*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

Sorry bout that,

People who post nonsense like this think they are getting into heaven :lol:

Can you imagine God having to read your shit every day?

Only God can read the hearts of men and has the right to judge.

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show

1. Christ is no fake.
2. Untill you get that, you will be steadily lost.
3. Life as a human will always be centered around Christ, you will never be able to escape that, no one will.
4. I will love Jesus, and you will always have to hate him to stay lost.
5. You will have to harden your heart, to hate Jesus, and turn your back on Christ, in order to live your pathetic life whether you can see it or not.
6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Note: This is general post, not directed at anyone particaluarly.

Sorry bout that,

Only God can read the hearts of men and has the right to judge.

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show

1. Christ is no fake.

Then prove it. Give me evidence that JC was in fact the deity in human form. Show me proof that your holy trinity exists.

2. Untill you get that, you will be steadily lost.

I know exactly where i am.

3. Life as a human will always be centered around Christ, you will never be able to escape that, no one will.

If I remember correctly there were humans living before JC was ever born. So how can all humanity be centered around him?
4. I will love Jesus, and you will always have to hate him to stay lost.

Who said anything about hate? I don't hate anyone. You religious types seem to hate quite a bit though.
5. You will have to harden your heart, to hate Jesus, and turn your back on Christ, in order to live your pathetic life whether you can see it or not.

My heart is just fine. And again with the hate. Here's a lesson that you bible thumpers never seem to get; the world is not black and white. Not believing in the man in the sky does not equal hate.
6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Atheists are more tolerant than you are.
Sorry bout that,

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show

1. Christ is no fake.

Then prove it. Give me evidence that JC was in fact the deity in human form. Show me proof that your holy trinity exists.

I know exactly where i am.

If I remember correctly there were humans living before JC was ever born. So how can all humanity be centered around him?

Who said anything about hate? I don't hate anyone. You religious types seem to hate quite a bit though.
5. You will have to harden your heart, to hate Jesus, and turn your back on Christ, in order to live your pathetic life whether you can see it or not.

My heart is just fine. And again with the hate. Here's a lesson that you bible thumpers never seem to get; the world is not black and white. Not believing in the man in the sky does not equal hate.
6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Atheists are more tolerant than you are.

Jesus Christ was in fact God in human form,it was said all things that came into existence came into existence through Christ.

I can't give you proof that you expect but i believe as time goes by archaeologists are proving the man existed. The Jewish histoian Josephus did mention Christ and his followers.

All life is centered around him because he created it if not for him none of us would be here.

Hate, unfortunately exists in all walks of life, no one has cornered that market.

If Jesus Christ does exist and every word in the bible is correct i would say he is truly the most tolerant he allows his sun to shine down on both the holy and unholy. He allows the lost to be found and he leads many who are willing to everlasting life.

What are my views based on faith just simple faith i have no reason not to trust whats recorded in the scriptures.
Sorry bout that,

Only God can read the hearts of men and has the right to judge.

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show

1. Christ is no fake.
2. Untill you get that, you will be steadily lost.
3. Life as a human will always be centered around Christ, you will never be able to escape that, no one will.
4. I will love Jesus, and you will always have to hate him to stay lost.
5. You will have to harden your heart, to hate Jesus, and turn your back on Christ, in order to live your pathetic life whether you can see it or not.
6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Note: This is general post, not directed at anyone particaluarly.


Sounding just like those people you hate so much...you know...Muslims. They believe they are superior to non believers too. Change Jesus to mohammed in your rendering and there you have it.
Sorry bout that,

Absolutely....and God knows who really believes in him and who just practices religion for show

1. Christ is no fake.
2. Untill you get that, you will be steadily lost.
3. Life as a human will always be centered around Christ, you will never be able to escape that, no one will.
4. I will love Jesus, and you will always have to hate him to stay lost.
5. You will have to harden your heart, to hate Jesus, and turn your back on Christ, in order to live your pathetic life whether you can see it or not.
6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Note: This is general post, not directed at anyone particaluarly.


Sounding just like those people you hate so much...you know...Muslims. They believe they are superior to non believers too. Change Jesus to mohammed in your rendering and there you have it.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph are part of the Muslim Religion.
Being dead is just like it was before you were born.

And that wasn't so bad, was it?
Sorry bout that,

1. Christ is no fake.
2. Untill you get that, you will be steadily lost.
3. Life as a human will always be centered around Christ, you will never be able to escape that, no one will.
4. I will love Jesus, and you will always have to hate him to stay lost.
5. You will have to harden your heart, to hate Jesus, and turn your back on Christ, in order to live your pathetic life whether you can see it or not.
6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Note: This is general post, not directed at anyone particaluarly.


