What is so TERRIBLE about voter ID?

The constitution gives every American the right to vote, but nowhere does it say you need a picture ID.

It also doesn't say that you are not required to prove who you are in order to vote.

If someone has lived in the same community for 70 years, and they are 70 years old, and their parents and grandparents lived there, do they really have to prove they are who they say they are.

Come on, it's all about voter suppression. The only plot involving millions of people are the plots that come from Republicans. Admit it.

yes, they do. I can 'tell' you I lived here 70 years, that I am 70 years old, and that my parents and grandparents lived here... but I could be lying.
See the mistake Republicans make when they hate education? They end up with no understanding of history and why their party is now 90% white.
Adress the entire post, instead of using your quick one liners to dismiss it.. So what is it then, do you do this in hopes maybe, that the points won't sink in that were made, I mean if discarded in the ways that you just tried to smartly do, in which simply is just a tactic that is always used when good points are made ?

Pointing out the millions of Americans who never had a birth certificate because they were born outside of a hospital to a midwife and linking to that fact is "a good point". Something I did. "Let him die" Republicans say "fuck those people, poor people and minorities are shit so they shouldn't vote anyway". Isn't that what they are saying?

The constitution gives every American the right to vote, but nowhere does it say you need a picture ID.


But Republicans want to take away the right to vote for millions of Americans.
Adress the entire post, instead of using your quick one liners to dismiss it.. So what is it then, do you do this in hopes maybe, that the points won't sink in that were made, I mean if discarded in the ways that you just tried to smartly do, in which simply is just a tactic that is always used when good points are made ?

Pointing out the millions of Americans who never had a birth certificate because they were born outside of a hospital to a midwife and linking to that fact is "a good point". Something I did. "Let him die" Republicans say "fuck those people, poor people and minorities are shit so they shouldn't vote anyway". Isn't that what they are saying?

The constitution gives every American the right to vote, but nowhere does it say you need a picture ID.


But Republicans want to take away the right to vote for millions of Americans.

But only certain Americans are targeted. What a coincidence.
Adress the entire post, instead of using your quick one liners to dismiss it.. So what is it then, do you do this in hopes maybe, that the points won't sink in that were made, I mean if discarded in the ways that you just tried to smartly do, in which simply is just a tactic that is always used when good points are made ?

Pointing out the millions of Americans who never had a birth certificate because they were born outside of a hospital to a midwife and linking to that fact is "a good point". Something I did. "Let him die" Republicans say "fuck those people, poor people and minorities are shit so they shouldn't vote anyway". Isn't that what they are saying?

The constitution gives every American the right to vote, but nowhere does it say you need a picture ID.


But Republicans want to take away the right to vote for millions of Americans.
Republicans want to take away this and take away that as according to the left eh, but then look at what the dictator who is currently occupying the white house wants to do or has since done while President.... Smoke and mirrors is all the left are about on these issues. They fear not being able to have the numbers explode in an election for them (if better rules are then put in place, and worse for them are enforced), where as those numbers were trumped up by any means nessesary, and with joy over our stupidity, in order to always give the impression that they are a force to be reckoned with as found within those phony numbers gained, when in reality, being without a no rules election, places them back to a minority status among the majority, and that doesn't win elections for them. Why else would they be fighting so hard to keep rules or even our laws at bay when this stuff goes on? It's quite the eye opener!
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Pointing out the millions of Americans who never had a birth certificate because they were born outside of a hospital to a midwife and linking to that fact is "a good point". Something I did. "Let him die" Republicans say "fuck those people, poor people and minorities are shit so they shouldn't vote anyway". Isn't that what they are saying?

The constitution gives every American the right to vote, but nowhere does it say you need a picture ID.


