What is "Social Justice"?

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.
What would "equal justice" look like? I mean, given the fact tha each case is unique you dont think every case ought to get the death penalty, right? Or every case should result in a fine of 5 dollars. That would be equal justice, and it would be stupd as hell.
Similarly what is equal taxation?
Likewise, your questions are stupid as hell.
I accept your defeat here.
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.
What would "equal justice" look like? I mean, given the fact tha each case is unique you dont think every case ought to get the death penalty, right? Or every case should result in a fine of 5 dollars. That would be equal justice, and it would be stupd as hell.
Similarly what is equal taxation?
Likewise, your questions are stupid as hell.
I accept your defeat here.
Very funny. Cute, very cute. Defeat?? Is this war? Some sort of contest?? Pleeeeease !!!
examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.
What would "equal justice" look like? I mean, given the fact tha each case is unique you dont think every case ought to get the death penalty, right? Or every case should result in a fine of 5 dollars. That would be equal justice, and it would be stupd as hell.
Similarly what is equal taxation?
Likewise, your questions are stupid as hell.
I accept your defeat here.
Very funny. Cute, very cute. Defeat?? Is this war? Some sort of contest?? Pleeeeease !!!
It's a debate. And you've lost by failing to defend your position in the face of my very real questions.
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.
What would "equal justice" look like? I mean, given the fact tha each case is unique you dont think every case ought to get the death penalty, right? Or every case should result in a fine of 5 dollars. That would be equal justice, and it would be stupd as hell.
Similarly what is equal taxation?
Likewise, your questions are stupid as hell.
I accept your defeat here.
Very funny. Cute, very cute. Defeat?? Is this war? Some sort of contest?? Pleeeeease !!!
It's a debate. And you've lost by failing to defend your position in the face of my very real questions.
I disagree. I stated my opinion very well. If you disagree, so be it. I considered it a conversation, but call it what you will. By the way, are keeping score? Is this forum some sort of game to you?
What would "equal justice" look like? I mean, given the fact tha each case is unique you dont think every case ought to get the death penalty, right? Or every case should result in a fine of 5 dollars. That would be equal justice, and it would be stupd as hell.
Similarly what is equal taxation?
Likewise, your questions are stupid as hell.
I accept your defeat here.
Very funny. Cute, very cute. Defeat?? Is this war? Some sort of contest?? Pleeeeease !!!
It's a debate. And you've lost by failing to defend your position in the face of my very real questions.
I disagree. I stated my opinion very well. If you disagree, so be it. I considered it a conversation, but call it what you will. By the way, are keeping score? Is this forum some sort of game to you?
No you didnt. You stated some platitudes that you cannot defend. Again, what does "equal justice" look like? Everyone gets the same penalty? It is nonsense.
Yes it is a game to me. To see how often libs default to slogans and deflection because they cannot defend their beliefs via rational argument.
But here:

"Social justice is "justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society".[1] Classically, "justice" (especially corrective justice or distributive justice) referred to ensuring that individuals both fulfilled their societal roles,[2] and received what was due from society. "Social justice" is generally used to refer to a set of institutions which will enable people to lead a fulfilling life and be active contributors to their community."
Social justice - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Communism (from Latin communis – common, universal)[1][2] is a socioeconomic system structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money,[3][4] and the state; as well as a social, political and economic ideology and movement that aims to establish this social order."

Communism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They're different tags for the same things. Progressives like to use *social justice* the way they always use words to hide their true intent.
Likewise, your questions are stupid as hell.
I accept your defeat here.
Very funny. Cute, very cute. Defeat?? Is this war? Some sort of contest?? Pleeeeease !!!
It's a debate. And you've lost by failing to defend your position in the face of my very real questions.
I disagree. I stated my opinion very well. If you disagree, so be it. I considered it a conversation, but call it what you will. By the way, are keeping score? Is this forum some sort of game to you?
No you didnt. You stated some platitudes that you cannot defend. Again, what does "equal justice" look like? Everyone gets the same penalty? It is nonsense.
Yes it is a game to me. To see how often libs default to slogans and deflection because they cannot defend their beliefs via rational argument.
Again, very funny, and cute as well. FYI - I'm NOT a Liberal, by any stretch of the imagination. And, what exactly was there to defend. I stated my opinion, and I'm standing by it. Yes, I believe that we should have equal justice for equal crimes. Equal punishment for equal crimes. I do not believe that one gets a slap on the wrist, and the other gets 5 years of hard time behind bars. That's my opinion, and I stand by it. If you disagree, so be it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with two people having different opinions. And, since it's game to you, please don't include me. I don't play games on forums. I discuss issues with those mature and civil enough to have conversation without childish nonsense, slurs, brow-beating, and personal attacks. Anytime you feel like having a conversation, in an adult and civil manner, I'll be more than glad to engage. I don't take part in name calling, personal attacks and forum games. Thanks.
Social justice = hardcore communism.
How so? Please explain. Thanks.

It's pretty self explanatory.
No, not to me. But, if you don't want to explain it, then that's fine with me. I was just curious. No problem.

I did explain it, by providing the definitions for those who apparently don't know them.
That's your opinion. And, I have mine.
Social justice = hardcore communism.
How so? Please explain. Thanks.

It's pretty self explanatory.
No, not to me. But, if you don't want to explain it, then that's fine with me. I was just curious. No problem.

