*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

I am prepared to live with the consequences of my choices. You live in fear of offending god. You are a coward.

Lets reason shall we.

Did you ever read of Christians boldly standing up for what they believed in even if it meant death ? may Christians were given a chance to deny God and live and if they did not deny God they were put to death. Do you remember Christians being thrown to the lions for not rejecting God ?
And Muslims, and Hindus, and Buddhists, and Jews, and pagans, and atheists.

If you obey your father and mother are you doing that out of cowardice ?
If you do it out of fear, then yes.

Can you ever point to a time when a atheist was hit with the same sort of dilemma ,renounce atheism or die ?
Besides Socrates? There were Jean-Francois de la Barre, Kazimierz Łyszczyński, Étienne Dolet, and [ulr=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucilio_Vanini]Lucilio Vanini[/url] all executed for atheism or blasphemy. So, to name a time: ancient Greece, and 16th-18th centuries in Europe.

What would drive humans to kill or be so hateful towards a group that profess their beliefs in a loving creator?
Why was there conflict and death among various Christian groups?
Lets reason shall we.

Did you ever read of Christians boldly standing up for what they believed in even if it meant death ? may Christians were given a chance to deny God and live and if they did not deny God they were put to death. Do you remember Christians being thrown to the lions for not rejecting God ?
And Muslims, and Hindus, and Buddhists, and Jews, and pagans, and atheists.

If you do it out of fear, then yes.

Besides Socrates? There were Jean-Francois de la Barre, Kazimierz Łyszczyński, Étienne Dolet, and [ulr=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucilio_Vanini]Lucilio Vanini[/url] all executed for atheism or blasphemy. So, to name a time: ancient Greece, and 16th-18th centuries in Europe.

What would drive humans to kill or be so hateful towards a group that profess their beliefs in a loving creator?
Why was there conflict and death among various Christian groups?

You made a good point and at the same moment a bad point by including atheists.

Care to point out when atheists put their lives at risk to believe there is no God ?

Is fear not a form of respect ?

That is true there was and still are conflicts between Christians and i believe i have been clear i am not big on organized religion. I believe religion was a product of man not God. Religion is devisive and keeps Gods children divided. The book of revelation talks of the great harlot that will be judged by God and i believe that great harlot is relion that was created by man with their own agenda not truly representing God.

Well i will give you that there were few who opposed the idea of God and paid with their lives but really nothing like what religous groups have suffered for their beliefs.
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I am prepared to live with the consequences of my choices. You live in fear of offending god. You are a coward.

Lets reason shall we.

If only a sheep could reason.

Did you ever read of Christians boldly standing up for what they believed in even if it meant death ? may Christians were given a chance to deny God and live and if they did not deny God they were put to death. Do you remember Christians being thrown to the lions for not rejecting God ?

I've read of many people being put to death for many reasons. Human history is rife with murder and ruin. It was not only Christians who were killed in fact many Christians did killing of their own in the name of your god.

Seems to me you people are no better than the Romans, the Nazis, Stalin, Mao etc.

If you obey your father and mother are you doing that out of cowardice ?

It depends but certainly parents rule by fear. If one continues to fear their parents when they are old enough to think for themselves then they are cowards. You forget that children are supposed to be fearful and that adults are supposed to outgrow their fears.

Can you ever point to a time when a atheist was hit with the same sort of dilemma ,renounce atheism or die ?

I'm sure atheists have been out to death in history for non belief. It's our nature to do so.

What would drive humans to kill or be so hateful towards a group that profess their beliefs in a loving creator?

I already addressed the blood lust of the human race.

Why do you yourself have such contempt for Christians ?

Christians are cowards :lol:

I have contempt for people who are sheep. Sheep are meant to be led to slaughter
Care to point out when atheists put their lives at risk to believe there is no God ?
I did.

Is fear not a form of respect ?
only in an archaic use of the word.

Well i will give you that there were few who opposed the idea of God and paid with their lives but really nothing like what religous groups have suffered for their beliefs.
But that was mostly at the hands of other religious groups. For the most part atheists kept quiet rather than face blasphemy charges.
Care to point out when atheists put their lives at risk to believe there is no God ?
I did.

Is fear not a form of respect ?
only in an archaic use of the word.

Well i will give you that there were few who opposed the idea of God and paid with their lives but really nothing like what religous groups have suffered for their beliefs.
But that was mostly at the hands of other religious groups. For the most part atheists kept quiet rather than face blasphemy charges.

So the poster made a bad accusation by saying Christians were cowards by believing out of fear correct ?
Lets reason shall we.

If only a sheep could reason.

