What is the explanation republicans have for why the economy is improving under Biden?

The states are opening up again, you mental twit.......that is all that is happening right now.
But the jobs report is NOT for right now, you mental twit!
Those happenings had NOTHING to do with LAST MONTH'S job report!!!!!
States are ending lockdowns and restrictions people are getting out more and bussiness are starting to hire again it's really not hard to figure out.
Except none of that figures into LAST MONTH'S report, obviously it IS too hard for YOU to figure out.
The questions was not about just last month but why was the economy improving under Biden as the lockdowns and restrictions have been lifted by the states the economy improved it started doing so before Biden was sworn and has continued under him. If the lockdowns and restrictions start back up you will see the economy tank again you should take some of stimulus money and buy yourself some common sense.
The questions was not about just last month but why was the economy improving under Biden as the lockdowns and restrictions have been lifted
Except you have no data on what is happening now, so you cannot attribute anything to the lifting of the lockdowns.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

The answer is because States like Texas and California are reopening...

Now it is your turn to tell me how I believed Biden would crash the economy and when you discover I never wrote anything like that then you should learn the actual slowing and crash was because of Covid and the reopening will usher in a fast growing economy but it will not last!

The re-opening will usher in a fast growing economy, and it could last, if the federal government continues to get money in the pockets of working Americans, and changes the tax code to reward "work not wealth". Working Americans have had a real raise in 40 years, and 40% of workers have seen no economic benefits from the Trump economy.

There's a lot of pent up demand in the working centre that could fuel economic growth for a generation, not to mention jobs in the growing green energy sector, and climate change mitigation.
"It could work?" So you believe the economy can't grow without $trillions in inflationary government spending? You think a highly progressive tax code is good what makes the economy? Can you name one legitimate economist who agrees with that?
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Same thing we heard four years ago.
No it's not.
The Vax that President Trump got made
Tramp ha NOTHING to do with the Pfizer vaccine being made, though he tries to take full credit for it!
Of course he has. He cut the regulations that allowed them to get it to market in 6 months. Otherwise it would have taken 2 years. That's what all the Dim politicians, talking heads, and Dr Fauci were saying,.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

The same answer that was given when trump took over from Obama, the economy is being boosted from trump policies like, sometimes it takes a little while for them to kick in, but they are working, and in spite of a covid pandemic, trumps policies are strong enough to keep things improving.

I believe that's something like what the left said when trump took over, "trumps economy is only good because of Obama policies".....

I think I made a post about this before titled "whos economy will it be?", because I knew that when trump took over, people would blame him when things went bad, and give credit to Obama when things were good. Same thing will happen here. When the economy takes a dive, its going to be "its trumps fault!", but when the economy goes well its "look how good biden is doing!"

Yeah, saw that one a mile away.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

we are reopening ...... and the tax hikes ,higher energy costs, and oppressive regs that the dems want havent been implemented yet ..... and hopefully they will not get approved ! if the get passed life is going to get tougher for average Americans .

It won't affect me. My taxes will stay the same. But it will effect corporations that pay zero income tax at 21% by raising it to 28% which means that they will pay 7% tax. Sure do wished that I could pay only 7%.
so you get your gas for free then??????? its going up up and away
Two total disasters in the 21'st century both by republicans. Bush Jr. and then trump. Notice we never heard from bush jr. after 2008? He doesn't care since he and cheney profited immensely from bush's war while in office. We need the same from this terrorist of Oct. 6th....trump. Get lost, maybe move to Russia.

Specifically, how did President Bush and Dick Cheney profit from the Iraq invasion? Please show us the facts and statistics supporting your false allegation.

Thank you, thank you so much!
Two total disasters in the 21'st century both by republicans. Bush Jr. and then trump. Notice we never heard from bush jr. after 2008? He doesn't care since he and cheney profited immensely from bush's war while in office. We need the same from this terrorist of Oct. 6th....trump. Get lost, maybe move to Russia.

Specifically, how did President Bush and Dick Cheney profit from the Iraq invasion? Please show us the facts and statistics supporting your false allegation.

Thank you, thank you so much!

Well, that's three minutes I'll never get back. Nowhere in your senseless hate piece does it tell us how Bush and Cheney made huge amounts of money due to the Invasion of Iraq.

But, thank you, thank you very much for your fruitless effort.
The questions was not about just last month but why was the economy improving under Biden as the lockdowns and restrictions have been lifted
Except you have no data on what is happening now, so you cannot attribute anything to the lifting of the lockdowns.

Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Same thing we heard four years ago.
No it's not.
Obviously the economy isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. Didn’t republicans say the market would crash if Biden took over? Hmm. Weird. Seems to be doing well.

Same thing we heard four years ago.
No it's not.

And now we've pretty much confirmed you have no interest in the truth.
Two total disasters in the 21'st century both by republicans. Bush Jr. and then trump. Notice we never heard from bush jr. after 2008? He doesn't care since he and cheney profited immensely from bush's war while in office. We need the same from this terrorist of Oct. 6th....trump. Get lost, maybe move to Russia.

Specifically, how did President Bush and Dick Cheney profit from the Iraq invasion? Please show us the facts and statistics supporting your false allegation.

Thank you, thank you so much!

Well, that's three minutes I'll never get back. Nowhere in your senseless hate piece does it tell us how Bush and Cheney made huge amounts of money due to the Invasion of Iraq.

But, thank you, thank you very much for your fruitless effort.

There were several ways Bush and Cheney made huge amounts of money off the invasion of Iraq.
One is the usual, where we boosted arms production and arms makers contribute to campaigns.
But Bush and Cheney are heavily involved in US oil production, especially TX oil, so when we invaded Iraq, it not only stopped Iraqi oil production, but greatly raised world wide oil prices, increasing TX oil profits.
Another way is that we force the Shiite government we created, to give US companies full rights to the sale of all Iraqi oil. US companies did not drill or ship it, but just middled it, and made a fortune.
The housing market is developing a massive bubble that will burst sometime this year. And before anyone attacks this as partisan, I'm not blaming any particular party for this. This is business as usual in this country. We create bubbles, kick the can down the road, and then taxpayers foot the bills of banks. That's bipartisan.

There has only been one massive housing bubble in my lifetime and that was W's huge bubble. There have been periods where prices rose, and periods where they didn't, but not a time when the housing market outright crashed and millions of foreclosures happened. The only other time it happened was the Great Depression. I wasn't born then.

W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all. It was all on the combination of low interest rates after 9/11, the 2003 American Dream Downpayment Act, and the de-regulation of Wall Street and subprime mortgages, written and passed by the Republican Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton.

The first thing Trump did when he got into office was to roll back banking regulations put into place to prevent another banking collapse from happening. But with this stimulus, Biden is refusing to allow Republicans to limit and strangle the stimulus, and forcing workers back to work without living wages, like happened last time.

Republicans want a hungry and needy working class who are willing to take any job no matter how little it pays, because something is better than nothing. That's exactly what Mitch McConnell told us when Democrats wanted to sent checks to working Americans. Shouldn't McConnell want a strong and thriving middle class. It's the key to success economies throughout the first world.

Republican economics has slashed the middle class, driving millions of Americans back into poverty.
W's bubble wasn't bi-partisan at all.

Clinton didn't do anything to cause a bubble?
Clinton didn't push Fannie and Freddie to buy subprime mortgages?
Two Clinton appointees were in charge of Fannie and Freddie when they went bust.

And Franks said there was no problem with either, despite warnings from Bush and McCain.


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