But Republicans want to take away the right to vote for millions of Americans.
Republicans want to take away this and take away that as according to the left eh, but then look at what the dictator who is currently occupying the white house wants to do or has since done while President.... Smoke and mirrors is all the left are about on these issues. They fear not being able to have the numbers explode in an election for them (if better rules are then put in place, and worse for them are enforced), where as those numbers were trumped up by any means nessesary, and with joy over our stupidity, in order to always give the impression that they are a force to be reckoned with as found within those phony numbers gained, when in reality, being without a no rules election, places them back to a minority status among the majority, and that doesn't win elections for them. Why else would they be fighting so hard to keep rules or even our laws at bay when this stuff goes on? It's quite the eye opener!

Ah..so..if a President isn't put into power by the Supreme Court after losing the popular vote..he's a dictator.

Gotcha.. :lol:
ID is a good idea.

When you have ID you have proof that you are who you say you are.

I dont' see a problem with ID to vote. Hell. You have to have ID for everything else, and everything else is way less important than voting in my book.

True, but when you depend on government so much these days, and you feel that it is your life blood these days to either making it or staying alive, and (all because you have been made dependent on purpose by government who is joined at the hip with corporations in a consumer driven economy in which needs you as a head count), then you must become a team player for those in the whitehouse, that want to help you stay dependent upon them, so they can stay in power per your vote, and the corporations who want you well and healthy, (subsidized by government) in order to garantee that you will remain strong in order to buy their products as a garantee is all of their deal these days.

Free unified society in the name of freedom? No such thing anymore (IMHO).

Look at the fight among the dependent in America, who think that if they lose this fight, they will lose it all.....This is what the government has taught them..:eek:
Voted this morning with ID required for first time. Interesting. Seemed faster to me.

But Republicans want to take away the right to vote for millions of Americans.
Republicans want to take away this and take away that as according to the left eh, but then look at what the dictator who is currently occupying the white house wants to do or has since done while President.... Smoke and mirrors is all the left are about on these issues. They fear not being able to have the numbers explode in an election for them (if better rules are then put in place, and worse for them are enforced), where as those numbers were trumped up by any means nessesary, and with joy over our stupidity, in order to always give the impression that they are a force to be reckoned with as found within those phony numbers gained, when in reality, being without a no rules election, places them back to a minority status among the majority, and that doesn't win elections for them. Why else would they be fighting so hard to keep rules or even our laws at bay when this stuff goes on? It's quite the eye opener!

Ah..so..if a President isn't put into power by the Supreme Court after losing the popular vote..he's a dictator.

Gotcha.. :lol:
Republicans want to take away this and take away that as according to the left eh, but then look at what the dictator who is currently occupying the white house wants to do or has since done while President.... Smoke and mirrors is all the left are about on these issues. They fear not being able to have the numbers explode in an election for them (if better rules are then put in place, and worse for them are enforced), where as those numbers were trumped up by any means nessesary, and with joy over our stupidity, in order to always give the impression that they are a force to be reckoned with as found within those phony numbers gained, when in reality, being without a no rules election, places them back to a minority status among the majority, and that doesn't win elections for them. Why else would they be fighting so hard to keep rules or even our laws at bay when this stuff goes on? It's quite the eye opener!

Ah..so..if a President isn't put into power by the Supreme Court after losing the popular vote..he's a dictator.

Gotcha.. :lol:

Hes still pissed they were caught cheating.
Voted this morning with ID required for first time. Interesting. Seemed faster to me.

Personally? I am all for a National ID, separate from you SSID and provided free of charge. And..I am for internet voting..in national elections. This way, you go to a website, punch in your National ID number..and vote. Anywhere.
Republicans want to take away this and take away that as according to the left eh, but then look at what the dictator who is currently occupying the white house wants to do or has since done while President.... Smoke and mirrors is all the left are about on these issues. They fear not being able to have the numbers explode in an election for them (if better rules are then put in place, and worse for them are enforced), where as those numbers were trumped up by any means nessesary, and with joy over our stupidity, in order to always give the impression that they are a force to be reckoned with as found within those phony numbers gained, when in reality, being without a no rules election, places them back to a minority status among the majority, and that doesn't win elections for them. Why else would they be fighting so hard to keep rules or even our laws at bay when this stuff goes on? It's quite the eye opener!