I've read of many people being put to death for many reasons. Human history is rife with murder and ruin. It was not only Christians who were killed in fact many Christians did killing of their own in the name of your god.

Seems to me you people are no better than the Romans, the Nazis, Stalin, Mao etc.

It depends but certainly parents rule by fear. If one continues to fear their parents when they are old enough to think for themselves then they are cowards. You forget that children are supposed to be fearful and that adults are supposed to outgrow their fears.

I'm sure atheists have been out to death in history for non belief. It's our nature to do so.

I already addressed the blood lust of the human race.

Why do you yourself have such contempt for Christians ?

Christians are cowards :lol:

I have contempt for people who are sheep. Sheep are meant to be led to slaughter

King David was a sheep herder as well as a sheep he was not lead to slaughter was he ? fact is there were many warriors of God.

I have addressed this many times any Christian that would turn on another Christian did so on a case of their own agenda not Gods agenda.

Religion in some cases have become perverse.

I am a non denominational Christian, you're are putting all Christians in the same group. True Christians did not commit murder in the name of God.
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If only a sheep could reason.

I've read of many people being put to death for many reasons. Human history is rife with murder and ruin. It was not only Christians who were killed in fact many Christians did killing of their own in the name of your god.

Seems to me you people are no better than the Romans, the Nazis, Stalin, Mao etc.

It depends but certainly parents rule by fear. If one continues to fear their parents when they are old enough to think for themselves then they are cowards. You forget that children are supposed to be fearful and that adults are supposed to outgrow their fears.

I'm sure atheists have been out to death in history for non belief. It's our nature to do so.

I already addressed the blood lust of the human race.

I have contempt for people who are sheep. Sheep are meant to be led to slaughter

King David was a sheep herder as well as a sheep he was not lead to slaughter was he ? fact is there were many warriors of God.

I have addressed this many times any Christian that would turn on another Christian did so on a case of their own agenda not Gods agenda.

Religion in some cases have become perverse.

I am a non denominational Christian, you're are putting all Christians in the same group. True Christians did not commit murder in the name of God.

Just like "real" Muslims don't kill people.

It's your way of rationalizing the murder your fellow Christians have committed in the name of your god.

So tell me were the priests of the Inquisition not really Christians?

Were the People who killed witches in Salem not really Christian?

Were the people who literally branded heretics not really Christian?

Were the people who perpetrated the crime of the Crusades not really Christian?

I think you need to start your own religion if you want to separate yourself from the murderous history of Christianity.
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Care to point out when atheists put their lives at risk to believe there is no God ?
I did.

only in an archaic use of the word.

Well i will give you that there were few who opposed the idea of God and paid with their lives but really nothing like what religous groups have suffered for their beliefs.
But that was mostly at the hands of other religious groups. For the most part atheists kept quiet rather than face blasphemy charges.

So the poster made a bad accusation by saying Christians were cowards by believing out of fear correct ?

Incorrect. If a person believes in rewards of life after death if he remains faithful, then he would not necessarily fear earthly death in the belief of eternal reward. But he would fear eternal punishment. So which is the greater fear: temporary torture or eternal torture? Willingness to face persecution might simply be the greater fear of eternal punishment. The Soviet Army stopped cowardice before the Germans by shooting their own people so that the soldiers were more afraid of their own side than the Germans....it wasn't bravery, it was the lesser of two fears.
Were the People who burned witches at the stake in Salem not really Christian?

Nobody burned any witches at the stake in Salem.

1. The accused weren't really witches.
2. They were hanged. (except one guy who was crushed to death with rocks)

Were the People who killed witches in Salem not really Christian?
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King David was a sheep herder as well as a sheep he was not lead to slaughter was he ? fact is there were many warriors of God.

I have addressed this many times any Christian that would turn on another Christian did so on a case of their own agenda not Gods agenda.

Religion in some cases have become perverse.

I am a non denominational Christian, you're are putting all Christians in the same group. True Christians did not commit murder in the name of God.

Just like "real" Muslims don't kill people.

It's your way of rationalizing the murder your fellow Christians have committed in the name of your god.

So tell me were the priests of the Inquisition not really Christians?

Were the People who burned witches at the stake in Salem not really Christian?

Were the people who literally branded heretics not really Christian?

Were the people who perpetrated the crime of the Crusades not really Christian?

I think you need to start your own religion if you want to separate yourself from the murderous history of Christianity.

No i'm not distancing myself from other Christians only the major organized churches that did not teach according to the scriptures. I will not judge others that is what God will do.

If a church is commiting murder in the name of God i'm sure they will answer for their acts.

I do not judge all muslims because a few radical ones but i have no reason to trust the koran.