I did explain it, by providing the definitions for those who apparently don't know them.
That's your opinion. And, I have mine.

No, it's not my opinion, you idiot. I posted the definitions which show that the term *social justice* is a synonym for communism.

Take it up with Wiki.

And Merriam-Webster.
noun \ˈkäm-yə-ˌni-zəm, -yü-\
: a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property."

Communism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

social justice

Full Definition of SOCIAL JUSTICE
: a state or doctrine of egalitarianism"

Social justice - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
How so? Please explain. Thanks.

It's pretty self explanatory.
No, not to me. But, if you don't want to explain it, then that's fine with me. I was just curious. No problem.

I did explain it, by providing the definitions for those who apparently don't know them.
That's your opinion. And, I have mine.

No, it's not my opinion, you idiot. I posted the definitions which show that the term *social justice* is a synonym for communism.

Take it up with Wiki.

And Merriam-Webster.
Oh, so now we're name calling and engaging in personal attacks? Gee. Your age? By the way, I don't have to take it up with anyone, anywhere, nor at anytime. Social justice covers a lot of ground. I fail to see how it can be combined to mean communism. That's just way too broad and vague. But, you have every right to disagree, no problem. I disagree with you, and you disagree with me. So be it. No harm done.
noun \ˈkäm-yə-ˌni-zəm, -yü-\
: a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property."

Communism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

social justice

Full Definition of SOCIAL JUSTICE
: a state or doctrine of egalitarianism"

Social justice - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
That is certainly not what I was referring to. I was not putting it in context with any form of communism. I know what communism is, and that is not what I was talking about when I mentioned social justice. I was referring to justice as in right and wrong, equal punishment, equal treatment, etc.
I accept your defeat here.
Very funny. Cute, very cute. Defeat?? Is this war? Some sort of contest?? Pleeeeease !!!
It's a debate. And you've lost by failing to defend your position in the face of my very real questions.
I disagree. I stated my opinion very well. If you disagree, so be it. I considered it a conversation, but call it what you will. By the way, are keeping score? Is this forum some sort of game to you?
No you didnt. You stated some platitudes that you cannot defend. Again, what does "equal justice" look like? Everyone gets the same penalty? It is nonsense.
Yes it is a game to me. To see how often libs default to slogans and deflection because they cannot defend their beliefs via rational argument.
Again, very funny, and cute as well. FYI - I'm NOT a Liberal, by any stretch of the imagination. And, what exactly was there to defend. I stated my opinion, and I'm standing by it. Yes, I believe that we should have equal justice for equal crimes. Equal punishment for equal crimes. I do not believe that one gets a slap on the wrist, and the other gets 5 years of hard time behind bars. That's my opinion, and I stand by it. If you disagree, so be it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with two people having different opinions. And, since it's game to you, please don't include me. I don't play games on forums. I discuss issues with those mature and civil enough to have conversation without childish nonsense, slurs, brow-beating, and personal attacks. Anytime you feel like having a conversation, in an adult and civil manner, I'll be more than glad to engage. I don't take part in name calling, personal attacks and forum games. Thanks.
So a guy with a history of beating up his girlfriend and multiple jail terms should be treated the same as the guyw ith no criminal record who happens to make a mistake in judgment? OK if you say so.
Very funny. Cute, very cute. Defeat?? Is this war? Some sort of contest?? Pleeeeease !!!
It's a debate. And you've lost by failing to defend your position in the face of my very real questions.
I disagree. I stated my opinion very well. If you disagree, so be it. I considered it a conversation, but call it what you will. By the way, are keeping score? Is this forum some sort of game to you?
No you didnt. You stated some platitudes that you cannot defend. Again, what does "equal justice" look like? Everyone gets the same penalty? It is nonsense.
Yes it is a game to me. To see how often libs default to slogans and deflection because they cannot defend their beliefs via rational argument.
Again, very funny, and cute as well. FYI - I'm NOT a Liberal, by any stretch of the imagination. And, what exactly was there to defend. I stated my opinion, and I'm standing by it. Yes, I believe that we should have equal justice for equal crimes. Equal punishment for equal crimes. I do not believe that one gets a slap on the wrist, and the other gets 5 years of hard time behind bars. That's my opinion, and I stand by it. If you disagree, so be it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with two people having different opinions. And, since it's game to you, please don't include me. I don't play games on forums. I discuss issues with those mature and civil enough to have conversation without childish nonsense, slurs, brow-beating, and personal attacks. Anytime you feel like having a conversation, in an adult and civil manner, I'll be more than glad to engage. I don't take part in name calling, personal attacks and forum games. Thanks.
So a guy with a history of beating up his girlfriend and multiple jail terms should be treated the same as the guyw ith no criminal record who happens to make a mistake in judgment? OK if you say so.
I'm saying, equal punishment for equal crimes. If two people, in different cities, both steal a vehicle, and get caught, both should be handed the same punishment. It shouldn't matter if one of them is the mayor's son or not. It shouldn't matter if one of them comes from a very well respected family that has influence and a ton of money. They both stole a vehicle, got caught, and both should be treated the same in a court of law. A rich daddy shouldn't be allowed to buy his son out of a jam. We see way too much favoritism in our judicial system. Laws should apply to everyone equally, and punishment should be meted out the same.

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