*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

Yes mankind is much better off in societies that believe there is no God .

Atheists, What can we learn from Atheist Rulers?
1- China:
"The People's Republic of China was established October 1, 1949. Its government is officially atheist,"

Women in China are treated like slaves, concubines, and prostitutes. With more than a billion people, China has too many men. According to the latest census, an average of 120 boys are born for every 100 girls, the greatest imbalance in the world.


#2- North Korea
"North Korea is an atheist state, and Government policy continues to interfere with the individual's ability to choose and to manifest his or her religious belief."

"The Government deals harshly with all opponents, including those who engage in religious practices deemed unacceptable by the regime. An estimated 150,000 to 200,000 persons were believed to be held in detention camps in remote areas, many for religious and political reasons."


#3- Cuba
"Officially, Cuba was an atheist state from 1959 to the early 1990s"

"Cuban dissidents face arrest and imprisonment. In the 1990s, Human Rights Watch reported that Cuba's extensive prison system, one of the largest in Latin America, consists of some 40 maximum-security prisons, 30 minimum-security prisons, and over 200 work camps.[92] According to Human Rights Watch, political prisoners, along with the rest of Cuba's prison population, are confined to jails with substandard and unhealthy conditions."
Cuba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


#4- The Soviet Union
"The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion[1] and its replacement with atheism as a fundamental ideological goal of the state.[2][3] Toward that end, the communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools"

"The butchers who ran the Soviet Union killed between 25 million [The Black Book of Communism] and 60 million [Rudolph J. Rummel] innocent humans - men, women and little children. "

" Lenin and Trotsky killed 4 million people - men, women and children - by mass executions, death camps, and state-caused famine. See [The Black Book of Communism] for a good introduction to their genocide, which started as soon as they got into power in 1917

Here is a Body Count list of Communist nations (which many happen to be Atheists)

Here is a list of more Atheist States:

Dont forget Christian atrocities.

Would you like to point out any recent Christian atrocities ?

That is funny comparing the crusades to stallin or mao or even hitler.

Oh there more than just the crusades. Funny how you want to ignore something over 70 years old.
Sorry bout that,

1. Skull, Skull,......if you lie, you are in with the devil, in my book.

2. You perpetrate lies, and are in league with the devil as far as I'm concerned.
What lies have I uttered? Or is everyone who disagrees with you a liar for you to judge?

3. You deny God, so you support the devil.

FYI there is no devil. Because i do not believe in your god and the devil is a creation of your god then I it is impossible for me to believe a devil exists.

4. Whats funny, even the devil who I have run into, knows theres a God, and whom he is.

So a devil that does not exist told you that there is a god?

You are seriously delusional.

Yeah, I think you might be wrong with your historical references too SP.
Isn't the earth only 187 years old, or something like that?

That's why we haven't found two hundred year old fossil televisions.
And if god made man that means that god has failed.
Unless of course god does not believe in personal responsibility?
Sorry bout that,

1. I think atheist have in fact gone beyond the pail in killing innocents.
2. Yup, they be evil, and of the devil.
3. What can I say, I seldom miss it.
4. Atheists are more or less Nazi's they want me dead, and they want Jesus gone.
5. And they want everything.
6. Screw that, no thanks!
7. They try to frame reality for the public schools, saying we came from a mud puddle.
8. Claiming we evolved from monkeys.


1. Where is the threshold of killing beyond which it becomes unacceptable?
2. Atheists or innocents? Can you be an innocent atheist? Do innocent atheists deserve to die? Why would a Christian innocent care about dying?
3. You see all on your planet...are you the God of your world?
4. I doubt atheists give you a second thought, why do you think the world revolves about you, are you attempting to compete against God?
5. Christians want eternal life...that's quite a lot really.
6. Is that why you think you're God?
7. Christians think we came from dust.
8. Or from believing in magic...some still have some evolving to do.
9. How does one worship you Oh Lord?
Would you like to point out any recent Christian atrocities ?

That is funny comparing the crusades to stallin or mao or even hitler.

Oh there more than just the crusades. Funny how you want to ignore something over 70 years old.

Can you be more specific lets see if it compares to the things i listed.

Twentieth Century Atlas - Historical Body Count p.2
The Bible mentions about 1,283,000 mass killings in Exodus, Numbers, Judges, Kings and Chronicles.

In American Holocaust (1992), David Stannard estimates that some 30 to 60 million Africans died being enslaved. He claims a 50% mortality rate among new slaves while being gathered and stored in Africa, a 10% mortality among the survivors while crossing the ocean, and another 50% mortality rate in the first "seasoning" phase of slave labor. Overall, he estimates a 75-80% mortality rate in transit.

Conquistadors killed 15M Amerindians.

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trail of Tears - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emperor Karl (Charlemagne) in 782 had 4500 Saxons, unwilling to convert to Christianity, beheaded.

