What is drawing immigrants to America?

Depends on which illegals.

For some it is to sell poisons, get free stuff and commit crime or inject foreign spies into your country.

Others it is to find work opportunities and live in a nation that has a cherished Constitution.

The problem is, without any legitimate and extensive vetting process, you are going to have far too many who are up to no good.
A 'vacuum' draws things in.
Yeah, I don't even bother with responding to pablum like that any more.

You'd have to undo his entire worldview first, before he could even begin to grasp the error in his logic.

And it's just not worh it. Not to me anyway.
When you say worldview, are we not part of the world?
How many immigrants live there?

Trump is gaining minority support across the board.

The Catch22 is that we can only pay immigrants low wages to pick our foods. These foods are only available because of cheap immigrant labor. Many businesses only exist because of cheap immigrant labor. However, illegals are also displacing Americans in other occupations, especially the building trades. These aren't jobs that "Americans won't do."
Exactly right on all points.
100 percent Trump supporter.
Good! That's the first step accomplished toward seeing the elephant in the room that Trump has created by proclaiming that America started the war against Russia and is to blame!
The first mistake is calling them "immigrants". This implies a legal status when in fact these people are criminals. The liberal media won't investigate how Central America and South American insane asylums and prisons are emptied and the crazies and criminals are sent north with the rest of the hoard because the media doesn't want to create criticism for the deranged fool in the3 White House. We see evidence of illegal aliens raping and murdering Americans almost every day but the media refuses to blame Biden.
it took what...200 years to build a technological and economic powerhouse that the world envied.......

But only a few elected Democrats to bring it all crumbling down into ruins, chaos, poverty and despair for ALL.

Well damn. Maybe we shoulda done sumpin?
OH..and not just free stuff.

There are so many America haters coming on in who are planning to do us in.
(remember when we trained the foreigners how to fly our own planes into our own twin towers?)

The Dems are hell bent on their own demise since the democrat cities are where the worst of the carnage will take place (and already is)
it took what...200 years to build a technological and economic powerhouse that the world envied.......

But only a few elected Democrats to bring it all crumbling down into ruins, chaos, poverty and despair for ALL.

Well damn. Maybe we shoulda done sumpin?
If we each do a little, we can all do a lot. However, we can't make up for what others refuse to do.

The illegals with Stolen ids in Construction are making 8000 plus a month
Push pull. NAFTA destroyed a lot of agricultural and meat production in Mexico and South America, and forced migration north. The drug wars and color revolutions we promote caused a lot of turmoil everywhere, and encouraged even more, and now we are making them feel at home here, immune to any prosecution with the promise of more love. Allowing employers here to hire illegals also destroys any possibility of enforcement and is also creating a sub culture of distrust. Other than that, there is the fawning of the media with their poster children stories of success in cherry picked cases, given out like treats to the viewers. Of course there is the mandatory shaming if you point out the obvious that maybe we need to slow it down a little.

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