What Is Israel's Reasoning Re Backing The Rebels?

Absolutely nothing. So why hasn't Israel taken him out ?

That's a curiosity, too; they have avoided that, while taking out ammo dumps and assorted other military targets. The policy wonks keep claiming it's not about 'regime change', but given the balance between the 'sides' that isn't coming across as credible, more as a PR fantasy. Any such 'selective strike' would tip the balance.
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Absolutely nothing. So why hasn't Israel taken him out ?

That's a curiosity, too; they have avoided that, while taking out ammo dumps and assorted other military targets. The policy wonks keep claiming it's not about 'regime change', but given the balance between the 'sides' that isn't coming across as credible.

The policy wonks are liars. The entire campaign against Syria was primarily initiated by Saudi Arabia and nothing short of regime change will satisfy them. This is a pretty widely known fact that Obama refuses to discuss. I can show you plenty of links where this administration has supported regime change also.
With Assad gone, the parties who have vested interests in the area will be free to pursue their various agendas. If Assad is not gone, it's an unacceptable stalemate.
Why do you consider calling her a Muslim an insult or a comeback?

I'm not calling her a Muslim as an insult or comeback. You'll have to ask her about why.

I am a Christian, you have no basis to call me a Muslim.

Christian? Christians are instructed to love their enemies and pray for those who spitefully use you. It's obvious you are full of seething hatred for Jews and anathema to what Christians are supposed to be. Christian my ass.
Israel will also be unhappy with Assad suddenly being cast as a legitimate interlocutor rather than an ostracized dictator, with the “constructive” role that Tehran might suddenly play in defusing the Syrian crisis and with the risk that Russian success in Syria may lead it to seek a greater role in other peacemaking endeavors as well. “With the food comes the appetite”, as a famous originally French saying goes. http://www.haaretz.com/mobile/1.546141
I'm not calling her a Muslim as an insult or comeback. You'll have to ask her about why.

I am a Christian, you have no basis to call me a Muslim.

Christian? Christians are instructed to love their enemies and pray for those who spitefully use you. It's obvious you are full of seething hatred for Jews and anathema to what Christians are supposed to be. Christian my ass.

I will pray for you, remembering the blind cannot see.
I am a Christian, you have no basis to call me a Muslim.

Christian? Christians are instructed to love their enemies and pray for those who spitefully use you. It's obvious you are full of seething hatred for Jews and anathema to what Christians are supposed to be. Christian my ass.

I will pray for you, remembering the blind cannot see.

Allah is off on a hunting trip and will not hear your phony prayer.
Absolutely nothing. So why hasn't Israel taken him out ?

That's a curiosity, too; they have avoided that, while taking out ammo dumps and assorted other military targets. The policy wonks keep claiming it's not about 'regime change', but given the balance between the 'sides' that isn't coming across as credible.

The policy wonks are liars. The entire campaign against Syria was primarily initiated by Saudi Arabia and nothing short of regime change will satisfy them. This is a pretty widely known fact that Obama refuses to discuss. I can show you plenty of links where this administration has supported regime change also.
With Assad gone, the parties who have vested interests in the area will be free to pursue their various agendas. If Assad is not gone, it's an unacceptable stalemate.

Then why would the Israeli and AIPAC go along with that, either passively or actively since it's clearly adverse to their interests? This is what doesn't make sense from an Israeli security point of view, hence the questions asked in the OP. I know why the Saudis and the Al Q types and all the rest of those factions would support chaos, I just don't see why Israel is on board; it seems they would be a lot smarter than that.

What Obama wants and all the other topics are different issues and being discussed in other threads.
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That's a curiosity, too; they have avoided that, while taking out ammo dumps and assorted other military targets. The policy wonks keep claiming it's not about 'regime change', but given the balance between the 'sides' that isn't coming across as credible.