United States, eradication of the American Indians (1775-1890) 350,000 killed.

Witch Hunts- between 50-100,000 killed.

Vlad Dracula- 50-100,000 killed.

Peasants' War, Germany (1524-25)- 100,000 killed.

France, Religious Wars, Catholic vs. Huguenot (1562-1598) 3,000,000 killed.

The Thirty Years War- 7,500,000
Further reason we need God to lead our society man has failed completely.

Why would an omnipotent entity need to ‘lead’ anything?

Wow what a surprising answer,but you have a problem with God allowing freewill ?

Why would an omnipotent entity need to ‘allow’ anything?

An omnipotent entity can’t co-exist with ‘freewill,’ everything that happens, everything that exists was created by the entity by its own design – otherwise it would not be omnipotent and unworthy of worship.

The fact is we are utterly alone – your deity a myth.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its just a natural process, atheists can and will go into killing sprees, they can also do it on a large scale too, to them there is no God, so theres no point in doing whats right or just, just kill, kill, kill, its all good, and no one pays for sin.
2. Theres no eternal hell to them, no angry God who will cast them there, so its do what you want, and live like its your last day, not to be just alive, but last day to, *be*.
3. Its easy to go hog wild and start the killings for them.

Sorry bout that,

1. Its just a natural process, atheists can and will go into killing sprees, they can also do it on a large scale too, to them there is no God, so theres no point in doing whats right or just, just kill, kill, kill, its all good, and no one pays for sin.
2. Theres no eternal hell to them, no angry God who will cast them there, so its do what you want, and live like its your last day, not to be just alive, but last day to, *be*.
3. Its easy to go hog wild and start the killings for them.


The facts speak for themselves, theres lots of people that kill other people, religious or not.
Sorry bout that,

1. Those not with God, are automatically with Satan.:evil:
2. Its a *default* thing.:eusa_whistle:
3. Those not for Christ, are against, its basic logic.:eusa_hand:


So every human that existed before the bible was written was by default with the devil?

It's a false dichotomy which has nothing to do with logic.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its just a natural process, atheists can and will go into killing sprees, they can also do it on a large scale too, to them there is no God, so theres no point in doing whats right or just, just kill, kill, kill, its all good, and no one pays for sin.
2. Theres no eternal hell to them, no angry God who will cast them there, so its do what you want, and live like its your last day, not to be just alive, but last day to, *be*.
3. Its easy to go hog wild and start the killings for them.


So tell me, holy man, how many people were killed by Christians in the Crusades, the Inquisition, or any of the other pogroms in the name of your god?
Sorry bout that,

1. Its just a natural process, atheists can and will go into killing sprees, they can also do it on a large scale too, to them there is no God, so theres no point in doing whats right or just, just kill, kill, kill, its all good, and no one pays for sin.
2. Theres no eternal hell to them, no angry God who will cast them there, so its do what you want, and live like its your last day, not to be just alive, but last day to, *be*.
3. Its easy to go hog wild and start the killings for them.


So tell me, holy man, how many people were killed by Christians in the Crusades, the Inquisition, or any of the other pogroms in the name of your god?

He's being coy but I think it's clear that he is, in fact, God.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Its just a natural process, atheists can and will go into killing sprees, they can also do it on a large scale too, to them there is no God, so theres no point in doing whats right or just, just kill, kill, kill, its all good, and no one pays for sin.
2. Theres no eternal hell to them, no angry God who will cast them there, so its do what you want, and live like its your last day, not to be just alive, but last day to, *be*.
3. Its easy to go hog wild and start the killings for them.


The facts speak for themselves, theres lots of people that kill other people, religious or not.

1. Christians throughout time, have always had to weigh issues, do nothing, or do something, the lesser of two evils.
2. If we don't act in this way, this evil will come, if we do nothing, this evil will come, we are doing the same today, as its been seen, Islam has been doing evil to us Christians, culminating in the attacks on NYC and other locations, and finally we had to weigh the lesser of two evils.
3. One was keep doing nothing, allowing the Muslim terrorists to attack us.
4. Or go after them, and ofcourse people will die, our men and their people, be it terrorists and civilians.
5. So we are right back where the crusades were, and if we were wise, we wouldn't just be making these wars, then correcting the politics, we should be putting them into subjection, controlling them in all aspects, and taking their resources, because in war, to the winner goes the spoils.
6. American policy is self destructive, and we are setting up ourselves to fail, which this is a whole other topic.

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I think atheist have in fact gone beyond the pail in killing innocents.
2. Yup, they be evil, and of the devil.
3. What can I say, I seldom miss it.
4. Atheists are more or less Nazi's they want me dead, and they want Jesus gone.
5. And they want everything.
6. Screw that, no thanks!
7. They try to frame reality for the public schools, saying we came from a mud puddle.
8. Claiming we evolved from monkeys.


