What is the goal of capitalism?

If you truly understood Capitalism, you would not talk that way.

Not one time have I apologized. I enjoy capitalism very much.
I only mentioned the Soviets because I personally was inside of the Soviet empire. I saw personally how fucked it is.

The Germans did prove that socialism works excellent so long as they make war machines. But they did excellent things to their highways and built magnificent buildings. This of course provided jobs.

Take a good look at my avatar. That woman was engaged to marry me. She and her family lived under both the Nazis and communists. She would tell you immediately how wrong you are. That photo of us is in Berlin Germany.

I don't care if you ignore every single video I post. Others won't. Are you so deluded to think that I respond to your disingenuous claptrap, in order to convince you of anything? I know you're fucking braindead, and don't give a rat's ass about the truth. I don't write these posts for you, but rather for those who are genuinely interested in the truth. I get private messages all of the time, thanking me for debunking your crap. I do this for them, not you. You and your ilk are pathetic.

Is North Korea a democratic country? The official name of North Korea is the DPRK, the Democratic People's Republic Of Korea. Following your stupid line of reasoning, North Korea is a democratic state, because it identifies itself as democratic.

The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP), was called "socialist" in the same way North Korea identifies itself as "democratic". The Nazis weren't actually socialists, for the following reasons:

  1. Property Relations and Capitalism
    : One of the fundamental tenets of Marxist socialism is the abolition of private property in the means of production, transitioning towards a system where the means of production are owned and controlled by the working class. However, under Nazism, not only did private property persist, but many capitalists and industrialists thrived. The Nazi regime established partnerships with large industrial corporations, and in many cases, these corporations benefited from forced labor and other exploitative practices.
    Reference: Götz Aly's "Hitler's Beneficiaries" delves into how ordinary Germans, including big businesses, benefited from Nazi policies, particularly through the plunder of conquered territories and the exploitation of forced labor.
  2. Labor Unions and Workers’ Rights: Marxist socialism emphasizes the empowerment of workers and their right to organize. Under Nazi rule, independent labor unions were abolished shortly after Hitler came to power in 1933. Instead, they were replaced by the Nazi-controlled German Labor Front (DAF), which suppressed genuine workers' rights and removed their ability to strike or negotiate wages.
    Reference: William L. Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" provides a comprehensive history of Nazi Germany and documents the regime's suppression of labor rights.
  3. Racism vs. Class Struggle: Marxism posits class struggle as the primary driving force of history and societal change. In contrast, Nazism was fundamentally built on racial ideology. The Nazis were obsessed with ideas of racial purity, leading to the extermination of Jews, Romani people, and other groups they deemed racially inferior. This focus on race sidestepped the central issue of class struggle that is paramount to Marxist socialism.
  4. Protection of the Capitalist Class: Instead of challenging the capitalist bourgeoisie, the Nazi regime often protected and collaborated with them. Many business leaders and industrialists found the Nazi regime beneficial for their interests, as it provided stability, eliminated the threat of communism (a primary concern for many in the capitalist class), and suppressed labor rights.
    Reference: Adam Tooze's "The Wages of Destruction" looks at the economic history of the Third Reich, detailing how many segments of the capitalist class prospered under Nazi rule.
  5. Persecution of Marxist Socialists and Communists: From the very beginning of their rise to power, the Nazis viewed communists and socialists as one of their primary enemies. Thousands of communists, socialists, and other leftists were arrested, sent to concentration camps, or killed. This direct suppression and extermination of leftists is antithetical to the idea of the Nazis being genuinely socialist.
    Reference: Ernst Thälmann, the leader of the Communist Party of Germany, was arrested in 1933 and held in solitary confinement until his execution in 1944. His story serves as a stark example of the Nazi regime's treatment of communist leaders.
While the Nazi Party used the term "socialist" in its name, its policies and actions were far from the principles and goals of Marxist socialism. From the perspective of Marxist theory, Nazism can be seen as an attempt to co-opt and redirect the grievances and energy of the working class to serve a capitalist and racially driven agenda, rather than a genuine effort to uplift the proletariat and reshape society along socialist lines.

At best, Nazi Germany was a mixed economy, where the state and the private sector closely collaborated in the manufacturing of goods, be it weapons in support of the war effort or consumer goods for the German public. The Nazis protected capitalists from the true socialists, who wanted to abolish private property and place all productive enterprises under the control of the proletariat i.e. the working class.

In Socialism, there's a distinction between private and personal property. So don't make the silly mistake of arguing that communists want your toothbrush or to take your personal stamp collection or take your home and car away. Not true.
Marxists stole my fiancés dads business. Scared him to the point he was moving cash to West Berlin. Stole his home from him.