Sounding just like those people you hate so much...you know...Muslims. They believe they are superior to non believers too. Change Jesus to mohammed in your rendering and there you have it.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph are part of the Muslim Religion.

Your point being?
Sorry bout that,

1. Christ is no fake.

Then prove it. Give me evidence that JC was in fact the deity in human form. Show me proof that your holy trinity exists.

I know exactly where i am.

If I remember correctly there were humans living before JC was ever born. So how can all humanity be centered around him?

Who said anything about hate? I don't hate anyone. You religious types seem to hate quite a bit though.

My heart is just fine. And again with the hate. Here's a lesson that you bible thumpers never seem to get; the world is not black and white. Not believing in the man in the sky does not equal hate.
6. All atheists do it, you can't change that.

Atheists are more tolerant than you are.

Jesus Christ was in fact God in human form,it was said all things that came into existence came into existence through Christ.

I can't give you proof that you expect but i believe as time goes by archaeologists are proving the man existed. The Jewish histoian Josephus did mention Christ and his followers.

All life is centered around him because he created it if not for him none of us would be here.

Hate, unfortunately exists in all walks of life, no one has cornered that market.

If Jesus Christ does exist and every word in the bible is correct i would say he is truly the most tolerant he allows his sun to shine down on both the holy and unholy. He allows the lost to be found and he leads many who are willing to everlasting life.

What are my views based on faith just simple faith i have no reason not to trust whats recorded in the scriptures.

Really?? A Fact??? What an idiot. See...That's why atheists can't take anything you say seriously. It all comes like brown air out your asses.
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Then prove it. Give me evidence that JC was in fact the deity in human form. Show me proof that your holy trinity exists.

I know exactly where i am.

If I remember correctly there were humans living before JC was ever born. So how can all humanity be centered around him?

Who said anything about hate? I don't hate anyone. You religious types seem to hate quite a bit though.

My heart is just fine. And again with the hate. Here's a lesson that you bible thumpers never seem to get; the world is not black and white. Not believing in the man in the sky does not equal hate.

Atheists are more tolerant than you are.

Jesus Christ was in fact God in human form,it was said all things that came into existence came into existence through Christ.

I can't give you proof that you expect but i believe as time goes by archaeologists are proving the man existed. The Jewish histoian Josephus did mention Christ and his followers.

All life is centered around him because he created it if not for him none of us would be here.

Hate, unfortunately exists in all walks of life, no one has cornered that market.

If Jesus Christ does exist and every word in the bible is correct i would say he is truly the most tolerant he allows his sun to shine down on both the holy and unholy. He allows the lost to be found and he leads many who are willing to everlasting life.

What are my views based on faith just simple faith i have no reason not to trust whats recorded in the scriptures.

Really?? A Fact??? What an idiot. Se...That's why atheists can't take anything you say seriously. It all comes like brown air out your asses.

The same type of facts you claim for your humanist views, Reason and logic.
Jesus Christ was in fact God in human form,it was said all things that came into existence came into existence through Christ.

I can't give you proof that you expect but i believe as time goes by archaeologists are proving the man existed. The Jewish histoian Josephus did mention Christ and his followers.

All life is centered around him because he created it if not for him none of us would be here.

Hate, unfortunately exists in all walks of life, no one has cornered that market.

If Jesus Christ does exist and every word in the bible is correct i would say he is truly the most tolerant he allows his sun to shine down on both the holy and unholy. He allows the lost to be found and he leads many who are willing to everlasting life.

What are my views based on faith just simple faith i have no reason not to trust whats recorded in the scriptures.

Really?? A Fact??? What an idiot. Se...That's why atheists can't take anything you say seriously. It all comes like brown air out your asses.

The same type of facts you claim for your humanist views, Reason and logic.


Just more proof of the willful ignorance of Christians...and the other religions...

Not The Same.. You have a fairy tale. We have actual real scientific research and logic.

Claiming those foundations are "The same" is past idiotic and way into bat shit crazy.
I, as an Atheist, have a normal and healthy attitude toword death. I know that death is merely a process of transformation. All living things eventualy die. If life is not a bad thing, why should death be a bad thing ? Why not accept death as a natural part of the life process? Why think you have a right to be exempt from dying ? Why assume that death is a form of suffering or punishment ?

A scientific look at death and dying shows that it is a life-supporting transformational process. Life cannot exist with death. Every time you eat something, you kill something. Death is a transitional form of life. In Physics, there is no clear deliniation between living matter and dead matter. In Biology we have only "clinical death".

But apearantly you do not think at all the way an Atheist does. You expect to be given "absolute facts" ; easy, cozy answers, and then, and only then, you are willing to accept them as "beliefs". "Who can I allow to do my thinking for me ?" You constantly ask.

