What is the average IQ of a Bernie supporter?

It's a self esteem issue. "You might have a high IQ but I have common sense."

It is far more than that.

If you had to hire an expert to build you your house you will live in the rest of your life, would you pick a high IQ architect right out of college or a builder with no degree, average IQ but 30 years of experience in the house building industry?

Think about that for a minute. That is high IQ vrs common sense.
There's no substitute for experience but that experience is used to much greater effect by someone who is intelligent.
Like the Republican leadership has displayed since 2010? Both parties and thus our entire ruling class is run by a bunch of elitists who's only purpose is to shred the Constitution so they may grant themselves more power and wealth.

That is why we have to unite behind Trump and run the bastards out.
Like the Republican leadership has displayed since 2010? Both parties and thus our entire ruling class is run by a bunch of elitists who's only purpose is to shred the Constitution so they may grant themselves more power and wealth.

That is why we have to unite behind Trump and run the bastards out.
Sorry, but Trump supporters are just as delusional as those Obamatons in 08 screaming how they will now get free rent and cars. The man has zero respect for the Constitution and anyone not wiping his ass.
You're correct that he was ultra left, not a right winger. But he did write books warning about totalitarian leftism like Animal Farm and 1984. Votto is correct about his saying that. Where did Votto say he was right wing though? I don't see that
Expand this post and you'll see it bolded and underlined. He implied that he was right by saying bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left.

Did you read Animal Farm?
Yes, a million years ago. Don't tell me you're going to go all binary about this.

Orwell was a leftist criticizing the left. What about that are you failing to grasp?
One 'endearing' quality of right wingers is that they tend to view any issue in black and white. I assume that by pointing out that Orwell was telling a cautionary tale about power in a Utopian society, you think that he was against such a thing. I don't believe that was the case.

If you only want to argue with right wingers, they are all over the board, shouldn't be hard to find one
Orwell was a leftist criticizing the left. What about that are you failing to grasp?
One 'endearing' quality of right wingers is that they tend to view any issue in black and white. I assume that by pointing out that Orwell was telling a cautionary tale about power in a Utopian society, you think that he was against such a thing. I don't believe that was the case.
Joe, are you talking about leftwingers or rightwingers?

I think the word ideologue just about covers all the bases.
There's no substitute for experience but that experience is used to much greater effect by someone who is intelligent.
But that wsnt the question was it?

In any comparison if one has X and the other has X +Y then the other has the advantage obviously.
Sorry, but Trump supporters are just as delusional as those Obamatons in 08 screaming how they will now get free rent and cars. The man has zero respect for the Constitution and anyone not wiping his ass.
Well I would ask yo to prove that, but I dont have the time to waste. IF you think that then you are a Master of your Own Little nutshell.

There is not one damned thing racist about wanting an impartial judge who is not a member of a la Raza movement association. Only brain washed idjits think that there is anything wrong with that.
Yep, too many falsely equate IQ with wisdom.
Yup. How many LIBs on this forum have repeatedly claimed that LIBs are "better educated" than REPs?
Spending a few years in a Liberal Indoctrination Center AKA college, borrowing 80K to learn how medieval footwear affected the course of civilisation in Hampshire isn't very fucking "smart".
Maybe you can refer me to the person who spent $80K on the medieval footwear degree. I have a few questions for them.
Go look for yourself.
There are hundreds/thousands of college/university 'medieval studies' courses available.
I suggest more than one stupid LIB fucking idiot wrote their thesis on fucking medieval footwear.
Now these idiots can explain the history of fucking medieval footwear to their fellow Starbucks employees.
Yeah I know student debt is a problem but most students who go for a niche, liberal arts degree know that it's not going to translate to a career path in itself.
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
There's no substitute for experience but that experience is used to much greater effect by someone who is intelligent.
But that wsnt the question was it?

In any comparison if one has X and the other has X +Y then the other has the advantage obviously.
To hear many of the posters on this forum, all you need is common sense and that and high IQ are apparently mutually exclusive in their minds.
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
I was with you when my daughter went to college, and she went to a state college. Back when I was a young adult college was dirt cheap at the state colleges.

Not any more.
Expand this post and you'll see it bolded and underlined. He implied that he was right by saying bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left.

Did you read Animal Farm?
Yes, a million years ago. Don't tell me you're going to go all binary about this.

