What is the explanation republicans have for why the economy is improving under Biden?

Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

we are reopening ...... and the tax hikes ,higher energy costs, and oppressive regs that the dems want havent been implemented yet ..... and hopefully they will not get approved ! if the get passed life is going to get tougher for average Americans .

It won't affect me. My taxes will stay the same. But it will effect corporations that pay zero income tax at 21% by raising it to 28% which means that they will pay 7% tax. Sure do wished that I could pay only 7%.

No worries. Part of that bill contains a 21% global tax, which means they can't move any money out of the country without paying that tax. And if they get caught trying, it is automatic felony tax evasion.

It's the same grifters making the same noises when Clinton created the biggest economic boom in history, in the 90's, with his tax hike plan. Republicans in Congress whined and cried how it was going to destroy the economy.

We've already seen this song and dance before. Raising taxes on the wealthy, and corporations, only leads to hire revenues, reduced deficits, greater income equality, more jobs, and a growth economy.

They're singing to the choir of suckers. Nobody else buys the trickle down jobs creators bullshit story anymore. Just pass the bill by reconciliation, and let them whine.
You actually believe the government can force corporations not to divert earnings to overseas divisions?

Dims are such suckers.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

The Vax that President Trump got made, and distributed. The re-opening of states, mostly by Republicans.

Pretty easy to see that.

But, wake us up when we get back to Pre-China Virus employment levels. And no, the stock market isn’t everything, especially with all the inflation and jacked up gas prices.
The RATE of vaccination is far higher under Biden. That is in part because of the stimulus bill.
The vaccines was released only a month before Trump left office. Do you actually believe that's a fair test?
You also can't seem to give an alternative to just letting people starve when they lose their jobs at no fault of their own.

The alternative is for government to not deliberately sabotage the economy and cause people to lose their jobs in the first place.
The housing market is developing a massive bubble that will burst sometime this year. And before anyone attacks this as partisan, I'm not blaming any particular party for this. This is business as usual in this country. We create bubbles, kick the can down the road, and then taxpayers foot the bills of banks. That's bipartisan.

There has only been one massive housing bubble in my lifetime and that was W's huge bubble. There have been periods where prices rose, and periods where they didn't, but not a time when the housing market outright crashed and millions of foreclosures happened. The only other time it happened was the Great Depression. I wasn't born then.

W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all. It was all on the combination of low interest rates after 9/11, the 2003 American Dream Downpayment Act, and the de-regulation of Wall Street and subprime mortgages, written and passed by the Republican Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton.

The first thing Trump did when he got into office was to roll back banking regulations put into place to prevent another banking collapse from happening. But with this stimulus, Biden is refusing to allow Republicans to limit and strangle the stimulus, and forcing workers back to work without living wages, like happened last time.

Republicans want a hungry and needy working class who are willing to take any job no matter how little it pays, because something is better than nothing. That's exactly what Mitch McConnell told us when Democrats wanted to sent checks to working Americans. Shouldn't McConnell want a strong and thriving middle class. It's the key to success economies throughout the first world.

Republican economics has slashed the middle class, driving millions of Americans back into poverty.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

we are reopening ...... and the tax hikes ,higher energy costs, and oppressive regs that the dems want havent been implemented yet ..... and hopefully they will not get approved ! if the get passed life is going to get tougher for average Americans .

It won't affect me. My taxes will stay the same. But it will effect corporations that pay zero income tax at 21% by raising it to 28% which means that they will pay 7% tax. Sure do wished that I could pay only 7%.

No worries. Part of that bill contains a 21% global tax, which means they can't move any money out of the country without paying that tax. And if they get caught trying, it is automatic felony tax evasion.

It's the same grifters making the same noises when Clinton created the biggest economic boom in history, in the 90's, with his tax hike plan. Republicans in Congress whined and cried how it was going to destroy the economy.

We've already seen this song and dance before. Raising taxes on the wealthy, and corporations, only leads to hire revenues, reduced deficits, greater income equality, more jobs, and a growth economy.

They're singing to the choir of suckers. Nobody else buys the trickle down jobs creators bullshit story anymore. Just pass the bill by reconciliation, and let them whine.
You actually believe the government can force corporations not to divert earnings to overseas divisions?

Dims are such suckers.

Much easier than a loser Republican in Floriduh, that thinks he can force a private business to open up to anyone by executive fiat.

Damn you rightards are fucking epic losers.

And any federal law that imposes a global tax on a multinational, automatically stipulates attempting to relocate it abroad is evasion. Which now makes it ill gotten gains subject to forfeiture.

