What is the average IQ of a Bernie supporter?

The problem most conservatives have is not with mathematics but in algebraic projection.

It is as if they have never plotted a graph and extended it to a point in time on the X axis.

Figure this out;

A) jobs are being destroyed by the robotics revolution.

B) We live in a democratic Republic

C) as enough jobs are destroyed so that more and more Americans feel like they cannot survive in a purely capitalist system any more, what will they do?

Starve or vote for more and more socialism?

We need to manage this trend by getting ahead of it and putting in place workable solutions ahead of time instead of laughing it all off as 'lazy people wanting free shit'.

If you think that is the case, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.

There wouldn't be a shortage of jobs if democrats didn't breed like rabbits.

Quality, not quantity.

Its not so much that they are breeding like rabbits as much as they are importing future Democrats in yuge numbers.
Math seems hard for Bernie supporters. Hard to believe I know.

Math Is Hard for Sanders Supporters | The American Spectator

Seventy years ago, George Orwell explained why so many bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left: “At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it.” This is precisely why the Urban Institute (UI) is under attack from Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressives. The left-of-center think tank recently released a study that says the unsayable — Medicare for All is an unaffordable fantasy.
Medicare for All is the single-payer health care system that most progressives support as a replacement for Obamacare. Sanders, the Vermont senator who is ostensibly running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, has made it the centerpiece of his campaign. His website assures us that “Bernie’s plan” will save the country $6 trillion over the next ten years, but UI committed the sin of checking the math, and the study’s authors are not feeling the Bern: “[N]ational health expenditures would increase … by 6.6 trillion (16.6 percent) between 2017 and 2026.”
And this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much it will increase thegovernment’s health spending:
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

George Orwell wasn't a Progressive in the sense Progressive is meant today, have you read "Animal Farm"?

"Animal Farm" is a devastating critique of Marxist Utopia ie. Totalitarian Leftism, which is exactly what today's Progressives are, they're Totalitarian Leftist's, illustrated on a daily basis by the fanatical intolerance they exhibit towards anyone who disagrees with either them or The Leftist Agenda.

George Orwell (Eric Blair) would be horrified at today's Progressives, just like John F. Kennedy would.
No, I think the totalitarianism Orwell was referring to would not allow you to voice your opinion, Lucy H.
Simply note that when the elite discuss solutions for the high cost of education, the only solution ever raised is more government handouts. Never the Director of Lesbian Diversity making 6 figures.

I seriously suspect that free online education is going to replace traditional education.

I mean as more and more people face a jobless career future, why would anyone pay that much money to get the degrees that wont get them a job anyway?

The current high education system paradigm no longer makes any sense.
Its not so much that they are breeding like rabbits as much as they are importing future Democrats in yuge numbers.
No, it is that jobs are going to be vanishing unless we DO SOMETHING to manage the problem, and blaming it on Third Worlders isnt really managing anything.

We need to convert to a planned (not command) economy like they have with the Nordic Model. A UBI will also happen eventually or a mass die off.
Simply note that when the elite discuss solutions for the high cost of education, the only solution ever raised is more government handouts. Never the Director of Lesbian Diversity making 6 figures.

I seriously suspect that free online education is going to replace traditional education.

I mean as more and more people face a jobless career future, why would anyone pay that much money to get the degrees that wont get them a job anyway?

The current high education system paradigm no longer makes any sense.
5 pages later he states the obvious that I clearly already outlined. Except for the free nonsense of course.

He's just an slow old man who's out of touch with the realities of today.
The problem most conservatives have is not with mathematics but in algebraic projection.

It is as if they have never plotted a graph and extended it to a point in time on the X axis.

Figure this out;

A) jobs are being destroyed by the robotics revolution.

B) We live in a democratic Republic

C) as enough jobs are destroyed so that more and more Americans feel like they cannot survive in a purely capitalist system any more, what will they do?

Starve or vote for more and more socialism?

We need to manage this trend by getting ahead of it and putting in place workable solutions ahead of time instead of laughing it all off as 'lazy people wanting free shit'.

If you think that is the case, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
The jobs that are being replaced by robots are manufacturing & low skill jobs.

The solution isn't to change the entire country dumbass. The solution is to change your career.
Any ideas what are the good jobs of the future in America?
Computer and software are all exported.
Immigrants are brought in under work visas for high tech jobs.
Engineering is exported.
Medical profession is crumbling.

Lawyers maybe, but they are already dime a dozen.
I took my pc in for repairs last week. It went to an American shop with American workers. A few weeks before that one of my work trucks went into an American shop and was worked on by an American worker. The tree that was cut down in my yard last week was cut down by an American company that had American workers. My last dentist visit was to an American business that employed American dentists.
The cabinetry that we install is made by a local business who employees America workers. The customers that hire us are hiring an American business that employees American workers. On the rare occasion I need an attorney I hire an American from an American firm. The lumber we buy comes from an American lumber yard that is sold to us by American workers. The insurance I buy comes from an American broker in an American office built by American workers.

