Zone1 What is the difference between a Shaman and a Prophet ? What are the similarities? Or could it just be more elusive religious discrimination ?

If one announces a donation to the poor in honor of Satan, have they pleased or offended God?
I already told you religion and it's demons and gods are all creations of man. The Creator Entity doesn't play games with us.
Humans on this planet do not have the ability to understand or even comprehend " GOD ". They have a vague understanding that the entity exists and that alone was enough to spur the belief systems we call religion. Something we create, we can understand. Some religions even made their god / gods in our image to keep it simple and understandable.That's really ironic !

yours is a red herring - purity is a state not a knowledge, purity of heavenly origin is the requirement for understanding the metaphysical, through mythological interpretations. that began life on planet earth.
Why do you insult me? I didn't insult you.

Matthew 5:22 esv

But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother[a] will be liable to judgment; whoever insults[b] his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell[c] of fire.

you insult the 1st century by your c-bible and is reflected by your erroneous interpretations bearing on general discussions.
yours is a red herring - purity is a state not a knowledge, purity of heavenly origin is the requirement for understanding the metaphysical, through mythological interpretations. that began life on planet earth.
Thanks for your opinion, may it continue to serve you well.
Whatever, I was talking about all life in this universe.
Atheists have a hard time accepting that the universe began. The implications of a universe that began (i.e. a Creator) are obvious to them which is why they recoil at the thought of a beginning.
The difference seems to be micro verses macro. Shamans only speak to their tribe or address the health or other concerns of individuals. Prophets speak to the world.
The difference seems to be micro verses macro. Shamans only speak to their tribe or address the health or other concerns of individuals. Prophets speak to the world.
Shamans may also be the precursors of Prophets too. Older and less sophisticated.
You don't have a working link. Can you pull it up please?

The links I put up only give generalized info. Anyway. It doesn't matter, I'm asking for personal opinions not referenced ones.
The links I put up only give generalized info. Anyway. It doesn't matter, I'm asking for personal opinions not referenced ones.
It does matter. You are making the argument that there is elusive religious discrimination. You need to be able to provide that argument.
You don't seem to be able to share that either. Why is that?

So...........there is no real argument here.
Believe whatever you wish.
This is my two cents. If this is copy catted here or over at Redditt then I am going to start dragging up all of the weird furry threads in the General Discussion and lower levels and the questionable ones in the Health and Lifestyle as well as the ones over at Reddit and we can all make connections to this funky little cult thing. I hope we don't need to contact Miketx to see if he could create another Nancy Drew book cover meme. K? I am not afraid. I still don't need insurance so if you could just let everyone know that would be great. Thanks, though.

Prophets........prophet. Information is received primarily from one or two sources and directives are provided and this is usually regarding a specific event. It is locally or given to a specific population. Then we are done. This is historically.

Shamans on the other hand may receive information from a multitude of energies and may then heal. They may take negative energies and then transform that energy into positive or healing energy. They are receiving information and they heal.

You can do both as a prophet now but they had the words for it historically and did not use it. It is possible that the language was altered over time.
This is my two cents. If this is copy catted here or over at Redditt then I am going to start dragging up all of the weird furry threads in the General Discussion and lower levels and the questionable ones in the Health and Lifestyle as well as the ones over at Reddit and we can all make connections to this funky little cult thing. I hope we don't need to contact Miketx to see if he could create another Nancy Drew book cover meme. K? I am not afraid. I still don't need insurance so if you could just let everyone know that would be great. Thanks, though.

Prophets........prophet. Information is received primarily from one or two sources and directives are provided and this is usually regarding a specific event. It is locally or given to a specific population. Then we are done. This is historically.

Shamans on the other hand may receive information from a multitude of energies and may then heal. They may take negative energies and then transform that energy into positive or healing energy. They are receiving information and they heal.

You can do both as a prophet now but they had the words for it historically and did not use it. It is possible that the language was altered over time.
There you've voiced your opinion. Good to get that off your chest and have a great day !
Yep. The ball is in your court. Don't forget it.
I don't believe like you do. This life was never meant to be a struggle with continuous strife and conflict ; I'm sorry you view things in that light. Again try to have a good day. I plan on it.
I don't believe like you do. This life was never meant to be a struggle with continuous strife and conflict ; I'm sorry you view things in that light. Again try to have a good day. I plan on it.
I don't need you to belive as I do.
You are aware of this. However, you can always FAAFO on the other matter.

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