Orwell was a leftist criticizing the left. What about that are you failing to grasp?
One 'endearing' quality of right wingers is that they tend to view any issue in black and white. I assume that by pointing out that Orwell was telling a cautionary tale about power in a Utopian society, you think that he was against such a thing. I don't believe that was the case.

If you only want to argue with right wingers, they are all over the board, shouldn't be hard to find one
In previous discussions with you, you seemed to lean pretty hard in that direction. No?
To hear many of the posters on this forum, all you need is common sense and that and high IQ are apparently mutually exclusive in their minds.
They are not exclusive, but a college education can teach you a great many things that are simply untrue in the real world.

Example, As an IT graduate, I was taught that Boyce Cod normalization was the minimum level of normalization for a Relational Database.

When I got an actual job I quickly found out that no one actually normalizes to that degree and stays employed.
Sorry, but Trump supporters are just as delusional as those Obamatons in 08 screaming how they will now get free rent and cars. The man has zero respect for the Constitution and anyone not wiping his ass.
Well I would ask yo to prove that, but I dont have the time to waste. IF you think that then you are a Master of your Own Little nutshell.

There is not one damned thing racist about wanting an impartial judge who is not a member of a la Raza movement association. Only brain washed idjits think that there is anything wrong with that.
See? Out of the blue you drag racism into the discussion. Like I said, Trumpsters are just like Obamatons. Not being mean, just pointing out the obvious.

Tell me, as a Trump supporter, what outside of growing his empire has he done for society? Honestly, things may exist and I'm not aware.
Orwell was a leftist criticizing the left. What about that are you failing to grasp?
One 'endearing' quality of right wingers is that they tend to view any issue in black and white. I assume that by pointing out that Orwell was telling a cautionary tale about power in a Utopian society, you think that he was against such a thing. I don't believe that was the case.
Joe, are you talking about leftwingers or rightwingers?

I think the word ideologue just about covers all the bases.
Good point.
Math seems hard for Bernie supporters. Hard to believe I know.

Math Is Hard for Sanders Supporters | The American Spectator

Seventy years ago, George Orwell explained why so many bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left: “At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it.” This is precisely why the Urban Institute (UI) is under attack from Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressives. The left-of-center think tank recently released a study that says the unsayable — Medicare for All is an unaffordable fantasy.
Medicare for All is the single-payer health care system that most progressives support as a replacement for Obamacare. Sanders, the Vermont senator who is ostensibly running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, has made it the centerpiece of his campaign. His website assures us that “Bernie’s plan” will save the country $6 trillion over the next ten years, but UI committed the sin of checking the math, and the study’s authors are not feeling the Bern: “[N]ational health expenditures would increase … by 6.6 trillion (16.6 percent) between 2017 and 2026.”
And this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much it will increase thegovernment’s health spending:

the average IQ of a Bernie supporter, calculating.............carry one...........negative 69 (-69)

Am i right?


Contumacious calculator powered by Carnac the Magnificent
Math seems hard for Bernie supporters. Hard to believe I know.

Math Is Hard for Sanders Supporters | The American Spectator

Seventy years ago, George Orwell explained why so many bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left: “At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it.” This is precisely why the Urban Institute (UI) is under attack from Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressives. The left-of-center think tank recently released a study that says the unsayable — Medicare for All is an unaffordable fantasy.
Medicare for All is the single-payer health care system that most progressives support as a replacement for Obamacare. Sanders, the Vermont senator who is ostensibly running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, has made it the centerpiece of his campaign. His website assures us that “Bernie’s plan” will save the country $6 trillion over the next ten years, but UI committed the sin of checking the math, and the study’s authors are not feeling the Bern: “[N]ational health expenditures would increase … by 6.6 trillion (16.6 percent) between 2017 and 2026.”
And this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much it will increase thegovernment’s health spending:
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

George Orwell wasn't a Progressive in the sense Progressive is meant today, have you read "Animal Farm"?

"Animal Farm" is a devastating critique of Marxist Utopia ie. Totalitarian Leftism, which is exactly what today's Progressives are, they're Totalitarian Leftist's, illustrated on a daily basis by the fanatical intolerance they exhibit towards anyone who disagrees with either them or The Leftist Agenda.

George Orwell (Eric Blair) would be horrified at today's Progressives, just like John F. Kennedy would.
First of all, you are incapable of speaking for George Orwell or Jack Kennedy. It is intellectually obscene for you to think you can much less express it.

