What is more dangerous? Trump mean tweeting Kim Jung un or Biden fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine?

Europe is rich. We pay for more of their defense then they do. They also have a combined strong military and also have nuclear weapons. Putin had no intention of invading them. He wants his sphere of influence which Europe proper had no concern with for centuries. World War 2 and today is like night and day and before Trump there were a lot of people with many Progs complaining about what we pay for the world and NATO. Our military and security budgets dwarf much of the world combined.
Usually a good way to gauge military spending is as a percent of GDP, not in absolute numbers. Of course I'd like to see our military budget decreased and used more effectively. But that has nothing to do with what is going on in Europe at the moment. Two separate conversations.
When the US invaded Iraq, should Russia have attacked the US?

You cult fucks are such simpletons.
I never said that. So you believe Mexico is attacking us by letting Guatemalans and Chinese into our country illegally? Any proof of that or is that just another thing to add to the list of things you've imagined in your head?
we know for a fact that millions of people have crossed our border and we also know for a fact they are coming from just about every country on the planet,, and we also know we have little to no idea who they are, just who they say they are,,

we also know for a fact a whole lot of them are known terrorist or criminals,,

so do you have a list or not??

why are we cleaning someone elses house when ours is so dirty,,
we know for a fact that millions of people have crossed our border and we also know for a fact they are coming from just about every country on the planet,, and we also know we have little to no idea who they are, just who they say they are,,

we also know for a fact a whole lot of them are known terrorist or criminals,,

so do you have a list or not??

why are we cleaning someone elses house when ours is so dirty,,
How do either of these events affect your daily life? I'd argue the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a more destabilizing event than some illegals crossing the American border and statistically speaking, making your neighborhood safer while increasing your tax base.
How do either of these events affect your daily life? I'd argue the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a more destabilizing event than some illegals crossing the American border and statistically speaking, making your neighborhood safer while increasing your tax base.
some illegals???

whats the count over the last 3 yrs??

my guess its ten times as many russians that have crossed into ukraine,,
some illegals???

whats the count over the last 3 yrs??

my guess its ten times as many russians that have crossed into ukraine,,
You are comparing apples and oranges. I'm not going to sit here and explain the difference. You probably shouldnt be attempting to enter a conversation about this if you don't know the difference or feign that you dont know the difference.
You are comparing apples and oranges. I'm not going to sit here and explain the difference. You probably shouldnt be attempting to enter a conversation about this if you don't know the difference or feign that you dont know the difference.
no I'm not,,

youre making excuses to justify us protecting someone elses border while ignoring whats happening with ours,,

so how many have crossed over the last 3 yrs??
no I'm not,,

youre making excuses to justify us protecting someone elses border while ignoring whats happening with ours,,

so how many have crossed over the last 3 yrs??

This is off topic.

Where did I ever say we should ignore our border? I've never said that, liar. See that's why you cant have a real discussion with your ilk. You can't stop lying. Also, you evidently also dont believe America is capable of handling more than one problem at a time.
This is off topic.

Where did I ever say we should ignore our border? I've never said that, liar. See that's why you cant have a real discussion with your ilk. You can't stop lying. Also, you evidently also dont believe America is capable of handling more than one problem at a time.
how many have crossed our border in the last 3 yrs??

and how many of those do we know for a fact arent here to do harm??
so you dont even know,,, best you not talk about things you know nothing about,,,

but I am sure the like of dick chaney loves your pro war stance since its making the weapons manufacturers filthy rich,,
I provided the link showing border crossings. If you cant read a graph that isnt my fault.

Where did I say I was pro war? LOL again, you're lying. What was your stance on the Iraq invasion as it was happening?
I provided the link showing border crossings. If you cant read a graph that isnt my fault.

Where did I say I was pro war? LOL again, you're lying. What was your stance on the Iraq invasion as it was happening?
youre words say youre pro war,,

how many out of that list do we know for a fact arent here to harm us??

I was against iraq and also afgan wars,,
youre words say youre pro war,,

how many out of that list do we know for a fact arent here to harm us??

I was against iraq and also afgan wars,,
All I've said is let Russia implode. How is that pro war?
I dont know and you dont know.
You're trying to convince us you were a peace loving hippie and were against republican policy when you have joined the trump cult? But that is really neither here nor there I guess.

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