*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


wow your still stupid .
to an atheist death is the end of life ,nothing more .
and you can't prove them wrong
The same type of facts you claim for your humanist views, Reason and logic.


Just more proof of the willful ignorance of Christians...and the other religions...

Not The Same.. You have a fairy tale. We have actual real scientific research and logic.

Claiming those foundations are "The same" is past idiotic and way into bat shit crazy.

What am i ignorant of ?

So you have scientific evidence that there is no God ?

So you would put one of your science books up against the bible and your science book would prove to be more reliable ?

Do you realize the bible has spoken of things that was not realized by man until recently ?

Trying to prove there is no God is a fools errand. The fallacy of your question implies that there is a God to disprove. Your totally failed logic and misguided investigations could end up with any number of Gods. I can't scientifically prove that Mickey Mouse is not God so therefore he must be God...on and on ..so on and so forth...into infinity. Your claim does not suggest one god...it demands that all fantasies not dis-proven are in fact true. Therefore God is anything anyone dreams it might be.

The true path to wisdom and enlightenment is not to defeat a pointless maze ...it is to avoid them.

I do not care about your interpretations of your fantasy book. It is bad enough you waste your time in that manner...I will not follow.

Spare me and the rest of the world your stupid games. If you have a God have him/her/it show up plain as day with nothing left to ponder and I will gladly acknowledge it's existence and apologize. Till then bite me.
Sorry bout that,

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show

1. Christ is no fake.

Then prove it. Give me evidence that JC was in fact the deity in human form. Show me proof that your holy trinity exists.

1. Here's the deal, Jesus isn't expecting that everyone is going to believe, thats where the *Judas Factor* kicks in, *IF* I were to prove it to you Jesus Christ did exist, there is no way you would believe it, you are not fit to believe, its not for you, kinda like what happened to Judas, he was in, but he was always *out*.

I know exactly where i am.

2. You may know where you are physically, but you don't know where you are headed, spiritually, that you shall find out after death.

If I remember correctly there were humans living before JC was ever born. So how can all humanity be centered around him?

3. Well first off you would have to know, for a fact Jesus and The Father are *ONE*, and then you would need to believe, that Jesus being God, created all this, he made it and he can un-make it too.

Who said anything about hate? I don't hate anyone. You religious types seem to hate quite a bit though.
4. Sure you hate Christ, otherwise why do you refuse Christ?

5. You will have to harden your heart, to hate Jesus, and turn your back on Christ, in order to live your pathetic life whether you can see it or not.

My heart is just fine. And again with the hate. Here's a lesson that you bible thumpers never seem to get; the world is not black and white. Not believing in the man in the sky does not equal hate.
5. There can be no other cause you hate Christ, so you can't come to Christ.

6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Atheists are more tolerant than you are.

6. To be willful blind is sort of tolerant, but its not actually tolerant its just being *Pre-Existent* as if you never were, I propose atheists are already dead and in the grave, they just don't know it yet.

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1. Dark and empty? Actually, if you've ever been given a general anesthetic and awoke later having not remembered a thing about the time you were unconscious, that is the equivalent of death. Simply, nothing. It is neither dark, nor empty to you. You are just non-existent, just as you were before you were born.
2. I had religion funneled into my brain from infancy on until I could leave the nest. My parents were from a long line of Catholics and after my mother died when I was still a child, my dad remarried and converted to Lutheranism. I had to attend church regularly and attend bible school. I knew in my heart that there was no truth to it then and know the same now. I suppose you could think of it this way. If you as a Christian, know in your heart, why you do not believe in the gods of ancient Greece, Rome, Vikings, or the current gods of the Hindus, then you will know why I do not believe in your god. There really is no more evidence for the existence of their gods, than their is for your invisible, bearded being who supposedly occasionally grants wishes for people.
3. As to your last question, you want us to believe in what you believe because you were brainwashed to do this. The brainwashers were your parents, family members, parishoners and preachers. "Believe!, and get non-believers to believe!" Over and over and over, you were fed this.