Animal Farm is a novella you probably read in middle school and do not fully understand. It is not an indictment of leftism per se but of of totalitarianism. He used the communist take over of Russia as a vehicle for his message, but it is not about communist Russia: it is about totalitarianism. You obviously do not understand him.He wrote many books and essays. He was a liberal and a progressive, not a right wing conservative. He is not 'yours' and did not speak for your values.

He spoke for the poor, the weak, the exploited, the disenfranchized. You are completely misunderstanding him because you only know of his short work, Animal Farm, which you read in middle school. It is the most simplistic of all his works. And you understand it from an even more simplistic point of view. He would be rolling over in his grave to think people like you think he represents your political and social philosophy.

You need to read 1984, Burmese Days, Shooting an Elephant and Other Stories, and Down and Out in Paris and London, just to begin with. You don't know Orwell at all. You are fools and a joke.
Math seems hard for Bernie supporters. Hard to believe I know.

Math Is Hard for Sanders Supporters | The American Spectator

Seventy years ago, George Orwell explained why so many bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left: “At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it.” This is precisely why the Urban Institute (UI) is under attack from Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressives. The left-of-center think tank recently released a study that says the unsayable — Medicare for All is an unaffordable fantasy.
Medicare for All is the single-payer health care system that most progressives support as a replacement for Obamacare. Sanders, the Vermont senator who is ostensibly running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, has made it the centerpiece of his campaign. His website assures us that “Bernie’s plan” will save the country $6 trillion over the next ten years, but UI committed the sin of checking the math, and the study’s authors are not feeling the Bern: “[N]ational health expenditures would increase … by 6.6 trillion (16.6 percent) between 2017 and 2026.”
And this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much it will increase thegovernment’s health spending:

not sure about that question

however the number one group by far

who donate to his campaign

are from the "not working" group

go figure

25% of the money donated has been by unemployed (or retired, I guess). How does 1 in 4 dollars become #1?
Yup. How many LIBs on this forum have repeatedly claimed that LIBs are "better educated" than REPs?
Spending a few years in a Liberal Indoctrination Center AKA college, borrowing 80K to learn how medieval footwear affected the course of civilisation in Hampshire isn't very fucking "smart".
Maybe you can refer me to the person who spent $80K on the medieval footwear degree. I have a few questions for them.
Go look for yourself.
There are hundreds/thousands of college/university 'medieval studies' courses available.
I suggest more than one stupid LIB fucking idiot wrote their thesis on fucking medieval footwear.
Now these idiots can explain the history of fucking medieval footwear to their fellow Starbucks employees.
Yeah I know student debt is a problem but most students who go for a niche, liberal arts degree know that it's not going to translate to a career path in itself.
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
Look into the cost per credit hour. Look at the fluff courses that are irrelevant to their career but are forced nonetheless. Then look at the interest rates & book costs. Many courses will not allow used books which is especially true when some professors are contributing writers or authors of the books.

The system is broken
Yup. How many LIBs on this forum have repeatedly claimed that LIBs are "better educated" than REPs?
Spending a few years in a Liberal Indoctrination Center AKA college, borrowing 80K to learn how medieval footwear affected the course of civilisation in Hampshire isn't very fucking "smart".
Maybe you can refer me to the person who spent $80K on the medieval footwear degree. I have a few questions for them.
Go look for yourself.
There are hundreds/thousands of college/university 'medieval studies' courses available.
I suggest more than one stupid LIB fucking idiot wrote their thesis on fucking medieval footwear.
Now these idiots can explain the history of fucking medieval footwear to their fellow Starbucks employees.
Yeah I know student debt is a problem but most students who go for a niche, liberal arts degree know that it's not going to translate to a career path in itself.
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?
College doesn't have to cost a fortune. I was lucky enough to live at home but I paid for tuition, books, fees and most living expenses and worked part time. I graduated engineering school with only $1K of credit card debt and no student loans. Times have changed somewhat and I'm sure I'd have more debt than that now but nothing like some students. I really would like to know how someone piles up $100K.
Simply note that when the elite discuss solutions for the high cost of education, the only solution ever raised is more government handouts. Never the Director of Lesbian Diversity making 6 figures.
25% of the money donated has been by unemployed (or retired, I guess). How does 1 in 4 dollars become #1?

It is the largest group of the groups the people who made the report cooked up.

But if you break down the unemployed by industry that they are unemployed from, as the working employed are, then it isnt the largest group any more.

Lies, damned lies and statistics.

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