What is the best way to round up and deport 11 million people

I have no idea why the Libs would be so angry over this....
Once deported they can wait a few weeks,visit some family and old friends
then come right back across the border again.Illegally of course.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

and major fines for employers

Screw fines

Fine them $100,000 for the first illegal then jail time for anyone after that

Why are we bothering trying to round up workers trying to escape poverty while we ignore those who are making a profit off of those workers

If you arrest them there's a good chance the business may close.
Kind of detrimental to what you're trying to accomplish dont you think?
Fine the living shit out of em and you can apply the money towards the cause.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors
With guns...

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Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

Describe how you would enact these measures? Would you send a bunch of brownshirts around to hospitals, doctors, schools and gov't offices threatening them to turn the brown people away or.... what?

You have about as much depth and perception as the dipshit who thinks Joseph stuffed the pyramids with Wheaties.

It's pretty simple really.
They have to have ID proving they are citizens.
and major fines for employers

Screw fines

Fine them $100,000 for the first illegal then jail time for anyone after that

Why are we bothering trying to round up workers trying to escape poverty while we ignore those who are making a profit off of those workers

How are you going to fine employers for hiring illegals when Obama has given employers a $3,000.00 incentive to hire illegals over bona fide citizens? Obama is certainly not going to have the employer arrested for doing what he wants them to do.

They will live with their children who are citizens and who will receive government assistance.
Nope. The children will either return with the parents or be put in foster care.
They are NOT going to stay here when they cant work, sleep or get educated.
Those are state issues, and they will not assume the extra cost in times like these, in the first place, and their citizens won't let them do it, in the second place.
You still dotn understand.. They wouldn't be able to get jobs, houses, schooling, ER treatment NOTHING with my plan. They wouldn't WANT to stay. The government wouldn't have to deport any more than the usual day-to-day number.
They will get under the table jobs as always, the own their own houses or will live with friends who are citizens, and their children citizens will go to school and get ER treatment and ACA government assistance and so forth and so on.
The children are legal, jake. Damn. And if those employers get caught employing them, they will be dealt witgh accordingly. Fixes are never easy.
I fail to understand how giving them paths to citizenship would help. Especially since yesterday I broke that fallacy down for you. OF COURSE, I didn't get a response :lol:

You never do when they have no answer.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors
claim to want a War on Illegals tax and then try to get elected.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

Describe how you would enact these measures? Would you send a bunch of brownshirts around to hospitals, doctors, schools and gov't offices threatening them to turn the brown people away or.... what?

You have about as much depth and perception as the dipshit who thinks Joseph stuffed the pyramids with Wheaties.

It's pretty simple really.
They have to have ID proving they are citizens.

Libs have a big problem with ID's
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

I know, i KNOW!: President Donald Trump announces a contest to name a new Statue of Industry honoring the contributions of Latino workers in building America. The contest promises one million dollars to the family of anyone - citizen or not - to come up with a name for this statue to be built on the western shore of Alcatraz Island as shipping form around the world enters San Francisco Bay.

As the suggestions pour in Trump's Army compares the names and addresses of each person who enters against known citizens, those who are not citizens or who cannot be verified as such are sent an official letter signed by Trump telling them they are a finalist and providing them with money for transportation to one of four port cities (Miami, Mobile, Galveston and San Diego) and receive a free five day cruise culminating with the announcement of a million dollar winner on each ship.

Upon their arrival they will be greeted by American Patriots, recruited from those who donated to the Donald's Nomination and election, and taken aboard one of several cruise ships awaiting them in each of the Harbors.

As they arrive they will receive an agenda of events and given several days of cruise meals and entertainment. One the fourth night each vessel far from our coast, and surrounding the Island of Cuba, will blast its horn 8 times awakening every person and directing them over the 1MC to go to their designed emergency stations, which they by law had practiced the first day at sea.

The word to abandoned ship will be broadcast once all those The Donald' Patriots decided should never return to our shores, and upon leaving the smaller vessel will beached on the shores on the Island of Cuba.

Each crew member designated to operate the small vessels will have been promised a Million Dollars for his or her family left behind in the states and those deported will use the skills they developed in entering the US illegally and successfully adopting to the Cuban society. Which will be much easier for them as they will not need to learn a new language.

All assets they left behind will become the property of The US Government and the Donald's Administration will dispose of them equitably to wealthy investors for development.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors
arrest the owners that hire them

as soon as a visa expires, give a short window for them to leave, then pick them up and sne them
stop catering to them for votes
stop giving them rights they don't have
stop helping them and they will stop coming

there's so much freedom for them here, it's better to live as a criminal than go back to where they are from.

that's a clue to not copy other countries, just sayin
"What is the best way to round up and deport 11 million people"

You start by repealing the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments.
"What is the best way to round up and deport 11 million people"

You start by repealing the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments.

Actually, I would start by enforcing our immigration laws. There's no need in having Congress involved at all. This is a job for ICE and the Border Patrol. All they have to do is enforce the laws already on the book that they are already supposed to be enforcing.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

No school is total idiocy. That would set the USA up with a huge crime wave & a failed state of idiots. They have medical where they came from, so it is not a factor drawing them here & we don't want diseased people reproducing like rabbits.

Stop hiring them & deny them welfare. My neighbors from Mexico say they don't pay people who don't work in Mexico like we do here with Welfare.

We have over 9 million criminals in jail here in the USA at any given time. So rounding up 11 million Illegals is quite possible, but will cost billions. We should fire them & offer them nice severance pay to leave or get nothing if stay & risk arrest, confiscation of all assets & deportation.

Or they can pay $50k each for path to citizenship.
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Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

You're a complete fucking idiot. Turds like you are always crowing about how Obama deports 400,000 a year. I don't see you blubbering about Obama using "million man brute squads" or bribing people to turn in their neighbors.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

No school is total idiocy. That would set the USA up with a huge crime wave & a failed state of idiots. They have medical where they came from, so it is not a factor drawing them here & we don't want diseased people reproducing like rabbits.

Stop hiring them & deny them welfare. My neighbors from Mexico say they don't pay people who don't work in Mexico like we do here with Welfare.

We have over 9 million criminals in jail here in the USA at any given time. So rounding up 11 million Illegals is quite possible, but will cost billions. We should fire them & offer them nice severance pay to leave or get nothing if stay & risk arrest, confiscation of all assets & deportation.

No school....since they wouldnt be here anyway I dont see the problem.
Agree. Prohibit employment, housing, education, heath care, and ability to do business.

They'll all be gone in a year on the outside.

I've asked this question and it goes unanswered: How would you implement this plan?

Easy. Change one law, and strictly enforce the other existing laws.

Stop with your Nazi nonsense. What is occurring now on campuses nationwide with full Democratic Party backing is the closest thing to Nazism we've seen since. You people have managed to hybrid Fascism and Communism together in ways heretofore unseen.
No school is total idiocy. That would set the USA up with a huge crime wave & a failed state of idiots.

Good. Perhaps then the Democrats would be forced to accept for a change effective means of dealing with crime and criminals.

BTW, we already have a failed half-state of idiots. They are called Democrat voters.

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