What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

Even taking your stupid comment at face value, how would letting China know in advance be of benefit to the US? So they could attack first?
NO to keep China from attacking us first Don't you realize trump is a loud mouthed bully ? and he needs to be rained in
I am saying the mindset is the same.

When Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose any voters, he knew what he was talking about.

The sad thing is you and him think that is a good thing
What about his execution of Milley This is what these morons support?
Good grief, you’re the one conflating every post with a made up word salad of shit. Life is simple even for you ignorant and uninformed. There are climate science research web sites just like there are state election web sites. One reliably tells you what you need to know about climate change and the other tells you what you need to know about the last election. All your bullshit is BULL SHIT.
No you are the one full of bull. I like the way you think so highly of yourself that you figure that man can control the climate or global atmosphere or even the universe and all that sort of thing. The only one that is in control of such things is God the Almighty. He decides when it's over not us. Of course he gives us the ability to learn and understand such things to a degree, but we can't step into his realm in hopes to control it somehow. I agree on a lower scale that we can be good Stewart's of our home here on earth as far as controlling pollution as best we can, but when it comes to weather patterns and such, we have little to no certain control over that in reality. All we can do is the best that we can, and leave the skies to God who is above that.

If want to shorten our lives here, all we need to do is keep sinning like a bunch of rabid dogs, and he'll show us how much we control or rather don't control here
The left does not get or understand America. The left needs the threat of government power to keep the people in control. The left lies and sucks up to the people to get elected and the gullible and stupid eat it up every time because democrats "care". Trump and his supporters have figured it out and don't play. That's basically it.
Are you fn kidding me?? Execute Milley and the pos means what he says??
This has been so interesting to watch. They have so sold their soul to this con man that he can say the ugliest, most dangerous, most ignorant things and it won't even register for them. They can instantly justify anything he says and just bury it. They didn't see a thing. All they know is, they have to protect him.

They believe he's a practicing Christian. They believe God sent him here to defeat Satan and save America. THIS guy. Of all freakin' people.

This is a cult.
No you are the one full of bull. I like the way you think so highly of yourself that you figure that man can control the climate or global atmosphere or even the universe and all that sort of thing. The only one that is in control of such things is God the Almighty. He decides when it's over not us. Of course he gives us the ability to learn and understand such things to a degree, but we can't step into his realm in hopes to control it somehow. I agree on a lower scale that we can be good Stewart's of our home here on earth as far as controlling pollution as best we can, but when it comes to weather patterns and such, we have little to no certain control over that in reality. All we can do is the best that we can, and leave the skies to God who is above that.

If want to shorten our lives here, all we need to do is keep sinning like a bunch of rabid dogs, and he'll show us how much we control or rather don't control here
A lot of high and mighty babble. Typical. Praise the lord then vote for the idiot criminal.
Figured that you couldn't address the post properly, and there you are stating the obvious, otherwise that you are a globalist who is not beholding to this nation, but instead you are beholding to the world. Just what we thought.
Of course I’m a globalist foolish. So aren’t you. You are just too delusional to read or notice the labels on everything you buy, and note the foreign nationals who serve your every need.
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Nope, you don’t understand America. It was built on the backs of immigrants. We welcome them, even if they aren’t white Christians.
First of all, you didn't honestly quote me. Secondly. Immigrants aren't a problem. Illegal invaders are the problem. Third, you're a Christophobic racist bigot (white Christians). Three strikes. That's hard to do in one post, unless you're a lying fascist commie piece of dog shit.
The left does not get or understand America. The left needs the threat of government power to keep the people in control. The left lies and sucks up to the people to get elected and the gullible and stupid eat it up every time because democrats "care". Trump and his supporters have figured it out and don't play. That's basically it.
That's basically right.
First of all, you didn't honestly quote me. Secondly. Immigrants aren't a problem. Illegal invaders are the problem. Third, you're a Christophobic racist bigot (white Christians). Three strikes. That's hard to do in one post, unless you're a lying fascist commie piece of dog shit.
Guess I was right.
The left does not get or understand America. The left needs the threat of government power to keep the people in control. The left lies and sucks up to the people to get elected and the gullible and stupid eat it up every time because democrats "care". Trump and his supporters have figured it out and don't play. That's basically it.

