What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Romney's Current Greatest Liability

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He will pick Jindal because standing next to him at a podium Willard will look less out of place. Awkward and More awkward! I like it!

I can't imagion Romney would select Jihdal. What would the theme be? 'The Capitalist and the Preacher'? I think Condi Rice would be the wisest choice.
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More along the lines of "MOrmons are a cult who don't seem to respect the fact that America has freedom of religion and try to impose their religious silliness on the rest of us.

Yeah, just yesterday I was grabbed by Mormons and told that if I didn't convert they would cut my head off on Al Jazeera.

Oh wait, that was Muslims, whom you love and support...

Never mind.

Their creed is racist, homophobic, and misogynistic."

No irony deficiency here...

But here's the thing. Obama will never have to say that once.

He has morons like you to spew his bigoted shit - good point.

Just like in 2008, he never had to say, "Damn, Sarah Palin sure is stupid. And one Cancer-ridden heartbeat away from the presidency if McCain wins!"

Hey, I hear he's going to pick Jindal the Exorcists as his running-mate. That would be comedy gold.

True, he has an army of demagogues who would make Goebbels blush.

But the ones TODAY (which is what we are talking about here) who place stock in and value in the wisdom of a Constitutionally LIMITED Federal Government of ENUMERATED powers are the Conservatives, not the "liberals."

You libs tend to see those notions, today, as quaint and as anachronistic.

In words not in deeds. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush grew government deficits and debt along with a willing Congress. A GOP Congress backed two unfunded wars and a prescription drug plan.

Conservatives like a government that interferes in the bedrooms, and private lives of citizens.

Nobody did words like George...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moutUEfqUQ4]George W Bush - American Idiot - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]
Step up and do what?
He can't really come out and state that he is for X or against Y since there is likely video or audio of him taking the opposite position in the recent past.

So more of "Obama Bad" is coming out...

That contradictory stuff only bothers you Obamaphiles when it is Mitt or any other opponent of the one who does it.

You all completely overlook, disregard, excuse and make mindless apologies for ALL of the innumerable times President Obama flips and flops.

The Panderer in Chief is maybe one of the worst offenders.

So, let's jut be blunt. Mitt absolutely CAN and should step the FUCK UP and put voice to what he WOULD do and what he does stand for. And if the comically dishonest liberal Dumbocraps dare to try to paint Mitt as dishonest or flip-flopping, that's fine by me. The same can easily be done to the various positions taken by The ONE and ALL of the examples of his doing so should be fully aired and exploited.

And, by the way. The incumbent IS bad. He is a disaster. He cannot run on HIS record which is why he isn't even pretending to TRY to do so. He is busy running FROM his record (which is the only smart thing he can do). But he needs to be CALLED on it. Endlessly.


Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

From the first minute of the video above...

"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose"--Governor Romney

"The right next step in the fight to preserve the sanctity of life is to see Roe V. Wade overturned."--Governor Romney
So when he steps up to take a stand on Abortion...he'll be going back on his word.

There are several other places where the same dichotomy can be drawn between Governor Romney's statements being on both sides of the issue.

Like President Flip Flop hasn't done that, too?

Granted, he is perfectly consistent on his pro-death position for innocent unborn children. But his consistency on that one is not exactly a good thing.
Let's stay with King and Britannica!! Conservatives were Tories


But the ones TODAY (which is what we are talking about here) who place stock in and value in the wisdom of a Constitutionally LIMITED Federal Government of ENUMERATED powers are the Conservatives, not the "liberals."

You libs tend to see those notions, today, as quaint and as anachronistic.

In words not in deeds. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush grew government deficits and debt along with a willing Congress. A GOP Congress backed two unfunded wars and a prescription drug plan.

Conservatives like a government that interferes in the bedrooms, and private lives of citizens.


In both words and deeds.

If you're looking for perfection, then you are looking in the wrong place, though, naturally.

On the other hand, if you'd care to try being reasonable someday you'll find that the ones who place value on limited government are the conservatives and never the liberals.
I believe this is all penny ante shit and here, let me adjust BDBoop's tin foil crown.
I can't imagion Romney would select Jihdal. What would the theme be? 'The Capitalist and the Preacher'? I think Condi Rice would be the wisest choice.

