What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
I think I understand what makes satan tick.

Have you ever encountered someone who is unhappy? Odds are, they are down and out. They have lost something that they cared about, or they failed to attain something they wanted a great deal.

What are they like? Are they not often bitter? Do they not seem to drag you down with them when you are around them? Don't they tend to want you to be just as miserable, so that you would be good company for them?

Conversely, what is someone like who is in love? What is someone like when they have what is most important to them? Do they not make you happy when you are around them? Don't they elevate your spirit? Don't they wish that you too could be as happy?

And so it goes, satan is pissed off because God defeated him when he fell, so satan wants to bring us all down to his level. And most importantly, the God that defeated him loves humankind, so making them suffer is satan's only source of satisfaction because he wants to get even.

It's just how we are wired.

You have just described the deplorables & Trump, to a T.

You are a very simple thinker

I think for myself unlike the 'cult of Trump'

And you allow others to think for you, just like the Nazis

That you call it the "cult of Trump" designates you as one of a cult. You just can't see it.

I'm a college-educated white suburban wife and mother who voted for Trump and, unless something dire happens, will do it again. No one like you ever, ever, ever asks me why that is, or even wonders why, I guess. You call me lots of names and project a lot of stuff on me. But you are incredibly incurious.

I welcome your inability to wonder. It works very well for us.
God commits "genocide" on all of us. We are all going to die. He alone has the right to determine when, how, and even why. He is Creator. He gets to say. Even in a flood, even in cancer, even in a car accident. It is His right.

Kind of makes him a dick, doesn't it? Frankly, you are making RW's point. All Satan does is tempt you to do things, most of which really aren't all that bad.

God will fucking kill you. Even if your children go to church every day and beg for your cancer to get better. Even if you worked for his church for 15 years...

But the fun doesn't end there... if you didn't chose the right religion, he'll send you to burn for all eternity.

Joe, for a man of 57 years, I really have a hard time wrapping my head around how deeply bitter and unable to deal with your mother's death you are. Mothers die even if "her children go to church every day". Mothers die "even if you worked for his church for 15 years" and "even if you prayed for healing".

I have been teaching in the elementary school for years and years and I cannot tell you how many YOUNG CHILDREN have lost mothers. Really.

What I would like to know is: what made you think you were so special that you could escape the fate of death that touches us all? You really, really think you're something special don't you?
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
I think I understand what makes satan tick.

Have you ever encountered someone who is unhappy? Odds are, they are down and out. They have lost something that they cared about, or they failed to attain something they wanted a great deal.

What are they like? Are they not often bitter? Do they not seem to drag you down with them when you are around them? Don't they tend to want you to be just as miserable, so that you would be good company for them?

Conversely, what is someone like who is in love? What is someone like when they have what is most important to them? Do they not make you happy when you are around them? Don't they elevate your spirit? Don't they wish that you too could be as happy?

And so it goes, satan is pissed off because God defeated him when he fell, so satan wants to bring us all down to his level. And most importantly, the God that defeated him loves humankind, so making them suffer is satan's only source of satisfaction because he wants to get even.

It's just how we are wired.

You have just described the deplorables & Trump, to a T.

You are a very simple thinker

I think for myself unlike the 'cult of Trump'

And you allow others to think for you, just like the Nazis

That you call it the "cult of Trump" designates you as one of a cult. You just can't see it.

I'm a college-educated white suburban wife and mother who voted for Trump and, unless something dire happens, will do it again. No one like you ever, ever, ever asks me why that is, or even wonders why, I guess. You call me lots of names and project a lot of stuff on me. But you are incredibly incurious.

I welcome your inability to wonder. It works very well for us.

I call you lots of names? Really? LOL

Why don't you rattle off the laundry list?

Playing the victim card?

