What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

^^ enter the Satan worshiper.

Pull out your Bible and point out evil deeds of satan

He lied. Which is the basis of all evil.

So a lie is worse than slaughtering babies?
You don't believe that really happened, right? I mean it's not like you believe God did that and that is why you are angry with God, right?
God and Satan exist only in the Bible

The Bible says god killed the first born of Egypt
Can't have it both ways, RW. Either he exists or he doesn't. If he doesn't, you can't blame him for anything, can you?
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
I think I understand what makes satan tick.

Have you ever encountered someone who is unhappy? Odds are, they are down and out. They have lost something that they cared about, or they failed to attain something they wanted a great deal.

What are they like? Are they not often bitter? Do they not seem to drag you down with them when you are around them? Don't they tend to want you to be just as miserable, so that you would be good company for them?

Conversely, what is someone like who is in love? What is someone like when they have what is most important to them? Do they not make you happy when you are around them? Don't they elevate your spirit? Don't they wish that you too could be as happy?

And so it goes, satan is pissed off because God defeated him when he fell, so satan wants to bring us all down to his level. And most importantly, the God that defeated him loves humankind, so making them suffer is satan's only source of satisfaction because he wants to get even.

It's just how we are wired.
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
I think I understand what makes satan tick.

Have you ever encountered someone who is unhappy? Odds are, they are down and out. They have lost something that they cared about, or they failed to attain something they wanted a great deal.

What are they like? Are they not often bitter? Do they not seem to drag you down with them when you are around them? Don't they tend to want you to be just as miserable, so that you would be good company for them?

Conversely, what is someone like who is in love? What is someone like when they have what is most important to them? Do they not make you happy when you are around them? Don't they elevate your spirit? Don't they wish that you too could be as happy?

And so it goes, satan is pissed off because God defeated him when he fell, so satan wants to bring us all down to his level. And most importantly, the God that defeated him loves humankind, so making them suffer is satan's only source of satisfaction because he wants to get even.

It's just how we are wired.

Thanks for your reply.
His ultimate goal is to destroy and devour. Us. He received dominion over the earth from Adam. He was defeated at the cross by Christ. He time is limited and he knows it. He wants as much company in the Lake of Fire as he can gather. Satan is your accuser. Christ is your defender. Christ wins. Choose Him. :)

It helps to understand that the only way satan wins is if he deceives.

After all, he has already lost.

Essentially he tries to convince you that he is more powerful than God. And don't we see this every day of our lives? The Progressive abortionists seem in control of the government, but those who oppose them seem outnumbered and outgunned. Churchill stood alone challenging the Nazi regime that had just taken all of Europe, but he stood his ground and prevailed despite the Left wingers trying to convince him to make a deal with Hitler and surrender.. Christ stood alone against the Roman Empire and the Jewish religious leaders, etc. However, all that seems to be required to be victorious is simply take a righteous position and stand your ground and trust in God as miracles soon follow.

From what I've seen the bait is pleasure over love. For example, the world says do what feels good, especially in the realm of sex and money. Conversely, the Bible preaches love and to have your actions in line with love of God and man. That means love must be present with sex, and if it is really love, the commitment of marriage.

Conversely, the world says you can get married, but if someone comes along that can please you more, then have at it! It's all about pleasing yourself.
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We don’t need Satan to deceive ourselves.

We can do that all on our own.
his goal is to replace God, with himself.... from all that I've read about him... :dunno:
In addition to the other things stated... I don't think anyone mentioned: convince people that he doesn't exist.
convince people that he doesn't exist.
haha, I always love this argument, because of how it backfires.

And how would Satan do this? Would he make sure there is no good evidence he exists? Would he make people believe that the things he does are actually God's work? Would he foster myths of other gods or demons or angels or religions to take credit for his work, instead of himself? Oh the irony... what an intellectual mess you guys create for yourselves with this mythical nonsense...
convince people that he doesn't exist.
haha, I always love this argument, because of how it backfires.

And how would Satan do this? Would he make sure there is no good evidence he exists? Would he make people believe that the things he does are actually God's work? Would he foster myths of other gods or demons or angels or religions to take credit for his work, instead of himself? Oh the irony... what an intellectual mess you guys create for yourselves with this mythical nonsense...

The short answer is lies and deception. I'm not going to get into this in depth with you, because not only do you not understand any of this, I don't think you genuinely want to understand. To you it's a debate, and you're convinced you're right, so.... I'll just pray for you. ;)
To you it's a debate
Which doesn't mean I don't understand it. it means I say your position is wrong and false. And if you can't explain it well enough for someone else to learn it well enough to understand it, that is YOUR fault, not theirs. It shows you don't understand your own position. So don't try this little parlor trick of transferring your own shortcomings to me.. It's a pussy copout that doesn't fool anyone.
To you it's a debate
Which doesn't mean I don't understand it it means I say your position is wrong and false. And if you can't explain it well enough for someone else to learn it well enough to inderstand it, that is YOUR fault, not theirs. So don't try to conflate your own shortcomings with those of others. It's a pussy copout that doesn't fool anyone.

Trying to explain anything having to do with spirituality to you would be akin to trying to explain the color blue to a blind man. You clearly don't understand, and as I said, it's pretty clear you don't want to understand. The problem isn't everyone else, it's you. It's your heart. Your attitude... as it is with all hardcore atheists. And that is precisely why you've never had an experience that would lead to believe. God opens our eyes on an individual basis. But that is most likely not going to happen as long as you are hard-hearted, prideful, and convinced that you are right and everyone else is wrong.

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