God ordered to put to death murderers and has had his people to attack other people that would be the only time the order should be followed but however God no longer orders war since he died to save mankind.

How these orders came about was through the known prophets of God that are recorded in the old testament.

I don't try to rationalize murder.

I can't read a mans heart and i am not my fellow mans judge that is left to God.

No Christian church that teaches doctrines that are not firmly established in the scriptures are representing the truth of God.

Abraham nor Moses needed an organized religion to have a good relationship with God.

Matter of fact that was a bone that God had to pick with Israel because they were teaching commandments of men rather then commandments of God. Also with the Christian churches.

Isa 29:13 And the Lord said, because this people come near to me with their mouths, and give honour to me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, and their fear of me is false, a rule given them by the teaching of men;

Mat 15:9 But in vain they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

Tit 1:14 not giving heed to Jewish myths and commandments of men, turning away from the truth.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Skull, Skull,......if you lie, you are in with the devil, in my book.
2. You perpetrate lies, and are in league with the devil as far as I'm concerned.
3. You deny God, so you support the devil.
4. Whats funny, even the devil who I have run into, knows theres a God, and whom he is.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Skull, Skull,......if you lie, you are in with the devil, in my book.

2. You perpetrate lies, and are in league with the devil as far as I'm concerned.
What lies have I uttered? Or is everyone who disagrees with you a liar for you to judge?

3. You deny God, so you support the devil.

FYI there is no devil. Because i do not believe in your god and the devil is a creation of your god then I it is impossible for me to believe a devil exists.

4. Whats funny, even the devil who I have run into, knows theres a God, and whom he is.

So a devil that does not exist told you that there is a god?

You are seriously delusional.
Sorry bout that,

1. Skull, Skull,......if you lie, you are in with the devil, in my book.
2. You perpetrate lies, and are in league with the devil as far as I'm concerned.
3. You deny God, so you support the devil.
4. Whats funny, even the devil who I have run into, knows theres a God, and whom he is.


All this is is a post to bash non-Christians.
Were the People who burned witches at the stake in Salem not really Christian?

Nobody burned any witches at the stake in Salem.

1. The accused weren't really witches.
2. They were hanged. (except one guy who was crushed to death with rocks)

Were the People who killed witches in Salem not really Christian?

the witches they burnt real witches .
but that didn't matter to christians , the eat their own
Sorry bout that,

1. Those not with God, are automatically with Satan.:evil:
2. Its a *default* thing.:eusa_whistle:
3. Those not for Christ, are against, its basic logic.:eusa_hand:

Nobody burned any witches at the stake in Salem.

1. The accused weren't really witches.
2. They were hanged. (except one guy who was crushed to death with rocks)

Were the People who killed witches in Salem not really Christian?

the witches they burnt real witches .
but that didn't matter to christians , the eat their own

Yes mankind is much better off in societies that believe there is no God .

Atheists, What can we learn from Atheist Rulers?
1- China:
"The People's Republic of China was established October 1, 1949. Its government is officially atheist,"

Women in China are treated like slaves, concubines, and prostitutes. With more than a billion people, China has too many men. According to the latest census, an average of 120 boys are born for every 100 girls, the greatest imbalance in the world.


#2- North Korea
"North Korea is an atheist state, and Government policy continues to interfere with the individual's ability to choose and to manifest his or her religious belief."

"The Government deals harshly with all opponents, including those who engage in religious practices deemed unacceptable by the regime. An estimated 150,000 to 200,000 persons were believed to be held in detention camps in remote areas, many for religious and political reasons."


#3- Cuba
"Officially, Cuba was an atheist state from 1959 to the early 1990s"

"Cuban dissidents face arrest and imprisonment. In the 1990s, Human Rights Watch reported that Cuba's extensive prison system, one of the largest in Latin America, consists of some 40 maximum-security prisons, 30 minimum-security prisons, and over 200 work camps.[92] According to Human Rights Watch, political prisoners, along with the rest of Cuba's prison population, are confined to jails with substandard and unhealthy conditions."
Cuba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


#4- The Soviet Union
"The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion[1] and its replacement with atheism as a fundamental ideological goal of the state.[2][3] Toward that end, the communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools"

"The butchers who ran the Soviet Union killed between 25 million [The Black Book of Communism] and 60 million [Rudolph J. Rummel] innocent humans - men, women and little children. "

" Lenin and Trotsky killed 4 million people - men, women and children - by mass executions, death camps, and state-caused famine. See [The Black Book of Communism] for a good introduction to their genocide, which started as soon as they got into power in 1917

Here is a Body Count list of Communist nations (which many happen to be Atheists)

Here is a list of more Atheist States:
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Were the People who killed witches in Salem not really Christian?

the witches they burnt real witches .
but that didn't matter to christians , the eat their own

Yes mankind is much better off in societies that believe there is no God .