Point being the jobs are there. The opportunities are there. You have total control over your future. I started out with a college education in computers and switched to construction. Harder word but it offered more freedom & flexibility for creativity.
You control your destiny
Let me observe that you started out with a 'useable' college education.
People who start out with a useless college education have wasted their time and someone's resources.
People who were 'streamed' through the union controlled failed education have virtually zero chance at ever finding a decent job.
You were adaptable and creative. These qualities plus your willingness to work hard added to your success.

Hillary Clinton Will Be Nominated Because More Democrats Are Voting For Her

die-hard bernie fans are so dumb that they still cling to a candidate who signed-up to participate in a primary process with longstanding rules which knowingly include super delegates, but mid-race this candidate cries how those super delegates supposedly "rig" the results... as a solution to this so-called delegate "corruption" this candidate and his deluded fans would like to justify taking those very same super delegates as their own instead, despite having achieved millions less individual votes, hundreds less delegates won, and less support at every level possible. :lol: why but of course, because THEN "the system" would presumably be more "fair" because according to their ongoing delusions, their candidate is the truly superior candidate to win the presidency, because they said so. :lol:

Sanders Supporters Angry as Clinton Wins Sufficient Backing

The Associated Press and multiple television networks that Clinton had reached the 2,383 delegates needed to become the presumptive Democratic nominee. She has 1,812 pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses, and the support of 571 superdelegates.


In a statement released after the AP’s call, the Sanders campaign argued that the media is wrong to declare Clinton the presumptive nominee by including superdelegates, correctly pointing out that superdelegates can change their vote up until the convention, as several dozen superdelegates did in flipping from Clinton to Barack Obama in 2008.

FiveThirtyEight’s pledged delegate count, which does not include superdelegates, has Clinton with 1,8111 pledged delegates to 1,526 for Sanders. The Sanders campaign said its “job from now until the convention is to convince superdelegates that Bernie is by far the strongest candidate against Donald Trump.”

But Sanders’s statement — and the AP’s call — distract from the larger point. Clinton will be the Democratic nominee because substantially more Democrats have voted for her. In addition to her elected delegate majority, she’s received approximately 13.5 million votes so far in primaries and caucuses, compared with 10.5 million for Sanders.

Hillary Clinton Will Be Nominated Because More Democrats Are Voting For Her
Last edited:

die-hard bernie fans are so dumb that they still cling to a candidate who signed-up to participate in a primary process with longstanding rules which knowingly include super delegates, but mid-race this candidate cries how those super delegates supposedly "rig" the results... as a solution to this so-called delegate "corruption" this candidate and his deluded fans would like to justify taking those very same super delegates as their own instead, despite having achieved millions less individual votes, hundreds less delegates won, and less support at every level possible. :lol: why but of course, because THEN "the system" would presumably be more "fair" because according to their ongoing delusions, their candidate is the truly superior candidate to win the presidency, because they said so. :lol:

Sanders Supporters Angry as Clinton Wins Sufficient Backing

The Associated Press and multiple television networks that Clinton had reached the 2,383 delegates needed to become the presumptive Democratic nominee. She has 1,812 pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses, and the support of 571 superdelegates.


In a statement released after the AP’s call, the Sanders campaign argued that the media is wrong to declare Clinton the presumptive nominee by including superdelegates, correctly pointing out that superdelegates can change their vote up until the convention, as several dozen superdelegates did in flipping from Clinton to Barack Obama in 2008.

FiveThirtyEight’s pledged delegate count, which does not include superdelegates, has Clinton with 1,8111 pledged delegates to 1,526 for Sanders. The Sanders campaign said its “job from now until the convention is to convince superdelegates that Bernie is by far the strongest candidate against Donald Trump.”

But Sanders’s statement — and the AP’s call — distract from the larger point. Clinton will be the Democratic nominee because substantially more Democrats have voted for her. In addition to her elected delegate majority, she’s received approximately 13.5 million votes so far in primaries and caucuses, compared with 10.5 million for Sanders.

Hillary Clinton Will Be Nominated Because More Democrats Are Voting For Her

Which goes to tell you that a majority of Democratic voters are dumber than Bernie supporters, their Hillary vote proves this.

You're nominating an old white rich lying neocon who also happens to be a criminal. :rofl:
Its not so much that they are breeding like rabbits as much as they are importing future Democrats in yuge numbers.
No, it is that jobs are going to be vanishing unless we DO SOMETHING to manage the problem, and blaming it on Third Worlders isnt really managing anything.

