have at the expense of the "Have nots". Is that class warfare? not if the "Haves" come to their senses and realize that they can't keep shitting on the "Have nots" and get away with it. The "Haves" run our government and have packed it full of their friends and family, they have rigged the system so that only other "Haves" can get into office. They struggle amonst themselves to keep from having to divide the pie with other "haves". Who suffers during this struggle? the "Have nots".

We can discuss taxes, entitlements, and medical costs until we are blue in the face and it will not solve our problem. We need to rework our system of government, cut it in half by laying off government employees, reducing thier benefits and wages, and limiting their power. This is how we fix the problem. It's time for politicians to send their family out into the world to work instead of living off the public tit. It's not the "have nots" sucking us dry it is the cronyism, nepotism. The graft of these government employees and politicians doesn't seem to have an end. The "haves" run both Washington and Wall Street simultaneously all the while controlling the mainstream media (including FOX), and still the public knows the truth and is rebelling. It's time for a change I just hope it's peaceful, and the "haves" don't force it to be otherwise by not being reasonable.
Oh, are we discussing something political? Is this a typical conservative confusion between what's right for the country and what's right for me, personally? I thought it was just a butinsky, nosy request for personal information to which none of you are entitled.

Over the past thirty years we have seen the bar of success rise higher and higher, as real wages have fallen, more and more families require two earners to maintain the living standards that used to be possible with one, college tuition has risen and non-loan financial aid has fallen, and health-care costs have soared through the roof. While it is still possible, certainly, to achieve success, it has become a lot harder than it used to be for everyone except the very wealthy.

When I, or any other progressive/liberal, points this out, you are NOT entitled to any assumptions about my/our personal circumstances. That's simply none of your business. Also, any suggestions, job offers, business offers, or other attempts to help me/us personally out of what you assume (without basis) to be my/our personal difficulty, totally miss the point.

Because it's not about me.

It's about America.

I'm a conservative and I'll give you this...it's definitely become tougher to climb the ladder.

I would posit that the main reason is inflation. While the cute little indices like CPI and PPI show inflation at nominal levels, the fact is it's become extremely expensive to live as the years have gone by. Wages haven't kept a good enough pace, and the reason is because the booms and busts are becoming much too frequent and employers realize that raising wages could be detrimental for business when the next inevitable recession hits and their payrolls become unsustainable. At that point it's either cut jobs or bleed money.

The problem is our government treats our currency like a tool for playing geopolitical games.

It's costing a small fortune just to operate a vehicle. That's because the
Federal Reserve creates seemingly endless amounts of money in their continually failing efforts to somehow magically save the economy everytime we enter a recession. Gasoline is high for the same reason all other commodities are high: inflation.

Gasoline is high because they need it high to make this bullshit known as "green energy" look like a viable althernative. There is no viable reason, none, for fuel prices to be so high.

Yes there is a viable reason. The Federal Reserve has created unprecedented amounts of money and increased the money supply. It's forcing commodity prices higher like it always does.
For you to make a living wage, or get your fair share, or get a good job, or just get whatever it is you think is fair in life, what is stopping you right now?

- Is it lack of education? Colleges are accepting people.
- Lack of a job? Dominoes is hiring. Lots of people are hiring. But it'll be crappy work. However, even at Dominoes, you can make enough to get by and even pay for community college to learn a trade you can use to work.
- Is it a criminal record? Oops. Your fault.
- Is it the refusal to take a job that you feel is below you? Drop the pride.
- Is it debt? Medical? College? Fair enough. Take two jobs. Pay it down. It's gonna suck, but it's possible. You may have to work 2 jobs, 80 hours a week. Wait tables. Bartend. Deliver papers.
- Is it simply pride? Are you too proud to take a crappy job?

I just can't understand how any American can NOT be earning at least $40,000 if they want to. It may require working two jobs, or one job and working in a bar or restaurant at night or weekends. I see the classifieds on Sundays. People are hiring. Willing to wash dishes? YOu can earn $20,000 a year doing that full time, and plenty are looking. Supplement that with a second job, like delivering pizzas at night, or bartending, or driving a cab, or ANY of the many jobs in the classifieds, and you'll probably earn between $30-40,000 before taxes. Get a roommate. Thats a 60-80K combined.

Maybe I"m just not seeing the point. Work is out there for the willing. People can get by. I know people who worked two jobs for a decade or so, in the 80's, 90's, 00's. It's been done for a long long time , until they met enough connections or got enough experience, or paid their way through tech school, to finally land that good job.

I'm just interested. WHAT is holding you or anyone you know back from earning a fair wage?

Its none of that. The main thing that holds me back from getting a good job is that I am a white male. Because of my race and sex, I have been routinely denied employment and educational opportunities that I qualified for, pushed out by unqualified women and minorities. The oppression that I have suffered as a white male is extreme and debilitating. I pray that someone who represents my interests as an oppressed white male will take office and correct this, as it is the gravest racial and sex related injustice the world has ever seen.

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For you to make a living wage, or get your fair share, or get a good job, or just get whatever it is you think is fair in life, what is stopping you right now?

- Is it lack of education? Colleges are accepting people.
- Lack of a job? Dominoes is hiring. Lots of people are hiring. But it'll be crappy work. However, even at Dominoes, you can make enough to get by and even pay for community college to learn a trade you can use to work.
- Is it a criminal record? Oops. Your fault.
- Is it the refusal to take a job that you feel is below you? Drop the pride.
- Is it debt? Medical? College? Fair enough. Take two jobs. Pay it down. It's gonna suck, but it's possible. You may have to work 2 jobs, 80 hours a week. Wait tables. Bartend. Deliver papers.
- Is it simply pride? Are you too proud to take a crappy job?

I just can't understand how any American can NOT be earning at least $40,000 if they want to. It may require working two jobs, or one job and working in a bar or restaurant at night or weekends. I see the classifieds on Sundays. People are hiring. Willing to wash dishes? YOu can earn $20,000 a year doing that full time, and plenty are looking. Supplement that with a second job, like delivering pizzas at night, or bartending, or driving a cab, or ANY of the many jobs in the classifieds, and you'll probably earn between $30-40,000 before taxes. Get a roommate. Thats a 60-80K combined.

Maybe I"m just not seeing the point. Work is out there for the willing. People can get by. I know people who worked two jobs for a decade or so, in the 80's, 90's, 00's. It's been done for a long long time , until they met enough connections or got enough experience, or paid their way through tech school, to finally land that good job.

I'm just interested. WHAT is holding you or anyone you know back from earning a fair wage?

Its none of that. The main thing that holds me back from getting a good job is that I am a white male. Because of my race and sex, I have been routinely denied employment and educational opportunities that I qualified for, pushed out by unqualified women and minorities. The oppression that I have suffered as a white male is extreme and debilitating.

I'm no fan of affirmative action, but this is ridiculous ^
"What is currently holding YOU back from success"???

Nothing comes to mind. I tend to accomplish my goals, though not always for the duration I wish. Still, that other door does always open, and I am always ready. :D

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