What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Romney's Current Greatest Liability

  • The tax havens

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His only liability is that he has more honor and integrity than obama.

He's not making shit up about obama
He's not accusing him of outlandish things
And he doesn't have most of the media backing his every word with more lies and bullshit.

bain should be something to be proud of. 100% of the companies he took over were going out of biz, he save 80%, that's something to be proud of.

Privacy is still a Constitutional right.

Where is keeps his money is just fucking dumb. I'm supposed to care more what Mitt does with his money than what Obama does with mine.

Seriously, obama is making mountains out of mole hills, and you and the media just play along.

If he had honor and integrity, he'd release all the records.

I know....Obama needs to release his medical records, his college transcripts, has official birth certificate, and any documents related to Fast & Furious that he's currently claiming executive privilege for. Until then Mitt doesn't have to release Jack Shit.

Um, he's released 7600 Documents related to Fast and Furious and five federal agencies are investigating it.

He's also released his medical records and birth certificate.

By the way, his claim for the presidency has never been based on those.

Romney's claim is based on "Hey, I was the most awesomest businessman in the universe, so I'm totally qualifed to lead in the completely unrelated feild of Government."

Forget that his only stint in elected office was an abyssmal failure.

No, no, just look at Bain. Oh, wait. You're looking at Bain. You're looking at AmPad and GS Steel and Dade Instrument and Damon Medical and all the jobs we offshored and outsourced? Oh, wait, you weren't supposed to look at that, only the good parts.
Well, what the heck:badgrin: I can go back to defending this later today.:eusa_silenced:


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What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Being Mitt Romney. So I guess "other."

His personal financial secrecy and Bain shennanigans are just part of the larger picture that's being (or about to be) painted. They set the stage and get the attention of the Rust Belt and others who've tangled with Romney's type before.

Ultimately I expect the flow will be:

1. This is who Romney is. A member of the unaccountable financial elite who don't give a shit about you or your family; when their interests don't align with what makes Mittens and his investors money, too bad for them.

2. This is where Romney's been. He's (briefly) been in office before and the results were mediocre. The rationale that one should overlook the negatives associated with point 1 because his ruthless success somehow translates into the public good once he's handed the public trust fails upon scrutiny.

3. This is where he's going. Circle back to point one by pointing at the upwardly redistributive policies he's embraced (e.g. his tax policies, his support of replacing Medicare with a coupon for an Aetna plan, etc). His states policy goals are the same goals he pursued in the private sector: enrich his investors and if the average American has to take one for the team in the process, so be it.

He's an unsympathetic character, and he's starting to run from his primary credential for seeking the presidency. Being Mitt Romney is his liability.

Nice note to end on, although I fully expect this shit to go on for days (with not one person on the right accurately addressing the issues with the tax havens, returns, or Bain.)

The answer is there is nothing wrong with, illegal or immoral about anything on your list. Is that accurate enough for you?
Off of the list. Please don't be lying to yourself SO badly that you actually do not believe Romney has any liabilities. Ta.

You've got to be lying to yourself if you believe Romney has more liabilities than the Hussein.
I voted 'Other'. I think it is all hurting him. He can't even defend himself. At first I was worried that he might actually win the election against Obama, but as Romney's hole gets deeper, I am not so worried anymore.

Four more years for Obama, coming up!

Yet Romney continues to gain in polls and Obama continues to decline. Perhaps your "Thousand Year Reich" won't go as planned....
I think his biggest liability is still Mormonism. His only saving grace is that 43% of the electorate doesn't know he is a Mormon yet and a large chunk of it just don't know how crazy Mormons actually are.

Comrade Stalin, I strongly urge you and your filthy party to use religious bigotry as the foundation of your reelection strategy. Dear Leader needs to go on national TV and declare that "Mormons are not Christians and are a strange cult. Goddamn America but those Mormons are strange."

Get the Bainthers® to join you in condemning Mormons.
Um, he's released 7600 Documents related to Fast and Furious and five federal agencies are investigating it.

Comrade Joe; why do you post things that are utter falsehoods and well known?

The most corrupt Attorney General in history, Eric Holder, who reports directly to Barack Obama, has released exactly ZERO documents from the time frame of February 2011 to present.

