What is feminism today?

I have no issue with transgender people though I do think there is a fad going on now with many more young people "discovering" they are trans but...might not really be. For those that are, their life is hard, and they don't deserve to have it made any harder than it is by us. They only area where I disagree is in adult sports.

Transgenders are DESTROYING female sports. If you give a crap about females, you should be anti trans participating in female sporting events.
I would like to hear what the incels on here think.
You mean people who disagree with you?

I already stated I have no issues with my body my choice, as long as it applies to all issues.
Abortion, vaccines, medical treatment and the curse of our nation, the failed Drug War, or as my grandparents called it. Prohibition.
I will also add - kudos to folks like AOC and other progressives who put front and center certain issues where our country lags behind others in terms of women. One of those is in childcare and paid family leave. Women were disproportionately hit by the job loss during the pandemic at many times the rate of men. With schools closed it fell on women primarily to educate and commit to in home childcare. They are still in the labor market at rates well below that of pre-pandemic levels. That actually has an effect on our overall economy.

Outside childcare is not back to the pre-pandemic levels. Long waiting lists, and in households now financially strapped - harder to afford.
Oh Lord... I hope my husband iamwhatiseem doesn't see this post!!!! :cool:
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Feminism, sadly, is dead as a doornail. Killed by the transgender extremists. Female sports, dead. Female anything is dead so long as transgender males get to engage in that activity.

I would disagree. Women's sports and transgender inclusion is a very new thing and completely unsettled. It's just beginning to be argued against strongly and we have yet to see the outcome.
Relevant reading...

How to stamp out cultural Marxism in a single generation

"...It is perhaps no mistake that cultural Marxists in the form of social justice warriors, PC busybodies and feminists tend to create artificial divisions between people and “classes” while attacking and homogenizing very real and natural divisions between individuals based on biological reality and inherent genetic and psychological ability. This is what cultural Marxists do: divide and conquer or homogenize and conquer, whatever the situation happens to call for..."

While women become more and more unhappy, men and masculinity are essentially demonized by cultural Marxists (mainly feminists) as “toxic.” This propaganda campaign has been so successful that men in many first world nations are beginning to pursue, for all intents and purposes, an asexual lifestyle safer from collectivist intrusions and judgments...

...As if the psychological browbeating were not enough, the chemistry of the male body is also being warped by estrogen-imitating chemicals present in industrial products, plastics and soy-based foods. A decline in normal levels of male testosterone and an ever increasing hormonal feminization of younger generations of men and boys is becoming prevalent..."
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You mean people who disagree with you?

I already stated I have no issues with my body my choice, as long as it applies to all issues.
Abortion, vaccines, medical treatment and the curse of our nation, the failed Drug War, or as my grandparents called it. Prohibition.
So a one rule fits all no matter the situation and no matter that none of what you mentioned relates. Brilliant thinking there, Einstein.

No there are actual incels on here. You can tell they really hate women. It's pretty obvious in their posts, topic dependent of course. I'm sure some will appear here.
This is just me speaking for myself personally, but, I resent feminism ... I would love to not work have just stayed home with my kids.... but that's me.... I can't speak for others. Everyone is different!
I would disagree. Women's sports and transgender inclusion is a very new thing and completely unsettled. It's just beginning to be argued against strongly and we have yet to see the outcome.

As long as women let men invade their sports then it's all good.

Women don't need to hold any positions of honor or prestige.

Abortion really is the only thing that matters.
This is just me speaking for myself personally, but, I resent feminism ... I would love to not work have just stayed home with my kids.... but that's me.... I can't speak for others. Everyone is different!
That day and option will be here sooner than you think.
This is just me speaking for myself personally, but, I resent feminism ... I would love to not work have just stayed home with my kids.... but that's me.... I can't speak for others. Everyone is different!
Me too, but my wife doesn't make enough.
That's why I am for equal pay.
This is just me speaking for myself personally, but, I resent feminism ... I would love to not work have just stayed home with my kids.... but that's me.... I can't speak for others. Everyone is different!

being a home maker IS working ... it is just not earning a paycheck.

when one does - it's called being a housekeeper.
At one time we HAD to remove those differences because they barred us from autonomy and equality. It might be now is the time to relent on that and respect other choices women make.
You’re right. Continuing to belittle and attack the women who choose a far more traditional existence does not help the cause with those women or the Men in their lives.
One thing though, that people of my mother's generation had to deal with - the loss of identity (she was unable to establish independent credit with out her husband's signature) and what happens when the husband divorces her or dies? She's been out of the job market, lost skills, connections etc. That was a real trap.
Back then the ideal was that one of the family members would take the widow in. My wife couldn’t have gotten a credit card until she married me. With almost no income she would have difficulty if we were to separate (highly unlikely). I being the financial side of things to the relationship and she brings a ton of things that I can’t provide for myself. It’s a very good arrangement.

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