What is the average IQ of a Bernie supporter?

Yep. It would be funny, if not for the fact that there is such an anti extreme giftedness bias in society. So many people place so much gold on the importance of intelligence that they become threatened by those who possess the most. They then proceed to develop a latent hostility toward us.

And they are idiots.
The jobs that are being replaced by robots are manufacturing & low skill jobs.


Advanced AI will be replacing everything from doctors and lawyers to track drivers to software engineers.

The solution isn't to change the entire country dumbass. The solution is to change your career.


There will not be a career left unscathed.

You are inventing a fantasy that makes you feel better and calling it reality, dude.
I'm creating fantasy? Did you read your own post?
Good grief lol

I forget why I stopped responding to your bullshit, then reading it again, I remember.

Welcome to my ignore list again, shit4brains.
This thread is full of rampant paranoia & tinfoil hats.

Times change. People change. Jobs/careers change.
Change with it or get left behind. I see two in this thread in full on panic mode who will be the first two left behind.
Yep. It would be funny, if not for the fact that there is such an anti extreme giftedness bias in society. So many people place so much gold on the importance of intelligence that they become threatened by those who possess the most. They then proceed to develop a latent hostility toward us.

And they are idiots.

Yes. But they are also the majority. I learned a long time ago that I have to dumb myself down in the workplace if I want to be able to hold a job. When you're at the more than two standard deviations above the mean and you show it people will either hate you out of jealously, or come to have unreasonable expectations of you. Or both.
The jobs that are being replaced by robots are manufacturing & low skill jobs.


Advanced AI will be replacing everything from doctors and lawyers to track drivers to software engineers.

The solution isn't to change the entire country dumbass. The solution is to change your career.


There will not be a career left unscathed.

You are inventing a fantasy that makes you feel better and calling it reality, dude.
I'm creating fantasy? Did you read your own post?
Good grief lol

I forget why I stopped responding to your bullshit, then reading it again, I remember.

Welcome to my ignore list again, shit4brains.
Be still my broken heart....

Like I give a fuck lol
I took my pc in for repairs last week. It went to an American shop with American workers. A few weeks before that one of my work trucks went into an American shop and was worked on by an American worker. The tree that was cut down in my yard last week was cut down by an American company that had American workers. My last dentist visit was to an American business that employed American dentists.
The cabinetry that we install is made by a local business who employees America workers. The customers that hire us are hiring an American business that employees American workers. On the rare occasion I need an attorney I hire an American from an American firm. The lumber we buy comes from an American lumber yard that is sold to us by American workers. The insurance I buy comes from an American broker in an American office built by American workers.

Point being the jobs are there. The opportunities are there. You have total control over your future. I started out with a college education in computers and switched to construction. Harder word but it offered more freedom & flexibility for creativity.
You control your destiny
All those jobs will be robotized by the year 2030 if not much sooner, so no, you do not control your ability to get a job.

You are doing static analysis to sooth your ideological ego, fine that is your business.

But welcome to being an irrelevant old hack in the meantime.
Back in the 70's I focused my degrees on manufacturing because I was good at it and everyone needs things built. No clue that everything would be built on the other side of the world. I survived but manufacturing has been a dinosaur for several decades now.
I took my pc in for repairs last week. It went to an American shop with American workers. A few weeks before that one of my work trucks went into an American shop and was worked on by an American worker. The tree that was cut down in my yard last week was cut down by an American company that had American workers. My last dentist visit was to an American business that employed American dentists.
The cabinetry that we install is made by a local business who employees America workers. The customers that hire us are hiring an American business that employees American workers. On the rare occasion I need an attorney I hire an American from an American firm. The lumber we buy comes from an American lumber yard that is sold to us by American workers. The insurance I buy comes from an American broker in an American office built by American workers.

Point being the jobs are there. The opportunities are there. You have total control over your future. I started out with a college education in computers and switched to construction. Harder word but it offered more freedom & flexibility for creativity.
You control your destiny
All those jobs will be robotized by the year 2030 if not much sooner, so no, you do not control your ability to get a job.