As far as the 'cult of Trump' goes it is a bunch of angry whites that hate AmeriKKKa being NON white.
He convinced people that they are nothing more than material. That they have no higher purpose. Which in part explains why you behave as you do. Specifically, to condemn respect for people of faith. Every single time a people has condemned respect for other people bad things followed.

God slaughtered those who did not believe in him

The devil allowed people to make their own choices
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours

That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
How sad it is to think we are being judged by a God that has a 3rd century A.D. mentality on morals and justifiable murder because of a deity status..

What is the "3rd century AD mentality on morals"? They're probably more advanced than ours, to be honest. I don't remember reading anything about hugely pregnant women going into abortion clinics over a two day period to have their completely formed babies injected with heart-stopping medicines to have them killed while INSIDE THEIR BODIES.

Do you?
His goal is to replace God.
You pretty much nailed it but I'll kickit a notch above the average pulpit and suit/tie guy.
When Yahwey created the earth all the angels(incllding Satan) were utterly mind blown, Satan was always #2 in "command" and freaked the fuck out when God made Adam and said " I give you power over all things on this earth". It's all your yours.....BUT....
Well ol' #2 didn't like that idea for shit and got a group of his dirtbags together(1/3 of the angles it is written) and got into some fisticuffs (spiritually speaking). Well Mike and the guys kicked the shit out of them so Got cast them out and down to earth where they immediately planned to get rid of this new #2 guy one way or the other, at that time angels(demonic variety) had the capability to become anything they chose. Human form,pig, talking snake, butterfly...whatever.

Theres a book that tells most of the rest since then and what happens when the ongoing battle goes "full nuke". Satan was #2 in angel realm.There were only God and his sons(angels) at that time
Adam was given #2 position under God in earthly human form.
Yeshua was given #2 over ALL only after proving the human creation COULD live perfectly in the eyes of #1 and that idiot Satan who , like bigtime ,when he temped Yeashua, got bitch slapped realized he REALLY fucked up. The Queens elders, actors, musicians, bankers and many other humans gladly accepted his offers.HUGE mistake "for what good is all this when a man loses his soul"
The only thing Satan's been able to "create" is twerps with one short leg and a big mouth( Hitler), Idiots like Crowley and his blind followers and Marilyn Manson.

I would toss in JayZ but even Satan deserves more credit than that.
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God slaughtered those who did not believe in him

The devil allowed people to make their own choices
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours

That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
How sad it is to think we are being judged by a God that has a 3rd century A.D. mentality on morals and justifiable murder because of a deity status..

What is the "3rd century AD mentality on morals"? They're probably more advanced than ours, to be honest. I don't remember reading anything about hugely pregnant women going into abortion clinics over a two day period to have their completely formed babies injected with heart-stopping medicines to have them killed while INSIDE THEIR BODIES.

Do you?
Yep abortion has been in use since before Jesus walked with an all man review of equality..God himself does abortions and practices infanticide yet I know we are not supposed to question our God(s).
I think I understand what makes satan tick.

Have you ever encountered someone who is unhappy? Odds are, they are down and out. They have lost something that they cared about, or they failed to attain something they wanted a great deal.

What are they like? Are they not often bitter? Do they not seem to drag you down with them when you are around them? Don't they tend to want you to be just as miserable, so that you would be good company for them?

Conversely, what is someone like who is in love? What is someone like when they have what is most important to them? Do they not make you happy when you are around them? Don't they elevate your spirit? Don't they wish that you too could be as happy?

And so it goes, satan is pissed off because God defeated him when he fell, so satan wants to bring us all down to his level. And most importantly, the God that defeated him loves humankind, so making them suffer is satan's only source of satisfaction because he wants to get even.

It's just how we are wired.

You have just described the deplorables & Trump, to a T.

You are a very simple thinker

I think for myself unlike the 'cult of Trump'

And you allow others to think for you, just like the Nazis

That you call it the "cult of Trump" designates you as one of a cult. You just can't see it.