And he was then the mayor of a small town.

Nazis were socialists and not merely because of the name. It was how they operated government. same as the Communists took her dads property from him as late as 1961. They long had been communists since 1945.
Communism will be necessary when intelligent robots, get rid of most jobs. Without enough wage labor, communism is necessary and inevitable. I could care less what you mind me doing or not doing, no one needs your approval to stay here in America. It's people like you who are ruining this country and the whole world.
What is in it for you Communists at that point? Why in hell would you support the rest of the non workers?
I don't care if you ignore every single video I post. Others won't. Are you so deluded to think that I respond to your disingenuous claptrap, in order to convince you of anything? I know you're fucking braindead, and don't give a rat's ass about the truth. I don't write these posts for you, but rather for those who are genuinely interested in the truth. I get private messages all of the time, thanking me for debunking your crap. I do this for them, not you. You and your ilk are pathetic.

Is North Korea a democratic country? The official name of North Korea is the DPRK, the Democratic People's Republic Of Korea. Following your stupid line of reasoning, North Korea is a democratic state, because it identifies itself as democratic.

The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP), was called "socialist" in the same way North Korea identifies itself as "democratic". The Nazis weren't actually socialists, for the following reasons:

  1. Property Relations and Capitalism
    : One of the fundamental tenets of Marxist socialism is the abolition of private property in the means of production, transitioning towards a system where the means of production are owned and controlled by the working class. However, under Nazism, not only did private property persist, but many capitalists and industrialists thrived. The Nazi regime established partnerships with large industrial corporations, and in many cases, these corporations benefited from forced labor and other exploitative practices.
    Reference: Götz Aly's "Hitler's Beneficiaries" delves into how ordinary Germans, including big businesses, benefited from Nazi policies, particularly through the plunder of conquered territories and the exploitation of forced labor.
  2. Labor Unions and Workers’ Rights: Marxist socialism emphasizes the empowerment of workers and their right to organize. Under Nazi rule, independent labor unions were abolished shortly after Hitler came to power in 1933. Instead, they were replaced by the Nazi-controlled German Labor Front (DAF), which suppressed genuine workers' rights and removed their ability to strike or negotiate wages.
    Reference: William L. Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" provides a comprehensive history of Nazi Germany and documents the regime's suppression of labor rights.
  3. Racism vs. Class Struggle: Marxism posits class struggle as the primary driving force of history and societal change. In contrast, Nazism was fundamentally built on racial ideology. The Nazis were obsessed with ideas of racial purity, leading to the extermination of Jews, Romani people, and other groups they deemed racially inferior. This focus on race sidestepped the central issue of class struggle that is paramount to Marxist socialism.
  4. Protection of the Capitalist Class: Instead of challenging the capitalist bourgeoisie, the Nazi regime often protected and collaborated with them. Many business leaders and industrialists found the Nazi regime beneficial for their interests, as it provided stability, eliminated the threat of communism (a primary concern for many in the capitalist class), and suppressed labor rights.
    Reference: Adam Tooze's "The Wages of Destruction" looks at the economic history of the Third Reich, detailing how many segments of the capitalist class prospered under Nazi rule.
  5. Persecution of Marxist Socialists and Communists: From the very beginning of their rise to power, the Nazis viewed communists and socialists as one of their primary enemies. Thousands of communists, socialists, and other leftists were arrested, sent to concentration camps, or killed. This direct suppression and extermination of leftists is antithetical to the idea of the Nazis being genuinely socialist.
    Reference: Ernst Thälmann, the leader of the Communist Party of Germany, was arrested in 1933 and held in solitary confinement until his execution in 1944. His story serves as a stark example of the Nazi regime's treatment of communist leaders.
While the Nazi Party used the term "socialist" in its name, its policies and actions were far from the principles and goals of Marxist socialism. From the perspective of Marxist theory, Nazism can be seen as an attempt to co-opt and redirect the grievances and energy of the working class to serve a capitalist and racially driven agenda, rather than a genuine effort to uplift the proletariat and reshape society along socialist lines.

At best, Nazi Germany was a mixed economy, where the state and the private sector closely collaborated in the manufacturing of goods, be it weapons in support of the war effort or consumer goods for the German public. The Nazis protected capitalists from the true socialists, who wanted to abolish private property and place all productive enterprises under the control of the proletariat i.e. the working class.

In Socialism, there's a distinction between private and personal property. So don't make the silly mistake of arguing that communists want your toothbrush or to take your personal stamp collection or take your home and car away. Not true.
Your level of knowlege about nazi germany is just what Democrats teach. It is simply a bunch of lies. Try as a rich industrialist to tell Hitler you refuse to make tanks and he has you shot.
Marxists stole my fiancés dads business. Scared him to the point he was moving cash to West Berlin. Stole his home from him.

