What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

Even as Trump is being indicted in who knows how many different investigations and charges, Trump is far, far ahead of any of his primary opponents in every single state. It's not even close. I know of no state where someone polls better than Trump. None. Zero, zip, nodda, and that even includes the primaries in liberal states. And, in polling for the general election, Trump is basically tied with Biden. Sometimes polls show Biden ahead, sometimes polls show Trump ahead. In either case, the needle doesn't move much and is usually within the polls margin of error and, we know that with the electoral college, a 50/50 tie favors Trump.

So, what is it that the left just don't get or understand about Trump?

Do they really believe that half of the country are just pure MAGA head insurrectionists, literally tens of millions of people, if not over 100 million?

What is Trump's appeal to the masses?

Are the left ignoring something that is appealing to half the country, those tens of millions of people?

Should the left start understanding this more rather than just labeling half the country MAGA's?

Is ignoring the true meaning of Trump's appeal to half the country going to come back and bite them in the ass, as it did in 2016?

I'm a big believer that the left just don't understand why it is that people vote for Trump and that this easy dismissal of his voters as being nothing but "MAGA" is rather blind of them and that they need to understand Trump voters more. In a way, it has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with why voters want to vote for Trump. The left don't even try to understand this. It's easier for them to believe that all of Trump's supporters are MAGA.
Trump lost by 8 million votes BEFORE he was indicted.
BEFORE many of his crimes became public.
BEFORE he threatened violence if convicted.

He will lose by 12 million or more in 24.

He's not running to win, he's running to stay out of prison.

That's what YOU apparently don't get about Trump.
The fact is, there are people from across the political spectrum who are horrified that such an obvious con man has been able to motivate so many to sell their soul to him.

It's a horrible, depressing reflection of our country, and goes far beyond mere politics or policy. This is about US, and it's not good.
He gives them permission to be their true selves.

The best gifts anyone could give a MAGAT are a sense of self awareness and a mirror.
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :spinner:

Put's America first? You can't think of any other reason why the scumbag is hated?

Here are some clues for you, dipshit:

Raped a woman in a department store dressing room. FAKE NEWS

Stole the life savings of the elderly at his fake University. FAKE NEWS

Stole money from cancer kids. FAKE NEWS (He gives very generously to St. Jude's Hospital)

Stole money from the Holocaust Memorial. FAKE NEWS

Stole money from the United Negro College Fund. FAKE NEWS

Defrauded insurance companies and banks, including, but not limited to, claiming his 11,000 square foot apartment is 30,000 square feet. FAKE NEWS

Incited a coup to overthrow our democracy. FAKE NEWS

Created illegal false electors in pursuit of overthrowing our democracy. FAKE NEWS

Actively engaged in hiding government property from the National Archivist. FAKE NEWS

Stole $250 million from his supporters and distributed it to friends and kept some for himself. FAKE NEWS

Bribed a porn star through a cutout to keep his extramarital affair from affecting the outcome of an election. FAKE NEWS
All fake news!! You Demwits don't even lie well.
Those who oppose Trump get Trump, hence their warranted opposition.

Trump is a grifter and a liar.

Trump is an illiberal anti-democratic authoritarian and wannabe despot.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and misogynist.

Trump is ignorant, a coward, wrong on the issues, and unfit to be president.

Again, those who oppose Trump indeed get Trump.
All fake news!! You Demwits don't even lie well.
All you tards can say when confronted with the truth about Dear Leader is whine, "Nuh-uh!"

Very weird and very sad.

Robbing the elderly of their life savings:

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university

Stealing from black college students and the Holocaust Museum:

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Pardons Ukrainian money laundering by Paul Manafort:

Trump pardon unwinds some Manafort forfeitures

Pardons Steve Bannon for stealing from Trump supporters:

Trump pardons ex-strategist Steve Bannon, dozens of others

Steals money from cancer kids:

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

Stole $250 million from his supporters who donated to an Election Defense Fund which didn't exist:

The ‘big rip-off’: how Trump exploited his fans with ‘election defense’ fund

Defrauded the IRS, banks, and insurance companies:

Trump told banks his 11,000-square-foot Trump Tower triplex was triple that size

Used his lawyer as a cutout to pay off his mistress:

Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels and the $130,000 payment to buy her silence

Used his friend at AMI to capture and kill other stories about him:

National Enquirer owner admits to 'catch and kill' payment to ex-Playmate

Felt entitled as a celebrity to grab women's pussies and rape them:

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

When a supposed billionaire feels the need to steal from cancer kids and the elderly, that's a level of avarice way beyond the pale.

Trump should be in prison for life just for those two crimes. But he has always managed to skate away with a fine in CIVIL court.

Now he is finally being held to account in CRIMINAL court and the tards just can't take it.
When a supposed billionaire feels the need to steal from cancer kids and the elderly, that's a level of avarice way beyond the pale.

Trump should be in prison for life just for those two crimes. But he has always managed to skate away with a fine in CIVIL court.

Now he is finally being held to account in CRIMINAL court and the tards just can't take it.
Trump didn't steal anything from anyone. That's all fake news.
Sure. So, whatever happened to that huuuuge wall that the orange douchebag was going to build? You know with Mexico's pesos?
As soon as Biden took over he invited everyone to come here. Address that.
All you tards can say when confronted with the truth about Dear Leader is whine, "Nuh-uh!"

Very weird and very sad.

Robbing the elderly of their life savings:

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university

Stealing from black college students and the Holocaust Museum:

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Pardons Ukrainian money laundering by Paul Manafort:

Trump pardon unwinds some Manafort forfeitures

Pardons Steve Bannon for stealing from Trump supporters:

Trump pardons ex-strategist Steve Bannon, dozens of others

Steals money from cancer kids:

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

Stole $250 million from his supporters who donated to an Election Defense Fund which didn't exist:

The ‘big rip-off’: how Trump exploited his fans with ‘election defense’ fund

Defrauded the IRS, banks, and insurance companies:

Trump told banks his 11,000-square-foot Trump Tower triplex was triple that size

Used his lawyer as a cutout to pay off his mistress:

Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels and the $130,000 payment to buy her silence

Used his friend at AMI to capture and kill other stories about him:

National Enquirer owner admits to 'catch and kill' payment to ex-Playmate

Felt entitled as a celebrity to grab women's pussies and rape them:

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

They'll call all of that fake news.

That's the conditioning. They can't question anything.

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