What is the biggest threat the US faces?

Which is the biggest threat to us as a nation?

  • Leftists

  • Righties

  • Terrorism

  • Spending

  • Foreign nation

  • Uneducated populace

  • Social Justice

  • Old white men

  • Illegals

  • Minorities

  • Climate change

  • Aliens

  • Rderp

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The biggest threat is all the money in politics.
Politicians can win with lots of money because of Citizens United (an oxymoron) with hidden contributions from PACs and corporations .
When they elected politicians can be bought by lobbyists.
If we get rid of money in politics, many other problems will dissipate.

So you’ve either never read citizens united or you oppose free speech.

Strawman. I know what Citizens United is and I support the first amendment. I think the biggest threat to the nation is is all the money in politics. I disagree with the ruling by the SCOTUS.

The ruling that said congress cannot ban political speech before an election.

It’s not a straw man. Read the decision

If you think big money in campaigns and lobbying is good, I really don't care. But I think it is a threat to the country and I disagree with the SCOTUS ruling on Citizens United (an oxymoron).
being essentially canceled out & overwhelmed at the ballet box by a new demographic tide of recent foreigners (be they recently & conveniently legalized to vote, or NOT etc. etc.).
Why isn't anarchy on the list? Within just two years we have seen a democrat activist launch a suicide mission designed to murder every conservative republican. We have seen democrats smash windows and torch cars on inauguration day. We saw h'wood celebs threaten the President and a movement designed to intimidate innocent republicans in restaurants and public places. When we thought we would see some sort of leadership within the democrat party to condemn the violence it seems that the democrat leadership is encouraging outright anarchy.
Why isn't anarchy on the list? Within just two years we have seen a democrat activist launch a suicide mission designed to murder every conservative republican. We have seen democrats smash windows and torch cars on inauguration day. We saw h'wood celebs threaten the President and a movement designed to intimidate innocent republicans in restaurants and public places. When we thought we would see some sort of leadership within the democrat party to condemn the violence it seems that the democrat leadership is encouraging outright anarchy.
You answered your question in your second sentence.
being essentially canceled out & overwhelmed at the ballet box by a new demographic tide of recent foreigners (be they recently & conveniently legalized to vote, or NOT etc. etc.).
No immigrant should EVER have the right to vote. Born here, vote here. A lifetime vested interest in that vote. And no illegal alien should have the right to do anything but get deported.
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This bitch if she tries to run for president again!

being essentially canceled out & overwhelmed at the ballet box by a new demographic tide of recent foreigners (be they recently & conveniently legalized to vote, or NOT etc. etc.).
No immigrant should EVER have the right to vote. Born here, vote here. ...

Naturalized US citizens have the same right to vote that you have, and many of them probably deserve it more.
Why isn't anarchy on the list? Within just two years we have seen a democrat activist launch a suicide mission designed to murder every conservative republican. We have seen democrats smash windows and torch cars on inauguration day. We saw h'wood celebs threaten the President and a movement designed to intimidate innocent republicans in restaurants and public places. When we thought we would see some sort of leadership within the democrat party to condemn the violence it seems that the democrat leadership is encouraging outright anarchy.

What'd they do, call 'em "very fine people"? Offer to pay their legal fees?

If a recession hits we are in a really bad way. Trump already has us spending like we are trying to get our of a recession. We already gave out huge tax cuts during a strong economy. The Fed rate is still really low. The options to pull us out of a recession are looking quite limited. And tariffs have a bad history of hurting economies. Here is some wisdom from an economist a righty here likes to quote:
Tax cuts

F. A. Hayek interviewed by the NY Times, Dec. 1, 1982:

“On the scale on which [tax cutting] is being tried, I’m a little apprehensive. I’m all for reduction of government expenditures but to anticipate it by reducing the rate of taxation before you have reduced expenditure is a very risky thing to do.”

“The only way you can finance deficits is by inflation. You cannot raise this amount of money by genuine borrowing. You borrow from banks, which create credit for the purpose. A large government deficit is a certain way to inflation.”

PR: Professor Hayek, we're hearing much today about the threat to world trade through new rounds of protectionism. What advice would you have to political leaders and also to the people of Western countries who might be concerned about new protectionist measures?

Hayek: Perhaps I am over-optimistic—but one thing has been understood, at least by the more responsible people, that nothing did more to intensify the depression of the 1930s than the return to protectionism. I have not yet found anybody who, once he was reminded of this fact, would still continue to believe that it might be necessary to reintroduce protection.

Policy Report: Interview with F.A. Hayek

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