What is it with these DEMOCRATS that always play the fake hate crime BS?

Incorrect. Whites don't need to anything at all. Anything. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.
Whites created the problem. Whites can either fix the problem or whites will suffer the most when whites are no longer the majority. And that day will be here in a few short years.
No mac, you don't have a clue. All you can do is criticize both sides. How do you pursue a goal of racial equality by allowing the inequality to exist so that the one side who created the inequality doesn't get upset? Explain that. How do you fix problems created by color coded policies with color blind policies? Explain that. How was the white midde class created in America mac? Do you know?
Keep doing what you're doing, then. It's working out really great.

You laugh, but I was here in 1964. I didn't immigrate here. I know this coutry and it's history better than you. You are wrong and that's a fact.
Whites created the problem.
What problem are you talking about? I'm White. I didn't create any problem.
Whites can either fix the problem or whites will suffer
Suffer, how? You planning on exterminating us or something? Please try. :fu:
the most when whites are no longer the majority.
In your place I'd worry more about you losing your 2nd Place demographic (13%) to Hispanics (16%) in recent years. :auiqs.jpg:

It's time for America to switch its Minority Attention away from Blacks and redirect it to our new friends... Hispanics... :cool:

You've had your share ( and then some ) of "attention" in the past few decades... the rest of us are tired of it... time to move on.

Mainstream on-your-own or stay in your $hithole$... it's all up to you... the rest of us have got nothing to do with that.

And that day will be here in a few short years.
Oooooohhh... yer scarin' us... we're all a-feared of youze guys... not... :auiqs.jpg:
And once again: It's not the goal that is the problem, it's the way the goal is pursued.
Explain that then. What's wrong with society treating a targeted attack against Jews or Asians or any particular group as something more serious and concerning than a random mugging or assault?
I have to say the same thing to the Trumpsters. And neither of you has any clue about what I mean by that.
1. Your inability to articulate yourself with clarity I believe at this point is purposeful. You dont really seem to want to get bogged down in whether your arguments hold any water so you avoid clearly defining the shape of them. That way no matter who responds to it you can claim they misunderstand you.

2. I doubt you'll ever say what you really meant by your seeming assault on hate crime legislation. You'll just cry some more about how know one gets you.
Things are working out great doing things your way. Just great. Congratulations on that.
Nice strawman. I have no idea what you mean by this. Things work out how they work out. I act in the manner I think is right regardless of what the consequences of that are. Fear doesn't rule me as much as it seems to rule you.
Keep doing what you're doing, then. It's working out really great.
Mac, what we have done got us out of slavery and stopped overt Jim Crow. So then you don't have a better strategy and accomodation doesn't work. Read what happened to Booker T Washington or Robert Moton when they decided to accomodate and hope to find a compronise. Frederick Douglass spoke the truth:

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”

The middle class was not missed by Democrats. And the most potent force is not the middle class. There are 135 million Americans who have been consistenty left out, and thats the group to get. So when poor no pot to piss in having whites decide they have had enough of being played by rich whites, it will be checkmate. But as long as they can be fooled into believing in white supremacy, you see idocy like what is posted in this forum.
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I didn't ask you for a thumbs up Mac1958 ,I asked for you to clarify your point. When you spend more time crying about people not getting you than you do actually defining your argument it's not hard for everyone here to figure out what you're about. I don't know what you mean when you say the way we go about our goals are the problem. No one does and we're not supposed to, we're just supposed to imagine that you have some insight that no one else does but that you can't ever articulate. :laugh:
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The demand for racism far outstrips the supply.
That surely may have been the case 100 years ago with the
First Movie the White House ever played.Or the now infamous
- Birth of a Nation - ,{ 1915 } Because the Potus at the time
{ Woodrow Wilson } was a formulating closet Bigot.
He also allowed The Ku Klux Klan to start-up and grow,
These individuals that cry wolf do a mighty disservice to those with legitimate beefs. This character Patel needs to end his candidacy immediately.
Not only are you a pathetic racist, you're just an asshole.
Cry harder, LOSER.
I'm not the one crying. You have no rebuttal so you use this tactic. The fact here is that I descend from people who worked for free for 243 years, then worked for less than half price for another 100 years and today work for 80 percent of what whites get paid now. So I won't be told about not knowing anything about work from the descendants of people who were so lazy and shitfless they had to enslave people to do work they were too lazy to do. Nor will I Iisten to those who descended from peple who got government handouts to the tune of over 100 trillion while we were excluded from that help and still survived.
These individuals that cry wolf do a mighty disservice to those with legitimate beefs. This character Patel needs to end his candidacy immediately.
This I can agree with. But the probem is that a lot of people here practice racism and still deny it's existence while they do it.
I didn't ask you for a thumbs up Mac1958 ,I asked for you to clarify your point. When you spend more time crying about people not getting you than you do actually defining your argument it's not hard for everyone here to figure out what you're about. I don't know what you mean when you say the way we go about our goals are the problem. No one does and we're not supposed to, we're just supposed to imagine that you have some insight that no one else does but that you can't ever articulate. :laugh:
Having seen many of your posts, I don't believe it's possible to have an honest, serious, civil conversation with you.

If that changes in the future, perhaps I'll be more likely to engage.

Until then, you can play with others.
I'm not the one crying. You have no rebuttal so you use this tactic. The fact here is that I descend from people who worked for free for 243 years, then worked for less than half price for another 100 years and today work for 80 percent of what whites get paid now. So I won't be told about not knowing anything about work from the descendants of people who were so lazy and shitfless they had to enslave people to do work they were too lazy to do. Nor will I Iisten to those who descended from peple who got government handouts to the tune of over 100 trillion while we were excluded from that help and still survived.
That's exactly how it happened. And I will tell you any god damn thing I please. Get over yourself melatonin smoker
No it isn't. Whites got multiple handouts from the government that blacks were excluded from. That is what built the white middle class. So like I said don't be white trying to tell me shit about work.
Having seen many of your posts, I don't believe it's possible to have an honest, serious, civil conversation with you.

If that changes in the future, perhaps I'll be more likely to engage.

Until then, you can play with others.
This is weak.

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