What is the explanation republicans have for why the economy is improving under Biden?

Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Do you suppose that opening the country back up after being shut down for COVID has helped out with that?
Thanks to the vaccination rate skyrocketing because of Biden’s stimulus plan, yes.
I see no proof of that.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Ya dumb fuck, the country is reopening. xiden would stop it if he could. Thanks president Trump!

Yeah it’s reopening as more people are being vaccinated lol. The influx of demand side economics in the stimulus played a big role in this as well.

xiden hasn't even use up all the vaccines Trump ordered, what's the fucking hold up? Yeah, thanks for the cash, I spent a quarter of it and saving the rest for when the economy really turns to shit. But the economy would be doing a lot better if you commies weren't paying so many people not to work.

How are millions of people supposed to live if they don’t have unemployment benefits? For most of them, it’s not their fault they lost their jobs. Are they supposed to just starve? What is your alternative solution to this problem? We both know you don’t have one.

In the mean time, these people will spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That will boost the economy on its own.

People are refusing to work because the government is paying them more not to. When their employer calls them back to work and they tell them to pound sand, those benefits should end.

Those benefits are TEMPORARY. They are temporary even if a person never finds a job. My god you people need to learn these basic facts lol

They were extended to Sep that's makes a year and a half and you can bet to commies will try to extend them again. Commies never do things temporary.

You’re pretending that millions of people unemployed people from the start of the pandemic who were on those benefits didn’t get jobs within months. You’re making shit up by pretending there wasn’t big job growth since the benefits started to kick in.

The majority of job growth has come from States that xiden accused of Neanderthal thinking. Commie States are sucking hind tit.

No you’re just making shit up on the spot.

Really? Latest numbers from the Bureau of Labor Stats. 9 of the 10 States with the worse numbers are blue.

State February 2021(P)

Rhode Island7.340
New Jersey7.844
District of Columbia8.145
New Mexico8.346
New York8.950
Lol I love how you cherry pick this shit. There are clearly blue states in the ENTIRE list that have some of the lowest stats including red states near the bottom. California and New York are going to be had because of their densely populated areas are more vulnerable to the pandemic.

You claimed I was making shit up. I didn't cherry pick shit, I just proved my point. Now you're trying to make shit up to deny the facts. Carry on commie.

You said most of the job gains were happening in red states. That is obviously a lie. Let me break down for you what that chart of yours is actually showing. It’s showing that states with large densely populated areas have the most unemployment. That is an effect of the virus. It clearly shows blue states near the top have low unemployment rates. States like Louisiana Texas for instance are near the bottom.

:spinner:Spin on commie, spin on. LMAO

Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Ya dumb fuck, the country is reopening. xiden would stop it if he could. Thanks president Trump!

Yeah it’s reopening as more people are being vaccinated lol. The influx of demand side economics in the stimulus played a big role in this as well.

xiden hasn't even use up all the vaccines Trump ordered, what's the fucking hold up? Yeah, thanks for the cash, I spent a quarter of it and saving the rest for when the economy really turns to shit. But the economy would be doing a lot better if you commies weren't paying so many people not to work.

How are millions of people supposed to live if they don’t have unemployment benefits? For most of them, it’s not their fault they lost their jobs. Are they supposed to just starve? What is your alternative solution to this problem? We both know you don’t have one.

In the mean time, these people will spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That will boost the economy on its own.

People are refusing to work because the government is paying them more not to. When their employer calls them back to work and they tell them to pound sand, those benefits should end.

Those benefits are TEMPORARY. They are temporary even if a person never finds a job. My god you people need to learn these basic facts lol

They were extended to Sep that's makes a year and a half and you can bet to commies will try to extend them again. Commies never do things temporary.

You’re pretending that millions of people unemployed people from the start of the pandemic who were on those benefits didn’t get jobs within months. You’re making shit up by pretending there wasn’t big job growth since the benefits started to kick in.

The majority of job growth has come from States that xiden accused of Neanderthal thinking. Commie States are sucking hind tit.

No you’re just making shit up on the spot.

Really? Latest numbers from the Bureau of Labor Stats. 9 of the 10 States with the worse numbers are blue.

State February 2021(P)

Rhode Island7.340
New Jersey7.844
District of Columbia8.145
New Mexico8.346
New York8.950
Lol I love how you cherry pick this shit. There are clearly blue states in the ENTIRE list that have some of the lowest stats including red states near the bottom. California and New York are going to be had because of their densely populated areas are more vulnerable to the pandemic.

You claimed I was making shit up. I didn't cherry pick shit, I just proved my point. Now you're trying to make shit up to deny the facts. Carry on commie.

