Zone1 What is racial justice?

You can't comment on the present without taking into account what the past has caused to create the present. And that bullshit excuse is tiring to read considering that the same racism exists right now.
Racism is the natural social result of the mixing of disparate races. People want to associate with others who look like them.
I think personality traits are mostly acquired, not inherited.
By brother and I were raised in the same family by the same biological parents. We have profoundly different personalities. He is an extrovert; I am an introvert. He gets angry easily. I rarely get angry, and control my anger when I do get angry. We have always been this way ever since we were one or two years old. Those kind of personality differences are common in families.
Racism is the natural social result of the mixing of disparate races. People want to associate with others who look like them.
This is probably true for most people. I have always preferred the company of Orientals because they tend to be more intelligent and law abiding than whites. For the same reason I avoid the presence of colored people unless they prove to me that they are as decent as most whites.
This is probably true for most people. I have always preferred the company of Orientals because they tend to be more intelligent and law abiding than whites. For the same reason I avoid the presence of colored people unless they prove to me that they are as decent as most whites.
As a group Asians have been our best student tenants by far. Blacks have been our worst. That said we don't rent to undergrad white men, they like to party too much.
Oh, but one of history's worst used your argument to send thousands of US soldiers to their death in Vietnam

According to Hamilton Gregory, author of McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War:[6][7]
Theory Is a Theater That Flops

Your confirmation bias doesn't connect the dots; it connects the dittos.
Chickenhawk Lies to Justify Dereliction of Duty

They feel lucky to be alive; why would they commit suicide then? That would mean they envied those who got killed.
Something is haunting them. Maybe they went into those wars knowing or feeling that something wasn't right. Then their experiences confirmed it leading to remorse that they supported it. Add the bloodshed, PTSD, the combat injuries and chemical poisoning, the failure of their mission, the inability to function normally once home, and you've got a recipe for suicide.
"Money answereth all things." (Somewhere in the Bible). I have often said that the salvation of the black community is "black capital formation". However, blacks are in the spending stage of their economic development, not the savings and investment stage.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it. :biggrin:
Rolling Back to the Darkie Ages

Theories that are beneficial when applied to Whites are irrelevant when applied to Blacks, who will never reach the savings and investment stage because they are stuck forever in the theft and murder stage. Even a Liberal role model such as John Stuart Mill said that his theories in On Liberty do not apply to the Third World, which is hopelessly undevelopable and "emerging" only as a threat.
Since emancipation American Negroes have been more affluent than African Negroes
Liberal Logic, If Consistent

Then Aframs must pay reparations to those they left behind in the jungle. It's not fair that they got to live off the White economy while people with the same skin color are stuck with poverty, starvation, and tribal genocide.
Chickenhawk Lies to Justify Dereliction of Duty

They feel lucky to be alive; why would they commit suicide then? That would mean they envied those who got killed.

1.5 times more likely to commit suicide.
Something is haunting them. Maybe they went into those wars knowing or feeling that something wasn't right. Then their experiences confirmed it leading to remorse that they supported it. Add the bloodshed, PTSD, the combat injuries and chemical poisoning, the failure of their mission, the inability to function normally once home, and you've got a recipe for suicide.
Before the Richkid Reich Could Stab Us in the Back, It Had to Take Away Our Backbone

Only if they believe what cowards and traitors say about the war and about those who fought it without support and respect from those who sent them there.
By brother and I were raised in the same family by the same biological parents. We have profoundly different personalities. He is an extrovert; I am an introvert. He gets angry easily. I rarely get angry, and control my anger when I do get angry. We have always been this way ever since we were one or two years old. Those kind of personality differences are common in families.
of course I meant "My brother."
Before the Richkid Reich Could Stab Us in the Back, It Had to Take Away Our Backbone

Only if they believe what cowards and traitors say about the war and about those who fought it without support and respect from those who sent them there.
You do realize that the Vietnam war was a tragic mistake, and that those who refused to go were right. The same demographic rushed to enlist in the aftermath of 9/11.

Not everyone who refuses to fight is a coward. I was once accosted by a guy in a bar who wanted to fight me. I told the bartender to call the police as "this guy was threatening to assault me". At that he backed off and left me alone. I didn't know him and he didn't know me.

However, while in the Army I was accosted by another soldier (for no good reason) and I had to fight him. Fortunately, I prevailed as I got the first punch in.
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