{"I write now to inform you that the President has asserted executive privilege over the relevant post-February 4, 2011, documents," writes Deputy Attorney General James Cole. "We regret that we have arrived at this point, after the many steps we have taken to address the Committee's concerns and to accommodate the Committee's legitimate oversight interests regarding Operation Fast and Furious."}

Obama claims executive privilege; Holder held in contempt

He's also released his medical records and birth certificate.

He released an abstract birth certificate. But that is irrelevant to his coverup of Fast and Furious.

By the way, his claim for the presidency has never been based on those.

It was based on the idea that he is god. You fucknut morons worship Obama.

Romney's claim is based on "Hey, I was the most awesomest businessman in the universe, so I'm totally qualifed to lead in the completely unrelated feild of Government."

Winning in business is determined by profitability. Romney did quite well.

Forget that his only stint in elected office was an abyssmal failure.

Speaking of abysmal failure, let's talk about Dear Leader's record, shall we Comrade Stalin?

No, no, just look at Bain. Oh, wait. You're looking at Bain. You're looking at AmPad and GS Steel and Dade Instrument and Damon Medical and all the jobs we offshored and outsourced? Oh, wait, you weren't supposed to look at that, only the good parts.

Bain is a highly successful company that rescued thousands of businesses from failure.

But Obama bailed out the corrupt UAW - with taxpayer money - that's better to the good Bolshevik mind....
Um, he's released 7600 Documents related to Fast and Furious and five federal agencies are investigating it.

Comrade Joe; why do you post things that are utter falsehoods and well known?

The most corrupt Attorney General in history, Eric Holder, who reports directly to Barack Obama, has released exactly ZERO documents from the time frame of February 2011 to present.

{"I write now to inform you that the President has asserted executive privilege over the relevant post-February 4, 2011, documents," writes Deputy Attorney General James Cole. "We regret that we have arrived at this point, after the many steps we have taken to address the Committee's concerns and to accommodate the Committee's legitimate oversight interests regarding Operation Fast and Furious."}

Obama claims executive privilege; Holder held in contempt

He's also released his medical records and birth certificate.

He released an abstract birth certificate. But that is irrelevant to his coverup of Fast and Furious.

It was based on the idea that he is god. You fucknut morons worship Obama.

Winning in business is determined by profitability. Romney did quite well.

Forget that his only stint in elected office was an abyssmal failure.

Speaking of abysmal failure, let's talk about Dear Leader's record, shall we Comrade Stalin?

No, no, just look at Bain. Oh, wait. You're looking at Bain. You're looking at AmPad and GS Steel and Dade Instrument and Damon Medical and all the jobs we offshored and outsourced? Oh, wait, you weren't supposed to look at that, only the good parts.

Bain is a highly successful company that rescued thousands of businesses from failure.

But Obama bailed out the corrupt UAW - with taxpayer money - that's better to the good Bolshevik mind....

LBOs are not rescues.
romney's greatest liability is romney...

he comes off as arrogant and snarky, like how dare you question him.

he's also not nice even when he's campaigning. people don't like candidates who insult the local cookies.


That's the exact same vibe I got from Obama during his campaign.

"Let me be clear"
"Let me be clear"

Questioning him? How about how condescending he was to Steffanopolis when they were discussing if the Mandate was a Tax?

Insulting "local cookies"?
Before, during, or after the "clinging to Bibles and guns" remark?

Remove the plank, sister.
Off of the list. Please don't be lying to yourself SO badly that you actually do not believe Romney has any liabilities. Ta.

His only liability is that he has more honor and integrity than obama.

He's not making shit up about obama
He's not accusing him of outlandish things
And he doesn't have most of the media backing his every word with more lies and bullshit.

bain should be something to be proud of. 100% of the companies he took over were going out of biz, he save 80%, that's something to be proud of.

Privacy is still a Constitutional right.

Where is keeps his money is just fucking dumb. I'm supposed to care more what Mitt does with his money than what Obama does with mine.

Seriously, obama is making mountains out of mole hills, and you and the media just play along.

"He has more honor and integrity?" Really?? Because what I see is a spoiled rich kid who thinks the rules don't apply to him, never mind the laws. Tax havens. Doing whatever he can to avoid honoring what he owes. Refusing to do what every candidate since HIS FATHER has done with the presenting of tax returns.

He's actually the poster child for what's wrong with this country, and he is YOUR candidate, so congratulations. Long may he wave.
Off of the list. Please don't be lying to yourself SO badly that you actually do not believe Romney has any liabilities. Ta.

