What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

Trying to explain anything having to do with spirituality to you would be akin to trying to explain the color blue to a blind man.
Ah, so we are back to the idea of you having a special insight denied to me. Fascinating. You can't explain it, because I can't understand it. Sure pal.
Trying to explain anything having to do with spirituality to you would be akin to trying to explain the color blue to a blind man.
Ah, so we are back to the idea of you having a special insight denied to me. Fascinating. You can't explain it, because I can't understand it. Sure pal.

I feel like we've had this same conversation before, but here it is again. You're going about it the wrong way. Hardcore atheists constantly demand that others "prove" to them that God exists and expect others to do their homework for them. Anyone who sincerely and genuinely wants to know the truth will seek it themselves, and as Jesus said, "Seek and you will find." But again, that's most likely not going to happen if you start off with a prideful angry mindset that is all about confirming your preexisting views and trying to win a debate.

I was a nonbeliever for MANY years and I hated religion (I still do if it's false or empty religion) and the farthest thing from my mind was God. But I did have a love for truth, and when I began to think about this world and question things in a sincere way, eventually there came a day when God "lifted the veil" from my eyes. I can't even put it into words, other than to say it was one of the most amazing, memorable moments of my life. In a second, I went from being completely blind, to seeing the world in a very different way. You will probably scoff at that, but just remember that God is the one who reaches out to us and you don't have to look to others to find God. Try remembering that you are a finite human being who has an infinitesimally small amount of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, change your attitude and if you sincerely, genuinely want the truth, eventually God will show you.
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What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?

Convince people that God does not exist. Or if He does exist, He is evil and He is a liar.

Pretty much what goes on at this board on the daily
If you were the Devil, what would you do?


What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?

I would use the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands to trap legions of dingbats into captivity.

Its fairly easy. You just have to become a scumbag and manipulate a gullible person into worshipping something made by human hands or anything that is not God and ta da, they die in the very day that they do it. ITS THE LAW.

Once they have abdicated responsibility for their own soul their own mind for nothing more than specious dreams of glory in a bowl of fairy tale porridge they are goners..Then as a corpse abandoned by God they turn to the one who murdered them instead for advise and direction for a nominal service charge for the rest of their lives.

Collect a few of the dead like personal possessions and the next thing you know you are living high on the hog like a god or the Pope, with hoards of servants working tirelessly to bring you money, sinners to lay your hands on, and believers to turn into more and more corpses.

Brilliant, if I do say so myself. The power of death is a beautiful thing!


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What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?

What, you are actually thinking about your fairy tales now?

The problem you have with Satan is that he's a cobbled together figure from several mythologies... so when you think about it logically, he makes no sense.

So he's opposing God's plan by tempting people, but he's carrying out God's plan by eternally tormenting those who God has judged unworthy to get into heaven.

This really makes no logical sense.

Of course, or modern image of Satan has little to do with the Bible and a lot more to do with Dante and Milton. So your whole belief is essentially based on "Fan-Fic"
If you believe that God is the sole creator of all in the universe then you must believe that God created Satan
The real question is why would a loving god unleash Satan on the very creations he claims to love?
If you believe that God is the sole creator of all in the universe then you must believe that God created Satan
The real question is why would a loving god unleash Satan on the very creations he claims to love?

Why does one put ore into the furnace?
God killed all creatures on earth in a flood
Yeah, what about Noah and his family, not to mention 2 of every species?
What about the innocent puppies and kittens drowned in the flood ?

What did satan do that was comparable?
He convinced people that they are nothing more than material. That they have no higher purpose. Which in part explains why you behave as you do. Specifically, to condemn respect for people of faith. Every single time a people has condemned respect for other people bad things followed.

God slaughtered those who did not believe in him

The devil allowed people to make their own choices
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours
Yeah, what about Noah and his family, not to mention 2 of every species?
What about the innocent puppies and kittens drowned in the flood ?

What did satan do that was comparable?
He convinced people that they are nothing more than material. That they have no higher purpose. Which in part explains why you behave as you do. Specifically, to condemn respect for people of faith. Every single time a people has condemned respect for other people bad things followed.

God slaughtered those who did not believe in him

The devil allowed people to make their own choices
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours

That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
What about the innocent puppies and kittens drowned in the flood ?

What did satan do that was comparable?
He convinced people that they are nothing more than material. That they have no higher purpose. Which in part explains why you behave as you do. Specifically, to condemn respect for people of faith. Every single time a people has condemned respect for other people bad things followed.

God slaughtered those who did not believe in him

The devil allowed people to make their own choices
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours

That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
Just looking at the Bible objectively and judging on their action

The flood was outright genocide. No other way to describe it

Satan just tempts. He does not force you to do anything.
He convinced people that they are nothing more than material. That they have no higher purpose. Which in part explains why you behave as you do. Specifically, to condemn respect for people of faith. Every single time a people has condemned respect for other people bad things followed.

God slaughtered those who did not believe in him

The devil allowed people to make their own choices
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours

That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
Just looking at the Bible objectively and judging on their action

The flood was outright genocide. No other way to describe it

Satan just tempts. He does not force you to do anything.

