What is the biggest threat the US faces?

Which is the biggest threat to us as a nation?

  • Leftists

  • Righties

  • Terrorism

  • Spending

  • Foreign nation

  • Uneducated populace

  • Social Justice

  • Old white men

  • Illegals

  • Minorities

  • Climate change

  • Aliens

  • Rderp

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Where do you see problems ahead of us coming from?
“First, US charities (and he also supports many foreign ones) must be tightly controlled from bases located on American territory,” the Wall Street analyst who has been investigating the Clinton Foundation’s alleged fraud for the past few years pointed out. “Second, they may not engage in illegal activities of any kind. Third, they may not engage in partisan political activities. [Additionally] under one US law that is seldom enforced, citizens are not supposed to hold unauthorized negotiations with foreign governments with which the United States is in dispute.”

Fourth, take a breath, would you? It'll be all right. The big bad Clinton isn't coming to get you right now. You have time to relax for a minute.
Liberalism. The things we have seen in the past couple of months have shown a strong leftward swing among liberals resulting in incivility, outrage, false reporting, calls to open our borders, erosion of basic liberties in pursuit of emotion and passion, and a huge uptick in politically motivated violence. As the left swings increasingly to the left, many former democrats are jumping ship as they recognize the erosion of our internal political, moral, social, and financial infrastructures, in spite of the constructive direction of the last item. If we don’t vote reasonably conservative in November, people will start getting hurt for real in all of these arenas. We need to re-center or we will implode.

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Where do you see problems ahead of us coming from?
Leftist Extremists / Democrats.

Marx predicted the a US would never be defeated and destroyed from the outside but destroyed from within. It has become more and more obvious he was talking about the modern-day Democratic Socialist Party that has hijacked / assimilated the old Democrat Party.
Where do you see problems ahead of us coming from?


Even more of a danger than the exploding debt.

Its not partisan when the other side has allied with invading foreign illegals who rape and kill Americans.

Sounds like you should be hiding somewhere.

We have the 2nd amendment in the USA, no need to hide when you are well armed.

You bet Boo Boo. Just try not to shoot your eye out.
Crap trade deals, jobs killing regulations, and taxes.
Turn off your Trump hat would ya. Jeez.

MAGA! But seriously, if you think a country like the USA can't fail financially you are WRONG! Every apex empire in history has fallen.
You're quite right. In fact the risk of failure increases in proportion with the level of a nation's financial strength. This is so because of the amount of complicated maneuvering needed to maintain superior financial posture.
UOTE="mdk, post: 20974886, member: 50989"]Making fun of Polish people.[/QUOTE]
The biggest threat is all the money in politics.
Politicians can win with lots of money because of Citizens United (an oxymoron) with hidden contributions from PACs and corporations .
When they elected politicians can be bought by lobbyists.
If we get rid of money in politics, many other problems will dissipate.
The Evangelicals

That would cover number (1) in my above post #22 = "an ignorant population that doesn't know how to wipe it's own ass"
It would also cover number (2) from post #22 = "arrogance"

the evangelicals are both ignorant & arrogant
Liberalism. The things we have seen in the past couple of months have shown a strong leftward swing among liberals resulting in incivility, outrage, false reporting, calls to open our borders, erosion of basic liberties in pursuit of emotion and passion, and a huge uptick in politically motivated violence. As the left swings increasingly to the left, many former democrats are jumping ship as they recognize the erosion of our internal political, moral, social, and financial infrastructures, in spite of the constructive direction of the last item. If we don’t vote reasonably conservative in November, people will start getting hurt for real in all of these arenas. We need to re-center or we will implode.

This ^^ is exactly why I voted for "uneducated populace".

--- and for the pièce de résistance:

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Thanks for breaking a sweat at the red light.

The Evangelicals

That's also covered under "unedumacated populace". :thup:
The Evangelicals

BINGO. That would cover number (1) in my above post =
Yeah those envangelicals are out there burning up cities, and punching and raping women... Cant wait till the real shooting starts, as the left has declared war on US, just a matter of time till it spills over in a city near you.

And the police(that the liberal hate) and the military(which liberals hate) wont be on their side...….


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