Of course you fuckwits are welcome on trying to move business out of the country, while Biden and Democrats are creating manufacturing infrastructure here, and make that your campaign whine next year. I can't wait to see how it works out for you.

Trickle downs over son. Deal with it.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Have any economic policies changed since the end of the Trump administration?

Energy polices and proposed tax increases. Proposed wasteful Environmental Wacko projects. Failed stimulus giveaway.
The housing market is developing a massive bubble that will burst sometime this year. And before anyone attacks this as partisan, I'm not blaming any particular party for this. This is business as usual in this country. We create bubbles, kick the can down the road, and then taxpayers foot the bills of banks. That's bipartisan.

There has only been one massive housing bubble in my lifetime and that was W's huge bubble. There have been periods where prices rose, and periods where they didn't, but not a time when the housing market outright crashed and millions of foreclosures happened. The only other time it happened was the Great Depression. I wasn't born then.

W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all. It was all on the combination of low interest rates after 9/11, the 2003 American Dream Downpayment Act, and the de-regulation of Wall Street and subprime mortgages, written and passed by the Republican Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton.

The first thing Trump did when he got into office was to roll back banking regulations put into place to prevent another banking collapse from happening. But with this stimulus, Biden is refusing to allow Republicans to limit and strangle the stimulus, and forcing workers back to work without living wages, like happened last time.

Republicans want a hungry and needy working class who are willing to take any job no matter how little it pays, because something is better than nothing. That's exactly what Mitch McConnell told us when Democrats wanted to sent checks to working Americans. Shouldn't McConnell want a strong and thriving middle class. It's the key to success economies throughout the first world.

Republican economics has slashed the middle class, driving millions of Americans back into poverty.
W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all.

Clinton didn't do anything to cause a bubble?
Clinton didn't push Fannie and Freddie to buy subprime mortgages?
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Ya dumb fuck, the country is reopening. xiden would stop it if he could. Thanks president Trump!

Yeah it’s reopening as more people are being vaccinated lol. The influx of demand side economics in the stimulus played a big role in this as well.
They are getting vaccinated only because Trump brought the vaccine to market in record time. If Biden had been running the show, we'd be waiting for another 18 months.

You clowns look so desperate trying to give Biden all the credit for the Trump vaccine.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

I haven't looked at the numbers, but I assume government debt generates consumption. Coupled with loosening of restrictions and businesses slowing opening up again.

Manufacturing is kicking in but supply chain issues will rear it's ugly head.

Inflation is a serious concern also
The housing market is developing a massive bubble that will burst sometime this year. And before anyone attacks this as partisan, I'm not blaming any particular party for this. This is business as usual in this country. We create bubbles, kick the can down the road, and then taxpayers foot the bills of banks. That's bipartisan.

There has only been one massive housing bubble in my lifetime and that was W's huge bubble. There have been periods where prices rose, and periods where they didn't, but not a time when the housing market outright crashed and millions of foreclosures happened. The only other time it happened was the Great Depression. I wasn't born then.

W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all. It was all on the combination of low interest rates after 9/11, the 2003 American Dream Downpayment Act, and the de-regulation of Wall Street and subprime mortgages, written and passed by the Republican Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton.

The first thing Trump did when he got into office was to roll back banking regulations put into place to prevent another banking collapse from happening. But with this stimulus, Biden is refusing to allow Republicans to limit and strangle the stimulus, and forcing workers back to work without living wages, like happened last time.

Republicans want a hungry and needy working class who are willing to take any job no matter how little it pays, because something is better than nothing. That's exactly what Mitch McConnell told us when Democrats wanted to sent checks to working Americans. Shouldn't McConnell want a strong and thriving middle class. It's the key to success economies throughout the first world.

Republican economics has slashed the middle class, driving millions of Americans back into poverty.
W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all.

Clinton didn't do anything to cause a bubble?
Clinton didn't push Fannie and Freddie to buy subprime mortgages?
Two Clinton appointees were in charge of Fannie and Freddie when they went bust.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

The Vax that President Trump got made, and distributed. The re-opening of states, mostly by Republicans.

Pretty easy to see that.

But, wake us up when we get back to Pre-China Virus employment levels. And no, the stock market isn’t everything, especially with all the inflation and jacked up gas prices.
The RATE of vaccination is far higher under Biden. That is in part because of the stimulus bill.
The vaccines was released only a month before Trump left office. Do you actually believe that's a fair test?

The vaccines were shipped on December 12. Trump had 40 days and promised 20 million shots delivered by the end of December. Only 18 million shots had been delivered by January 21st, and most states were out of vaccine.