That the entire universe is a complex system is true and humans when primitive had absolutely no answers at all about the universe and its wonders, so some came up with and extremely simplistic answer to things they did not understand (an invisible man did it all with the wave of his hand). It also allowed them to control the masses inner fears of death, getting them to believe in an afterlife and thus there would be no end.
Everyone wants to believe that there is no end to their existence and thus grasp onto anything that offers some alternative to an end to their lives. Believing in the existence of an invisible bearded being who will grant you immortality is a way of clinging to the idea that you won't die. One thing I can say with relative certainty and that is that while everyone says they know they will die, so far as I have seen, when each is told they are terminally-ill, they all initially go into denial. I work in a hospital with the terminally ill and their families. I've been doing this for years and they all have initially been in denial. While I am an athiest, my wife is a Christian. Many months ago, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. It is tragic to see her gradually getting worse. She is no exception to this phenomenon. When we were called into the doctor's office and informed of the diagnosis, her initial response was the same as the others....denial. Presently, she's in the depression stage and I try to keep her mentally occupied and focused on family and friends issues. So, deep down, humans give lip-service to being mortal, but in reality, subconsciously they don't believe it will happen to them and just to try and cling to an immortal existence.
Again, before you were born, you were not in the dark, alone, or scared. You simply didn't exist and when you pass on, it'll be the same. No dark. No being alone and no being scared.
Have a grand life Christian, for if you want to believe in the existence of that invisibile bearded guy in the sky who may or may not grant your wishes (prayers), that's your right. Our right is to not believe in it. But please remember this, despite what you may hear from preachers in the pulpit, we are not evil and dangerous. We have jobs and families; and we don't steal or murder. We don't preach an us against them mentality, as do preachers. We're your neighbors, coworkers, doctors, lawyers and scientists. Just regular people.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph are part of the Muslim Religion.

Your point being?

Judaism, Islam and Christianity were all founded by the same guy, Abraham. Did he found three religions? Or just one?

Yes, but I fail to comprehend what this has to do with those of a religious following who consider themselves to be somehow superior to non-believers.
Sorry bout that,

1. Christ is no fake.

Then prove it. Give me evidence that JC was in fact the deity in human form. Show me proof that your holy trinity exists.

I know exactly where i am.

If I remember correctly there were humans living before JC was ever born. So how can all humanity be centered around him?

Who said anything about hate? I don't hate anyone. You religious types seem to hate quite a bit though.

My heart is just fine. And again with the hate. Here's a lesson that you bible thumpers never seem to get; the world is not black and white. Not believing in the man in the sky does not equal hate.
6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Atheists are more tolerant than you are.

Jesus Christ was in fact God in human form,it was said all things that came into existence came into existence through Christ.

So what of the people and civilizations that existed before JC?

I can't give you proof that you expect but i believe as time goes by archaeologists are proving the man existed. The Jewish histoian Josephus did mention Christ and his followers.

I never said JC never existed. If fact I believe he was quite a charismatic man but there was nothing divine about him.

All life is centered around him because he created it if not for him none of us would be here.

Think about it; why would an all powerful god have to pretend to be a human in order to make people worship him? Why not just show up and tell everyone the real deal?

Hate, unfortunately exists in all walks of life, no one has cornered that market.

If Jesus Christ does exist and every word in the bible is correct i would say he is truly the most tolerant he allows his sun to shine down on both the holy and unholy. He allows the lost to be found and he leads many who are willing to everlasting life.

What are my views based on faith just simple faith i have no reason not to trust whats recorded in the scriptures.

And I have no reason to believe the scriptures are nothing but a fairy tale.
Sorry bout that,

1. Christ is no fake.

Then prove it. Give me evidence that JC was in fact the deity in human form. Show me proof that your holy trinity exists.

1. Here's the deal, Jesus isn't expecting that everyone is going to believe, thats where the *Judas Factor* kicks in, *IF* I were to prove it to you Jesus Christ did exist, there is no way you would believe it, you are not fit to believe, its not for you, kinda like what happened to Judas, he was in, but he was always *out*.

What about the bible's warning about being judgmental? By telling me I am unfit haven't you just disobeyed one of god's tenets? And if there were proof of god's existence we wouldn't be having this discussion. You have a problem with people who won't blindly accept your views.

