What is feminism today?

All the low hanging fruit were gathered years ago by feminism.

Used to be all the jobs open to women were teachers, nurses and secretaries.

Now, a woman can do pretty much anything and they do.

Not sure what's left for women really.

Men still don't help out around the house enough. That's something that deserves focus.
Feminism, sadly, is dead as a doornail. Killed by the transgender extremists. Female sports, dead. Female anything is dead so long as transgender males get to engage in that activity.
Bottom line--it is one more divisive movement. Each one of these special interest movements are. People are losing sight of the fact that ALL people share this planet and the ONLY movement should be a humanist movement with strict equality at its center. Governments cannot make special accommodations for every group who feels they are not treated fairly. If special accommodations are made for any specific group then there will be a negative effect on some other group as a result. The answer lies in enacting policies that produce the most good for the most people. Inevitably, there will be some that fall between the cracks but then it is up to a benevolent population to help those who are in those cracks. Government cannot be all things to all people. A great man once said, "You can please some of the people all of the time, and you can please all of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time." That is the reality of life.
Why not?

To this day, women are not paid for the same work men do. But I guess you just think they're asking for special favors.
I think your view is flawed. In my experience over many years, I have seen the changes from a time when women were grossly underpaid for the same work as men. That has changed in the US. I have not worked a job in forty years that women were paid less than men for the same job and the women that I worked alongside will attest. This is not to say, that there are not outliers--there always are--in ANY example.
I think your view is flawed. In my experience over many years, I have seen the changes from a time when women were grossly underpaid for the same work as men. That has changed in the US. I have not worked a job in forty years that women were paid less than men for the same job and the women that I worked alongside will attest. This is not to say, that there are not outliers--there always are--in ANY example.
Your anecdotal evidence proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt!
It has always been a white middle class movement. In fact, after the Second Wave attempts were made to export it to other countries where it was promptly rejected and, subsequently, led to the origins of the Third Wave. It turns out that no other countries viewed upper middle class white women from the west as something to aspire to. I mean they still hadn't quite got over that colonization and treat the locals like they were subhuman thingy.

We don't need to reinvent the wheel here.
The major battles took place during my mother's generation so that I wouldn't have to fight them. She couldn't attend because she was at work.

I can go to school and have access to the same jobs. I can buy whatever I want. I go wherever I want. I can do whatever the hell I want whenever I want. I'm not limited.

I was a pretty hard-core feminist up until about 7/ 8 years ago when A BUNCH OF UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS WHITE WOMEN started throwing online tantrums. Then came the hat. It's now another divide and conquer strategy.

I make sure that my son knows women's history especially regarding employment as well as things like the law and what was really going on straight from women's history textbooks.

So, if the "feminists" of today want to jump up and down that's fine. I will continue to ignore them until they talk like they have some damn sense.
- feminism-we are men.png
supporting our women everywhere and it's fundamental underpinning, freedom of choice and individual autonomy, everywhere in the world.
Everywhere except for the United States – where women will soon be losing both their freedom of choice and individual autonomy.

Remarkable to consider that women in America will not be as free as women in other industrialized nations.

No. Third Wave is my generation. There were no battles with exception to attitudes. As it turns out, our love language is sarcasm and we really aren't fond of people...any gender.

What You have now is a shit fest or fourth wave.
Everywhere except for the United States – where women will soon be losing both their freedom of choice and individual autonomy.

Remarkable to consider that women in America will not be as free as women in other industrialized nations.
And only the election of Democrats will save us all.

They might not be the exact physical equal, but it seems they can do a good job. Again, look at Israel.

I AM looking at Israel. The ISRAELI studies show that the effectiveness of combat units drops substantially when women are in them. However, like I also said, if they are pilots, or artillery, or some other technical branch the problems are diminished.
Female sports are dead? Tell that to the WNBA and the LPGA. I dont think they are aware that women sports are dead.

Womens swimming, males wins. Female track and field, males win.

As usual, you ignore reality.
I would disagree. Women's sports and transgender inclusion is a very new thing and completely unsettled. It's just beginning to be argued against strongly and we have yet to see the outcome.

Tell that to female athletes hoping to get scholarships to college. It's going to be all trans boys taking them.

I guess the only place for biological women is in the bedroom, and the kitchen, eh coyote?

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