I'm a college-educated white suburban wife and mother who voted for Trump and, unless something dire happens, will do it again. No one like you ever, ever, ever asks me why that is, or even wonders why, I guess. You call me lots of names and project a lot of stuff on me. But you are incredibly incurious.

I welcome your inability to wonder. It works very well for us.

I call you lots of names? Really? LOL

Why don't you rattle off the laundry list?

Playing the victim card?

Nazis and cult, just to start. Oh and you just added victim.

I don't care what names you call me, it just buzzes around my head like so many annoying flies. You don't want to ask me WHY I voted for Trump; it doesn't even occur to you TO ask me. Small minded. That's just the truth. Incurious. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you belong to a party of incurious people who swallow soundbites, call names and never ask questions. That's just the way it is.
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours

That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
How sad it is to think we are being judged by a God that has a 3rd century A.D. mentality on morals and justifiable murder because of a deity status..

What is the "3rd century AD mentality on morals"? They're probably more advanced than ours, to be honest. I don't remember reading anything about hugely pregnant women going into abortion clinics over a two day period to have their completely formed babies injected with heart-stopping medicines to have them killed while INSIDE THEIR BODIES.

Do you?
Yep abortion has been in use since before Jesus walked with an all man review of equality..God himself does abortions and practices infanticide yet I know we are not supposed to question our God(s).

God is Creator. He does not practice "genocide", or "abortion", or "infanticide". He who creates life and determines its eternal destiny has the explicit and unique right to take it at any time, for any reason whatsoever. Sorry you don't like that, but that's the way it is.

He will take your life.

And mine.

And ours, all of us.
You have just described the deplorables & Trump, to a T.

You are a very simple thinker

I think for myself unlike the 'cult of Trump'

And you allow others to think for you, just like the Nazis

That you call it the "cult of Trump" designates you as one of a cult. You just can't see it.

I'm a college-educated white suburban wife and mother who voted for Trump and, unless something dire happens, will do it again. No one like you ever, ever, ever asks me why that is, or even wonders why, I guess. You call me lots of names and project a lot of stuff on me. But you are incredibly incurious.

I welcome your inability to wonder. It works very well for us.

I call you lots of names? Really? LOL

Why don't you rattle off the laundry list?

Playing the victim card?

Nazis and cult, just to start. Oh and you just added victim.

I don't care what names you call me, it just buzzes around my head like so many annoying flies. You don't want to ask me WHY I voted for Trump; it doesn't even occur to you TO ask me. Small minded. That's just the truth. Incurious. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you belong to a party of incurious people who swallow soundbites, call names and never ask questions. That's just the way it is.

LOL, that is funny. Some nameless member on a internet forum uses language & you make the choice to place my use of language upon yourself. So, you claim that is me calling you names?
That is actually YOUR CHOICE to take my words & to place my words upon yourself, or NOT.

Don't tell other people they are calling you names when in fact you are making the choice to take other's words & place those words upon your own self.

And you claim to be college educated. :abgg2q.jpg:
You are a very simple thinker

I think for myself unlike the 'cult of Trump'

And you allow others to think for you, just like the Nazis

That you call it the "cult of Trump" designates you as one of a cult. You just can't see it.

I'm a college-educated white suburban wife and mother who voted for Trump and, unless something dire happens, will do it again. No one like you ever, ever, ever asks me why that is, or even wonders why, I guess. You call me lots of names and project a lot of stuff on me. But you are incredibly incurious.

I welcome your inability to wonder. It works very well for us.

I call you lots of names? Really? LOL

Why don't you rattle off the laundry list?

Playing the victim card?

Nazis and cult, just to start. Oh and you just added victim.

I don't care what names you call me, it just buzzes around my head like so many annoying flies. You don't want to ask me WHY I voted for Trump; it doesn't even occur to you TO ask me. Small minded. That's just the truth. Incurious. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you belong to a party of incurious people who swallow soundbites, call names and never ask questions. That's just the way it is.