I know exactly where i am.

2. You may know where you are physically, but you don't know where you are headed, spiritually, that you shall find out after death.

I don't concern myself with what will happen to me when I die. I prefer to live my life as I see fit in the present. The physical and spiritual as you call it are not separate things and I have a clean conscience. I do my best to live a life where my thoughts and actions are in congruence.

If I remember correctly there were humans living before JC was ever born. So how can all humanity be centered around him?

3. Well first off you would have to know, for a fact Jesus and The Father are *ONE*, and then you would need to believe, that Jesus being God, created all this, he made it and he can un-make it too.

Facts are able to be verified. You have not shown that the holy trinity is real. You have given me your opinion. I have my own opinion.

Who said anything about hate? I don't hate anyone. You religious types seem to hate quite a bit though.

My heart is just fine. And again with the hate. Here's a lesson that you bible thumpers never seem to get; the world is not black and white. Not believing in the man in the sky does not equal hate.

5. There can be no other cause you hate Christ, so you can't come to Christ.

You could not be more wrong.

6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Atheists are more tolerant than you are.

6. To be willful blind is sort of tolerant, but its not actually tolerant its just being *Pre-Existent* as if you never were, I propose atheists are already dead and in the grave, they just don't know it yet.

It is you who blindly accept stories as truth.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Dark and empty? Actually, if you've ever been given a general anesthetic and awoke later having not remembered a thing about the time you were unconscious, that is the equivalent of death. Simply, nothing. It is neither dark, nor empty to you. You are just non-existent, just as you were before you were born.
2. I had religion funneled into my brain from infancy on until I could leave the nest. My parents were from a long line of Catholics and after my mother died when I was still a child, my dad remarried and converted to Lutheranism. I had to attend church regularly and attend bible school. I knew in my heart that there was no truth to it then and know the same now. I suppose you could think of it this way. If you as a Christian, know in your heart, why you do not believe in the gods of ancient Greece, Rome, Vikings, or the current gods of the Hindus, then you will know why I do not believe in your god. There really is no more evidence for the existence of their gods, than their is for your invisible, bearded being who supposedly occasionally grants wishes for people.
3. As to your last question, you want us to believe in what you believe because you were brainwashed to do this. The brainwashers were your parents, family members, parishoners and preachers. "Believe!, and get non-believers to believe!" Over and over and over, you were fed this.

That the entire universe is a complex system is true and humans when primitive had absolutely no answers at all about the universe and its wonders, so some came up with and extremely simplistic answer to things they did not understand (an invisible man did it all with the wave of his hand). It also allowed them to control the masses inner fears of death, getting them to believe in an afterlife and thus there would be no end.
Everyone wants to believe that there is no end to their existence and thus grasp onto anything that offers some alternative to an end to their lives. Believing in the existence of an invisible bearded being who will grant you immortality is a way of clinging to the idea that you won't die. One thing I can say with relative certainty and that is that while everyone says they know they will die, so far as I have seen, when each is told they are terminally-ill, they all initially go into denial. I work in a hospital with the terminally ill and their families. I've been doing this for years and they all have initially been in denial. While I am an athiest, my wife is a Christian. Many months ago, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. It is tragic to see her gradually getting worse. She is no exception to this phenomenon. When we were called into the doctor's office and informed of the diagnosis, her initial response was the same as the others....denial. Presently, she's in the depression stage and I try to keep her mentally occupied and focused on family and friends issues. So, deep down, humans give lip-service to being mortal, but in reality, subconsciously they don't believe it will happen to them and just to try and cling to an immortal existence.
Again, before you were born, you were not in the dark, alone, or scared. You simply didn't exist and when you pass on, it'll be the same. No dark. No being alone and no being scared.
Have a grand life Christian, for if you want to believe in the existence of that invisibile bearded guy in the sky who may or may not grant your wishes (prayers), that's your right. Our right is to not believe in it. But please remember this, despite what you may hear from preachers in the pulpit, we are not evil and dangerous. We have jobs and families; and we don't steal or murder. We don't preach an us against them mentality, as do preachers. We're your neighbors, coworkers, doctors, lawyers and scientists. Just regular people.