An Atheist does not expect to be served with truth. We do not expect Devine Revelation to answer all our questions about the Universe. An Atheist accepts the beauty and mystery of life without demanding explicit messages from an anthropomorphic "creator" and we do not believe that beauty requires an excuse for existing.

An Atheist would never attempt to instruct you to believe what he believes, he only expects that you, as a human being, would also have the ability to think rationally and would abhore being fed a mountain of fairy tales just for the sake of comforting a lazy mind. But ofcourse Atheists can be wrong.

Atheists have the great advantage of standing in total awe of the beauty and complexity of the Universe without the shame and guilt of being a "Believer". . .

I cannot speak for other Atheists, but I have high standards of behavior; I would never let any "Deity" order me to take a knife to my childs throat, nor go to war to kill other peoples children. I would chose to disobay such an order. An immoral "God" cannot exist in my opinion.

I can tell you one thing: Atheists come into this world innocent and we leave this world, perhaps more knowledgable, but just as innocent.

I can tell you that the last thing I fear is dying someday !
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Really?? A Fact??? What an idiot. Se...That's why atheists can't take anything you say seriously. It all comes like brown air out your asses.

The same type of facts you claim for your humanist views, Reason and logic.


Just more proof of the willful ignorance of Christians...and the other religions...

Not The Same.. You have a fairy tale. We have actual real scientific research and logic.

Claiming those foundations are "The same" is past idiotic and way into bat shit crazy.

What am i ignorant of ?

So you have scientific evidence that there is no God ?

So you would put one of your science books up against the bible and your science book would prove to be more reliable ?

Do you realize the bible has spoken of things that was not realized by man until recently ?
I, as an Atheist, have a normal and healthy attitude toword death. I know that death is merely a process of transformation. All living things eventualy die. If life is not a bad thing, why should death be a bad thing? Why can't you accept death as a natural part of the life process? Why do you think you have a right to be exempt from dying ? Why do you assume that death is a form of suffering or punishment ?

A scientific look at death and dying shows that it is life-supporting transformational process. A transitional form of life. In Physics, there is no clear deliniation between living matter and dead matter. In Biology we have only "clinical death".

Apearantly you do not think at all the way an Atheist does. You expect to be given "absolute facts" ; easy, cozy answers, and then, and only then, you are willing to accept them as "beliefes".

An Atheist does not expect to be served with truth. We do not expect Devine Revelation to answer all our questions about the Universe. An Atheist accepts the beauty and mystery of life without demanding explicit messages from an anthropomorphic "creator".

An Atheist would never attempt to instruct you to believe what he believes, he only expects that you, as a human being, would also have the ability to think rationally and would abhore being fed a mountain of fairy tales just for the sake comforting a lazy mind. But ofcourse Atheists can be wrong.

Atheists have the great advantage of standing in total awe of the beauty and complexity of the Universe without the shame and guilt of being a "Believer". . .

I can tell you that the last thing I fear is dying someday !

Well you understand all living things eventually die but maybe you should be asking yourself how everything that dies was once not living and came to life, why ?

Why is guilt attributed to believing in an unseen force ?
I, as an Atheist, have a normal and healthy attitude toword death. I know that death is merely a process of transformation. All living things eventualy die. If life is not a bad thing, why should death be a bad thing? Why can't you accept death as a natural part of the life process? Why do you think you have a right to be exempt from dying ? Why do you assume that death is a form of suffering or punishment ?

A scientific look at death and dying shows that it is life-supporting transformational process. A transitional form of life. In Physics, there is no clear deliniation between living matter and dead matter. In Biology we have only "clinical death".

Apearantly you do not think at all the way an Atheist does. You expect to be given "absolute facts" ; easy, cozy answers, and then, and only then, you are willing to accept them as "beliefes".

An Atheist does not expect to be served with truth. We do not expect Devine Revelation to answer all our questions about the Universe. An Atheist accepts the beauty and mystery of life without demanding explicit messages from an anthropomorphic "creator".

An Atheist would never attempt to instruct you to believe what he believes, he only expects that you, as a human being, would also have the ability to think rationally and would abhore being fed a mountain of fairy tales just for the sake comforting a lazy mind. But ofcourse Atheists can be wrong.

Atheists have the great advantage of standing in total awe of the beauty and complexity of the Universe without the shame and guilt of being a "Believer". . .

I can tell you that the last thing I fear is dying someday !

You can bravely say that now ,but at the moment of truth the truth will be known by you and God.
Sounding just like those people you hate so much...you know...Muslims. They believe they are superior to non believers too. Change Jesus to mohammed in your rendering and there you have it.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph are part of the Muslim Religion.

Your point being?

Judaism, Islam and Christianity were all founded by the same guy, Abraham. Did he found three religions? Or just one?

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