You are doing static analysis to sooth your ideological ego, fine that is your business.

But welcome to being an irrelevant old hack in the meantime.
Back in the 70's I focused my degrees on manufacturing because I was good at it and everyone needs things built. No clue that everything would be built on the other side of the world. I survived but manufacturing has been a dinosaur for several decades now.
You're a relic of the industrial revolution. Times change & I'm guessing you adapted. Just as each generation behind you will.
This thread is full of rampant paranoia & tinfoil hats.

Times change. People change. Jobs/careers change.
Change with it or get left behind. I see two in this thread in full on panic mode who will be the first two left behind.

You're right that people need to take responsibility for themselves to be adaptable. But don't you think that society as a larger entity will also have to change? After all, we were once an agrarian society. The whole had to adapt with the times as much as the individual.

Not that liberals seem to have any clue how to go about it. But they are halfway right when it comes to education. We really need to reform our approach to education in this country. Our current approach is based on 1970s expectations of a 1980s world that was believed would produce 1960s results.
Back in the 70's I focused my degrees on manufacturing because I was good at it and everyone needs things built. No clue that everything would be built on the other side of the world. I survived but manufacturing has been a dinosaur for several decades now.
No one really knows with high certainty what is going to happen, and so a planned but not commanded economy is a must and it is going to happen.

Republicans can either get ahead of it and lead us into better systems that will leave as much freedom and liberty intact as possible or stand against it and get run over by a freight train. It is really up to them.
I took my pc in for repairs last week. It went to an American shop with American workers. A few weeks before that one of my work trucks went into an American shop and was worked on by an American worker. The tree that was cut down in my yard last week was cut down by an American company that had American workers. My last dentist visit was to an American business that employed American dentists.
The cabinetry that we install is made by a local business who employees America workers. The customers that hire us are hiring an American business that employees American workers. On the rare occasion I need an attorney I hire an American from an American firm. The lumber we buy comes from an American lumber yard that is sold to us by American workers. The insurance I buy comes from an American broker in an American office built by American workers.

Point being the jobs are there. The opportunities are there. You have total control over your future. I started out with a college education in computers and switched to construction. Harder word but it offered more freedom & flexibility for creativity.
You control your destiny
All those jobs will be robotized by the year 2030 if not much sooner, so no, you do not control your ability to get a job.

You are doing static analysis to sooth your ideological ego, fine that is your business.

But welcome to being an irrelevant old hack in the meantime.
Back in the 70's I focused my degrees on manufacturing because I was good at it and everyone needs things built. No clue that everything would be built on the other side of the world. I survived but manufacturing has been a dinosaur for several decades now.
You're a relic of the industrial revolution. Times change & I'm guessing you adapted. Just as each generation behind you will.
But like I said, the only jobs of the future in America are low paying service jobs. Yeah, people have started septic tank cleaning companies and become millionaires in the past, but with so many government regulations and more being added daily, there is little chance of anyone being able to start a successful business now.
But like I said, the only jobs of the future in America are low paying service jobs. Yeah, people have started septic tank cleaning companies and become millionaires in the past, but with so many government regulations and more being added daily, there is little chance of anyone being able to start a successful business now.
Tomorrows jobs will be mostly part time, and of the few that are full time, it will be highly specialized work that is quickly replaced when the robots get the new software that is competitive, and hand made stuff that people by for the aesthetic value.

When they learn to program for aesthetic value we are doomed.
This thread is full of rampant paranoia & tinfoil hats.

Times change. People change. Jobs/careers change.
Change with it or get left behind. I see two in this thread in full on panic mode who will be the first two left behind.

You're right that people need to take responsibility for themselves to be adaptable. But don't you think that society as a larger entity will also have to change? After all, we were once an agrarian society. The whole had to adapt with the times as much as the individual.