1. So you carry the, *Judas Seed*?
2. You had every opportunity to believe, and yet, the *Good Seed* didn't take on you.
3. No one is responsible other than your lack of faith.
4. Who says I was brain washed?
5. Perhaps I was like you, carrying the *Judas Seed*, (unfruitful life), and the Lord Jesus Christ had mercy on me, removing that *Judas Seed* being born again, and implanting the *Good Seed*, (fruitful life) and revealed himself to me, in order to bring me into the proper place he had planned for me, ever since the world was created by him?
6. I don't carry any malice towards atheists, I feel sorry for you, but not hatred.
7. As Jesus said, he would allow both the *weeds* and the *good seed* to grow together, then one day he would rip out the weeds, and what will remain eternally will be the *Good Seed*.
8. And then at that time, he Jesus, will set up his kingdom on earth and be the God of this world, and kick out the devil, who presently sits on the thrown, and waters the weeds, ah what pretty weeds.

6. To be willful blind is sort of tolerant, but its not actually tolerant its just being *Pre-Existent* as if you never were, I propose atheists are already dead and in the grave, they just don't know it yet.

Umm you speak with the dead then?
Sorry bout that,

Your point being?

Judaism, Islam and Christianity were all founded by the same guy, Abraham. Did he found three religions? Or just one?

Yes, but I fail to comprehend what this has to do with those of a religious following who consider themselves to be somehow superior to non-believers.

1. Islam has no part of the *Mary & Jesus*, *The God King* being born of a virgin reality.
2. And Abraham didn't father three religions, Moses fathered the religion for the Jews, and Mohamed fathered their weed religion of Islam, Abraham had nothing to do with making the Christian religion.
3. Jesus is a Jew, born with the heritage of Abraham, as the prophets prophesied he would be, but thats mainly how the two are connected.

Sorry bout that,

Judaism, Islam and Christianity were all founded by the same guy, Abraham. Did he found three religions? Or just one?

Yes, but I fail to comprehend what this has to do with those of a religious following who consider themselves to be somehow superior to non-believers.

1. Islam has no part of the *Mary & Jesus*, *The God King* being born of a virgin reality.
2. And Abraham didn't father three religions, Moses fathered the religion for the Jews, and Mohamed fathered their weed religion of Islam, Abraham had nothing to do with making the Christian religion.
3. Jesus is a Jew, born with the heritage of Abraham, as the prophets prophesied he would be, but thats mainly how the two are connected.


Umm was not islam founded by the descendants of the bastard son of Abraham?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Yes, but I fail to comprehend what this has to do with those of a religious following who consider themselves to be somehow superior to non-believers.

1. Islam has no part of the *Mary & Jesus*, *The God King* being born of a virgin reality.
2. And Abraham didn't father three religions, Moses fathered the religion for the Jews, and Mohamed fathered their weed religion of Islam, Abraham had nothing to do with making the Christian religion.
3. Jesus is a Jew, born with the heritage of Abraham, as the prophets prophesied he would be, but thats mainly how the two are connected.


Umm was not islam founded by the descendants of the bastard son of Abraham?

1. The *bad seed* they were, indeed that is true, and still they are the *bad seeds*.
2. Jesus' heritage was of the *Good Seed* through Sarah the mother of the Jews.
3. As prophesied before Jesus was even born, he was expected, but wasn't widely accepted.
4. That tells me, that the *bad seed* were so entrenched in this world, as it is now, that Jesus couldn't find good ground enough to benefit those of that era, but with watering and pruning, to where it slowly took hold, and what we see now is a huge vineyard with out growing all over the planet.
5. These things are known of in the Bible, and what it teahes are for everyone to behold.

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Then prove it. Give me evidence that JC was in fact the deity in human form. Show me proof that your holy trinity exists.

I know exactly where i am.

If I remember correctly there were humans living before JC was ever born. So how can all humanity be centered around him?

Who said anything about hate? I don't hate anyone. You religious types seem to hate quite a bit though.

My heart is just fine. And again with the hate. Here's a lesson that you bible thumpers never seem to get; the world is not black and white. Not believing in the man in the sky does not equal hate.

