What is happening to white people in US sports?

I don’t understand, are you saying that the ghetto stimulates sports? Even at 70-s, American basketball wasn't black yet

Who are the teams pictured?
Could be due to it being a Russian team?
Not, there are the labels "USA" on their form lol. There is USSR team too but not in the team of US
Here are about 35-40% blacks. But it 70s, and USA sport start to became black from early 60s or even early.
And it will probably be fair to say that almost all sports that blacks have mastered represent the United States at the international level, and there are still few of them in national sports that are not popular in Europe. This is just another proof of the media character of this phenomenon.

This is exactly the same as the requirements for the recruitment of blacks in Hollywood. If the shooting of blacks in historical films about ancient Greece could still be somehow explain, then their participation in westerns is generally a purely propaganda trick, and there is no doubt about it.
Not, there are the labels "USA" on their form lol. There is USSR team too but not in the team of US
Here are about 35-40% blacks. But it 70s, and USA sport start to became black from early 60s or even early.
Interesting you chose a Russian language youtube clip.
Maybe playing with balls doesn't interest white folks no moh? I do know what does interest white folks tho:

What percent of white adults are obese?

Among non-Hispanic white adults, more than 1 in 3 (36.4 percent) were considered to have obesity, and about 1 in 13 (7.6 percent) were considered to have extreme obesity.

Don't worry though, whites still get the highest paying jobs, but Asians have the highest incomes per capita.
One thing is for sure. Anyone who's in the NBA or NFL spent an awful lot of time in the gym and on the court or playing field. Same for anyone who's a great musician. They weren't born that way.

I see a lot of tall white guys and I ask them what sports they play and they don't play any. That's crazy. When I was a kid, you played sports. Some played hockey, tennis, wrestling, football, baseball, basketball or soccer. Right? Today middle class white kids are soft.
One thing is for sure. Anyone who's in the NBA or NFL spent an awful lot of time in the gym and on the court or playing field. Same for anyone who's a great musician. They weren't born that way.

I see a lot of tall white guys and I ask them what sports they play and they don't play any. That's crazy. When I was a kid, you played sports. Some played hockey, tennis, wrestling, football, baseball, basketball or soccer. Right? Today middle class white kids are soft.
This is also politics. If they want to develop sports among the younger generation of whites, they must stimulate them and themselves look for talented children among them, in schools and colleges, pursue a youth sports policy, explain the advantages.
What, that blacks in that pic outnumber whites from their 13% population representation?
Yes, especially considering that it is for such a picture that such sets are chosen.
Most likely at that time there were no blacks in basketball in the white states at all, they assembled a team by recruiting more people from the south to demonstrate to the world that segregation is over in the United States and that in the United States, blacks are evenly woven across all states. And no one care about their game
13% population representation?
Look, I'm not a racist, but honestly, I don't believe in any spesial black athletic ability.
I am interested in boxing and I see many of them come to Russia and they don’t show anything special, and as a rule always lose. This story is familiar to me from the hellish advancement of Caucasians, they are fed from the federal budget and develop sports there.

I see that blacks in boxing cannot hit quickly with rare exceptions. Even Tyson just pitted opponents. Tyson is a powerful puncher but he just put mass in punch, it's not something that is required of a good boxer. He not Dampsey. Not to mention Foreman. Ali just stood by the ropes, grabbed the back and got a pussy, and then said that he surpassed Marciano in statistics. Etc.
This is also politics. If they want to develop sports among the younger generation of whites, they must stimulate them and themselves look for talented children among them, in schools and colleges, pursue a youth sports policy, explain the advantages.
Just like in the past our parents said stay away from skilled trades and go to college, we were all told 99% chance we won't go pro so don't take it too seriously. So if white kids want to quit sports and just play video games, they are allowed. Maybe blacks and hispanics don't have all the toys so they go out and play.

Don't forget while 13% of us have 75% of the NFL and NBA jobs, us whites have 95% of the corporate jobs. Better to bet on your kids corporate future. But in the poor communities, they go all in on going pro. Even a lot of the college athletes are getting communication degrees not business degrees.
Don't forget while 13% of us have 75% of the NFL and NBA jobs, us whites have 95% of the corporate jobs. Better to bet on your kids corporate future.
With such a policy, whites will soon lose this too. Black creates an image for himself, and this is a time bomb, it will touch all spheres.
... they allegedly achieved success due to the fact that they endured and trained more than others. Anyone who played sports knows that this is a lie, ....
YOU obviously didn't. Hard work DOES make a difference.
Try to understand the concept that your experiences are not universal, you illogical buffoon.
Fuck off dummy. Just listen to the Republican montra about considering blue collar skilled trade jobs.

Perhaps you aren't of my generation. i'm 50. Our parents who were plumbers and worked hard told us not to do that go to college and do better.

You went to college and all you became was a public school teacher. No better than a plumber. Maybe worse in some ways.

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