The policy wonks are liars. The entire campaign against Syria was primarily initiated by Saudi Arabia and nothing short of regime change will satisfy them. This is a pretty widely known fact that Obama refuses to discuss. I can show you plenty of links where this administration has supported regime change also.
With Assad gone, the parties who have vested interests in the area will be free to pursue their various agendas. If Assad is not gone, it's an unacceptable stalemate.

Then why would the Israeli and AIPAC go along with that, either passively or actively since it's clearly adverse to their interests? This is what doesn't make sense from an Israeli security point of view, hence the questions asked in the OP. I know why the Saudis and the Al Q types and all the rest of those factions would support chaos, I just don't see why Israel is on board; it seems they would be a lot smarter than that.

The war against Syria is being orchestrated by people ( including the Syrian National Council) who have no intention of allowing chaos to reign because they need stability to accomplish their goals also. I've seen some projections that predict the area will " Balkanize" into small states on like religions with none of them having the ability to threaten Israel. Look who wants Assad deposed. America, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel.

http://www.foreignpolicy.com/files/fp_uploaded_documents/110916_About SNC.pdf
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I'm not calling her a Muslim as an insult or comeback. You'll have to ask her about why.

I am a Christian, you have no basis to call me a Muslim.

Christian? Christians are instructed to love their enemies and pray for those who spitefully use you. It's obvious you are full of seething hatred for Jews and anathema to what Christians are supposed to be. Christian my ass.

So does that mean that everyone ragging on Muslims or on Obama in this forum can't be Christians either?
The war against Syria is being orchestrated by people ( including the Syrian National Council) who have no intention of allowing chaos to reign because they need stability to accomplish their goals also. I've seen some projections that predict the area will " Balkanize" into small states on like religions with none of them having the ability to threaten Israel. Look who wants Assad deposed. America, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel.


Thanks for the link.

So some think that Assad has a chance of gaining back his losses?

Syria already balkanized, with the 'rebels' controlling the Euphrates valley and the Kurds are busy setting up their own little country in the east. Toppling Assad would give the 'rebels' the western area, with access to the Med. ports along with the Valley.
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And your point is what?

Oh, come on, you don't need a four year degree to figure out what I am saying. Try this, the United States should stay out of Syria, but provide Israel with our top line of weapons at low prices, and give them a very generous credit line. Israel wants to clean up Syria anyway. America can just sit quietly and watch the show.

You do realize that President Obama is making a national address to the American people in a few minutes. The American people do not want to waste American lives on third world Muslims who will blame us for everything wrong in their lives anyway. Let them kill their own kind.

I neither support US military strikes in Syria or sending Israel weapons to carry out military strikes in Syria with. Yes, I am listening to Obama s lies, they change nothing. His lying just makes me ashamed to be an American.

Frankly, any time I read the word "lie" in a post, I expect a fact/link to verify the word. No facts to support the word "lie," I disregard the post.

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And your point is what?

Oh, come on, you don't need a four year degree to figure out what I am saying. Try this, the United States should stay out of Syria, but provide Israel with our top line of weapons at low prices, and give them a very generous credit line. Israel wants to clean up Syria anyway. America can just sit quietly and watch the show.

You do realize that President Obama is making a national address to the American people in a few minutes. The American people do not want to waste American lives on third world Muslims who will blame us for everything wrong in their lives anyway. Let them kill their own kind.


I neither support US military strikes in Syria or sending Israel weapons to carry out military strikes in Syria with. Yes, I am listening to Obama s lies, they change nothing. His lying just makes me ashamed to be an American.

I'm beginning to believe you aren't an American at all but an Iranian plant. I'm also beginning to believe there are more than one of you posting on this account unless you're the Energizer Bunny as you have been posting for 36 straight hours.
My problems with what Obama said start with his speaking of Assad using chemical weapons as fact, when it is not established as fact. Making choices relying on dubious intelligence leads to flawed decision making. Today, evidence was presented to the UN Human Rights Council that showed videos and photos the Administration is using to prove Assad carried out the atrack are fake.

The only thing that makes me laugh in this Syria business is how uninformed the Muslims in this forum are. The Assad regime admitted using chemical weapons.