You said most of the job gains were happening in red states. That is obviously a lie. Let me break down for you what that chart of yours is actually showing. It’s showing that states with large densely populated areas have the most unemployment. That is an effect of the virus. It clearly shows blue states near the top have low unemployment rates. States like Louisiana Texas for instance are near the bottom.

:spinner:Spin on commie, spin on. LMAO

I can’t help it if I’m right.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Ya dumb fuck, the country is reopening. xiden would stop it if he could. Thanks president Trump!

Yeah it’s reopening as more people are being vaccinated lol. The influx of demand side economics in the stimulus played a big role in this as well.

xiden hasn't even use up all the vaccines Trump ordered, what's the fucking hold up? Yeah, thanks for the cash, I spent a quarter of it and saving the rest for when the economy really turns to shit. But the economy would be doing a lot better if you commies weren't paying so many people not to work.

How are millions of people supposed to live if they don’t have unemployment benefits? For most of them, it’s not their fault they lost their jobs. Are they supposed to just starve? What is your alternative solution to this problem? We both know you don’t have one.

In the mean time, these people will spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That will boost the economy on its own.

People are refusing to work because the government is paying them more not to. When their employer calls them back to work and they tell them to pound sand, those benefits should end.

Those benefits are TEMPORARY. They are temporary even if a person never finds a job. My god you people need to learn these basic facts lol

They were extended to Sep that's makes a year and a half and you can bet to commies will try to extend them again. Commies never do things temporary.

You’re pretending that millions of people unemployed people from the start of the pandemic who were on those benefits didn’t get jobs within months. You’re making shit up by pretending there wasn’t big job growth since the benefits started to kick in.

The majority of job growth has come from States that xiden accused of Neanderthal thinking. Commie States are sucking hind tit.

No you’re just making shit up on the spot.

Really? Latest numbers from the Bureau of Labor Stats. 9 of the 10 States with the worse numbers are blue.

State February 2021(P)

Rhode Island7.340
New Jersey7.844
District of Columbia8.145
New Mexico8.346
New York8.950
Lol I love how you cherry pick this shit. There are clearly blue states in the ENTIRE list that have some of the lowest stats including red states near the bottom. California and New York are going to be had because of their densely populated areas are more vulnerable to the pandemic.

You claimed I was making shit up. I didn't cherry pick shit, I just proved my point. Now you're trying to make shit up to deny the facts. Carry on commie.

You said most of the job gains were happening in red states. That is obviously a lie. Let me break down for you what that chart of yours is actually showing. It’s showing that states with large densely populated areas have the most unemployment. That is an effect of the virus. It clearly shows blue states near the top have low unemployment rates. States like Louisiana Texas for instance are near the bottom.

:spinner:Spin on commie, spin on. LMAO

I can’t help it if I’m right.


The same people pretending Biden is doing something good about the economy also said for four years that all improvements in Trump's years were because of Obama. So clearly any improvement now is because of Trump, right? No doubt the hypocrites will pretend otherwise.
The main reason is because the pandemic wis winding down, not because of China JoeXi who is a catholic-CIA puppet. Both the protection racket and the intelligence agency have experience installing operatives. When the CIA goes to church, it’s damn sure not to pray, but to learn technique. At least the Irish were smart enough to invent boycott and dip the shamrock after St. Patrick left.
How are millions of people supposed to live if they don’t have unemployment benefits? For most of them, it’s not their fault they lost their jobs. Are they supposed to just starve? What is your alternative solution to this problem? We both know you don’t have one.

In the mean time, these people will spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That will boost the economy on its own.

Typically, you are being disingenuous.

NO ONE is trying to deprive folks or companies who were injured by the virus caused by Communist China. We are opposed to the Democrats using the cover of COVID-19 to go on a massive spending spree that damages our country.

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Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

You shut down the entire economy under Trump then open it back up under Biden.

Even a child could connect the dots
Two total disasters in the 21'st century both by republicans. Bush Jr. and then trump. Notice we never heard from bush jr. after 2008? He doesn't care since he and cheney profited immensely from bush's war while in office. We need the same from this terrorist of Oct. 6th....trump. Get lost, maybe move to Russia.
UBI could work if we got rid of the rest of the welfare state. That would include getting rid of corporate welfare (like agro subsidies).
You’re making the false assumption that most people on welfare are getting two benefit programs at once. It doesn’t work like that. For obvious reasons it doesn’t work like that.
That's not my assumption at all. My assumption is that having a functional UBI would be too expensive to keep in place with the current welfare state also being in place.