Biden promised 100 million shots in 100 days, and delivered that number in 60 days. The USA has now secured enough supply of vaccine to vaccinate every eligible adult in America. He's been in office for 70 days and 161 million shots have now been delivered and more and more states are now vaccinating everyone who wants the jab. The USA has vaccinated 4 million Americans for the past two days in a row.

Under Joe Biden, the USA has gone from having the lowest rate of vaccination in the first world, to having the highest rate of vaccination in the world. Donald Trump over promised and under-delivered on all of his pandemic promises.

People scoffed at Biden's promised in 100 million shots in his first 100 days calling it "impossible", but Biden under-promised and over delivered on everything. Over 9 million Americans had covid when Biden took office. It's 6.9 million in just over two months.
The housing market is developing a massive bubble that will burst sometime this year. And before anyone attacks this as partisan, I'm not blaming any particular party for this. This is business as usual in this country. We create bubbles, kick the can down the road, and then taxpayers foot the bills of banks. That's bipartisan.

There has only been one massive housing bubble in my lifetime and that was W's huge bubble. There have been periods where prices rose, and periods where they didn't, but not a time when the housing market outright crashed and millions of foreclosures happened. The only other time it happened was the Great Depression. I wasn't born then.

W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all. It was all on the combination of low interest rates after 9/11, the 2003 American Dream Downpayment Act, and the de-regulation of Wall Street and subprime mortgages, written and passed by the Republican Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton.

The first thing Trump did when he got into office was to roll back banking regulations put into place to prevent another banking collapse from happening. But with this stimulus, Biden is refusing to allow Republicans to limit and strangle the stimulus, and forcing workers back to work without living wages, like happened last time.

Republicans want a hungry and needy working class who are willing to take any job no matter how little it pays, because something is better than nothing. That's exactly what Mitch McConnell told us when Democrats wanted to sent checks to working Americans. Shouldn't McConnell want a strong and thriving middle class. It's the key to success economies throughout the first world.

Republican economics has slashed the middle class, driving millions of Americans back into poverty.
W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all.

Clinton didn't do anything to cause a bubble?
Clinton didn't push Fannie and Freddie to buy subprime mortgages?

Bush warned Congress it was going to burst
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Have any economic policies changed since the end of the Trump administration?
Um yeah actually. The stimulus law lol. It created an influx of demand side economics. Even if most people saved parts of their stimulus checks, they still spent a portion of it right away. The same couldn’t be said for the unemployed. They spent their benefits immediately on food, clothing, and shelter. The result is an influx of consumer demand. Capitalism 101.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

we are reopening ...... and the tax hikes ,higher energy costs, and oppressive regs that the dems want havent been implemented yet ..... and hopefully they will not get approved ! if the get passed life is going to get tougher for average Americans .

It won't affect me. My taxes will stay the same. But it will effect corporations that pay zero income tax at 21% by raising it to 28% which means that they will pay 7% tax. Sure do wished that I could pay only 7%.

No worries. Part of that bill contains a 21% global tax, which means they can't move any money out of the country without paying that tax. And if they get caught trying, it is automatic felony tax evasion.

It's the same grifters making the same noises when Clinton created the biggest economic boom in history, in the 90's, with his tax hike plan. Republicans in Congress whined and cried how it was going to destroy the economy.

We've already seen this song and dance before. Raising taxes on the wealthy, and corporations, only leads to hire revenues, reduced deficits, greater income equality, more jobs, and a growth economy.

They're singing to the choir of suckers. Nobody else buys the trickle down jobs creators bullshit story anymore. Just pass the bill by reconciliation, and let them whine.
You actually believe the government can force corporations not to divert earnings to overseas divisions?

Dims are such suckers.

Much easier than a loser Republican in Floriduh, that thinks he can force a private business to open up to anyone by executive fiat.

Damn you rightards are fucking epic losers.

That isn't DeSantis's position, you fucking moron. What he says is that local government's can force them to stay shut.

There appears to be no lower limit to your stupidity.

And any federal law that imposes a global tax on a multinational, automatically stipulates attempting to relocate it abroad is evasion. Which now makes it ill gotten gains subject to forfeiture.

Of course you fuckwits are welcome on trying to move business out of the country, while Biden and Democrats are creating manufacturing infrastructure here, and make that your campaign whine next year. I can't wait to see how it works out for you.

Trickle downs over son. Deal with it.

You mean the law revokes a corporation's property rights?

