What is the difference between any of these people and Jesus?

Had it not been for a a number of things , you and I wouldn't exist.

Fact is, you have no idea whether Christianity would have flourished without the two you mentioned. It's mere speculation on your part.

It's a bit more than speculation, but I understand your point.

My point is that many people have a need for religion in their lives. They need to believe in life after death, a greater power, divine direction, etc.

Therefore these people will be religious and will generally adopt the religion of their childhood. It's simply an accident of birth then as to what religion they follow.

It is pure speculation. You have no idea what would have been if not for Constantine and Theodosius. I'll concede that they helped further the cause of Christianity with Constantine making it legal and Theodosius making it the official religion.

Speaking for what people have a need for is more speculation.

You do not know what is in the hearts and minds of those seeking God.

You can speak for yourself but you cannot speak for others.

"have been if not for Constantine and Theodosius. I'll concede that they helped further the cause of Christianity with Constantine making it legal and Theodosius making it the official religion."

Not so. Christianity was thriving and spreading without them.
Of course, it is a matter of faith/belief, the power of which cannot be overestimated with human beings. Even Jesus said to his followers, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be cast into the sea', and you believe it wholeheartedly, it is done." (paraphrase)

A closer quotation from Matthew:
For truly I say to you, That whoever shall say to this mountain, Be you removed, and be you cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatever he said.
History, and the history of religion proves that many people need religion. Furthermore, since the vast majority of the religious folks on earth practice the religion of their parents, that can be proven as well.

Needs are subjective. Perhaps it's not a need but a desire.

Perhaps we're splitting hairs because you know I'm correct.

I'm not the one professing to know why people seek religion. You claim it's a need. I for one can tell you with absolute certainty that my reason for seeking religion has nothing to do with need. So you are not correct.
Needs are subjective. Perhaps it's not a need but a desire.

Perhaps we're splitting hairs because you know I'm correct.

I'm not the one professing to know why people seek religion. You claim it's a need. I for one can tell you with absolute certainty that my reason for seeking religion has nothing to do with need. So you are not correct.

I never stated it was a need for everyone.

Go back and reread my post, I said "many."
It's a bit more than speculation, but I understand your point.

My point is that many people have a need for religion in their lives. They need to believe in life after death, a greater power, divine direction, etc.

Therefore these people will be religious and will generally adopt the religion of their childhood. It's simply an accident of birth then as to what religion they follow.

It is pure speculation. You have no idea what would have been if not for Constantine and Theodosius. I'll concede that they helped further the cause of Christianity with Constantine making it legal and Theodosius making it the official religion.

Speaking for what people have a need for is more speculation.

You do not know what is in the hearts and minds of those seeking God.

You can speak for yourself but you cannot speak for others.

"have been if not for Constantine and Theodosius. I'll concede that they helped further the cause of Christianity with Constantine making it legal and Theodosius making it the official religion."

Not so. Christianity was thriving and spreading without them.

It was spreading slowly, but "thriving" is a bridge too far.
Perhaps we're splitting hairs because you know I'm correct.

I'm not the one professing to know why people seek religion. You claim it's a need. I for one can tell you with absolute certainty that my reason for seeking religion has nothing to do with need. So you are not correct.

I never stated it was a need for everyone.

Go back and reread my post, I said "many."

I didn't say "everyone" either.

But since you claim to know what "many" people need then please explain why they need it.
I'm not the one professing to know why people seek religion. You claim it's a need. I for one can tell you with absolute certainty that my reason for seeking religion has nothing to do with need. So you are not correct.

I never stated it was a need for everyone.

Go back and reread my post, I said "many."

I didn't say "everyone" either.

But since you claim to know what "many" people need then please explain why they need it.

I explained it in a previous post.

If you want to read more indepth, here's a start for you:

New Theory Suggests People Are Attracted To Religion For 16 Reasons
I never stated it was a need for everyone.

Go back and reread my post, I said "many."

I didn't say "everyone" either.

But since you claim to know what "many" people need then please explain why they need it.

I explained it in a previous post.

If you want to read more indepth, here's a start for you:

New Theory Suggests People Are Attracted To Religion For 16 Reasons


And only 16 of them?

They may as well admit they don't have a clue.

You can theorize about most everything in life, but that doesn't make it true.

And no, I didn't read the article. I assume it's pure bullshit. And I'm probably right.
I didn't say "everyone" either.

