What is it that ideas and people are 'left' or 'right' of?

As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
The benchmarks?

They are of course theoretical benchmarks.

The right favors a balanced budget with mostly only defense spending.

The left favors deficit spending with mostly social program spending.

So the benchmark on spending would be an extremely small deficit with minimal spending on both defense and social spending.

The right favors few if any taxes, but in the past since R.Reagan this has caused massive deficits.

The left favors taxation of everybody especially the rich, who can according to Adam Smith in The Wealth Of Nations can more easily afford it.

So the benchmark on taxation would be nominal taxation of everyone probably at a flat rate. Since Mitt Romney only pays 14% tax, that would make a very good nominal rate.

Does this cover it for you there4eyeM ?

Did you take much econ in college?

Did you take any econ at all?

Did you go to college?
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Individual freedom is greatly influenced by how things are for the group.
Really? I'm repeatedly told that America is the free-est nation in the world, if that is the case, is its group the most equitable?

edit...Oh, is it the case?
Such arguments are too subjective to discuss without immediately falling into conflict; how do we compare freedom without a firm definition of the word? Is France 'free-er' than the U.S.? A person's criteria supports one or the other, while true objectivity remains almost impossible.

Pro-choice makes me a lefty
Pro-Voter ID card makes me a righty
Pro sensible gun control makes me a lefty
Pro border wall (for natl security) makes me a righty

Not sure where it puts me politically

Confused? I'm not opposed to voter ID's, nor border security; I agree with the two others. But cannot support the cost of a Wall, when technology, diplomacy and policy can be used much less expensively and more effectively; and when voter ID laws are not used to suppress the vote of legitimate voters.
technology, diplomacy and policy these have been tried but have made NO difference in how many are running the border. So better think it over a little longer.
We need a wall.
Really? I'm repeatedly told that America is the free-est nation in the world, if that is the case, is its group the most equitable?

edit...Oh, is it the case?
Such arguments are too subjective to discuss without immediately falling into conflict; how do we compare freedom without a firm definition of the word? Is France 'free-er' than the U.S.? A person's criteria supports one or the other, while true objectivity remains almost impossible.

Pro-choice makes me a lefty
Pro-Voter ID card makes me a righty
Pro sensible gun control makes me a lefty
Pro border wall (for natl security) makes me a righty

Not sure where it puts me politically

Confused? I'm not opposed to voter ID's, nor border security; I agree with the two others. But cannot support the cost of a Wall, when technology, diplomacy and policy can be used much less expensively and more effectively; and when voter ID laws are not used to suppress the vote of legitimate voters.

technology, diplomacy and policy these have been tried but have made NO difference in how many are running the border. So better think it over a little longer.

We need a wall.

So, let Trump pay for it. He brags about his riches, he should prove it.
Such arguments are too subjective to discuss without immediately falling into conflict; how do we compare freedom without a firm definition of the word? Is France 'free-er' than the U.S.? A person's criteria supports one or the other, while true objectivity remains almost impossible.

Pro-choice makes me a lefty
Pro-Voter ID card makes me a righty
Pro sensible gun control makes me a lefty
Pro border wall (for natl security) makes me a righty

Not sure where it puts me politically

Confused? I'm not opposed to voter ID's, nor border security; I agree with the two others. But cannot support the cost of a Wall, when technology, diplomacy and policy can be used much less expensively and more effectively; and when voter ID laws are not used to suppress the vote of legitimate voters.

technology, diplomacy and policy these have been tried but have made NO difference in how many are running the border. So better think it over a little longer.

We need a wall.

So, let Trump pay for it. He brags about his riches, he should prove it.

Remember the parade that was abandoned due to the costs of $90M? A billionaire with literally thousands of millions of dollars could have fully funded it. Strange the “billionaire” president couldn’t find his checkbook.
The thought that by the simple act of labeling your self Republican or Democrat renders you brilliant, & any thought or act by the other label becomes wrong or stupid, that borders on insanity.
both major party's are fully capable of having good ideas bad ones & every thing in the middle. willingness to working together works best in real life.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
The benchmarks?

They are of course theoretical benchmarks.

The right favors a balanced budget with mostly only defense spending.

The left favors deficit spending with mostly social program spending.

So the benchmark on spending would be an extremely small deficit with minimal spending on both defense and social spending.

The right favors few if any taxes, but in the past since R.Reagan this has caused massive deficits.

The left favors taxation of everybody especially the rich, who can according to Adam Smith in The Wealth Of Nations can more easily afford it.

So the benchmark on taxation would be nominal taxation of everyone probably at a flat rate. Since Mitt Romney only pays 14% tax, that would make a very good nominal rate.

Does this cover it for you there4eyeM ?

Did you take much econ in college?

Did you take any econ at all?

Did you go to college?
Thanks, but this is not about me; it is about how people actually use these terms. You have given you ideas, and that is appreciated.
Really? I'm repeatedly told that America is the free-est nation in the world, if that is the case, is its group the most equitable?

edit...Oh, is it the case?
Such arguments are too subjective to discuss without immediately falling into conflict; how do we compare freedom without a firm definition of the word? Is France 'free-er' than the U.S.? A person's criteria supports one or the other, while true objectivity remains almost impossible.

Pro-choice makes me a lefty
Pro-Voter ID card makes me a righty
Pro sensible gun control makes me a lefty
Pro border wall (for natl security) makes me a righty

Not sure where it puts me politically

Confused? I'm not opposed to voter ID's, nor border security; I agree with the two others. But cannot support the cost of a Wall, when technology, diplomacy and policy can be used much less expensively and more effectively; and when voter ID laws are not used to suppress the vote of legitimate voters.
technology, diplomacy and policy these have been tried but have made NO difference in how many are running the border. So better think it over a little longer.
We need a wall.
Perhaps around Washington, D.C.
How do "moonbats" and "wingnuts" feel about the military sacrifice (lives and also treasure)? Is it equally distributed among the beneficiaries? To what extent is it necessary?

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