Biden and the Democrats are creating a vast welfare boondoggle. Only idiots like you believe any jobs will result. When was the last time the government succeeded in creating jobs?
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Have any economic policies changed since the end of the Trump administration?
Um yeah actually. The stimulus law lol. It created an influx of demand side economics. Even if most people saved parts of their stimulus checks, they still spent a portion of it right away. The same couldn’t be said for the unemployed. They spent their benefits immediately on food, clothing, and shelter. The result is an influx of consumer demand. Capitalism 101.
The law only got passed a few days ago, moron. And none of the money has been spent yet. Only morons believe government cash can create jobs. For every dollar the government gives out with one hand, it takes away with the other.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

I haven't looked at the numbers, but I assume government debt generates consumption. Coupled with loosening of restrictions and businesses slowing opening up again.

Manufacturing is kicking in but supply chain issues will rear it's ugly head.

Inflation is a serious concern also
Inflation in commodities is already running at record levels.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

The answer is because States like Texas and California are reopening...

Now it is your turn to tell me how I believed Biden would crash the economy and when you discover I never wrote anything like that then you should learn the actual slowing and crash was because of Covid and the reopening will usher in a fast growing economy but it will not last!
The housing market is developing a massive bubble that will burst sometime this year. And before anyone attacks this as partisan, I'm not blaming any particular party for this. This is business as usual in this country. We create bubbles, kick the can down the road, and then taxpayers foot the bills of banks. That's bipartisan.

There has only been one massive housing bubble in my lifetime and that was W's huge bubble. There have been periods where prices rose, and periods where they didn't, but not a time when the housing market outright crashed and millions of foreclosures happened. The only other time it happened was the Great Depression. I wasn't born then.

W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all. It was all on the combination of low interest rates after 9/11, the 2003 American Dream Downpayment Act, and the de-regulation of Wall Street and subprime mortgages, written and passed by the Republican Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton.

The first thing Trump did when he got into office was to roll back banking regulations put into place to prevent another banking collapse from happening. But with this stimulus, Biden is refusing to allow Republicans to limit and strangle the stimulus, and forcing workers back to work without living wages, like happened last time.

Republicans want a hungry and needy working class who are willing to take any job no matter how little it pays, because something is better than nothing. That's exactly what Mitch McConnell told us when Democrats wanted to sent checks to working Americans. Shouldn't McConnell want a strong and thriving middle class. It's the key to success economies throughout the first world.

Republican economics has slashed the middle class, driving millions of Americans back into poverty.

The housing market is developing a massive bubble that will burst sometime this year. And before anyone attacks this as partisan, I'm not blaming any particular party for this. This is business as usual in this country. We create bubbles, kick the can down the road, and then taxpayers foot the bills of banks. That's bipartisan.

There has only been one massive housing bubble in my lifetime and that was W's huge bubble. There have been periods where prices rose, and periods where they didn't, but not a time when the housing market outright crashed and millions of foreclosures happened. The only other time it happened was the Great Depression. I wasn't born then.

W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all. It was all on the combination of low interest rates after 9/11, the 2003 American Dream Downpayment Act, and the de-regulation of Wall Street and subprime mortgages, written and passed by the Republican Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton.

The first thing Trump did when he got into office was to roll back banking regulations put into place to prevent another banking collapse from happening. But with this stimulus, Biden is refusing to allow Republicans to limit and strangle the stimulus, and forcing workers back to work without living wages, like happened last time.

Republicans want a hungry and needy working class who are willing to take any job no matter how little it pays, because something is better than nothing. That's exactly what Mitch McConnell told us when Democrats wanted to sent checks to working Americans. Shouldn't McConnell want a strong and thriving middle class. It's the key to success economies throughout the first world.

Republican economics has slashed the middle class, driving millions of Americans back into poverty.
W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all.

Clinton didn't do anything to cause a bubble?
Clinton didn't push Fannie and Freddie to buy subprime mortgages?
Two Clinton appointees were in charge of Fannie and Freddie when they went bust.

Fannie and Freddie didn't control the interest rates, the banking regulations, or the federal reserve. Fannie and Freddie didn't even start sub-prime lending until 2005. Wall Street was pushing lenders to send them more subprime mortgages which were so much more profitable than regular mortgages. They lost interest in low ratio conventional mortgages because the interest rates were low, and you couldn't layer on subprime fees.

It's not uncommon for mortgage brokers to layer on fee after fee, so that on a $40,000 subprime second mortgage, the borrower will get around $32,000, with the rest going for brokerage and legal fees. It's "predatory lending" at it's finest. Those seeking conventional mortgages, can generally get bank mortgages at lower interest rates without paying any high end up front brokerage fees, because these are low risk loans. When people have that much of their own skin in the game, they're not likely to just walk away.

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