His only liability is that he has more honor and integrity than obama.

He's not making shit up about obama
He's not accusing him of outlandish things
And he doesn't have most of the media backing his every word with more lies and bullshit.

bain should be something to be proud of. 100% of the companies he took over were going out of biz, he save 80%, that's something to be proud of.

Privacy is still a Constitutional right.

Where is keeps his money is just fucking dumb. I'm supposed to care more what Mitt does with his money than what Obama does with mine.

Seriously, obama is making mountains out of mole hills, and you and the media just play along.

"He has more honor and integrity?" Really?? Because what I see is a spoiled rich kid who thinks the rules don't apply to him, never mind the laws. Tax havens. Doing whatever he can to avoid honoring what he owes. Refusing to do what every candidate since HIS FATHER has done with the presenting of tax returns.

He's actually the poster child for what's wrong with this country, and he is YOUR candidate, so congratulations. Long may he wave.

For anyone to say Romney has honor and integrity, period, is laughable, but to say it while criticizing Obama, well, we call that jumping the shark
I wish the right wing bigots would stop being bigots and morons long enough so we adults could criticize Obama and the Dem party for being almost as bad as the republiklans, because if we dont, as americans, get these corrupt parties under control and soon, we wont have anything to argue about anymore
His only liability is that he has more honor and integrity than obama.

He's not making shit up about obama
He's not accusing him of outlandish things
And he doesn't have most of the media backing his every word with more lies and bullshit.

bain should be something to be proud of. 100% of the companies he took over were going out of biz, he save 80%, that's something to be proud of.

Privacy is still a Constitutional right.

Where is keeps his money is just fucking dumb. I'm supposed to care more what Mitt does with his money than what Obama does with mine.

Seriously, obama is making mountains out of mole hills, and you and the media just play along.

"He has more honor and integrity?" Really?? Because what I see is a spoiled rich kid who thinks the rules don't apply to him, never mind the laws. Tax havens. Doing whatever he can to avoid honoring what he owes. Refusing to do what every candidate since HIS FATHER has done with the presenting of tax returns.

He's actually the poster child for what's wrong with this country, and he is YOUR candidate, so congratulations. Long may he wave.

For anyone to say Romney has honor and integrity, period, is laughable, but to say it while criticizing Obama, well, we call that jumping the shark
for anybody to pretend that President Obama has ANY integrity at all is what reasonable people call "bullshit."

libzHateUSA wants to toss the President's salad.
I wish the right wing bigots would stop being bigots and morons long enough so we adults could criticize Obama and the Dem party for being almost as bad as the republiklans, because if we dont, as americans, get these corrupt parties under control and soon, we wont have anything to argue about anymore

I think this is why so many believe that a revolution may have to be involved before any kind of change can come.
"He has more honor and integrity?" Really?? Because what I see is a spoiled rich kid who thinks the rules don't apply to him, never mind the laws. Tax havens. Doing whatever he can to avoid honoring what he owes. Refusing to do what every candidate since HIS FATHER has done with the presenting of tax returns.

He's actually the poster child for what's wrong with this country, and he is YOUR candidate, so congratulations. Long may he wave.

For anyone to say Romney has honor and integrity, period, is laughable, but to say it while criticizing Obama, well, we call that jumping the shark
for anybody to pretend that President Obama has ANY integrity at all is what reasonable people call "bullshit."

libzHateUSA wants to toss the President's salad.
sshh, adults are talking
I wish the right wing bigots would stop being bigots and morons long enough so we adults could criticize Obama and the Dem party for being almost as bad as the republiklans, because if we dont, as americans, get these corrupt parties under control and soon, we wont have anything to argue about anymore

I think this is why so many believe that a revolution may have to be involved before any kind of change can come.

the oligarchs love that Obama was elected, it allows them to pit us against each other while they literally run off with everything
I wish the right wing bigots would stop being bigots and morons long enough so we adults could criticize Obama and the Dem party for being almost as bad as the republiklans, because if we dont, as americans, get these corrupt parties under control and soon, we wont have anything to argue about anymore

I think this is why so many believe that a revolution may have to be involved before any kind of change can come.

the oligarchs love that Obama was elected, it allows them to pit us against each other while they literally run off with everything

There are cooler heads on the R side of the aisle. They just need to start prevailing.

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