We need to convert to a planned (not command) economy like they have with the Nordic Model. A UBI will also happen eventually or a mass die off.
The 'Nordic' Socialist countries are populated by people who are indoctrinated to believe by handing a substantial amount of what they earn to the government in taxes everyone is 'equal'.
That economic model will never be accepted in the US.
Anyway, just like all good little socialists, these 'Nordic' Socialist countries have opened their doors to tens of thousands of young muslim men who are functionally illiterate, violently misogynistic and whose only goal is to take over these countries and impose Sharia law.
Basically these 'Nordic' countries are self-destructing.
This was Obama's 'wet dream' but he soon found out the American people were not buying the Utopian bullshit he was selling. And a whole race of Takers he promised more "free shit" to than a pervert in the park couldn't get him over the finish line.
Now Hillary is promising her version of the Utopian 'Socialist-Lite' wet dream.
Ironic coming from arguably one of the most greedy capitalist bitches in the country.
It's only minimum wage if you lack the ingenuity to do it in your own shop.

Well you hit on something.

People will be able to make hand made things and barter them.

Thats about it.
Goes back to the post I made already. Welcome millions of people in America with no marketable skills living as they do in today's rural China.
These Chinese farmers can't read or write but they can grow fucking spring onions which they can barter with.
Did you read Animal Farm?
Yes, a million years ago. Don't tell me you're going to go all binary about this.

Orwell was a leftist criticizing the left. What about that are you failing to grasp?
One 'endearing' quality of right wingers is that they tend to view any issue in black and white. I assume that by pointing out that Orwell was telling a cautionary tale about power in a Utopian society, you think that he was against such a thing. I don't believe that was the case.

If you only want to argue with right wingers, they are all over the board, shouldn't be hard to find one
In previous discussions with you, you seemed to lean pretty hard in that direction. No?

I'm fiscally conservative, but I'm for a far smaller, defensive focused military and the elimination of all morality laws. I'm a classic liberal.

It's ironic that you call me black and white then prove that you are wanting to boil everyone down to Democrat or Republican, left or right
Maybe you can refer me to the person who spent $80K on the medieval footwear degree. I have a few questions for them.
Go look for yourself.
There are hundreds/thousands of college/university 'medieval studies' courses available.
I suggest more than one stupid LIB fucking idiot wrote their thesis on fucking medieval footwear.
Now these idiots can explain the history of fucking medieval footwear to their fellow Starbucks employees.
Yeah I know student debt is a problem but most students who go for a niche, liberal arts degree know that it's not going to translate to a career path in itself.
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
Simply note that when the elite discuss solutions for the high cost of education, the only solution ever raised is more government handouts. Never the Director of Lesbian Diversity making 6 figures.
A staff member was up in arms because dance instructors were making so little when I was attending. I don't think most instructors in arts and such are exactly making bank.
Go look for yourself.
There are hundreds/thousands of college/university 'medieval studies' courses available.
I suggest more than one stupid LIB fucking idiot wrote their thesis on fucking medieval footwear.
Now these idiots can explain the history of fucking medieval footwear to their fellow Starbucks employees.
Yeah I know student debt is a problem but most students who go for a niche, liberal arts degree know that it's not going to translate to a career path in itself.
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
Simply note that when the elite discuss solutions for the high cost of education, the only solution ever raised is more government handouts. Never the Director of Lesbian Diversity making 6 figures.
A staff member was up in arms because dance instructors were making so little when I was attending. I don't think most instructors in arts and such are exactly making bank.
No one outside of politicians get the great salaries and benefits that teachers do. Government work is a scam.
Yes, a million years ago. Don't tell me you're going to go all binary about this.

Orwell was a leftist criticizing the left. What about that are you failing to grasp?
One 'endearing' quality of right wingers is that they tend to view any issue in black and white. I assume that by pointing out that Orwell was telling a cautionary tale about power in a Utopian society, you think that he was against such a thing. I don't believe that was the case.

If you only want to argue with right wingers, they are all over the board, shouldn't be hard to find one
In previous discussions with you, you seemed to lean pretty hard in that direction. No?

I'm fiscally conservative, but I'm for a far smaller, defensive focused military and the elimination of all morality laws. I'm a classic liberal.