Not that liberals seem to have any clue how to go about it. But they are halfway right when it comes to education. We really need to reform our approach to education in this country. Our current approach is based on 1970s expectations of a 1980s world that was believed would produce 1960s results.
Our educational system is changing DESPITE government influence. In the 60's & 70's you had traditional college & VoTech & that was basically it.
In the 80's & 90's we saw the expansion of career based colleges. Now we have schools that will teach you any individual skill you want to learn without the need for all the fluff that is irrelevant to your career choice. But government has yet to catch on & still pushes for a traditional experience. It discourages innovation & growth through regulations & archaic requirements.

The solution is not government dependence
Back in the 70's I focused my degrees on manufacturing because I was good at it and everyone needs things built. No clue that everything would be built on the other side of the world. I survived but manufacturing has been a dinosaur for several decades now.
No one really knows with high certainty what is going to happen, and so a planned but not commanded economy is a must and it is going to happen.

Republicans can either get ahead of it and lead us into better systems that will leave as much freedom and liberty intact as possible or stand against it and get run over by a freight train. It is really up to them.
Like the Republican leadership has displayed since 2010? Both parties and thus our entire ruling class is run by a bunch of elitists who's only purpose is to shred the Constitution so they may grant themselves more power and wealth.
But like I said, the only jobs of the future in America are low paying service jobs. Yeah, people have started septic tank cleaning companies and become millionaires in the past, but with so many government regulations and more being added daily, there is little chance of anyone being able to start a successful business now.
Tomorrows jobs will be mostly part time, and of the few that are full time, it will be highly specialized work that is quickly replaced when the robots get the new software that is competitive, and hand made stuff that people by for the aesthetic value.

When they learn to program for aesthetic value we are doomed.
More paranoid tinfoil hat propaganda lol
Like the Republican leadership has displayed since 2010? Both parties and thus our entire ruling class is run by a bunch of elitists who's only purpose is to shred the Constitution so they may grant themselves more power and wealth.

That is why we have to unite behind Trump and run the bastards out.
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

You're correct that he was ultra left, not a right winger. But he did write books warning about totalitarian leftism like Animal Farm and 1984. Votto is correct about his saying that. Where did Votto say he was right wing though? I don't see that
Expand this post and you'll see it bolded and underlined. He implied that he was right by saying bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left.

Did you read Animal Farm?
Yes, a million years ago. Don't tell me you're going to go all binary about this.

Orwell was a leftist criticizing the left. What about that are you failing to grasp?
One 'endearing' quality of right wingers is that they tend to view any issue in black and white. I assume that by pointing out that Orwell was telling a cautionary tale about power in a Utopian society, you think that he was against such a thing. I don't believe that was the case.
Like the Republican leadership has displayed since 2010? Both parties and thus our entire ruling class is run by a bunch of elitists who's only purpose is to shred the Constitution so they may grant themselves more power and wealth.

That is why we have to unite behind Trump and run the bastards out.
You looking forward to moving to India to make Trump ties to be shipped back to America eh?
Someone can have an astronomical IQ but if they lack common sense they are fugged.
Yep, too many falsely equate IQ with wisdom.
Yup. How many LIBs on this forum have repeatedly claimed that LIBs are "better educated" than REPs?
Spending a few years in a Liberal Indoctrination Center AKA college, borrowing 80K to learn how medieval footwear affected the course of civilisation in Hampshire isn't very fucking "smart".
Maybe you can refer me to the person who spent $80K on the medieval footwear degree. I have a few questions for them.
Go look for yourself.
There are hundreds/thousands of college/university 'medieval studies' courses available.
I suggest more than one stupid LIB fucking idiot wrote their thesis on fucking medieval footwear.
Now these idiots can explain the history of fucking medieval footwear to their fellow Starbucks employees.
Yeah I know student debt is a problem but most students who go for a niche, liberal arts degree know that it's not going to translate to a career path in itself.
So who pays for the luxury of them spending years studying something that has no marketability? Mommy and Daddy? The government AKA the Makers who guaranteed the student loans are on the hook for the money eventually. Someone with a useless degree will never be able to repay by working at MW jobs forever. You do know that about 40% of former students who got loans are not making payments right?

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