"After decades of Syria neither confirming nor denying it possessed such weapons, Mr. Moallem’s (Assad Government spokesperson), assertion was another twist in a seesawing week of global diplomacy over allegations that Mr. Assad’s government used chemical weapons in the Damascus suburbs on Aug. 21, leaving hundreds dead in what appeared to be the worst single atrocity of the Syrian civil war."

Guess that's what you get from a third-world education. If you are going to post, follow the international news, you ignoramus!

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The rebels bring chaos and anarchy to Syria.

Israel likes that.

Watch this guy. He is the one who posted four links to support his remarks, but upon reading them, all of them refuted his statements! Make him verify everything.


One look at this map answers the question, "Why would we put an American life in jeopardy for Syria?"
These Muslim bastards are out to destroy our way of life. Remember 9/11?

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My problems with what Obama said start with his speaking of Assad using chemical weapons as fact, when it is not established as fact. Making choices relying on dubious intelligence leads to flawed decision making. Today, evidence was presented to the UN Human Rights Council that showed videos and photos the Administration is using to prove Assad carried out the atrack are fake.

The only thing that makes me laugh in this Syria business is how uninformed the Muslims in this forum are. The Assad regime admitted using chemical weapons.


"After decades of Syria neither confirming nor denying it possessed such weapons, Mr. Moallem’s (Assad Government spokesperson), assertion was another twist in a seesawing week of global diplomacy over allegations that Mr. Assad’s government used chemical weapons in the Damascus suburbs on Aug. 21, leaving hundreds dead in what appeared to be the worst single atrocity of the Syrian civil war."

Guess that's what you get from a third-world education. If you are going to post, follow the international news, you ignoramus!


you clipped off this part of your quote

Mr. Assad has denied responsibility and Mr. Moallem provided no new information about that attack on Tuesday.
What;s wrong with wanting a murderous terrorist supporting tyrant to go ?

We in the United States keep hearing, "Why are you poking your nose into the problems of every little shithole on the planet?" When we finally say, "OK, let the United Nations do it," we are criticized for lacking compassion. Support Israel, this is their corner of the world. Sell Israel our best weapons at bargain prices, and let nature take its course.


The attitude of the average American toward Middle East Muslim problems.
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What;s wrong with wanting a murderous terrorist supporting tyrant to go ?

We in the United States keep hearing, "Why are you poking your nose into the problems of every little shithole on the planet?" When we finally say, "OK, let the United Nations do it," we are criticized for lacking compassion. Support Israel, this is their corner of the world. Sell Israel our best weapons at bargain prices, and let nature take its course.

They already have them----the don't want to be responsible for the killing of Assad.
My problems with what Obama said start with his speaking of Assad using chemical weapons as fact, when it is not established as fact. Making choices relying on dubious intelligence leads to flawed decision making. Today, evidence was presented to the UN Human Rights Council that showed videos and photos the Administration is using to prove Assad carried out the atrack are fake.

The only thing that makes me laugh in this Syria business is how uninformed the Muslims in this forum are. The Assad regime admitted using chemical weapons.


"After decades of Syria neither confirming nor denying it possessed such weapons, Mr. Moallem’s (Assad Government spokesperson), assertion was another twist in a seesawing week of global diplomacy over allegations that Mr. Assad’s government used chemical weapons in the Damascus suburbs on Aug. 21, leaving hundreds dead in what appeared to be the worst single atrocity of the Syrian civil war."

Guess that's what you get from a third-world education. If you are going to post, follow the international news, you ignoramus!


You quote says nothing about an admission of using chemicals. We may have to watch your BS links.
What;s wrong with wanting a murderous terrorist supporting tyrant to go ?

Absolutely nothing. So why hasn't Israel taken him out ?

Because they are smart. Israel realizes America has to go through our "dog and pony show" in Congress before we act. They know that in the end what is good for Israel is good for American. and this remark comes from a White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, (WASP).

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