What is drawing immigrants to America?

A 'vacuum' draws things in.

Air conditioning, abundance of water, free food, free housing, comparatively low crime. And to leave for a society and legal system that is in their favor, not against their favor.

Problem is these are not people who magically turn into good upstanding Americans as soon as they cross the border. No, they will continue their lower standards of living, their lower class lifestyles, crimes and so on here and if enough come in here eventually we will become the very place they left.

Even the ones that do work will just do low end menial labor that doesn't really contribute to society or make us stronger. They arent doctors or engineers coming here mostly.

And they have no love for America. They are just slightly upgrading their shitty lives to be less shitty. They won't conform to America, they expect America to conform to them.

Basically most of them come here to suck on America's tit.

But as far as why they are coming here? The world economic forum is why.

They said America is done very soon. What better way to cook America than to rot it from the inside out with waves of illegals that drain our country and burden it, errode away what makes America America, to divide the people, and dillute the white Christian people who make America what it is.
France Gave Us the Statue of Liberty. Now We Need It to Give Us Its Guillotines.

Those were White people, driven by the same excluding preordained class that has taken over here, using ferals as weapons of Birth-Class Supremacy.
America's early immigration was a latter-day rehearsal of the children of Israel fleeing the hardship of Canaan into Egypt at the invitation of their brother Joseph.
Just think.....if you're over 55 YOU are the last generation that will ever know how great America once was and what freedom meant.

All younger generations will know is a surveillance state, oppressive taxes, government control of your every move from cradle to grave and a decaying society turned war zone. (If Dems don't start WW3 first - (likely)).

Yipeee !!
Just think.....if you're over 55 YOU are the last generation that will ever know how great America once was and what freedom meant.

All younger generations will know is a surveillance state, oppressive taxes, government control of your every move from cradle to grave and a decaying society turned war zone. (If Dems don't start WW3 first - (likely)).

Yipeee !!
Actually, the government doesn't seem to know or care what the hell is going on in the country.

The illegals with Stolen ids in Construction are making 8000 plus a month
Where at and let us see their pay stub.
What’s bringing illegals here today is the promise of free stuff from xiden and company.

when folks came here in 1800s, legally, that wasn’t the case
What promise?

They want to come here for a better life just like the migrants of the 1800 and 1900s people.

Why is that simple fact lost on you?

Yes, racism.
What promise?

They want to come here for a better life just like the migrants of the 1800 and 1900s people.

Why is that simple fact lost on you?

Yes, racism.
Actually, most aren't finding jobs, so they rely on the free stuff.

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