What is the biggest threat the US faces?

Which is the biggest threat to us as a nation?

  • Leftists

  • Righties

  • Terrorism

  • Spending

  • Foreign nation

  • Uneducated populace

  • Social Justice

  • Old white men

  • Illegals

  • Minorities

  • Climate change

  • Aliens

  • Rderp

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The Evangelicals

Yeah because the Evangelical Code of Behavior advocates all sorts of horrible things- don’t kill, lie, cheat, or steal, honor your parents, don’t commit adultery... God is God, worship the one being in the cosmos worthy of worship, don’t be jealous of others... seriously, we are a force to be feared but we don’t advocate methods that intimidate. Since our values literally created the freedoms in which you stand, perhaps this is the opportunity to ask yourself what in your life we threaten. Of course, the other way to take you response is to just take it as snarky sarcasm “snarkasm” and LOL at it- I could go either way!

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Wonder why grampa (sucked) U :abgg2q.jpg:didn't get his panties all in a twist of the post about the Clinton's like he did about "the gropenfhurer" comment.
F*cking partisan hack.

Where do you see problems ahead of us coming from?
“First, US charities (and he also supports many foreign ones) must be tightly controlled from bases located on American territory,” the Wall Street analyst who has been investigating the Clinton Foundation’s alleged fraud for the past few years pointed out. “Second, they may not engage in illegal activities of any kind. Third, they may not engage in partisan political activities. [Additionally] under one US law that is seldom enforced, citizens are not supposed to hold unauthorized negotiations with foreign governments with which the United States is in dispute.”

Fourth, take a breath, would you? It'll be all right. The big bad Clinton isn't coming to get you right now. You have time to relax for a minute.
Another partisan hack post that gramp (Sucked) U, didn't get his panties all twisted around.

Where do you see problems ahead of us coming from?
Leftist Extremists / Democrats.

Marx predicted the a US would never be defeated and destroyed from the outside but destroyed from within. It has become more and more obvious he was talking about the modern-day Democratic Socialist Party that has hijacked / assimilated the old Democrat Party.
The Evangelicals

Yeah because the Evangelical Code of Behavior advocates all sorts of horrible things- don’t kill, lie, cheat, or steal, honor your parents, don’t commit adultery... God is God, worship the one being in the cosmos worthy of worship, don’t be jealous of others... seriously, we are a force to be feared but we don’t advocate methods that intimidate. Since our values literally created the freedoms in which you stand, perhaps this is the opportunity to ask yourself what in your life we threaten. Of course, the other way to take you response is to just take it as snarky sarcasm “snarkasm” and LOL at it- I could go either way!

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You left out lie a lot and grab em by the pussy.
Another partisan hack post that gramp (Sucked) U, didn't get his panties all twisted around.

Where do you see problems ahead of us coming from?
Leftist Extremists / Democrats.

Marx predicted the a US would never be defeated and destroyed from the outside but destroyed from within. It has become more and more obvious he was talking about the modern-day Democratic Socialist Party that has hijacked / assimilated the old Democrat Party.
The GOP rep a manipulated snowflake tried to assassinate would disagree with you.
See how ignorant and stupid you are. But you cannot see it because you know nothing but lies and stupidity.

Another partisan hack post that gramp (Sucked) U, didn't get his panties all twisted around.

Where do you see problems ahead of us coming from?
Leftist Extremists / Democrats.

Marx predicted the a US would never be defeated and destroyed from the outside but destroyed from within. It has become more and more obvious he was talking about the modern-day Democratic Socialist Party that has hijacked / assimilated the old Democrat Party.
The GOP rep a manipulated snowflake tried to assassinate would disagree with you.
The biggest threat is all the money in politics.
Politicians can win with lots of money because of Citizens United (an oxymoron) with hidden contributions from PACs and corporations .
When they elected politicians can be bought by lobbyists.
If we get rid of money in politics, many other problems will dissipate.

So you’ve either never read citizens united or you oppose free speech.
See how ignorant and stupid you are. But you cannot see it because you know nothing but lies and stupidity.
You continue to prove you attempt to 'fight' unarmed in an intllectual 'battle'. If name-calling and insults are all you have, please return to the kids table and leave actual discussions to the grown-ups.
The biggest threat is all the money in politics.
Politicians can win with lots of money because of Citizens United (an oxymoron) with hidden contributions from PACs and corporations .
When they elected politicians can be bought by lobbyists.
If we get rid of money in politics, many other problems will dissipate.

So you’ve either never read citizens united or you oppose free speech.

Strawman. I know what Citizens United is and I support the first amendment. I think the biggest threat to the nation is is all the money in politics. I disagree with the ruling by the SCOTUS.
The single most dangerous threat to America is trump and conservatives who salute his ineptness.
The biggest threat is all the money in politics.
Politicians can win with lots of money because of Citizens United (an oxymoron) with hidden contributions from PACs and corporations .
When they elected politicians can be bought by lobbyists.
If we get rid of money in politics, many other problems will dissipate.

So you’ve either never read citizens united or you oppose free speech.

Strawman. I know what Citizens United is and I support the first amendment. I think the biggest threat to the nation is is all the money in politics. I disagree with the ruling by the SCOTUS.

The ruling that said congress cannot ban political speech before an election.

It’s not a straw man. Read the decision
Those that are against the Constitution as written, and corrupt courts than uphold illegal rulings that are anti Constitution.
.....of course the MSM stirs up crap and brainwashes the dumbass liberals/etc
.....immigration/illegals are doing much damage --you can't let in hundreds of thousands of people every YEAR and expect the economy/values/schooling/etc to stay the same
..along with the economy going down because of MASSIVE immigration/visas/etc, you have taxes and more taxes--then more!!! this destroyed the economy in the medieval ages

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