It's ironic that you call me black and white then prove that you are wanting to boil everyone down to Democrat or Republican, left or right
Ok, point taken. It's hard for me to keep track of everyone on this forum so the posters who tend to defend the greed and incompetence of Wall Street and corporate upper management get placed in my right wing column. Sorry if you find that offensive.
Yeah I know student debt is a problem but most students who go for a niche, liberal arts degree know that it's not going to translate to a career path in itself.
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
Simply note that when the elite discuss solutions for the high cost of education, the only solution ever raised is more government handouts. Never the Director of Lesbian Diversity making 6 figures.
A staff member was up in arms because dance instructors were making so little when I was attending. I don't think most instructors in arts and such are exactly making bank.
No one outside of politicians get the great salaries and benefits that teachers do. Government work is a scam.
You think that teachers get great salaries and benefits? What state do you live it?
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
Simply note that when the elite discuss solutions for the high cost of education, the only solution ever raised is more government handouts. Never the Director of Lesbian Diversity making 6 figures.
A staff member was up in arms because dance instructors were making so little when I was attending. I don't think most instructors in arts and such are exactly making bank.
No one outside of politicians get the great salaries and benefits that teachers do. Government work is a scam.
You think that teachers get great salaries and benefits? What state do you live it?
California. I know of no one in private industry making $70K and getting half the year off. And getting retirement and full medical at 55. But my three teaching friends do - and whine about it.
Yup. How many LIBs on this forum have repeatedly claimed that LIBs are "better educated" than REPs?
Spending a few years in a Liberal Indoctrination Center AKA college, borrowing 80K to learn how medieval footwear affected the course of civilisation in Hampshire isn't very fucking "smart".
Maybe you can refer me to the person who spent $80K on the medieval footwear degree. I have a few questions for them.
Go look for yourself.
There are hundreds/thousands of college/university 'medieval studies' courses available.
I suggest more than one stupid LIB fucking idiot wrote their thesis on fucking medieval footwear.
Now these idiots can explain the history of fucking medieval footwear to their fellow Starbucks employees.
Yeah I know student debt is a problem but most students who go for a niche, liberal arts degree know that it's not going to translate to a career path in itself.
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
How about by not being "lucky enough" to live with your mommy and daddy?
Students who must pay for housing/food/transportation expenses where there are not 'part time jobs' available can, in today's reality incur a LOT of debt. You are an apple. Many of today's students are an orange. THINK MAN!!!!!!
Compound the lunacy of amassing tens of thousands of dollars in student loans 'studying' some pathetic field where the only job available is to teach other fucking LIB brats what you learned.
Maybe you can refer me to the person who spent $80K on the medieval footwear degree. I have a few questions for them.
Go look for yourself.
There are hundreds/thousands of college/university 'medieval studies' courses available.
I suggest more than one stupid LIB fucking idiot wrote their thesis on fucking medieval footwear.
Now these idiots can explain the history of fucking medieval footwear to their fellow Starbucks employees.
Yeah I know student debt is a problem but most students who go for a niche, liberal arts degree know that it's not going to translate to a career path in itself.
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
How about by not being "lucky enough" to live with your mommy and daddy?
Students who must pay for housing/food/transportation expenses where there are not 'part time jobs' available can, in today's reality incur a LOT of debt. You are an apple. Many of today's students are an orange. THINK MAN!!!!!!
Compound the lunacy of amassing tens of thousands of dollars in student loans 'studying' some pathetic field where the only job available is to teach other fucking LIB brats what you learned.
I can remember being scared to death of debt until I was well established. I wish I could say I was sorry for some of these kids but the wishful thinking fairy must have been extra generous to some of them.

die-hard bernie fans are so dumb that they still cling to a candidate who signed-up to participate in a primary process with longstanding rules which knowingly include super delegates, but mid-race this candidate cries how those super delegates supposedly "rig" the results... as a solution to this so-called delegate "corruption" this candidate and his deluded fans would like to justify taking those very same super delegates as their own instead, despite having achieved millions less individual votes, hundreds less delegates won, and less support at every level possible. :lol: why but of course, because THEN "the system" would presumably be more "fair" because according to their ongoing delusions, their candidate is the truly superior candidate to win the presidency, because they said so. :lol:

Sanders Supporters Angry as Clinton Wins Sufficient Backing

The Associated Press and multiple television networks that Clinton had reached the 2,383 delegates needed to become the presumptive Democratic nominee. She has 1,812 pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses, and the support of 571 superdelegates.


In a statement released after the AP’s call, the Sanders campaign argued that the media is wrong to declare Clinton the presumptive nominee by including superdelegates, correctly pointing out that superdelegates can change their vote up until the convention, as several dozen superdelegates did in flipping from Clinton to Barack Obama in 2008.

FiveThirtyEight’s pledged delegate count, which does not include superdelegates, has Clinton with 1,8111 pledged delegates to 1,526 for Sanders. The Sanders campaign said its “job from now until the convention is to convince superdelegates that Bernie is by far the strongest candidate against Donald Trump.”

But Sanders’s statement — and the AP’s call — distract from the larger point. Clinton will be the Democratic nominee because substantially more Democrats have voted for her. In addition to her elected delegate majority, she’s received approximately 13.5 million votes so far in primaries and caucuses, compared with 10.5 million for Sanders.

Hillary Clinton Will Be Nominated Because More Democrats Are Voting For Her

Which goes to tell you that a majority of Democratic voters are dumber than Bernie supporters, their Hillary vote proves this.

You're nominating an old white rich lying neocon who also happens to be a criminal. :rofl:


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