*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

Who really gives a shit?

Back to the original post..

Atheists have a healthier view towards death. They live their lives knowing they have to make the best of it and look at death as part of life....not something to be feared

The religious can't imagine a world without them in it. They fear death and need some fairy tale to grasp that they won't really die if they jump through the right hoops. They can't accept that their loved ones have died and hold onto a childish hope that they will be somehow reunited

Thats what i thought.

The bible says the living are conscious they will die and the dead are of conscious of nothing. It often refers to death as a state of sleep.

I believe the dead are dead until the resurrection. But who does not in a sound mind does not fear death even though they say otherwise ?

Imagine being attacked by an animal that can kill you the thoughts in your head.

Imagine choking to death from water or smoke or food.

Can you imagine the will to survive that is installed in all walks of life it seems almost rediculous to say you do not fear death.
Who really gives a shit?

Back to the original post..

Atheists have a healthier view towards death. They live their lives knowing they have to make the best of it and look at death as part of life....not something to be feared

The religious can't imagine a world without them in it. They fear death and need some fairy tale to grasp that they won't really die if they jump through the right hoops. They can't accept that their loved ones have died and hold onto a childish hope that they will be somehow reunited

Thats what i thought.

The bible says the living are conscious they will die and the dead are of conscious of nothing. It often refers to death as a state of sleep.

I believe the dead are dead until the resurrection. But who does not in a sound mind does not fear death even though they say otherwise ?

Imagine being attacked by an animal that can kill you the thoughts in your head.

Imagine choking to death from water or smoke or food.

Can you imagine the will to survive that is installed in all walks of life it seems almost rediculous to say you do not fear death.

Doesn't mean you want to die...just don't need a rationalization that you will live forever.

When an atheist is attacked by an animal, he fights to live because this is the only life he has.

Christian says..."Gods will" and makes himself supper
Are you speaking of the New Testament ?

The biggest problem that you see is the problem are simply language barriers.

It's pretty tough going from Hebrew to aramaic to Egyptian coptic to greek to latin and english.

The translators had to cover all meanings to every word used in each language.

King James is a bastardization of the original text or texts. There are still may lost texts of the Bible that are popping up

The KJ true is not the oldest version and can you be specific about missing texts ?

It doesnt matter what version you abide by, they are all missing elements.
The bible was written by man. Before the bible was created the stories were handed down by word of mouth. True story.
God actually prefers Jews to Christians

Of all the religions of the world, God chose to have his son raised a Jew
King James is a bastardization of the original text or texts. There are still may lost texts of the Bible that are popping up

The KJ true is not the oldest version and can you be specific about missing texts ?

It doesnt matter what version you abide by, they are all missing elements.
The Council of Nicea picked the books that would be used and which would go in the trash. That was in 325 AD. They decided on the divinity of Christ, among other things.

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Two thousand years of editing and deleting those parts which are contradictory

A List Of Biblical Contradictions

You really don't want to go down this road with me. I have debated this issue for many years and what you call contradictions CAN easily be shown to be ignorance on the part of the accusers.

Trust me people have been trying this tactic for many years only be shown to be wrong.

Now if you insist i will debate you on this issue.

It is true because the bible tells me so is not an argument. Neither are lame interpretations of intent

You really don't want to go down this road with me. I have debated this issue for many years and what you call contradictions CAN easily be shown to be ignorance on the part of the accusers.

Trust me people have been trying this tactic for many years only be shown to be wrong.

Now if you insist i will debate you on this issue.

It is true because the bible tells me so is not an argument. Neither are lame interpretations of intent

A large part of the problems that people on your side call contradictions usually can be resolved through simple resoning and understanding what was truly meant.

Pick a contradiction and i will give you a demonstration.
I don't understand is how anyone could say there is no God. From the tiniest details of the planet to the vastness of the universe - it is truly and utterly amazing. So beautiful. And here, Earth, the perfect set up within our solar system to sustain life. The air, the trees, the waters, the mountains, the plains, the whitest of snows, the beautiful creatures....it boggles my mind that anyone would believe it's just an accident and that we came from nothing. With or without the "proof" of seeing God Himself.


