CDZ What Is The Biggest Threat To The United States Security?

What Is The Biggest Threat To The United States Security?

  • Terrorism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mexicans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Drug Cartels

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gun Circulation

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
If America falls, it'll fall from the inside. Do you believe in it?
How nice the Tea party is up there but not the Progressives like OWS, people like the race hustling Rev. Al Sharpton, etc

This Progressive/Democrat party is huge threat but they aren't up there either.

go figure
Yes, I believe that America will fall, and it will be an inside job. My best guess for the culprit will be the Liberal Entitlement Mentality that seems to be so prevailant these days/
Yes, I believe that America will fall, and it will be an inside job. My best guess for the culprit will be the Liberal Entitlement Mentality that seems to be so prevailant these days/

yep, it won't be much longer
If America falls, it'll fall from the inside. Do you believe in it?

Corrupt politicians will take a bribe too many from the arms industry, and end up starting one too many war, one that'll finish the United states.
That or the attacked country will manage a massive attack on the US mainland, finally bring the reality of war to the US public.
Yes, over extension of our military and the expense of it. No new sources of revenue...high taxes, high commodity prices and consumer debt is what has brought down many nations and super powers...
Its a silly question. You need to be more clear than 'security.' That is a rather all encompassing term...
Yes, over extension of our military and the expense of it. No new sources of revenue...high taxes, high commodity prices and consumer debt is what has brought down many nations and super powers...
IOW, the government.

Really, that would be the answer but the only thing that the OP seemed able to do was inject some partisanship by putting 'Obama' and 'Tea Party' up there.
Yes, over extension of our military and the expense of it. No new sources of revenue...high taxes, high commodity prices and consumer debt is what has brought down many nations and super powers...
IOW, the government.

Really, that would be the answer but the only thing that the OP seemed able to do was inject some partisanship by putting 'Obama' and 'Tea Party' up there.
good ol' smoke and mirrors...
If America falls, it'll fall from the inside. Do you believe in it?

The CFR and their puppets in Washington D.C. They will orchestrate the destruction of America as we know it and will usher in the New World Order (known by some as New Babylon).
How nice the Tea party is up there but not the Progressives like OWS, people like the race hustling Rev. Al Sharpton, etc

This Progressive/Democrat party is huge threat but they aren't up there either.

go figure
That's because the biggest threat are GOP policies. Their foreign policy destabilized the entire Middle East. Their economic policies nearly brought down the world economy. They have divided America into white confederate conservatives and everyone else. They admit they practice voter suppression, they actually admit it. And they ran on terror during the last election: Ebola, Isis and so on. Come on, it's recent history. Easily proven.
What happened to the illuminate?

It's still around. Doesn't flaunt the name but still embraces the goal.
Many years ago people were against nationalism.....things do change....

Certainly. Things do change and will change. It's already been written down for us in biblical prophecy. But change isn't always a good thing. As the millions who died in gulags after the Bolshevik/Khazrian Russian Revolution.
How nice the Tea party is up there but not the Progressives like OWS, people like the race hustling Rev. Al Sharpton, etc

This Progressive/Democrat party is huge threat but they aren't up there either.

go figure
That's because the biggest threat are GOP policies. Their foreign policy destabilized the entire Middle East. Their economic policies nearly brought down the world economy. They have divided America into white confederate conservatives and everyone else. They admit they practice voter suppression, they actually admit it. And they ran on terror during the last election: Ebola, Isis and so on. Come on, it's recent history. Easily proven.

Watch the video I posted. GOP and DEMS are in this together. Both are ushering in the "New World Order" with or without your approval or mine.

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