Members of the family of Donald Trump have been a major part of his public life. He has included them in his businesses, his television programs, and even his brief occupation of the White House. He has relied on their support to avoid forming relationships with other more qualified people that he couldn't trust or understand.

In the unlikely event that Donald Trump is re-elected, America would be subjected once again to the following:

  • Donald Trump Jr., his father's loudest surrogate, who appears regularly in the media in various states of impairment, whining about his father's perceived enemies and rivals.
  • Eric "Steals From Charities" Trump, his father's dumbest surrogate. "Don't they realize that my father started with almost nothing?"
  • Ivanka Trump, installed by her father in the White House as a 'Senior Adviser", where her job was to make deals for her to sell Chinese-made goods. In an epically embarrassing move for the US, he father took her to the G20 where she was mocked for attempting to insert herself in conversations with world leaders, and for photo-bombing the official portrait of the 20 leaders. No Donald, the G20 is not Bring Your Child To Work Day.
  • Melania "I Don't Care, Do You?" Trump, illegal immigrant.
  • Jared Kushner, also installed in the WH as a "Senior Adviser". Given top-level security clearance by Donald Trump after security officials and WH lawyers designating him a security risk. Despite having zero experience in anything other than real estate Donald Trump at different times put Kushner in charge of MidEast peace talks, Mexican-US border policies, presidential pardons, opioid addiction, healthcare and more. Kushner demonstrated zero ability to accomplish anything in those areas, but used his final weeks as a US government official to travel to Saudi Arabia, where he negotiated a $2 billion payoff to his family. No word on what he traded for that, or how much of a cut went to Trump.
  • Kimberly Guilfoyle, Junior's girlfriend. Known for her drug-addled screeching public appearances, and for offering lapdances at GOP fundraisers.
  • Lara Trump, Eric's wife. Known for mean, fact-free appearances in right wing media on behalf of Donald.
  • Charles Kushner. Jared's father, served time in federal prison for witness tampering and more, pardoned by Trump.

And then there's Donald, the least-qualified, most corrupt, most dishonest president in history. A man who ran for president as a publicity stunt and fell ass-backwards into a job that he had no clue how to do.
Members of the family of Donald Trump have been a major part of his public life. He has included them in his businesses, his television programs, and even his brief occupation of the White House. He has relied on their support to avoid forming relationships with other more qualified people that he couldn't trust or understand.

In the unlikely event that Donald Trump is re-elected, America would be subjected once again to the following:

  • Donald Trump Jr., his father's loudest surrogate, who appears regularly in the media in various states of impairment, whining about his father's perceived enemies and rivals.
  • Eric "Steals From Charities" Trump, his father's dumbest surrogate. "Don't they realize that my father started with almost nothing?"
  • Ivanka Trump, installed by her father in the White House as a 'Senior Adviser", where her job was to make deals for her to sell Chinese-made goods. In an epically embarrassing move for the US, he father took her to the G20 where she was mocked for attempting to insert herself in conversations with world leaders, and for photo-bombing the official portrait of the 20 leaders. No Donald, the G20 is not Bring Your Child To Work Day.
  • Melania "I Don't Care, Do You?" Trump, illegal immigrant.
  • Jared Kushner, also installed in the WH as a "Senior Adviser". Given top-level security clearance by Donald Trump after security officials and WH lawyers designating him a security risk. Despite having zero experience in anything other than real estate Donald Trump at different times put Kushner in charge of MidEast peace talks, Mexican-US border policies, presidential pardons, opioid addiction, healthcare and more. Kushner demonstrated zero ability to accomplish anything in those areas, but used his final weeks as a US government official to travel to Saudi Arabia, where he negotiated a $2 billion payoff to his family. No word on what he traded for that, or how much of a cut went to Trump.
  • Kimberly Guilfoyle, Junior's girlfriend. Known for her drug-addled screeching public appearances, and for offering lapdances at GOP fundraisers.
  • Lara Trump, Eric's wife. Known for mean, fact-free appearances in right wing media on behalf of Donald.
  • Charles Kushner. Jared's father, served time in federal prison for witness tampering and more, pardoned by Trump.