Rice is avidly pro-abortion. It wouldn't fit.

Not avid and she would be VP to a very healthy President. It could work.

What good is prayer in school if you are praying for your mommy and daddy to find a job today?
His greatest liability is not being aggressive enough against the opposition. Romney by far has the best record and resume of success to run on. He needs to contrast and compare that and he is a shoo in.
there are, but in the end there arent any conservative ideas worth a damn...but, compromise has worked too, and yet, i almost see the baggers attitude about compromise

for us to do anything any con wants to do ever, is suicide for the society...

Frauds like ConztipHATEDlib ^ reveal who and what they ARE when they use terms like "baggers" and when they claim (idiotically, of course) that doing what Conservatives want is the same as suicide.

This is partly why nobody with intelligence and intellectual honesty can take modern American liberalism too seriously.

Joking aside, ConztipHATEDlib,

gonna put you in time out if you dont behave

Troll boy, does your mom know you're on her computer?
Not avid and she would be VP to a very healthy President. It could work.

What good is prayer in school if you are praying for your mommy and daddy to find a job today?

What prayer in school?

Rice has a lot of baggage beyond her pro-abortion stance; she has the taint of the Bush administration. Romney would be wise to keep as much distance as possible between himself and Bush. The one and only thing Obama is competent at is blaming BOOOOOSH. Romney would be a fool to hand Obama the opportunity to do so.
What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?


What is your Messiah's® worst liability at this time? Or is he too perfect to have any?

when rightwing idiots speak, it is usually in projection

Adults dont look for messiahs, only rightwing children do

ConztipHATEDlib wants to toss Obama's salad, but "no no, he's no Messiah to us libz."

The good news is that his complete lack of any credibility has never been a handicap for ConztiHATEDlibz.
What is your Messiah's® worst liability at this time? Or is he too perfect to have any?

when rightwing idiots speak, it is usually in projection

Adults dont look for messiahs, only rightwing children do

ConztipHATEDlib wants to toss Obama's salad, but "no no, he's no Messiah to us libz."

The good news is that his complete lack of any credibility has never been a handicap for ConztiHATEDlibz.

a. you are so stupid you are almost incoherent

b. belushi would puke all day long if he saw you were using him and his memory

c. some jackass around here does the same with THE WHO, dont you rightwing racist idiots know that all COOL people wouldnt have anything to do with you? seriously, dont you know that?
when rightwing idiots speak, it is usually in projection

Adults dont look for messiahs, only rightwing children do

ConztipHATEDlib wants to toss Obama's salad, but "no no, he's no Messiah to us libz."

The good news is that his complete lack of any credibility has never been a handicap for ConztiHATEDlibz.

a. you are so stupid you are almost incoherent

b. belushi would puke all day long if he saw you were using him and his memory

c. some jackass around here does the same with THE WHO, dont you rightwing racist idiots know that all COOL people wouldnt have anything to do with you? seriously, dont you know that?

You want fries with that meltdown, pussy?
when rightwing idiots speak, it is usually in projection

Adults dont look for messiahs, only rightwing children do

Oh my Obama but you are a drooling twit.

"We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."

-- Michelle Obama

"Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus."

-- Politiken (Danish newspaper)

"No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don't expect, like Jesus being born in a manger."

--Lawrence Carter

"Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama."

-- Dinesh Sharma

"We just like to say his name. We are considering taking it as a mantra."

-- Chicago] Sun-Times

"A Lightworker -- An Attuned Being with Powerful Luminosity and High-Vibration Integrity who will actually help usher in a New Way of Being"

-- Mark Morford

"What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history"

-- Jesse Jackson, Jr.

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

-- Barack Obama

"Does it not feel as if some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"

-- Daily Kos
UC08, I was referring to the other of his two paths. The way I see it is he can try to rally what is presumed to be the preexisting base, i.e. Jindal, or shoot for over the top, i.e. Rice, to oversimplify the matter.

I can see how a Romney/Rice ticket could win. I watched Rice on CNN, CSPAN, et. al. during the Bush administration. Put the two of them together, get the campaign off the small shit, and you have a race on your hands. If both the Bush drag and the preexisting base is smaller than assumed then it would seem to be the logic direction.

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