Well, unlike you, I can understand it. Complexity does not imply Omniscience. It implies complexity, and that's it.

And there are plenty of other planets that can sustain life. Do some research.

My apologies if I sounded arrogant, but it's just always been that way for me. To me, it is common sense that there is a God, a Creator. Although I didn't truly know who the correct "God" was, until I came to Jesus Christ our Lord.

Now I realize you may think my saying that is arrogant too, but that is what happens through Jesus Christ. We actually KNOW. (Thats why you hear it said, "I once was blind, but now I see.") That's part of the song Amazing Grace, and also in the Bible. And we may stumble, we may fall, even lack in faith sometimes, but He is faithful and reminds us when we stumble, etc.. to confess to Him, to ask for forgiveness, (and He promises to forgive when we do) and to move on.

When we truly seek God He promises He will answer. (Yes, that means praying to Him personally and asking Him, "Are you real?", "What is the truth?".. I really want to know now, God. "Why are there so many religions?" "Who is the true God?" You see, He WILL answer. He is God, He is not a man, that He would lie, He is The God Almighty. The King of kings. He has promised that when we seek Him with full heart and soul, we will find Him. (This is because He knows our hearts, if they are true. If we are set out just to deny Him or mock Him, that won't work)

Many people who say they do not believe say they want "proof" of actually seeing Him. But as it is written in His Word, that is not how it will be for the majority of us while we are alive. He told us so and He told us that blessed are those who believe, but who have not seen. (When Jesus Christ walked the earth).

The first thing we repent of upon coming to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, is asking forgivness for not believing He IS Who He said He is. We ask for forgiveness for not believing Him. Words cannot describe that moment either. After that point, it still is not easy, sometimes even harder as some friends and family reject us, and actually can be very very very difficult.... but it is more than words can describe to have that knowledge of the truth of this world, and more than anything, knowing His love and learning from Him. My words cannot do Him justice.

As for life elsewhere, I understand what you are saying, however it is not like it is here on earth. I think science is great! I wish I could afford cable so I could watch programs of the like, nature channels, etc. But the difference between you and I is that I give the Glory to God for it all, instead of just "nothing." And I understand that it's impossible for someone to give Him Glory, until they know Him.

Hope that helps and thank you for discussing.

Too much tithing to afford cable, huh?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
When my body dies and the brain ceases to function, barring integration with other systems that continue the processes that have become a part of that greater system which gives rise to my mind, I cease to exist.
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?

What? Gravity is with us whether we like it or not.
Sorry bout that,

DEATH the meaning by a long time atheist .
you were not and then you were born. you were and then you were not

easy why make it any more complicated , religious nuts are always trying to make it something it isn't
to justify their irrational beliefs cus if there is NOTHING after death they have wasted the life they had

atheist just go out and enjoy life to the fullest while they have it .

here endeth the first lesson

1. So your whole existence is just a fluke of nature, your a product of chance, which has no real worth, or actual value, seeing your basically a mistake.

Our lives are what we make them

There can be no 'mistakes' if there's no intent
2. How can a Christian waste something thats a gift

How can an atheist waste something they were fortunate enough to have knowing it can't be replaced or restored?
, we get hope for free, we get eternal life for free, we learn the basic Christian principles from Jesus through the life he led

We are hope, we know we must make our lives what we wish them to be, and we're free to condemn slavery without 'sinning' by disagreeing with God.