Atheists are more tolerant than you are.

Jesus Christ was in fact God in human form,it was said all things that came into existence came into existence through Christ.

So what of the people and civilizations that existed before JC?

I never said JC never existed. If fact I believe he was quite a charismatic man but there was nothing divine about him.

All life is centered around him because he created it if not for him none of us would be here.

Think about it; why would an all powerful god have to pretend to be a human in order to make people worship him? Why not just show up and tell everyone the real deal?

Hate, unfortunately exists in all walks of life, no one has cornered that market.

If Jesus Christ does exist and every word in the bible is correct i would say he is truly the most tolerant he allows his sun to shine down on both the holy and unholy. He allows the lost to be found and he leads many who are willing to everlasting life.

What are my views based on faith just simple faith i have no reason not to trust whats recorded in the scriptures.

And I have no reason to believe the scriptures are nothing but a fairy tale.

It took a perfect man adam to get us in this mess and it took a perfect man to get us out of this mess.

There must be atonement for all sin with God.

Civilizations before Christ offered up sacrifices for their sins as was ordered by God. It was usually once a year or when they happened to be at the place of atonement offerings.

God is a spirit who took the form of a man just as sometimes Angels took the form of men.

Well i don't know but things that were recorded in the scriptures like the Hydrologic system- how the earth gets fresh water- long before man knew what it was shows someone divine must have inspired the scriptures. The accurate history that was recorded oh and even prophecy that was recorded thousands of years before the fact adds for me credibility to the scriptures and suggests it's not a book of fairytales.
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Jesus Christ was in fact God in human form,it was said all things that came into existence came into existence through Christ.

So what of the people and civilizations that existed before JC?

I never said JC never existed. If fact I believe he was quite a charismatic man but there was nothing divine about him.

Think about it; why would an all powerful god have to pretend to be a human in order to make people worship him? Why not just show up and tell everyone the real deal?

Hate, unfortunately exists in all walks of life, no one has cornered that market.

If Jesus Christ does exist and every word in the bible is correct i would say he is truly the most tolerant he allows his sun to shine down on both the holy and unholy. He allows the lost to be found and he leads many who are willing to everlasting life.

What are my views based on faith just simple faith i have no reason not to trust whats recorded in the scriptures.

And I have no reason to believe the scriptures are nothing but a fairy tale.

It took a perfect man adam to gey us in this mess and it took a perfect man to get us out of this mess.

There must be atonement for all sin with God.

Civilizations before Christ offered up sacrifices for their sins as was ordered by God. It was usually once a year or when they happened to be at the place of atonement offerings.

God is a spirit who took the form of a man just as sometimes Angels took the form of men.

Well i don't know but things that were recorded in the scriptures like the Hydrologic system- how the earth gets fresh water- long before man knew what it was shows someone divine must have inspired the scriptures. The accurate history that was recorded oh and even prophecy that was recorded thousands of years before the fact adds for me credibility to the scriptures and suggests it's not a book of fairytales.

Suggests to you?

That is not proof. The bible was written by men. In fact the Nicene council, a council of men, are the ones who compiled what they thought should be included in the bible. And in the time honored tradition of Christianity the council burned any writings they believed were not divine. So in all truth it is impossible to know what christian religious doctrines existed before the currently accepted ones.

Now tell me don't you think these men may have acted in their own self interests when compiling what would become the definitive doctrine of a religion?
Sorry bout that,

Yes, but I fail to comprehend what this has to do with those of a religious following who consider themselves to be somehow superior to non-believers.

1. Islam has no part of the *Mary & Jesus*, *The God King* being born of a virgin reality.
2. And Abraham didn't father three religions, Moses fathered the religion for the Jews, and Mohamed fathered their weed religion of Islam, Abraham had nothing to do with making the Christian religion.
3. Jesus is a Jew, born with the heritage of Abraham, as the prophets prophesied he would be, but thats mainly how the two are connected.


Umm was not islam founded by the descendants of the bastard son of Abraham?

The Jews were ordered by God to keep accurate lines of descendancy that is how God kept the chosen line acceptable. And it was also used to determine prophecy concerning the messiah that would come.

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