But since you claim to know what "many" people need then please explain why they need it.

I explained it in a previous post.

If you want to read more indepth, here's a start for you:

New Theory Suggests People Are Attracted To Religion For 16 Reasons


And only 16 of them?

They may as well admit they don't have a clue.

You can theorize about most everything in life, but that doesn't make it true.

And no, I didn't read the article. I assume it's pure bullshit. And I'm probably right.

Challenging one's beliefs is scarey stuff.

Far better to cling to the security blankets.
^ that makes it hard to talk about
I am just interested, but people can be scared to answer directly.
I explained it in a previous post.

If you want to read more indepth, here's a start for you:

New Theory Suggests People Are Attracted To Religion For 16 Reasons


And only 16 of them?

They may as well admit they don't have a clue.

You can theorize about most everything in life, but that doesn't make it true.

And no, I didn't read the article. I assume it's pure bullshit. And I'm probably right.

Challenging one's beliefs is scarey stuff.

Far better to cling to the security blankets.

Only if your belief has been challenged. Mine hasn't.

You can ridicule, mock and trample Christianity to your hearts content. I don't see it as a challenge. I see it as ignorance on display.
I was actually reading about Jim Jones when I came across this list
Fuckin k00k I tell ya lol

I think you answered your own questions....they're KOOKS! And they're false prophets...

2 Peter 2

New International Version (NIV)

False Teachers and Their Destruction

2 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
2 - - Bible Gateway

There are many passages in the Bible where Jesus tells us of the many false prophets that we'll come across....ALL will know when Jesus comes back, not just the few crazies that decide to follow some person that says they're the Messiah. None of them have been able to do miracles, they've just suckered people in. The false prophets follow only 1 person, Satan.
I was actually reading about Jim Jones when I came across this list
Fuckin k00k I tell ya lol

I think you answered your own questions....they're KOOKS! And they're false prophets...

2 Peter 2

New International Version (NIV)

False Teachers and Their Destruction

2 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
2 - - Bible Gateway

There are many passages in the Bible where Jesus tells us of the many false prophets that we'll come across....ALL will know when Jesus comes back, not just the few crazies that decide to follow some person that says they're the Messiah. None of them have been able to do miracles, they've just suckered people in. The false prophets follow only 1 person, Satan.

I am sure Jesus was not the only that said there will be false prophets. I would imagine that is a common thing to say...
If there was another book about a "false prophet" doing miracles, would you believe it?
Basically this all goes arounf the bible and faith
When I can get into a discussion about why this matters, I can get to the point
I was actually reading about Jim Jones when I came across this list
Fuckin k00k I tell ya lol

I think you answered your own questions....they're KOOKS! And they're false prophets...

2 Peter 2

New International Version (NIV)

False Teachers and Their Destruction

2 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
2 - - Bible Gateway

There are many passages in the Bible where Jesus tells us of the many false prophets that we'll come across....ALL will know when Jesus comes back, not just the few crazies that decide to follow some person that says they're the Messiah. None of them have been able to do miracles, they've just suckered people in. The false prophets follow only 1 person, Satan.

I am sure Jesus was not the only that said there will be false prophets. I would imagine that is a common thing to say...
If there was another book about a "false prophet" doing miracles, would you believe it?

Maybe He isn't, but He's the only one i know of. Sure, people talk about it, write about it....but it all came first from the Bible. This really is a very hard question to answer clearly, because as a Christian, I know there are many false prophets out there. Jesus will NOT be back until the time comes that God has had enough (which i'm surprised he hasn't already...the way this world is now). We're told he'll return with a SHOUT and ALL will know. So it doesn't matter what kind of book is written, what kind of so called miracle they performed, there is only 1 Jesus, the Son of God....and he's not someone in a community right now that has crazy people thinking he's the messiah.

And only 16 of them?

They may as well admit they don't have a clue.

You can theorize about most everything in life, but that doesn't make it true.

And no, I didn't read the article. I assume it's pure bullshit. And I'm probably right.

Challenging one's beliefs is scarey stuff.

Far better to cling to the security blankets.

Only if your belief has been challenged. Mine hasn't.

You can ridicule, mock and trample Christianity to your hearts content. I don't see it as a challenge. I see it as ignorance on display.

There we go with that security blanket again.

Nobody has mocked, ridiculed or trampled any religion in this thread. It's simply a discusion.

Do you actually believe discussing in this manner is akin to ridicule?

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