1. Where is the threshold of killing beyond which it becomes unacceptable?
2. Atheists or innocents? Can you be an innocent atheist? Do innocent atheists deserve to die? Why would a Christian innocent care about dying?
3. You see all on your planet...are you the God of your world?
4. I doubt atheists give you a second thought, why do you think the world revolves about you, are you attempting to compete against God?
5. Christians want eternal life...that's quite a lot really.
6. Is that why you think you're God?
7. Christians think we came from dust.
8. Or from believing in magic...some still have some evolving to do.
9. How does one worship you Oh Lord?

1. You are obviously of the devil.
2. Is this all you got Satan boy?

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Its just a natural process, atheists can and will go into killing sprees, they can also do it on a large scale too, to them there is no God, so theres no point in doing whats right or just, just kill, kill, kill, its all good, and no one pays for sin.
2. Theres no eternal hell to them, no angry God who will cast them there, so its do what you want, and live like its your last day, not to be just alive, but last day to, *be*.
3. Its easy to go hog wild and start the killings for them.


The facts speak for themselves, theres lots of people that kill other people, religious or not.

1. Christians throughout time, have always had to weigh issues, do nothing, or do something, the lesser of two evils.
2. If we don't act in this way, this evil will come, if we do nothing, this evil will come, we are doing the same today, as its been seen, Islam has been doing evil to us Christians, culminating in the attacks on NYC and other locations, and finally we had to weigh the lesser of two evils.
3. One was keep doing nothing, allowing the Muslim terrorists to attack us.
4. Or go after them, and ofcourse people will die, our men and their people, be it terrorists and civilians.
5. So we are right back where the crusades were, and if we were wise, we wouldn't just be making these wars, then correcting the politics, we should be putting them into subjection, controlling them in all aspects, and taking their resources, because in war, to the winner goes the spoils.
6. American policy is self destructive, and we are setting up ourselves to fail, which this is a whole other topic.


Yes a good point,i would feel more at ease about muslims if they spoke out and truly condemed and took action to stop the radicals.They try and portray themselves as peace loving muslims, But the only muslims i see speaking out against the radical muslims have left the religion and many have converted to Christianity.

I wonder why so many atheists will speak out against Christianity and or say what about muslims or compare Christianity to Islam. Surely they see the what going on with the different groups of Islam let alone what they are doing to the rest of the world.

I believe the biggest problems in religion are the biggest organized religions who do their own will not Gods will and when they do God denyers give the credit to God.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Those not with God, are automatically with Satan.:evil:
2. Its a *default* thing.:eusa_whistle:
3. Those not for Christ, are against, its basic logic.:eusa_hand:


So every human that existed before the bible was written was by default with the devil?

It's a false dichotomy which has nothing to do with logic.

1. As long as man and women have roamed the planet, Satan has been there trying to make us stumble.
2. You like those before Christ came; are by default, within the ruling powers of this world, as it is, which is Satan's kingdom.
3. Those before Christ had little chance to believe in the truth of Christ seeing he hadn't come to Israel yet, Israel being the first born of Promise to Abraham, the Jews not even being born yet.
4. They were offered a path or way out of hell, during the time Jesus was dead, when Christ went to the grave, and offered all of them a way out, if they would believe in him as the son of God, who takes away the sin of the world, which for sure millions did.
5. So unless you are born again, and eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ, with faith, you have no part with God, and are by default with Satan.
6. Simple fact.

Oh there more than just the crusades. Funny how you want to ignore something over 70 years old.

Can you be more specific lets see if it compares to the things i listed.

Twentieth Century Atlas - Historical Body Count p.2
The Bible mentions about 1,283,000 mass killings in Exodus, Numbers, Judges, Kings and Chronicles.

In American Holocaust (1992), David Stannard estimates that some 30 to 60 million Africans died being enslaved. He claims a 50% mortality rate among new slaves while being gathered and stored in Africa, a 10% mortality among the survivors while crossing the ocean, and another 50% mortality rate in the first "seasoning" phase of slave labor. Overall, he estimates a 75-80% mortality rate in transit.

Conquistadors killed 15M Amerindians.

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trail of Tears - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emperor Karl (Charlemagne) in 782 had 4500 Saxons, unwilling to convert to Christianity, beheaded.

United States, eradication of the American Indians (1775-1890) 350,000 killed.

Witch Hunts- between 50-100,000 killed.

Vlad Dracula- 50-100,000 killed.

Peasants' War, Germany (1524-25)- 100,000 killed.

France, Religious Wars, Catholic vs. Huguenot (1562-1598) 3,000,000 killed.

The Thirty Years War- 7,500,000

Did you ignore where i showed the only time Israel was to go to war is when God ordered it through the prophets and when he ordered such a war God already judged the nation.

Again in the New Testament God Condemed religions going out on their own and saying what they were doing was done in the name of God. There were no Christian prophets that ordered war. So these religions acted on their own and i am sure they will be judged for their actions why do you give credit to God for bad religions ?

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