LOL, that is funny. Some nameless member on a internet forum uses language & you make the choice to place my use of language upon yourself. So, you claim that is me calling you names?
That is actually YOUR CHOICE to take my words & to place my words upon yourself, or NOT.

Don't tell other people they are calling you names when in fact you are making the choice to take other's words & place those words upon your own self.

And you claim to be college educated. :abgg2q.jpg:

Like I said. Simple thinker.
I think for myself unlike the 'cult of Trump'

And you allow others to think for you, just like the Nazis

That you call it the "cult of Trump" designates you as one of a cult. You just can't see it.

I'm a college-educated white suburban wife and mother who voted for Trump and, unless something dire happens, will do it again. No one like you ever, ever, ever asks me why that is, or even wonders why, I guess. You call me lots of names and project a lot of stuff on me. But you are incredibly incurious.

I welcome your inability to wonder. It works very well for us.

I call you lots of names? Really? LOL

Why don't you rattle off the laundry list?

Playing the victim card?

Nazis and cult, just to start. Oh and you just added victim.

I don't care what names you call me, it just buzzes around my head like so many annoying flies. You don't want to ask me WHY I voted for Trump; it doesn't even occur to you TO ask me. Small minded. That's just the truth. Incurious. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you belong to a party of incurious people who swallow soundbites, call names and never ask questions. That's just the way it is.

LOL, that is funny. Some nameless member on a internet forum uses language & you make the choice to place my use of language upon yourself. So, you claim that is me calling you names?
That is actually YOUR CHOICE to take my words & to place my words upon yourself, or NOT.

Don't tell other people they are calling you names when in fact you are making the choice to take other's words & place those words upon your own self.

And you claim to be college educated. :abgg2q.jpg:

Like I said. Simple thinker.

Yes, you are.
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours

That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
How sad it is to think we are being judged by a God that has a 3rd century A.D. mentality on morals and justifiable murder because of a deity status..

What is the "3rd century AD mentality on morals"? They're probably more advanced than ours, to be honest. I don't remember reading anything about hugely pregnant women going into abortion clinics over a two day period to have their completely formed babies injected with heart-stopping medicines to have them killed while INSIDE THEIR BODIES.

Do you?
Yep abortion has been in use since before Jesus walked with an all man review of equality..God himself does abortions and practices infanticide yet I know we are not supposed to question our God(s).

God is Creator. He does not practice "genocide", or "abortion", or "infanticide". He who creates life and determines its eternal destiny has the explicit and unique right to take it at any time, for any reason whatsoever. Sorry you don't like that, but that's the way it is.

He will take your life.

And mine.

And ours, all of us.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all this
That you call it the "cult of Trump" designates you as one of a cult. You just can't see it.

I'm a college-educated white suburban wife and mother who voted for Trump and, unless something dire happens, will do it again. No one like you ever, ever, ever asks me why that is, or even wonders why, I guess. You call me lots of names and project a lot of stuff on me. But you are incredibly incurious.

I welcome your inability to wonder. It works very well for us.

I call you lots of names? Really? LOL

Why don't you rattle off the laundry list?

Playing the victim card?

Nazis and cult, just to start. Oh and you just added victim.

I don't care what names you call me, it just buzzes around my head like so many annoying flies. You don't want to ask me WHY I voted for Trump; it doesn't even occur to you TO ask me. Small minded. That's just the truth. Incurious. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you belong to a party of incurious people who swallow soundbites, call names and never ask questions. That's just the way it is.

LOL, that is funny. Some nameless member on a internet forum uses language & you make the choice to place my use of language upon yourself. So, you claim that is me calling you names?
That is actually YOUR CHOICE to take my words & to place my words upon yourself, or NOT.

Don't tell other people they are calling you names when in fact you are making the choice to take other's words & place those words upon your own self.

And you claim to be college educated. :abgg2q.jpg:

Like I said. Simple thinker.

