What is more dangerous? Trump mean tweeting Kim Jung un or Biden fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine?

Kenya invaded Somolia. Why didnt we send billions to Somolia. THEY ARE A SOVERIGN NATION INVADED BY A FOREIGN POWER. WE CANNOT LET IT STAND!

You phony fucks.
A peace deal was reached in Turkey in March 2022…but Biden stopped it and pushed for war.

You people are fucked in the head.
Are you ever going to expound on this deal?

Meaning, who wrote it, what does it say, who signed it, and who killed it?

According to you.
Kenya invaded Somolia. Why didnt we send billions to Somolia. THEY ARE A SOVERIGN NATION INVADED BY A FOREIGN POWER. WE CANNOT LET IT STAND!

You phony fucks.
LOL hey look a guy who doesnt understand something so he just lashes out in anger. Witnessing it in real time!
Kenya invaded Somolia. Why didnt we send billions to Somolia. THEY ARE A SOVERIGN NATION INVADED BY A FOREIGN POWER. WE CANNOT LET IT STAND!

You phony fucks.
Try reading a basic book on international relations instead of getting angry and frustrated because you dont understand something.
How many Ukanians have died since the peace agreement in March 2022?

That blood is on Biden’s hands and any motherfucker who supports Biden’s war machine.
How many Ukanians have died since the peace agreement in March 2022?

That blood is on Biden’s hands and any motherfucker who supports Biden’s war machine.
Folks, this idiot doesn't know what the "deal" he brought up is all about.


How many Ukanians have died since the peace agreement in March 2022?

That blood is on Biden’s hands and any motherfucker who supports Biden’s war machine.
What peace agreement? What is it even called?
You getting so upset about this it's almost as if you are a Russian.
so did you get that list of our border crossers that proves they dont have ill intent or are foreign military??

How many soverign nations has the US invaded? These cult fucks used to freak out about that.

I guess it is ok when the US does it.

They are such frauds.
you said there werent any,, just wanted to see your proof,,

did you know theres other ways to attack a country that dont involve military entering the country??
I never said that. So you believe Mexico is attacking us by letting Guatemalans and Chinese into our country illegally? Any proof of that or is that just another thing to add to the list of things you've imagined in your head?
It's actually the worlds problem.
Europe is rich. We pay for more of their defense then they do. They also have a combined strong military and also have nuclear weapons. Putin had no intention of invading them. He wants his sphere of influence which Europe proper had no concern with for centuries. World War 2 and today is like night and day and before Trump there were a lot of people with many Progs complaining about what we pay for the world and NATO. Our military and security budgets dwarf much of the world combined.

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