What is more dangerous? Trump mean tweeting Kim Jung un or Biden fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine?

LBJ was not a good war leader

But support of the Vietnam War was bipartisan
Sure, at the start, but changed quickly for one party. Hence, the decision by LBJ to not run again.

The war was not good for any leader.

You cult fucks are so full of shit.

Why arent you pearl clutching now, you frauds.

You lying bastards make me sick.
You dumb motherlovers.

Lets get in a proxy war with the greatest NUCLEAR POWER of all time.

Moron, if Russia didn't want war all they had to do was not invade.

For months US and EU told Putin what would happen if they invaded. We told him we would arm Ukraine, we told him we would sanction Russia into stone age.

Putin went ahead anyway because his incompetent intelligence put a fantasy in his head that Ukraine and Zelensky's gov would fold like Afghanis in a matter of days.

Suggestion that we should just sit scared on our hands while Russia invades it's sovereign neighbors is chicken little bullshit.

Russia will never use nuclear weapons no matter what conventional weapons we give to Ukraine to defend with, for the same reason it has used it before - it's an assured, literal death sentence for their regime and a nail in coffin for Russia that will instantly align entire world against it.
Moron, if Russia didn't want war all they had to do was not invade.

For months US and EU told Putin what would happen if they invaded. We told him we would arm Ukraine, we told him we would sanction Russia into stone age.

Putin went ahead anyway because his incompetent intelligence put a fantasy in his head that Ukraine and Zelensky's gov would fold like Afghanis in a matter of days.

Suggestion that we should just sit scared on our hands while Russia invades it's sovereign neighbors is chicken little bullshit.

Russia will never use nuclear weapons no matter what conventional weapons we give to Ukraine to defend with, for the same reason it has used it before - it's an assured, literal death sentence for their regime and a nail in coffin for Russia that will instantly align entire world against it.
Dumb as usual.
Any of you who said Trump was going to get us nuked over his tweets to KJU had damn well better be freaking out that we are in a war with RUSSIA.


So if you called out Trump, you sure as hell had call out Biden.

If you do not, you are simply a cultist.

The former 1-term fuckup kissing Kim ring over a big letter.
Any of you who said Trump was going to get us nuked over his tweets to KJU had damn well better be freaking out that we are in a war with RUSSIA.


So if you called out Trump, you sure as hell had call out Biden.

If you do not, you are simply a cultist.

The former 1-term fuckups coddling of dictators like Kim.

As opposed to President Biden’s policy of opposing.
Any of you who said Trump was going to get us nuked over his tweets to KJU had damn well better be freaking out that we are in a war with RUSSIA.


So if you called out Trump, you sure as hell had call out Biden.

If you do not, you are simply a cultist.


In truth, biden isn't doing anything.......the obama minions running biden are calling all the shots.

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