Yes, you are.

Honey when all you can do is turn someone's astute observation back around, you've been had. You don't ask me any questions (predictably), you don't counter with anything but insults (predictably). Just own up to the fact that you are a dedicated Leftist because you have swallowed the talking points whole and either cannot or have not really thought the issues through, and slink away.
If you believe that God is the sole creator of all in the universe then you must believe that God created Satan
The real question is why would a loving god unleash Satan on the very creations he claims to love?

Why does one put ore into the furnace?

So God unleashes what is considered to be pure evil on those he loves so as to refine them into something better?

That's like saying beating your kid every day is going to make him a better person
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I call you lots of names? Really? LOL

Why don't you rattle off the laundry list?

Playing the victim card?

Nazis and cult, just to start. Oh and you just added victim.

I don't care what names you call me, it just buzzes around my head like so many annoying flies. You don't want to ask me WHY I voted for Trump; it doesn't even occur to you TO ask me. Small minded. That's just the truth. Incurious. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you belong to a party of incurious people who swallow soundbites, call names and never ask questions. That's just the way it is.

LOL, that is funny. Some nameless member on a internet forum uses language & you make the choice to place my use of language upon yourself. So, you claim that is me calling you names?
That is actually YOUR CHOICE to take my words & to place my words upon yourself, or NOT.

Don't tell other people they are calling you names when in fact you are making the choice to take other's words & place those words upon your own self.

And you claim to be college educated. :abgg2q.jpg:

Like I said. Simple thinker.

Yes, you are.

Honey when all you can do is turn someone's astute observation back around, you've been had. You don't ask me any questions (predictably), you don't counter with anything but insults (predictably). Just own up to the fact that you are a dedicated Leftist because you have swallowed the talking points whole and either cannot or have not really thought the issues through, and slink away.

When someone sits here claiming I'm calling them names & playing the victim card, why would you think I'm interested in asking that individual questions? I'm not interested in crazy folk.
That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
How sad it is to think we are being judged by a God that has a 3rd century A.D. mentality on morals and justifiable murder because of a deity status..

What is the "3rd century AD mentality on morals"? They're probably more advanced than ours, to be honest. I don't remember reading anything about hugely pregnant women going into abortion clinics over a two day period to have their completely formed babies injected with heart-stopping medicines to have them killed while INSIDE THEIR BODIES.

Do you?
Yep abortion has been in use since before Jesus walked with an all man review of equality..God himself does abortions and practices infanticide yet I know we are not supposed to question our God(s).

God is Creator. He does not practice "genocide", or "abortion", or "infanticide". He who creates life and determines its eternal destiny has the explicit and unique right to take it at any time, for any reason whatsoever. Sorry you don't like that, but that's the way it is.

He will take your life.

And mine.

And ours, all of us.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all this

You realize that "evil" in this context is ONLY the KJV interpretation of the Hebrew word, and is more aptly interpreted as "calamity, disaster, misfortune". In context it is like "I give blessings and take blessings away" when referred to Israel's obedience and disobedience.

Look up the different versions of the Bible and you will see. Not that you care.
Nazis and cult, just to start. Oh and you just added victim.

I don't care what names you call me, it just buzzes around my head like so many annoying flies. You don't want to ask me WHY I voted for Trump; it doesn't even occur to you TO ask me. Small minded. That's just the truth. Incurious. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you belong to a party of incurious people who swallow soundbites, call names and never ask questions. That's just the way it is.

LOL, that is funny. Some nameless member on a internet forum uses language & you make the choice to place my use of language upon yourself. So, you claim that is me calling you names?
That is actually YOUR CHOICE to take my words & to place my words upon yourself, or NOT.

Don't tell other people they are calling you names when in fact you are making the choice to take other's words & place those words upon your own self.

And you claim to be college educated. :abgg2q.jpg:

Like I said. Simple thinker.

Yes, you are.

