What is God doing in the world today?

Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

...in order to charm the golden birds, out of the pockets of his dearly beloved neighbours in Christ. He puts himself at the service of the other’s most depraved fancies, plays the pimp between him and his need, excites in him morbid appetites, lies in wait for each of his weaknesses – all so that he can then demand the cash for this service of love. (Every product is a bait with which to seduce away the other’s very being, his money; every real and possible need is a weakness which will lead the fly to the glue-pot. General exploitation of communal human nature, just as every imperfection in man, is a bond with heaven – an avenue giving the priest access to his heart; every need is an opportunity to approach one’s neighbour under the guise of the utmost amiability and to say to him: Dear friend, I give you what you need, but you know the conditio sine qua non; you know the ink in which you have to sign yourself over to me; in providing for your pleasure, I fleece you.)

Karl Marx
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
3rd paragraph

Human Requirements and Division of Labour, Marx, 1844

Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
As the prophets promised, the increase of the Lord’s government and peace would not end (Is 9:7). That increase began with Christ, and the Holy Spirit's agency ushered in a virtuous and moral reality upon the earth like none before, a manifestation of forgiveness and truth that changed the hearts of individuals who then changed social dynamics around them and even touched the upper echelons of government in Armenia, Ethiopia, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and on and on; Greece, Denmark, England, Iceland, Norway, Samoa, Tonga, each in due course, one after another, nation after nation by the work of the Holy Spirit, government rested on the Lord’s shoulders; nations began walking in the light of it and even kings began proclaiming it (Rv 21:24). As Zion had clamored for all along, God was rising to inherit all the nations (Ps 82:8).

Of course, the increase seems to be plodding along at a slower pace these days. But even so, the church is still manifesting the will of God.
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
According to George Washington, you are no patriot.

George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”

“…And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion...reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

The Will of the People: Readings in American Democracy (Chicago: Great Books Foundation, 2001), 38.
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
But your views on religion are totally aligned with Vladimir Lenin....

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism" ~Vladimir Lenin
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
But your views on religion are totally aligned with Vladimir Lenin....

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism" ~Vladimir Lenin
Im not an atheist.
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
But your views on religion are totally aligned with Vladimir Lenin....

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism" ~Vladimir Lenin
Im not an atheist.
You could have fooled me because you are certainly no patriot.
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
But your views on religion are totally aligned with Vladimir Lenin....

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism" ~Vladimir Lenin
Im not an atheist.
You could have fooled me because you are certainly no patriot.
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
But your views on religion are totally aligned with Vladimir Lenin....

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism" ~Vladimir Lenin
Im not an atheist.
You could have fooled me because you are certainly no patriot.
On which point?

You attack the faith of others with a passion Marx could only dream of.

And as George Washington pointed out in his Farewell Address...

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports... In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”
Throughout our nation's history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before putting their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation's Christian heritage.
Dr. Ron Paul
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
But your views on religion are totally aligned with Vladimir Lenin....

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism" ~Vladimir Lenin
Im not an atheist.
You could have fooled me because you are certainly no patriot.
On which point?

You attack the faith of others with a passion Marx could only dream of.

And as George Washington pointed out in his Farewell Address...

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports... In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”
You said I wasnt a Patriot. I am waiting on you to explain why
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
But your views on religion are totally aligned with Vladimir Lenin....

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism" ~Vladimir Lenin
Im not an atheist.
You could have fooled me because you are certainly no patriot.
On which point?

You attack the faith of others with a passion Marx could only dream of.

And as George Washington pointed out in his Farewell Address...

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports... In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”
You said I wasnt a Patriot. I am waiting on you to explain why
You couldn't follow what George Washington said?

In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars

Means you are no patriot if you try to subvert morality or religion.
Same thing he has always done.
Death and disease.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder you worship the created instead of the Creator? :icon_rolleyes:
Of course, i dont "worship" anything or anyone but lying is your middle name.
Dude, you are a materialist like Marx. All you have to do to figure out what you "worship" is to observe what drives you.
Facts instead of desert savage imaginations and plagiarism? Lol
"like marx" :rofl:
Well you believe in Jesus. Know who else did? Hitler. Ya big dummy :lol:
Going back to your comment about death and disease, it shows that you believe the bad vastly outweighs the good which it doesn't. You have gotten that completely backwards. It's really quite revealing too.

Your argument for Hitler is weak, TN. My argument that you hold the same views towards religion that Marx did is unassailable.

Well, no. I guess him not murdering infants anymore is good. That outweighs disease :D
But your views on religion are totally aligned with Vladimir Lenin....

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism" ~Vladimir Lenin
Im not an atheist.
You could have fooled me because you are certainly no patriot.
On which point?

You attack the faith of others with a passion Marx could only dream of.

And as George Washington pointed out in his Farewell Address...

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports... In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”
You said I wasnt a Patriot. I am waiting on you to explain why
You couldn't follow what George Washington said?

In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars

Means you are no patriot if you try to subvert morality or religion.
Morality is subjective. And Washingtons opinion doesnt define what a Patriot is.
So, are you going to elaborate? Or just keep posting irrelevant quotes?

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