God commits "genocide" on all of us. We are all going to die. He alone has the right to determine when, how, and even why. He is Creator. He gets to say. Even in a flood, even in cancer, even in a car accident. It is His right.
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
I think I understand what makes satan tick.

Have you ever encountered someone who is unhappy? Odds are, they are down and out. They have lost something that they cared about, or they failed to attain something they wanted a great deal.

What are they like? Are they not often bitter? Do they not seem to drag you down with them when you are around them? Don't they tend to want you to be just as miserable, so that you would be good company for them?

Conversely, what is someone like who is in love? What is someone like when they have what is most important to them? Do they not make you happy when you are around them? Don't they elevate your spirit? Don't they wish that you too could be as happy?

And so it goes, satan is pissed off because God defeated him when he fell, so satan wants to bring us all down to his level. And most importantly, the God that defeated him loves humankind, so making them suffer is satan's only source of satisfaction because he wants to get even.

It's just how we are wired.

You have just described the deplorables & Trump, to a T.
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
I think I understand what makes satan tick.

Have you ever encountered someone who is unhappy? Odds are, they are down and out. They have lost something that they cared about, or they failed to attain something they wanted a great deal.

What are they like? Are they not often bitter? Do they not seem to drag you down with them when you are around them? Don't they tend to want you to be just as miserable, so that you would be good company for them?

Conversely, what is someone like who is in love? What is someone like when they have what is most important to them? Do they not make you happy when you are around them? Don't they elevate your spirit? Don't they wish that you too could be as happy?

And so it goes, satan is pissed off because God defeated him when he fell, so satan wants to bring us all down to his level. And most importantly, the God that defeated him loves humankind, so making them suffer is satan's only source of satisfaction because he wants to get even.

It's just how we are wired.

You have just described the deplorables & Trump, to a T.

You are a very simple thinker
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
God is REPRODUCING HIMSELF through Man. Jesus is called....


Satan and THE angels will never become children of God. That is not why they exist.

Satan is JEALOUS. His goal is to stop Man from achieving Gods purpose in their lives. That is what motivates Satan.
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
I think I understand what makes satan tick.

Have you ever encountered someone who is unhappy? Odds are, they are down and out. They have lost something that they cared about, or they failed to attain something they wanted a great deal.

What are they like? Are they not often bitter? Do they not seem to drag you down with them when you are around them? Don't they tend to want you to be just as miserable, so that you would be good company for them?

Conversely, what is someone like who is in love? What is someone like when they have what is most important to them? Do they not make you happy when you are around them? Don't they elevate your spirit? Don't they wish that you too could be as happy?

And so it goes, satan is pissed off because God defeated him when he fell, so satan wants to bring us all down to his level. And most importantly, the God that defeated him loves humankind, so making them suffer is satan's only source of satisfaction because he wants to get even.

It's just how we are wired.

You have just described the deplorables & Trump, to a T.

You are a very simple thinker

I think for myself unlike the 'cult of Trump'

And you allow others to think for you, just like the Nazis
God commits "genocide" on all of us. We are all going to die. He alone has the right to determine when, how, and even why. He is Creator. He gets to say. Even in a flood, even in cancer, even in a car accident. It is His right.

Kind of makes him a dick, doesn't it? Frankly, you are making RW's point. All Satan does is tempt you to do things, most of which really aren't all that bad.

God will fucking kill you. Even if your children go to church every day and beg for your cancer to get better. Even if you worked for his church for 15 years...

But the fun doesn't end there... if you didn't chose the right religion, he'll send you to burn for all eternity.
What about the innocent puppies and kittens drowned in the flood ?

What did satan do that was comparable?
He convinced people that they are nothing more than material. That they have no higher purpose. Which in part explains why you behave as you do. Specifically, to condemn respect for people of faith. Every single time a people has condemned respect for other people bad things followed.

God slaughtered those who did not believe in him

The devil allowed people to make their own choices
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours

That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
How sad it is to think we are being judged by a God that has a 3rd century A.D. mentality on morals and justifiable murder because of a deity status..
God slaughtered those who did not believe in him

The devil allowed people to make their own choices
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours

That is correct. God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life. Satan cannot create life, and he cannot take it. He can only tempt you away from what is best. So you are right. That does not make Satan better than God.

How tragically warped you are in your thinking. As time winds down here, how tragically common your thinking is, though.
Just looking at the Bible objectively and judging on their action

The flood was outright genocide. No other way to describe it

Satan just tempts. He does not force you to do anything.

God commits "genocide" on all of us. We are all going to die. He alone has the right to determine when, how, and even why. He is Creator. He gets to say. Even in a flood, even in cancer, even in a car accident. It is His right.
Again you describe a vengeful god. So vengeful that you dare not question his actions

What I am highlighting is not that Satan is good, God is bad

I am demonstrating that the Bible was written by man for the people of the time

Old Testament God is a god to be feared. People were simple. Worship God or you will be punished. Question God and you will be punished. Punishment is severe. Destroy the earth, kill your children. Punish not just you but future generations

The New Testament is a God of Love. Be a good person. Help the needy, feed the poor, cure the sick. Being good is helping others in the New Testament. Being good in the Old Testament is worshiping God completely

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