Ah..so..if a President isn't put into power by the Supreme Court after losing the popular vote..he's a dictator.

Gotcha.. :lol:

"Election" 2000.
Requiring voters to PROVE that they are American citizens before they vote???

In vote-by-mail only states: they check your signature on the ballot with the one they have on file.

Democrats hate it because it would prevent voter fraud and would also prevent the majority of illegals from voting democrat.

Democrats know what their voting base is.

I suppose it's difficult to get an ID for your dog, your dead dog, your 3-year-old son, your dead grandpa, Mickey Mouse, Seemor Butts etc..
The Republican Party know exactly what they are doing.....suppressing the black vote....

With one stroke of his pen at 12:30 pm on Wednesday, May 25, Republican Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin stripped hundreds of thousands of his state’s citizens of their constitutional right to vote. Despite no systematic evidence of voter fraud, Walker and his GOP allies decided to make voter suppression a top priority for the state, fast-tracking the bill before recall elections could occur against Republican Senators this summer and further illustrating that many in the Legislature are working for themselves instead of the people of Wisconsin.

According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand
Why are these percentages that you site amongst groups even kept I'm asking ? Why can't we all just be Americans that would vote for a President to represent us all as Americans, and not in this continued break down of skin colors and cultures who want special treatment for eternity under the dependency of a President who will cater to them as groups instead of as Americans? If those in these numbers need help, then help them as Americans, and not as groups or labels or other..
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Depends on the ID required and who does the checking. The literacy test, the one some states required before being allowed to vote, was a great idea. Trouble was some would-be voters were asked to name the first 15 presidents and give their dates in office, and others asked if Americans should be good citizens. The trend in America has been to extend the vote to more and more people, for example, 5 of the 27 amendments added more voters to the rolls.
And..I am for internet voting..in national elections. This way, you go to a website, punch in your National ID number..and vote. Anywhere.

Watched a program on this subject just the other evening. Couple of expert computer hackers saying that there in no way that the results from on line voting could be safeguarded. Was tried recently in DC where the head of the election board was so sure of his computer security that he challanged the hackers to get into his system. Took them 36 hours and the hackers owned the system. The on line vote was cancelled.

If you want more Americans to quit voting, go to voting online and let the validity of the results be questioned. Should just make us all quit. IMO.
The Republican Party know exactly what they are doing.....suppressing the black vote....

With one stroke of his pen at 12:30 pm on Wednesday, May 25, Republican Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin stripped hundreds of thousands of his state’s citizens of their constitutional right to vote. Despite no systematic evidence of voter fraud, Walker and his GOP allies decided to make voter suppression a top priority for the state, fast-tracking the bill before recall elections could occur against Republican Senators this summer and further illustrating that many in the Legislature are working for themselves instead of the people of Wisconsin.

According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand

You do realize there is no fucking way to determine those numbers..

Did you think about that before you posted that nonsense?

Even if true (which it most certainly is not), but say it were - those who are too fucking lazy or dumb NOT to possess an ID shouldn't vote PERIOD, because they obviously don't care, and if they did they would have a fucking ID.

Besides, it's not that difficult to obtain an ID.

Here in Illinois it costs 5 fucking dollars for a state ID..

Besides, you may as well state that half of Wisconsin drivers don't have drivers licenses because that is EXACTLY what your numbers infer.

I love the notion we shouldn't have voter ID laws just because the democratic voting base is too fucking lazy to go out and get a fucking ID...
And..I am for internet voting..in national elections. This way, you go to a website, punch in your National ID number..and vote. Anywhere.

Watched a program on this subject just the other evening. Couple of expert computer hackers saying that there in no way that the results from on line voting could be safeguarded. Was tried recently in DC where the head of the election board was so sure of his computer security that he challanged the hackers to get into his system. Took them 36 hours and the hackers owned the system. The on line vote was cancelled.

If you want more Americans to quit voting, go to voting online and let the validity of the results be questioned. Should just make us all quit. IMO.

Sounds like Ron Paul voters

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