And then there's Donald, the least-qualified, most corrupt, most dishonest president in history. A man who ran for president as a publicity stunt and fell ass-backwards into a job that he had no clue how to do.
Members of the family of Donald Trump have been a major part of his public life. He has included them in his businesses, his television programs, and even his brief occupation of the White House. He has relied on their support to avoid forming relationships with other more qualified people that he couldn't trust or understand.

In the unlikely event that Donald Trump is re-elected, America would be subjected once again to the following:

  • Donald Trump Jr., his father's loudest surrogate, who appears regularly in the media in various states of impairment, whining about his father's perceived enemies and rivals.
  • Eric "Steals From Charities" Trump, his father's dumbest surrogate. "Don't they realize that my father started with almost nothing?"
  • Ivanka Trump, installed by her father in the White House as a 'Senior Adviser", where her job was to make deals for her to sell Chinese-made goods. In an epically embarrassing move for the US, he father took her to the G20 where she was mocked for attempting to insert herself in conversations with world leaders, and for photo-bombing the official portrait of the 20 leaders. No Donald, the G20 is not Bring Your Child To Work Day.
  • Melania "I Don't Care, Do You?" Trump, illegal immigrant.
  • Jared Kushner, also installed in the WH as a "Senior Adviser". Given top-level security clearance by Donald Trump after security officials and WH lawyers designating him a security risk. Despite having zero experience in anything other than real estate Donald Trump at different times put Kushner in charge of MidEast peace talks, Mexican-US border policies, presidential pardons, opioid addiction, healthcare and more. Kushner demonstrated zero ability to accomplish anything in those areas, but used his final weeks as a US government official to travel to Saudi Arabia, where he negotiated a $2 billion payoff to his family. No word on what he traded for that, or how much of a cut went to Trump.
  • Kimberly Guilfoyle, Junior's girlfriend. Known for her drug-addled screeching public appearances, and for offering lapdances at GOP fundraisers.
  • Lara Trump, Eric's wife. Known for mean, fact-free appearances in right wing media on behalf of Donald.
  • Charles Kushner. Jared's father, served time in federal prison for witness tampering and more, pardoned by Trump.

And then there's Donald, the least-qualified, most corrupt, most dishonest president in history. A man who ran for president as a publicity stunt and fell ass-backwards into a job that he had no clue how to do.

Members of the family of Donald Trump have been a major part of his public life. He has included them in his businesses, his television programs, and even his brief occupation of the White House. He has relied on their support to avoid forming relationships with other more qualified people that he couldn't trust or understand.

In the unlikely event that Donald Trump is re-elected, America would be subjected once again to the following:

  • Donald Trump Jr., his father's loudest surrogate, who appears regularly in the media in various states of impairment, whining about his father's perceived enemies and rivals.
  • Eric "Steals From Charities" Trump, his father's dumbest surrogate. "Don't they realize that my father started with almost nothing?"
  • Ivanka Trump, installed by her father in the White House as a 'Senior Adviser", where her job was to make deals for her to sell Chinese-made goods. In an epically embarrassing move for the US, he father took her to the G20 where she was mocked for attempting to insert herself in conversations with world leaders, and for photo-bombing the official portrait of the 20 leaders. No Donald, the G20 is not Bring Your Child To Work Day.
  • Melania "I Don't Care, Do You?" Trump, illegal immigrant.
  • Jared Kushner, also installed in the WH as a "Senior Adviser". Given top-level security clearance by Donald Trump after security officials and WH lawyers designating him a security risk. Despite having zero experience in anything other than real estate Donald Trump at different times put Kushner in charge of MidEast peace talks, Mexican-US border policies, presidential pardons, opioid addiction, healthcare and more. Kushner demonstrated zero ability to accomplish anything in those areas, but used his final weeks as a US government official to travel to Saudi Arabia, where he negotiated a $2 billion payoff to his family. No word on what he traded for that, or how much of a cut went to Trump.
  • Kimberly Guilfoyle, Junior's girlfriend. Known for her drug-addled screeching public appearances, and for offering lapdances at GOP fundraisers.
  • Lara Trump, Eric's wife. Known for mean, fact-free appearances in right wing media on behalf of Donald.
  • Charles Kushner. Jared's father, served time in federal prison for witness tampering and more, pardoned by Trump.