A UBI is a superior system because it gives everyone money that they can use how they see fit without any need for a massive bureaucracy (like the current welfare state). It also doesn't encourage people to avoid work, because it doesn't cut them off if they find work. The current system encourages dependence, because it often stops paying people when they get a job.
Unemployment benefits are, and always have been, temporary.
They're not necessary with the proper UBI in place.
Or it just works either way.

Where has it worked?
China Joe's Chicom buddies fucked up Trump's great economy with the release of the Wuhan virus. Probably on purpose to get Trump out and their man in the White House.

The economy was always going to improve once the vaccine created under Trump's Operation Warpspeed hit the streets and we saw that.

The economy (and the country) will never be great again as long as Joe Dufus is in the White House. His failed energy policies will fuck up up the economy big time. His proposed tax increases will really fuck up this country. More regulations and Left Wing interference in business will curtail any growth that would have happen otherwise.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country and if any of these stupid uneducated Moon Bats think otherwise then they are being their usual delusional idiotic selves.
Two total disasters in the 21'st century both by republicans. Bush Jr. and then trump. Notice we never heard from bush jr. after 2008? He doesn't care since he and cheney profited immensely from bush's war while in office. We need the same from this terrorist of Oct. 6th....trump. Get lost, maybe move to Russia.

Two total disasters in the 21'st century both by republicans. Bush Jr. and then trump. Notice we never heard from bush jr. after 2008? He doesn't care since he and cheney profited immensely from bush's war while in office. We need the same from this terrorist of Oct. 6th....trump. Get lost, maybe move to Russia.

Specifically, how did President Bush and Dick Cheney profit from the Iraq invasion? Please show us the facts and statistics supporting your false allegation.

Thank you, thank you so much!
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Ya dumb fuck, the country is reopening. xiden would stop it if he could. Thanks president Trump!

Yeah it’s reopening as more people are being vaccinated lol. The influx of demand side economics in the stimulus played a big role in this as well.

xiden hasn't even use up all the vaccines Trump ordered, what's the fucking hold up? Yeah, thanks for the cash, I spent a quarter of it and saving the rest for when the economy really turns to shit. But the economy would be doing a lot better if you commies weren't paying so many people not to work.

How are millions of people supposed to live if they don’t have unemployment benefits? For most of them, it’s not their fault they lost their jobs. Are they supposed to just starve? What is your alternative solution to this problem? We both know you don’t have one.

In the mean time, these people will spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That will boost the economy on its own.

People are refusing to work because the government is paying them more not to. When their employer calls them back to work and they tell them to pound sand, those benefits should end.

Those benefits are TEMPORARY. They are temporary even if a person never finds a job. My god you people need to learn these basic facts lol

They were extended to Sep that's makes a year and a half and you can bet to commies will try to extend them again. Commies never do things temporary.

You’re pretending that millions of people unemployed people from the start of the pandemic who were on those benefits didn’t get jobs within months. You’re making shit up by pretending there wasn’t big job growth since the benefits started to kick in.

The majority of job growth has come from States that xiden accused of Neanderthal thinking. Commie States are sucking hind tit.

No you’re just making shit up on the spot.

Really? Latest numbers from the Bureau of Labor Stats. 9 of the 10 States with the worse numbers are blue.

State February 2021(P)

Rhode Island7.340
New Jersey7.844
District of Columbia8.145
New Mexico8.346
New York8.950
Lol I love how you cherry pick this shit. There are clearly blue states in the ENTIRE list that have some of the lowest stats including red states near the bottom. California and New York are going to be had because of their densely populated areas are more vulnerable to the pandemic.

You claimed I was making shit up. I didn't cherry pick shit, I just proved my point. Now you're trying to make shit up to deny the facts. Carry on commie.

You said most of the job gains were happening in red states. That is obviously a lie. Let me break down for you what that chart of yours is actually showing. It’s showing that states with large densely populated areas have the most unemployment. That is an effect of the virus. It clearly shows blue states near the top have low unemployment rates. States like Louisiana Texas for instance are near the bottom.

:spinner:Spin on commie, spin on. LMAO

I can’t help it if I’m right.


I would also like to point out that your point about unemployment is stupid considering ALL states got federal unemployment insurance. You also can't seem to give an alternative to just letting people starve when they lose their jobs at no fault of their own.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Biden has nothing to do with it. The economy will improve if the vaccinations continue to be distributed to Americans and new mutations that derfeat the vaccines currently available. The last Preasident who had a major effect on the economy was Ronald Reagan and his large tax cuts.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Ya dumb fuck, the country is reopening. xiden would stop it if he could. Thanks president Trump!