Honey when all you can do is turn someone's astute observation back around, you've been had. You don't ask me any questions (predictably), you don't counter with anything but insults (predictably). Just own up to the fact that you are a dedicated Leftist because you have swallowed the talking points whole and either cannot or have not really thought the issues through, and slink away.

When someone sits here claiming I'm calling them names & playing the victim card, why would you think I'm interested in asking that individual questions? I'm not interested in crazy folk.

You can't. I understand.
If you believe that God is the sole creator of all in the universe then you must believe that God created Satan
The real question is why would a loving god unleash Satan on the very creations he claims to love?

Why does one put ore into the furnace?

So God unleashes what is considered to be pure evil on those he loves so refine them into something better?

That's like saying beating your kid every day is going to make him a better person

No. "Pure Evil" is Hell. Thank God, (literally), none of us know that yet. We are all of us, even if we reject God, under what is called "common grace" now. That is, we can enjoy His good gifts even if we don't care about Him or, worse, even reject and curse Him. Good gifts? Air to breathe, food to eat, water to satiate thirst. Love, music, rest, all the very good things in life. All of those things, believe me, are not "pure evil".

When those things are absent, then you will know "pure evil".

I hope and pray you will never have to know it.
How sad it is to think we are being judged by a God that has a 3rd century A.D. mentality on morals and justifiable murder because of a deity status..

What is the "3rd century AD mentality on morals"? They're probably more advanced than ours, to be honest. I don't remember reading anything about hugely pregnant women going into abortion clinics over a two day period to have their completely formed babies injected with heart-stopping medicines to have them killed while INSIDE THEIR BODIES.

Do you?
Yep abortion has been in use since before Jesus walked with an all man review of equality..God himself does abortions and practices infanticide yet I know we are not supposed to question our God(s).

God is Creator. He does not practice "genocide", or "abortion", or "infanticide". He who creates life and determines its eternal destiny has the explicit and unique right to take it at any time, for any reason whatsoever. Sorry you don't like that, but that's the way it is.

He will take your life.

And mine.

And ours, all of us.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all this

You realize that "evil" in this context is ONLY the KJV interpretation of the Hebrew word, and is more aptly interpreted as "calamity, disaster, misfortune". In context it is like "I give blessings and take blessings away" when referred to Israel's obedience and disobedience.

Look up the different versions of the Bible and you will see. Not that you care.
Yes, thus making the Bible one of the worst books ever translated for thousands of years.If God was dictating to the authors you would think there would be a more accurate transition. Kinda like in Revelations where Jesus rides his white steed through the clouds yet the correct prognostication would be of Jesus riding his Ford Mustang in the clouds...
How sad it is to think we are being judged by a God that has a 3rd century A.D. mentality on morals and justifiable murder because of a deity status..

What is the "3rd century AD mentality on morals"? They're probably more advanced than ours, to be honest. I don't remember reading anything about hugely pregnant women going into abortion clinics over a two day period to have their completely formed babies injected with heart-stopping medicines to have them killed while INSIDE THEIR BODIES.

Do you?
Yep abortion has been in use since before Jesus walked with an all man review of equality..God himself does abortions and practices infanticide yet I know we are not supposed to question our God(s).

God is Creator. He does not practice "genocide", or "abortion", or "infanticide". He who creates life and determines its eternal destiny has the explicit and unique right to take it at any time, for any reason whatsoever. Sorry you don't like that, but that's the way it is.

He will take your life.

And mine.

And ours, all of us.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all this

You realize that "evil" in this context is ONLY the KJV interpretation of the Hebrew word, and is more aptly interpreted as "calamity, disaster, misfortune". In context it is like "I give blessings and take blessings away" when referred to Israel's obedience and disobedience.

Look up the different versions of the Bible and you will see. Not that you care.

Oh look, someone claims I don't care. Is that like calling me a name? :26:

I feel like a victim now. :206:

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