And then there's Donald, the least-qualified, most corrupt, most dishonest president in history. A man who ran for president as a publicity stunt and fell ass-backwards into a job that he had no clue how to do.
You can always leave the country if Trump is re-elected.
Members of the family of Donald Trump have been a major part of his public life. He has included them in his businesses, his television programs, and even his brief occupation of the White House. He has relied on their support to avoid forming relationships with other more qualified people that he couldn't trust or understand.

In the unlikely event that Donald Trump is re-elected, America would be subjected once again to the following:

  • Donald Trump Jr., his father's loudest surrogate, who appears regularly in the media in various states of impairment, whining about his father's perceived enemies and rivals.
  • Eric "Steals From Charities" Trump, his father's dumbest surrogate. "Don't they realize that my father started with almost nothing?"
  • Ivanka Trump, installed by her father in the White House as a 'Senior Adviser", where her job was to make deals for her to sell Chinese-made goods. In an epically embarrassing move for the US, he father took her to the G20 where she was mocked for attempting to insert herself in conversations with world leaders, and for photo-bombing the official portrait of the 20 leaders. No Donald, the G20 is not Bring Your Child To Work Day.
  • Melania "I Don't Care, Do You?" Trump, illegal immigrant.
  • Jared Kushner, also installed in the WH as a "Senior Adviser". Given top-level security clearance by Donald Trump after security officials and WH lawyers designating him a security risk. Despite having zero experience in anything other than real estate Donald Trump at different times put Kushner in charge of MidEast peace talks, Mexican-US border policies, presidential pardons, opioid addiction, healthcare and more. Kushner demonstrated zero ability to accomplish anything in those areas, but used his final weeks as a US government official to travel to Saudi Arabia, where he negotiated a $2 billion payoff to his family. No word on what he traded for that, or how much of a cut went to Trump.
  • Kimberly Guilfoyle, Junior's girlfriend. Known for her drug-addled screeching public appearances, and for offering lapdances at GOP fundraisers.
  • Lara Trump, Eric's wife. Known for mean, fact-free appearances in right wing media on behalf of Donald.
  • Charles Kushner. Jared's father, served time in federal prison for witness tampering and more, pardoned by Trump.

And then there's Donald, the least-qualified, most corrupt, most dishonest president in history. A man who ran for president as a publicity stunt and fell ass-backwards into a job that he had no clue how to do.
These bozos couldn’t even pass security checks and daddy had to intervene and “declare” them eligible, even though they weren’t. With Trump it was a bunch of criminals.
Of all the staff that worked worked for Trump among his own appointees, the vast majority have declared him unfit for public office. Only the worse few derelicts stood by him….Geesus, even Melania is on her third draft of her prenup. Looks like she has long term plans that doesn’t include the Donald.
No you are the one full of bull. I like the way you think so highly of yourself that you figure that man can control the climate or global atmosphere or even the universe and all that sort of thing. The only one that is in control of such things is God the Almighty. He decides when it's over not us. Of course he gives us the ability to learn and understand such things to a degree, but we can't step into his realm in hopes to control it somehow. I agree on a lower scale that we can be good Stewart's of our home here on earth as far as controlling pollution as best we can, but when it comes to weather patterns and such, we have little to no certain control over that in reality. All we can do is the best that we can, and leave the skies to God who is above that.

If want to shorten our lives here, all we need to do is keep sinning like a bunch of rabid dogs, and he'll show us how much we control or rather don't control here
Now it's control the climate for you fuckups.

Say didn't your mythical god put CO2 at around 280ppm, why is it 422ppm now?
The left doesn't understand the Trump shuffle.
And don’t forget, Lie like a rug, steal like a thief. Seen nothing of the fat ass Trump shuffle dance. He’s way to fat and lazy. Trump is the leader of the deaf, dumb and blind. That’s you and yours.

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