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Nixon was president when I was drafted so I hope he is rotting in hell. We should never have been in Vietnam in the 1st place
JFK got America into Vietnam, NOT Nixon. Lyndon Johnson presided over the majority of America's Vietnam involvement and screwed it up royally. His Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, gave North Vietnam secret information on the next day's air raids, so they could move their missiles to that location. McNamara was a traitor of the highest order, along with Hanoi John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and many other America-hating Leftists.
JFK got America into Vietnam, NOT Nixon. Lyndon Johnson presided over the majority of America's Vietnam involvement and screwed it up royally. His Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, gave North Vietnam secret information on the next day's air raids, so they could move their missiles to that location. McNamara was a traitor of the highest order, along with Hanoi John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and many other America-hating Leftists.>
Eisenhower sent the first advisory troops to Vietnam in 1954. Numerous escalations happened under the successive potus'

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