We have our own moral compass

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G-UajSDW_E]YouTube - The non morality of theism[/ame]

That you can't imagine any point to life without being a slave to a magical sky daddy says much about you

Sorry bout that,

1. Life to an atheist is worthless, a fluke and has no real meaning, its basically pointless, and it wouldn't make any difference if they were even born, they are a weed without root, a *bad seed* that is as if he never was, a cast out thing, unworthy of movement, an evil within itself that sustains only evil, because there is no useful reason for them to even be alive, zombies that wander the planet, without a good enough reason to rise from the birthing table.
2. Evil unto themselves, untold damage is what they can do to their children as well, and others children and to the public in general.
3. Life is a God given gift, to say to God, you gave me nothing, is indeed evil, and to encourage others to make this claim, is the spreading of evil.
4. The miracle of life demands we acknowledge God, if we can't do as much, then their is no hope for a section of humanity, and why should there be?
5. This tares into the heart of humanity, it further sends souls towards an un-necessary doom, and is harmful to weak minds who are trying to figure what really matters, sure people are stupid, and are susceptible to believe this lie, and they are being sucker punched into a pointless, worthless life.
6. We are who we believe we are, and any atheist is following a lie,and death to them should be a nightmare, but they believe its *nothing*, which will be a shock to them when they find out their is life after death.
7. *ALL* live unto God, God will not allow you to just, *not be*.

Sorry bout that,

1. Life to an atheist is worthless, a fluke and has no real meaning, its basically pointless, and it wouldn't make any difference if they were even born, they are a weed without root, a *bad seed* that is as if he never was, a cast out thing, unworthy of movement, an evil within itself that sustains only evil, because there is no useful reason for them to even be alive, zombies that wander the planet, without a good enough reason to rise from the birthing table.

Life is indeed worth living. In fact life means whatever one wants it to mean. We have a unique ability among animals of being able to assign our own meanings to things. Any man can choose to do many useful things while he is alive or he can choose not to.

And let me remind you, "Judge not lest ye be judged" The instant you start labeling people who disagree with you as evil you are not living by your own god's words so it is you who are at fault. I live in congruence with my beliefs but because you deign to sit in judgment of me and those who do not believe in your god you do not have congruence and are out of balance in thought and deed.

2. Evil unto themselves, untold damage is what they can do to their children as well, and others children and to the public in general.

How does my not believing in your god pose a danger to society. I live within the laws of the land and do no harm to any other person. I am honest in my business dealings and treat my employees well. I am kind to animals. Tell me how does this harm anyone?
3. Life is a God given gift, to say to God, you gave me nothing, is indeed evil, and to encourage others to make this claim, is the spreading of evil.

Life is yours to live and yours to decide what to do with. You can't handle the thought of self determination so you fool yourself into thinking that someone else gives your life meaning.

4. The miracle of life demands we acknowledge God, if we can't do as much, then their is no hope for a section of humanity, and why should there be?

5. This tares into the heart of humanity, it further sends souls towards an un-necessary doom, and is harmful to weak minds who are trying to figure what really matters, sure people are stupid, and are susceptible to believe this lie, and they are being sucker punched into a pointless, worthless life.

Those that believe without proof are weak of mind. Humanity has advanced because of leaders not followers. JC himself was a radical in his day he did not follow the old ways and created a new path. You are a sheep, a follower and unless you step off the path and lead your view will always be the ass of the person in front of you.

6. We are who we believe we are, and any atheist is following a lie,and death to them should be a nightmare, but they believe its *nothing*, which will be a shock to them when they find out their is life after death.

I am prepared to live with the consequences of my choices. You live in fear of offending god. You are a coward.
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6. We are who we believe we are, and any atheist is following a lie,and death to them should be a nightmare, but they believe its *nothing*, which will be a shock to them when they find out their is life after death.

I am prepared to live with the consequences of my choices. You live in fear of offending god. You are a coward.

Lets reason shall we.

Did you ever read of Christians boldly standing up for what they believed in even if it meant death ? may Christians were given a chance to deny God and live and if they did not deny God they were put to death. Do you remember Christians being thrown to the lions for not rejecting God ?

If you obey your father and mother are you doing that out of cowardice ?

Can you ever point to a time when a atheist was hit with the same sort of dilemma ,renounce atheism or die ?

What would drive humans to kill or be so hateful towards a group that profess their beliefs in a loving creator?

Why do you yourself have such contempt for Christians ?

Christians are cowards :lol:
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