Yeah it’s reopening as more people are being vaccinated lol. The influx of demand side economics in the stimulus played a big role in this as well.

xiden hasn't even use up all the vaccines Trump ordered, what's the fucking hold up? Yeah, thanks for the cash, I spent a quarter of it and saving the rest for when the economy really turns to shit. But the economy would be doing a lot better if you commies weren't paying so many people not to work.

How are millions of people supposed to live if they don’t have unemployment benefits? For most of them, it’s not their fault they lost their jobs. Are they supposed to just starve? What is your alternative solution to this problem? We both know you don’t have one.

In the mean time, these people will spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That will boost the economy on its own.

People are refusing to work because the government is paying them more not to. When their employer calls them back to work and they tell them to pound sand, those benefits should end.

Those benefits are TEMPORARY. They are temporary even if a person never finds a job. My god you people need to learn these basic facts lol

They were extended to Sep that's makes a year and a half and you can bet to commies will try to extend them again. Commies never do things temporary.

You’re pretending that millions of people unemployed people from the start of the pandemic who were on those benefits didn’t get jobs within months. You’re making shit up by pretending there wasn’t big job growth since the benefits started to kick in.

The majority of job growth has come from States that xiden accused of Neanderthal thinking. Commie States are sucking hind tit.

No you’re just making shit up on the spot.

Really? Latest numbers from the Bureau of Labor Stats. 9 of the 10 States with the worse numbers are blue.

State February 2021(P)

Rhode Island7.340
New Jersey7.844
District of Columbia8.145
New Mexico8.346
New York8.950
Lol I love how you cherry pick this shit. There are clearly blue states in the ENTIRE list that have some of the lowest stats including red states near the bottom. California and New York are going to be had because of their densely populated areas are more vulnerable to the pandemic.

You claimed I was making shit up. I didn't cherry pick shit, I just proved my point. Now you're trying to make shit up to deny the facts. Carry on commie.

You said most of the job gains were happening in red states. That is obviously a lie. Let me break down for you what that chart of yours is actually showing. It’s showing that states with large densely populated areas have the most unemployment. That is an effect of the virus. It clearly shows blue states near the top have low unemployment rates. States like Louisiana Texas for instance are near the bottom.

Might you correct your oversight in not providing reliable sources and working links supporting your allegations? Or is that asking too much of a Liberal?
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

You’re at the tail end of the Trump economy that was down because of democrat panic over a virus with a 99,8% survival rate.

There’s nothing bidumb has done to continue that. He’s actually doing all he can to kill it.

Enjoy the good numbers the next two months. After that reality sets in.

Do you mean that Rump that directly caused at least 400,000 deaths? And if he had continued as he was going, the total number of deaths would have approached 800 to 1000 thousand. Reality did sit in. That's why Rump is no longer President or even able to win a dog catchers runnoff against an expired Animal Torturer.

Stop saying he killed 400,000 people, it was the VIRUS that killed people.

His name is Trump, just as the current President name is Biden.

You are a partisan bore!

Rump knew the seriousness of Covid in Jan, 2020 and continued to say it was a hoax. He used his Bully Pulpit to con America. And the death rate should never have gone over 100k on the high side had he done what was right for American instead of what he thought was right for himself. That means it's closer to 450,000 deaths on his blood. And yours. Rump forfieted the name of President Trump. To me he will forever be known as murderous rump. No one in American History has reach that kind of record for mass murders.
You should write comedy for SNL
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

we are reopening ...... and the tax hikes ,higher energy costs, and oppressive regs that the dems want havent been implemented yet ..... and hopefully they will not get approved ! if the get passed life is going to get tougher for average Americans .

It won't affect me. My taxes will stay the same. But it will effect corporations that pay zero income tax at 21% by raising it to 28% which means that they will pay 7% tax. Sure do wished that I could pay only 7%.

No worries. Part of that bill contains a 21% global tax, which means they can't move any money out of the country without paying that tax. And if they get caught trying, it is automatic felony tax evasion.

It's the same grifters making the same noises when Clinton created the biggest economic boom in history, in the 90's, with his tax hike plan. Republicans in Congress whined and cried how it was going to destroy the economy.

We've already seen this song and dance before. Raising taxes on the wealthy, and corporations, only leads to hire revenues, reduced deficits, greater income equality, more jobs, and a growth economy.

They're singing to the choir of suckers. Nobody else buys the trickle down jobs creators bullshit story anymore. Just pass the bill by reconciliation, and let them whine.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Have any economic policies changed since the end of the Trump administration?

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