And he was then the mayor of a small town.

Nazis were socialists and not merely because of the name. It was how they operated government. same as the Communists took her dads property from him as late as 1961. They long had been communists since 1945.
Right now we have an excess number of people in the labor pool. As more leave it things will pick up.
Our labor force has never been stronger. And perhaps inflation is occuring because of tooany workers.
Our labor force has never been stronger. And perhaps inflation is occuring because of tooany workers.

Is inflation manageable? Yes, it is. It can even, in most cases, be eliminated by the government.

If full employment, is supposedly causing unmanageable, hyperinflation, you're admitting capitalism is seriously flawed. The real issue is certain industries hiking prices to recover their losses from the pandemic and the higher wages they're paying their workers. They would still make a profit if they didn't raise prices, but unfortunately, the production of goods and services under capitalism is only for the purpose of making as much money as possible. Accumulating as much capital as one can, is the bottom line of capitalism and nothing else. That's the essence of capitalism.

If you need the government to come in and pay people welfare, for your capitalist economy to function, you're admitting there's something seriously wrong with your economic system. If the unemployed are left to their own devices, without any assistance from the government, they're more likely to kick your door down at 3 am, with shotguns and pillage your home, like pirates of the Caribbean. Extreme, third-world poverty + all of the firearms available in the US = social unrest and civil war. The government has to come in and mitigate the problem with welfare or some type of unemployment insurance. There has to be some type of socialism, to take care of the "loose ends" of capitalism. Capitalism without plenty of socialism, falls apart.
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Imagine this...5 million older workers retire at the same time. Then those jobs are claimed by younger workers. The lower wage jobs go unfilled. There is no loss in that scenario.
Imagine this...5 million older workers retire at the same time. Then those jobs are claimed by younger workers. The lower wage jobs go unfilled. There is no loss in that scenario.

Why would the lower-wage jobs go unfilled, other than perhaps automation? Is that what you're referring to when you claim that the lower paying jobs/menial jobs, will be "unfilled"? Ironically, it's not just the lower-paying jobs that are going to be replaced with intelligent robots. There's a long list of high-paying blue-collar jobs, including even many white-collar jobs that are also going the way of the dodo.

The ultimate goal is to make wealth so it works best when there's less folk in the workforce.
The ultimate objective of capitalists (i.e. the owners of the business), is to amass capital (money), at the expense of practically everything else, including their employees. The wealthy capitalists in their insatiable, fierce pursuit of profits, end up cutting their noses in spite of their faces. Because the workers are also the paying customers of capitalists. If employers hurt their employees, they hurt themselves, in the long run, because they undermine their market and the country that they rely on to generate wealth.

download (1).jpeg

If capitalism works best at the expense of a significant % of the population, who are forced into unemployment and poverty, then it's unsustainable, and sooner or later (perhaps sooner than later), it will be replaced with a system that meets everyone's needs (not their greed, but their needs).
"Do you know why the US is sending Ukraine so many weapons? Rest assured that it is not because of Christian charity. It's simply because three major US multinational corporations bought 17 million hectares of beautiful land from Zelensky.

They are Cargill (which participated in the simulation "Food Chain Reaction - A Global Food Security Game"), Dupont and Monsanto (formally a German-Australian company, but with American capital)....

To understand what 17 million hectares is, it is enough to remember that Italy has 16.7 million hectares of agricultural land. In short, three American companies have bought more usable agricultural land in Ukraine than Italy.

And who are the shareholders of these three companies? Always the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, Blackstone ... That is, the same 3 financial companies that control all the banks of the world, as well as all the largest arms companies of the globe. In a word, they are self-sufficient..."
"Do you know why the US is sending Ukraine so many weapons? Rest assured that it is not because of Christian charity. It's simply because three major US multinational corporations bought 17 million hectares of beautiful land from Zelensky.

They are Cargill (which participated in the simulation "Food Chain Reaction - A Global Food Security Game"), Dupont and Monsanto (formally a German-Australian company, but with American capital)....

To understand what 17 million hectares is, it is enough to remember that Italy has 16.7 million hectares of agricultural land. In short, three American companies have bought more usable agricultural land in Ukraine than Italy.

And who are the shareholders of these three companies? Always the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, Blackstone ... That is, the same 3 financial companies that control all the banks of the world, as well as all the largest arms companies of the globe. In a word, they are self-sufficient..."

"Do you know why the US is sending Ukraine so many weapons?

Because Putin and Russia suck.

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