What is History ... Mommie ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Well Harold,if you don't know history you are
doomed to repeat it.
But Mommie ... I still don't know what history is.
Okey Dokey Harold.For example Fidel Castro said at his trial
for uprising in 1953 " History will absolve me ."
Well Mommie did History absolve him.?
Well of course not,He and his brother went on for half a century
ruling with an Iron fist the once pleasurable island of Cuba.
Many Cubans fled to Miami to get away from Castro.
Well then Mommie ... Maybe History ain't the best example
to use.You mean ISN'T the best example ... Harold.
No Mommie ... AIN'T.
Have it your way Harold.Just wait until yer Father gets home.
Wait for what ... Mommie. For your Father's daily History lesson.
What history lesson ... Mommie ? The ones where he explains
what it felt like today at the Steel Mill.How hot it was.
How many sparks flew past his head.
OK Mommie.I get the point.But I still ain't dressin' this
halloween as a Conehead { From Saturday Night Live }.
Have it your way Harold.Now run along until supper and
brush-up on History.But History don't like gettin'
brushed-up Mom.
Nor pushed around ... Harold.
I'm sure that didn't sound just plane goofy in your head.
Apparently it got YOUR attention.
Attention is half the battle in Grade school.
The other half is knowing if the teach likes nice big
juicy apples.Like Miss Crabtree of - The Little Rascals -.
Well Harold,if you don't know history you are
doomed to repeat it.
But Mommie ... I still don't know what history is.
Okey Dokey Harold.For example Fidel Castro said at his trial
for uprising in 1953 " History will absolve me ."
Well Mommie did History absolve him.?
Well of course not,He and his brother went on for half a century
ruling with an Iron fist the once pleasurable island of Cuba.
Many Cubans fled to Miami to get away from Castro.
Well then Mommie ... Maybe History ain't the best example
to use.You mean ISN'T the best example ... Harold.
No Mommie ... AIN'T.
Have it your way Harold.Just wait until yer Father gets home.
Wait for what ... Mommie. For your Father's daily History lesson.
What history lesson ... Mommie ? The ones where he explains
what it felt like today at the Steel Mill.How hot it was.
How many sparks flew past his head.
OK Mommie.I get the point.But I still ain't dressin' this
halloween as a Conehead { From Saturday Night Live }.
Have it your way Harold.Now run along until supper and
brush-up on History.But History don't like gettin'
brushed-up Mom.
Nor pushed around ... Harold.
Cuba was pleasurable for the elite who didn`t need to scrounge in garbage cans for food. They fled to Mami when Castro shut down their casinos and brothels.

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