What is "Social Justice"?

Lots of orgs, from the ACLU to the SEIU to the KKK have "social justice" as part of their mission. But what is "social justice"?
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.
The more relevant and interesting question is why do some feel the need to couch their bias and bigotry in vague questions whose only purpose is dog whistles for the dogs who hear the whistle.

who "couched" bias and bigotry? Can you please point it out?
Lots of orgs, from the ACLU to the SEIU to the KKK have "social justice" as part of their mission. But what is "social justice"?
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

Define "equal taxation" and then I'll let you know if we have it. Of course, what "equal taxation" really means is no taxation for some and organized plunder for others.
Lots of orgs, from the ACLU to the SEIU to the KKK have "social justice" as part of their mission. But what is "social justice"?
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

Yes we do have equal justice (just because some of you say we don't or agree with the outcome of verdicts). as for taxes that can be FIXED.
Social prejudice will ALWAYS exist in any Society. it's not just here in the United states. look around the world and face reality.
Lots of orgs, from the ACLU to the SEIU to the KKK have "social justice" as part of their mission. But what is "social justice"?
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

no proof
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

no proof
Seriously? Pleeeease.
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

Yes we do have equal justice (just because some of you say we don't or agree with the outcome of verdicts). as for taxes that can be FIXED.
Social prejudice will ALWAYS exist in any Society. it's not just here in the United states. look around the world and face reality.
Equal justice? Then can you explain unpunished white collar crime? Can you explain probation for some, and prison time for others, for the exact same crime? Can you explain the innocent citizens in our prisons and jails? Can you explain the rich and well connected getting what amounts to a slap on the wrist, where others get jail and prison time?
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

Define "equal taxation" and then I'll let you know if we have it. Of course, what "equal taxation" really means is no taxation for some and organized plunder for others.
You tell me how we have equal taxation. Does everyone qualify for tax breaks, tax loopholes, and is everyone exempt from paying taxes?
Somehow it would make a little bit more sense if you gave a damn about the data. You point fingers at white people without understanding the reality of who is killing who.

Blacks kill 10 times as many whites per capita
2 as many in pure numbers
You don't say shit every time they play the knock out game on us
Blacks commit 50% of all murders

yet, you say you're fighting for social justice? Do you mean that you're fighting for the thugs to go free and kill at will. Do you have any shame?
The sad thing about social justice is that it is probably the easiest thing to achieve in the nation--costs us nothing--and we still cannot attain it.
Lots of orgs, from the ACLU to the SEIU to the KKK have "social justice" as part of their mission. But what is "social justice"?

I cannot speak for what the KKK and SEIU call it but from what I have gathered about the ACLU - any opportunity for them to bring a lawsuit, taking money to empower themselves with, to enrich themselves - they will create a situation of "social injustice" out of thin air. I believe their idea for social justice is for the socialists - to have justice and those who defend the constitution and oppose socialist/ communist ideals are intimidated into silence by them. By threats of lawsuits. They are using terms like social justice to shred the fabric of our nation apart.

When you have a group defending paedophiles in NAMBLA, Nazis hiding from being brought to "justice", defending the rights of terrorists, gay agenda being taught in public schools, lawlessness being promoted by godless men such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, etc. the word justice does not apply to the American citizen who believes in a Judeo / Christian America / that believes in the founding fathers vision for America. We are excluded from "social justice".
The more relevant and interesting question is why do some feel the need to couch their bias and bigotry in vague questions whose only purpose is dog whistles for the dogs who hear the whistle.
It's a very real question.
It would seem that "social justice" means "all things good" to those who think it's important. By extension if you oppose those groups you are opposed to social justice and ergo must be bad.
Lots of orgs, from the ACLU to the SEIU to the KKK have "social justice" as part of their mission. But what is "social justice"?
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.
What would "equal justice" look like? I mean, given the fact tha each case is unique you dont think every case ought to get the death penalty, right? Or every case should result in a fine of 5 dollars. That would be equal justice, and it would be stupd as hell.
Similarly what is equal taxation?
Lots of orgs, from the ACLU to the SEIU to the KKK have "social justice" as part of their mission. But what is "social justice"?
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.
Nope. Try again.

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