Atheists, What can we learn from Atheist Rulers?
1- China:
"The People's Republic of China was established October 1, 1949. Its government is officially atheist,"

Women in China are treated like slaves, concubines, and prostitutes. With more than a billion people, China has too many men. According to the latest census, an average of 120 boys are born for every 100 girls, the greatest imbalance in the world.


#2- North Korea
"North Korea is an atheist state, and Government policy continues to interfere with the individual's ability to choose and to manifest his or her religious belief."

"The Government deals harshly with all opponents, including those who engage in religious practices deemed unacceptable by the regime. An estimated 150,000 to 200,000 persons were believed to be held in detention camps in remote areas, many for religious and political reasons."


#3- Cuba
"Officially, Cuba was an atheist state from 1959 to the early 1990s"

"Cuban dissidents face arrest and imprisonment. In the 1990s, Human Rights Watch reported that Cuba's extensive prison system, one of the largest in Latin America, consists of some 40 maximum-security prisons, 30 minimum-security prisons, and over 200 work camps.[92] According to Human Rights Watch, political prisoners, along with the rest of Cuba's prison population, are confined to jails with substandard and unhealthy conditions."
Cuba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


#4- The Soviet Union
"The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion[1] and its replacement with atheism as a fundamental ideological goal of the state.[2][3] Toward that end, the communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools"

"The butchers who ran the Soviet Union killed between 25 million [The Black Book of Communism] and 60 million [Rudolph J. Rummel] innocent humans - men, women and little children. "

" Lenin and Trotsky killed 4 million people - men, women and children - by mass executions, death camps, and state-caused famine. See [The Black Book of Communism] for a good introduction to their genocide, which started as soon as they got into power in 1917

Here is a Body Count list of Communist nations (which many happen to be Atheists)

Here is a list of more Atheist States:

Dont forget Christian atrocities.
Sorry bout that,

1. I think atheist have in fact gone beyond the pail in killing innocents.
2. Yup, they be evil, and of the devil.
3. What can I say, I seldom miss it.
4. Atheists are more or less Nazi's they want me dead, and they want Jesus gone.
5. And they want everything.
6. Screw that, no thanks!
7. They try to frame reality for the public schools, saying we came from a mud puddle.
8. Claiming we evolved from monkeys.

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the witches they burnt real witches .
but that didn't matter to christians , the eat their own

Yes mankind is much better off in societies that believe there is no God .

Atheists, What can we learn from Atheist Rulers?
1- China:
"The People's Republic of China was established October 1, 1949. Its government is officially atheist,"

Women in China are treated like slaves, concubines, and prostitutes. With more than a billion people, China has too many men. According to the latest census, an average of 120 boys are born for every 100 girls, the greatest imbalance in the world.


#2- North Korea
"North Korea is an atheist state, and Government policy continues to interfere with the individual's ability to choose and to manifest his or her religious belief."

"The Government deals harshly with all opponents, including those who engage in religious practices deemed unacceptable by the regime. An estimated 150,000 to 200,000 persons were believed to be held in detention camps in remote areas, many for religious and political reasons."


#3- Cuba
"Officially, Cuba was an atheist state from 1959 to the early 1990s"

"Cuban dissidents face arrest and imprisonment. In the 1990s, Human Rights Watch reported that Cuba's extensive prison system, one of the largest in Latin America, consists of some 40 maximum-security prisons, 30 minimum-security prisons, and over 200 work camps.[92] According to Human Rights Watch, political prisoners, along with the rest of Cuba's prison population, are confined to jails with substandard and unhealthy conditions."
Cuba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


#4- The Soviet Union
"The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion[1] and its replacement with atheism as a fundamental ideological goal of the state.[2][3] Toward that end, the communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools"

"The butchers who ran the Soviet Union killed between 25 million [The Black Book of Communism] and 60 million [Rudolph J. Rummel] innocent humans - men, women and little children. "

" Lenin and Trotsky killed 4 million people - men, women and children - by mass executions, death camps, and state-caused famine. See [The Black Book of Communism] for a good introduction to their genocide, which started as soon as they got into power in 1917

Here is a Body Count list of Communist nations (which many happen to be Atheists)

Here is a list of more Atheist States:

Dont forget Christian atrocities.

Would you like to point out any recent Christian atrocities ?

That is funny comparing the crusades to stallin or mao or even hitler.

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